Δευτέρα 11 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Release kinetics of the model protein FITC-BSA from different polymer-coated bovine bone substitutes
Controlled release of proteins bound to conventional bone substitutes is still insufficient. Therefore, this study evaluates in-vitro release kinetics of the model protein FITC-BSA (fluorescein conjugated bovi...
Head & Face Medicine - Latest Articles
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
IJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 4421: Mindfulness-Based IARA Model® Proves Effective to Reduce Stress and Anxiety in Health Care Professionals. A Six-Month Follow-Up Study
IJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 4421: Mindfulness-Based IARA Model® Proves Effective to Reduce Stress and Anxiety in Health Care Professionals. A Six-Month Follow-Up Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph16224421 Authors: Massimiliano Barattucci Anna Maria Padovan Ermanno Vitale Venerando Rapisarda Tiziana Ramaci Andrea De Giorgio Changes in the health care environment, together with specific work-related stressors and the consequences...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Abuse and torture of mental health patients ‘rife’ across Nigeria, says report
Human Rights Watch said people were chained and faced physical and sexual violence in both state and religious centresNigeria has been urged to end all forms of abuse in state-run mental health institutions as well as religious healing centres.In a report published on Monday Human Rights Watch (HRW) said thousands of Nigerians with mental health conditions face prolonged detention, chaining, physical and sexual violence or forced treatment, including electroshock therapy.Some names were changed by...
Mental health | The Guardian
Acute glucose fluctuation induces inflammation and neurons apoptosis in hippocampal tissues of diabetic rats
Abstract It is well‐recognized that glycemic disorders are leading causes of diabetic complications and acute fluctuation of blood glucose and reported more likely being related to oxidative stress, vasculopathy, and other diabetic complications than continuous hyperglycemia in patients with diabetic and animal models. To explore the hypothesis that acute glucose fluctuation (GF) aggravates inflammatory lesions and neuron apoptosis in the hippocampus of diabetic rats. Twenty female GK rats were...
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
Mon Nov 11, 2019 19:50
Melatonin: A promising agent targeting leukemia
Leukemia or cancer of the blood is a well‐known cancer, which affects a range of people from newborns to the very old. It is a public health problem throughout the world. By way of treatment, due to the lack of specific anticancer therapies, common treatments of leukemia lead to severe side effects. nonspecific anticancer drugs result in inhibition of normal cell growth and thereby their necrosis. Moreover, drug resistance is an additional problem that stands in the way of leukemia treatment. Thus,...
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
Mon Nov 11, 2019 19:49
Bill Gates Still Shilling for Bayer
In a compelling interview with France 24, Vandana Shiva, environmental activist and anti-globalization author, reveals the nefarious influence multinational corporations like Monsanto have on agriculture. Rather than helping farmers to grow their land, the corporation's chemicals and patented genetically engineered (GE) seeds force farmers to become dependent on them. According to Shiva, when villages in India are able to save seeds and engage in organic agriculture, the wealth is maintained in...
Mercola Natural Health Articles
Pesticides Found in 84% of Fruit
When you eat conventionally grown fruit, you're probably consuming measurable amounts of pesticide residues in every bite. The U.S. FDA, which evaluates produce for such chemicals via their pesticide residue monitoring program, continues to assert that pesticide residues in your food aren't cause for alarm, but no one knows what health consequences could result from this long-term, cumulative exposure to minute quantities of chemical contaminants. The latest report, published in September 2019...
Mercola Natural Health Articles
Tylenol in Pregnancy Doubles Risk of Autism
Many view over-the-counter (OTC) drugs as safe because they don't require a prescription. Nothing could be further from the truth. Acetaminophen, for example, (also known as paracetamol and sold under the brand name Tylenol among others) is actually one of the more dangerous drugs you can get your hands on. Despite statistics showing acetaminophen is the leading cause of acute liver failure in the U.S.,1 most people don’t think twice before downing those pills. Acetaminophen is also found...
Mercola Natural Health Articles
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 657: Structure–Function Relationships of the Repeat Domains of RTX Toxins
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 657: Structure–Function Relationships of the Repeat Domains of RTX Toxins Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins11110657 Authors: Ulrich Baumann RTX proteins are a large family of polypeptides of mainly Gram-negative origin that are secreted into the extracellular medium by a type I secretion system featuring a non-cleavable C-terminal secretion signal, which is preceded by a variable number of nine-residue tandem repeats. The three-dimensional structure forms a parallel β-roll,...
Woman Uses Her Hijab To Turn Herself Into Pop Culture Characters (100 New Pics)
Malaysian makeup artist Saraswati, also known as Queen of Luna on Instagram, is an uber-talented cosplayer who can turn herself into just about any pop-culture icon you can imagine. From the classic but oh-so-overdone Disney princesses to more unique and surprising characters, Saraswati's transformation skills have to be seen to be believed - she really is a magician of makeup! Bucking the trend of constantly attempting to make everything 'sexy,' Saraswati, who is a Muslim, incorporates her modesty...
Bored Panda
Someone Calls Sunfish “Worthless” Creatures That “Should Not Exist”, Sparks Nerdy And Intense Online Debate
The ocean sunfish or mola mola is doing its best to survive. However, Scout Burns made a now-viral Facebook post that said it shouldn’t even exist in the first place. In her rant, Burns explained why she believes the sunfish to be the world’s most useless creature, saying that, “God must have accidentally dropped while washing dishes one day and shrugged his shoulders at because no one could have imagined this would happen.” Image credits: Daniel Botelho As VICE pointed out, it’s understandable...
Bored Panda
Σιδηροπενική Αναιμία: Οι συνέπειές της στην υγεία
H Σιδηροπενική Αναιμία είναι η πιο συχνή αναιμία σε όλον τον κόσμο και προσβάλλει 500 εκατομμύρια άτομα στον πλανήτη. Υπολογίζεται ότι περίπου 40% των γυναικών και 30% των παιδιών παρουσιάζουν, έστω μία φορά στη ζωή τους, αναιμία από έλλειψη σιδήρου. Είναι η κατάσταση εκείνη που προκύπτει όταν ελαττώνονται τα επίπεδα της αιμοσφαιρίνης στο αίμα. Αιμοσφαιρίνη Η αιμοσφαιρίνη είναι μια πρωτεΐνη πλούσια σε σίδηρο. Αυτή δεσμεύει το οξυγόνο από τους πνεύμονες και στη συνέχεια το απελευθερώνει στους ιστούς...
RSS Υγεία
Τι να προσέχουμε στα εμφράγματα
Δοκιμάστηκαν αρκετά οι φετινοί δρομείς με πολλά περιστατικά (τουλάχιστον 1000) να χρειάζονται πρώτες βοήθειες. Στο νοσοκομείο οδηγήθηκαν 46 δρομείς και 2 έπαθαν έμφραγμα. Οι περιπτώσεις με το έμφραγμα μυοκαρδίου, εισήχθησαν στην Καρδιολογική Μονάδα του Γενικού Νοσοκομείου Αθηνών «Γεννηματάς». Τέσσερις ακόμα ασθενείς, αντιμετωπίζουν ήπια καρδιολογικά προβλήματα και παραμένουν στην Καρδιολογική Κλινική του εν λόγω νοσοκομείου. Έμφραγμα και συμπτώματα Το έμφραγμα του μυοκαρδίου ή καρδιακή προσβολή,...
RSS Υγεία
Mon Nov 11, 2019 12:47
Στυτική δυσλειτουργία: Βελτίωση κατά 40% από αερόβια άσκηση και μεσογειακή διατροφή
Μεσογειακή διατροφή και αερόβια άσκηση βοηθούν σημαντικά τη στυτική και γενικότερα την αγγειακή λειτουργία σύμφωνα με διπλή μελέτη του Γενικού Νοσοκομείου «Ελπίς». Όπως τονίζει σε συνέντευξη του στο Πρακτορείο Fm και στην εκπομπή της Τάνιας Η. Μαντουβάλου «104,9 ΜΥΣΤΙΚΑ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ» ο καρδιολόγος, Διδάκτωρ του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, επιστημονικός συνεργάτης της καρδιολογικής κλινικής του νοσοκομείου Αλέξης Σαμέντζας, παρά το γεγονός ότι η καθιστική ζωή αποτελεί τον τέταρτο παράγοντα θνησιμότητας παγκοσμίως,...
RSS Υγεία
Mon Nov 11, 2019 08:30
HRL, nTopology, and Morf3D explore advanced design and materials with 7A77 – the world’s strongest additive aluminum
Taking advantage of additive manufacturing requires exceptional design and production, but only if the materials used can meet the desired expectations during end use. Though metal 3D printing’s use in production has grown in recent years, there are still many applications where low strength AlSiMg dominates the market.  With the launch of Aluminum 7A77.60L powder, […]
3D Printing Industry
Mon Nov 11, 2019 19:00
EOS and AMFG introduce 3D printer connectivity in MES workflow automation software
EOS, a leading German 3D printer OEM, and UK-based software company AMFG, have announced a partnership to enable streaming and connectivity for EOS machines through AMFG’s Manufacturing Execution System (MES) software. The two companies established the partnership in response to the lack of connectivity across the additive manufacturing workflow, which they claim presents a barrier […]
3D Printing Industry
Mon Nov 11, 2019 18:36
Aleph Objects acquired by Fargo Additive Manufacturing Equipment 3D
Aleph Objects, the manufacturer of LulzBot open-source 3D printers, has announced that all of its assets have been acquired by Fargo Additive Manufacturing Equipment 3D (FAME 3D). Based in North Dakota, FAME 3D is a limited-liability corporation set up by a venture capitalist to buy the assets of Aleph Objects. In a statement released on Friday the […]
3D Printing Industry
Mon Nov 11, 2019 14:01
INTERVIEW: One Click Metal CEO on debut of low-cost Laser Powder Bed Fusion 3D printer at Formnext
Based in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, One Click Metal, is aiming to make metal additive manufacturing more accessible with the introduction of a low-cost Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) 3D printer.  Set to debut at Formnext, on the 19th of November, the system is designed to be uncomplicated, transparent, intuitive. Speaking to 3D Printing Industry Björn Ullmann, co-founder, […]
3D Printing Industry
Mon Nov 11, 2019 13:53
CraftUnique introduces four CraftBot 3D printers for new Flow generation
CraftUnique, the Hungarian 3D printer manufacturer, has introduced a new line of systems in its CraftBot series of 3D printers. Named CraftBot Flow, this new generation of FFF 3D printers will comprise a total of four different systems: two single extruder and two independent dual extruder (IDEX) iterations.  Set to premiere at this year’s Formnext, […]
3D Printing Industry
Mon Nov 11, 2019 13:42
Cubicure unveils new flame-retardant material for Hot Lithography 3D printing
Cubicure, the Vienna-based startup behind Hot Lithography technology, has developed what is said to be the first flame-retardant material for SLA 3D printing.  Known as Evolution FR, the material is a halogen-free photopolymer that achieved a V0-classification in the UL 94 plastics flammability standard. Previously reserved for materials used in material extrusion or powder bed […]
3D Printing Industry
Mon Nov 11, 2019 13:34
Q&A with AdditiveLab: formnext 2019 start-up challenge winner
Formnext 2019 opens it’s doors next week. With a record-breaking number of exhibitors, visitors may be pressed for time when it comes to seeing everything the largest 3D printing show has to offer. Earlier this year 3D Printing Industry took part in judging the annual formnext start-up challenge. Five winners were selected, and those companies […]
3D Printing Industry
Mon Nov 11, 2019 12:52
‘I Thought It Was The End’: Deliveryman Describes Frightening Encounter With Armed Man In Brooklyn
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — A man with a handgun terrorized people along several blocks in Brooklyn, even hitting a deliveryman in the back of his head. The deliveryman lives in the Crown Heights neighborhood where he was attacked and told CBS2’s Ali Bauman he typically felt pretty safe biking around the area — until a complete stranger hit him in the head with a gun. Surveillance video shows a man in a reflective track suit meandering around the area on Friday evening. He kicks trash, puts a gun to...
CBS New York
Man Slashed Across Face After Trying To Intervene In Subway Altercation, Needed 15 Stitches To Close Wound
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Police are investigating after a subway altercation in Brooklyn turned violent. The man who needed more than a dozen stitches after the incident says he was just trying to do the right thing. “I can’t believe that I get slashed because people are too rude to get out of the door in the subway. Why does that have to be the hill I have to die on, huh?” Zorikh Lequidre told CBS2’s Valerie Castro. Lequidre says he was just trying to do the right thing and help diffuse a tense...
CBS New York
Deer Makes Daring Escape From Staten Island Swimming Pool
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — A deer made a daring escape after getting trapped in a swimming pool on Staten Island. A deer made a daring escape after getting trapped in a swimming pool on Staten Island. (Credit: Donna L.) It wasn’t a graceful exit, but it was effective. The deer became trapped under the pool’s cover at a home in Todt Hill early Monday morning. Neighbors came to help and peeled back the cover just enough for the deer to escape. The animal finally ran off into the woods and appeared...
CBS New York
Rare manifestation of hypereosinophilic syndrome: Diffuse‐type hair loss with massive perifollicular eosinophils
Abstract A 46‐year‐old woman consulted our hospital with diffuse alopecia and blood eosinophilia. Histological examination of the scalp revealed dense eosinophilic infiltration around the hair follicles and in the surrounding subcutis. Oral corticosteroid was effective to reduce hair loss and blood eosinophilia, but these conditions immediately relapsed after ending treatment. In addition to alopecia, she had diarrhea and colitis showing histological findings of dense eosinophilic infiltrations...
The Journal of Dermatology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 19:50
Phase 2, randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled, 4‐week study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of OPA‐ 15406 (difamilast), a new topical selective phosphodiesterase type‐4 inhibitor, in Japanese pediatric patients aged 2–14 years with atopic dermatitis
Abstract The safety and efficacy of OPA‐15406 (international non‐proprietary name, difamilast; also referred to as MM36), a new topical, selective phosphodiesterase type‐4 inhibitor, in Japanese pediatric patients with atopic dermatitis aged 2–14 years were evaluated in a phase 2, randomized, double‐blind, vehicle‐controlled, 4‐week study. Seventy‐three patients were randomized 1:1:1 to receive OPA‐15406 0.3%, OPA‐15406 1% or vehicle ointment twice daily for 4 weeks. The mean age of patients was...
The Journal of Dermatology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 19:49
Prognostic prediction models for pregnancy complications in women with gestational diabetes: a protocol for systematic review, critical appraisal and meta-analysis
Gestational diabetes (GDM) is increasingly common and has significant implications during pregnancy and for the long-term health of the mother and offspring. However, it is a heterogeneous condition with inter...
Systematic Reviews - Latest Articles
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
An overview of systematic reviews of economic evaluations of pharmacy-based public health interventions: addressing methodological challenges
Pharmacy interventions are a subset of public health interventions and its research is usually performed within the scope of a trial. The economic evaluation of pharmacy interventions requires certain consider...
Systematic Reviews - Latest Articles
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
Functional recovery with peripheral nerve block versus general anesthesia for upper limb surgery: a systematic review protocol
Peripheral nerve block is a single injection that inhibits the transmission of peripheral nerve impulses to the central nervous system. The inhibition of the nociceptive impulse may decrease the occurrence of ...
Systematic Reviews - Latest Articles
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
An overview of systematic reviews of complementary and alternative therapies for infantile colic
Infantile colic is a distressing condition characterised by excessive crying in the first few months of life. The aim of this research was to update the synthesis of evidence of complementary and alternative m...
Systematic Reviews - Latest Articles
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
Μην αποθηκεύετε σιωπές, φωνάξτε που και που..
Ακόμα και οι πιο ήσυχοι άνθρωποι στον κόσμο δεν μπορούν να κουβαλήσουν όλα τα συναισθήματα μέσα τους αφού όλοι χρειαζόμαστε να απελευθερώσουμε τα αρνητικά συναισθήματα ανά καιρούς και να εκφράσουμε με λέξεις αυτά που καταπνίγουμε μέσα μας.  Στην πραγματικότητα, θα υπάρξουν στιγμές που ίσως θα ξέρετε πως οι λέξεις, σας πνίγουν, σας πληγώνουν εσωτερικά και απλώς δεν ξέρετε πως να εκφράσετε αυτό που νιώθετε. Είναι σαν να πνίγεστε και η καρδιά σας δεν σας αφήνει να αναπνεύσετε. Μπορεί ακόμα να σκεφτείτε...
Σχέσεις και Συναισθήματα
Επικίνδυνο για την καρδιά το πολύ φαγητό μετά τις 6 το απόγευμα
Το φαγητό το απόγευμα και το βράδυ είναι πολύ σημαντικό για την καρδιά και την υγεία της, σύμφωνα με νέα ευρήματα. The post Επικίνδυνο για την καρδιά το πολύ φαγητό μετά τις 6 το απόγευμα appeared first on Iatropedia.
Κικίλιας για Αντικαπνιστικό νόμο: “Από τις 20 Νοεμβρίου σταματούν οι παραινέσεις. Αρχίζουν τα τσουχτερά πρόστιμα!”
Για το θέμα των ημερών, την εφαρμογή του αντικαπνιστικού νόμου, αλλά και σειρά άλλων θεμάτων που άπτονται του Υπουργείου Υγείας, έδωσε διευκρινίσεις ο υπουργός Υγείας, Βασίλης Κικίλιας. The post Κικίλιας για Αντικαπνιστικό νόμο: “Από τις 20 Νοεμβρίου σταματούν οι παραινέσεις. Αρχίζουν τα τσουχτερά πρόστιμα!” appeared first on Iatropedia.
ΕΟΔΥ: 3.700 εμβολιασμοί παιδιών προσφύγων και μεταναστών σε Μόρια και Σάμο
Με εντολή του υπουργού Υγείας, Βασίλη Κικίλια, και με στόχο τη διασφάλιση της υγείας των ευάλωτων πληθυσμών προσφύγων και μεταναστών, αλλά και την προστασία της Δημόσιας Υγείας, κλιμάκιο του ΕΟΔΥ πραγματοποίησε χιλιάδες εμβολισμούς παιδιών σε Κέντρα Υποδοχής και Ταυτοποίησης. The post ΕΟΔΥ: 3.700 εμβολιασμοί παιδιών προσφύγων και μεταναστών σε Μόρια και Σάμο appeared first on Iatropedia.
Mon Nov 11, 2019 15:40
Καρδιακή προσβολή: Γιατί αν συμβεί Σαββατοκύριακο μπορεί να οδηγήσει στο θάνατο
Αυτοί που υφίστανται καρδιακή προσβολή κατά τη διάρκεια του Σαββατοκύριακου είναι λιγότερο πιθανό να αντέξουν μέχρι την εισαγωγή στο νοσοκομείο, όπως αποκαλύπτει νέα έρευνα. The post Καρδιακή προσβολή: Γιατί αν συμβεί Σαββατοκύριακο μπορεί να οδηγήσει στο θάνατο appeared first on Iatropedia.
Mon Nov 11, 2019 14:57
ΠΟΕΔΗΝ: «Να απαγορευθεί η παρουσία αστυνομικών στα Ψυχιατρικά τμήματα του ΕΣΥ»
Με ανακοίνωσή της σχετικά με το περιστατικό αστυνομικής βίας κατά νοσηλευτή στο νοσοκομείο Κέρκυρας, η ΠΟΕΔΗΝ ζητά να απαγορευθεί η παρουσία αστυνομικών στα Ψυχιατρικά τμήματα. The post ΠΟΕΔΗΝ: «Να απαγορευθεί η παρουσία αστυνομικών στα Ψυχιατρικά τμήματα του ΕΣΥ» appeared first on Iatropedia.
Mon Nov 11, 2019 14:35
Η ομάδα “Run to Change Diabetes” στον Αυθεντικό Μαραθώνιο της Αθήνας 2019
Η ομάδα “Run to Change Diabetes” της Novo Nordisk Hellas, έχοντας ολοκληρώσει το ταξίδι της στην Ελλάδα με τους αγώνες του ΣΕΓΑΣ - Run Greece, και με δεκάδες παράλληλα δρομικά γεγονότα, συμμετείχε στον Αυθεντικό Μαραθώνιο της Αθήνας 2019, με σκοπό την ενημέρωση και την ευαισθητοποίηση των ατόμων για τη νόσο του Σακχαρώδη Διαβήτη, μεταφέροντας το μήνυμα «ναι στην άσκηση, όχι στην καθιστική ζωή» The post Η ομάδα “Run to Change Diabetes” στον Αυθεντικό Μαραθώνιο της Αθήνας 2019 appeared first on Iatropedia.
Mon Nov 11, 2019 12:06
Ο διαβήτης και ο ρόλος της οικογένειας
Ο Νοέμβριος είναι ο μήνας του Διαβήτη καθώς στις 14 Νοεμβρίου εορτάζεται η ΗΜΕΡΑ ΔΙΑΒΗΤΗ σε όλο τον κόσμο που έχει σαν στόχο την ευαισθητοποίηση, την ενημέρωση και την πρόληψη του κοινού. Ο αριθμός των ατόμων με σακχαρώδη διαβήτη αυξάνεται παγκοσμίως και το αίτημα για μία καλύτερη ποιότητας ζωής αποτελεί προτεραιότητα για την κοινότητα των διαβητικών. The post Ο διαβήτης και ο ρόλος της οικογένειας appeared first on Iatropedia.
Mon Nov 11, 2019 09:52
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 596: Preparation and In Vitro Evaluation of Neutron-Activated, Theranostic Samarium-153-Labeled Microspheres for Transarterial Radioembolization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Liver Metastasis
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 596: Preparation and In Vitro Evaluation of Neutron-Activated, Theranostic Samarium-153-Labeled Microspheres for Transarterial Radioembolization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Liver Metastasis Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11110596 Authors: Yin How Wong Hun Yee Tan Azahari Kasbollah Basri Johan Jeet Abdullah Chai Hong Yeong Introduction: Transarterial radioembolization (TARE) has been proven as an effective treatment for unresectable...

Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 595: Muscle to Brain Partitioning as Measure of Transporter-Mediated Efflux at the Rat Blood–Brain Barrier and Its Implementation into Compound Optimization in Drug Discovery
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 595: Muscle to Brain Partitioning as Measure of Transporter-Mediated Efflux at the Rat Blood–Brain Barrier and Its Implementation into Compound Optimization in Drug Discovery Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11110595 Authors: Cui Lotz Rapp Klinder Himstedt Sauer Movement of xenobiotic substances across the blood–brain barrier (BBB) is tightly regulated by various transporter proteins, especially the efflux transporters...
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
Usage and safety of direct oral anticoagulants at patients with atrial fibrillation and planned diagnostic procedures, interventions, and surgery
Marko Mornar Jelavic, Goran Krstacic, Hrvoje PintaricHeart and Mind 2019 3(1):1-6Atrial fibrillation (AF) affects about 2% of the population, with the increasing prevalence with age. It is associated with poorer quality of life, effort intolerance, frequent hospitalizations, heart failure, and increased risk of systemic embolization, stroke, and mortality. Warfarin has been the only choice of chronic anticoagulant therapy for over 50 years. Its disadvantages are reflected by interaction with various...
Heart and Mind : 2017 - 1(1)
Culture-negative fungal endocarditis
Rohit Kumar, J Kirtana, Parul Kodan, Yogiraj Ray, Prabhat Kumar, Ashutosh BiswasHeart and Mind 2019 3(1):27-30A 54-year-old female, known case of hypertension and diabetes mellitus (controlled), was admitted with prolonged fever for 1½ months. On evaluation, fever workup was inconclusive and multiple cultures were negative. On re-assessment of history, she gave a history of cardiac catheterization 1 month back. Further evaluation revealed aortic valve vegetation on two-dimensional echo with raised...
Heart and Mind : 2017 - 1(1)
The role of Val66Met single nucleotide polymorphism in brain-derived neurotropic factor gene in prediction of adverse outcomes after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Olga V Petyunina, Mykola P Kopytsya, Alexander E Berezin, Olga V SkrynnykHeart and Mind 2019 3(1):7-14Background: The single nucleotide polymorphism of Val66Metgen of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene is a possible candidate that is associated with the development of psychopathology and combines it with cardiovascular events. The purpose of this study was to research the possible associations of single-nucleotide polymorphism of Val66Met BDNF gene with the occurrence of endpoints...
Heart and Mind : 2017 - 1(1)
Differentiation of T-wave inversion changes with borderline left ventricular hypertrophy in an asymptomatic young athlete – Case report and literature review
Lukasz A MalekHeart and Mind 2019 3(1):21-26This is a case of initially 15 years of age, white, male from junior football team. He was completely asymptomatic, with no previous medical history or family history of sudden cardiac death and cardiac diseases. He has been playing football for 8 years. On periodic preparticipation screening, he presented T-wave inversions (TWIs) in leads V4–V6 and II, III, and aVF, which were not observed before on yearly screenings. Subsequently, he underwent echocardiography,...
Heart and Mind : 2017 - 1(1)
Prevalence rates of chronic fatigue complaints in a probability sample of Arab college students
Ahmed M Abdel-KhalekHeart and Mind 2019 3(1):15-20Objectives: Fatigue is a common complaint in the community. The twofold aims of the present study were (a) to estimate the prevalence rate of reported chronic fatigue syndrome-like (CFS-like) complains, and (b) to explore the sex-related differences in it. Methods: A probability non-clinical sample of 3,465 Kuwaiti volunteer undergraduate men (n = 1,745) and women (n = 1,720) was recruited. Their ages ranged between 16 and 43 years. They responded...
Heart and Mind : 2017 - 1(1)
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapy at end of life: A commentary
Peter Magnusson, Joseph V Pergolizzi, Jo Ann LeQuangHeart and Mind 2019 3(1):31-33
Heart and Mind : 2017 - 1(1)
Υπάρχω άρα ζω ή ζω άρα υπάρχω;
Το Σάββατο 16 Νοεμβρίου στις 15:00 η ψυχολόγος Λακανικού προσανατολισμού Μαρία Δήμου, στο πλαίσιο του κύκλου σεμιναρίων «Έρωτας υπό κατασκευή. Χάσματα και γέφυρες στις σύγχρονες μορφές συντροφικότητας», παρουσιάζει στον ΙΑΝΟ της Αθήνας μία συζήτηση με θέμα «Υπάρχω άρα ζω ή ζω άρα υπάρχω;». Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο IANOS Cafe (Σταδίου 24), η είσοδος είναι ελεύθερη και θα προβάλλεται ζωντανά στο ianos.gr Θα δοθεί βεβαίωση παρακολούθησης Λίγα λόγια για τη διάλεξη και θέματα που θα συζητηθούν...
Η τεχνολογία δε φαίνεται να είναι υπεύθυνη για τα προβλήματα ψυχικής υγείας των νέων
Ο χρόνος που οι έφηβοι περνούν στα κινητά τους τηλέφωνα ή στο διαδίκτυο δεν βλάπτει την ψυχική τους υγεία, σύμφωνα με νέα έρευνα την οποία επικαλείται ο ιστότοπος ScienceDaily. Η παρούσα μελέτη που δημοσιεύτηκε στην επιστημονική επιθεώρηση «Clinical Psychological Science» ανέδειξε ότι υπάρχει ελάχιστη συσχέτιση μεταξύ του χρόνου που αφιερώνεται καθημερινά στην τεχνολογία και στην ψυχική υγεία. «Ίσως έχει έρθει η ώρα να σταματήσουμε να διαφωνούμε για το πόσο κακό κάνουν τα smartphones (έξυπνα κινητά)...
Preventive Effects of Escitalopram Against Anxiety-Like Depressive Behaviors in Monosodium Glutamate-Teated Rats Subjected to Partial Hepatectomy
The reasons for the relationship between depression and chronic liver disease (CLD) are complex and multifactorial. Further research is needed to decipher the etiology and establish an optimal management approach for depression in patients, including the potential role of non-pharmacological treatments. monosodium glutamate (MSG)-treated rats are more likely to develop anxiogenic- and depressive-like behaviors, which could be related to the dysfunction of serotonergic system. In this study, partial...
Frontiers in Psychology | New and Recent Articles
Spelling in Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Hearing Children With Sign Language Knowledge
What do spelling errors look like in children with sign language knowledge but with variation in hearing background, and what strategies do these children rely on when they learn how to spell in written language? Earlier research suggests that the spelling of children with hearing loss is different, because of their lack of hearing, which requires them to rely on other strategies. In this study, we examine whether, and how, different variables such as hearing degree, sign language knowledge and bilingualism...
Frontiers in Psychology | New and Recent Articles
Surprise, Curiosity, and Confusion Promote Knowledge Exploration: Evidence for Robust Effects of Epistemic Emotions
Research has started to acknowledge the importance of emotions for complex learning and cognitive performance. However, research on epistemic emotions has only recently become more prominent. Research in educational psychology in particular has mostly focused on examining achievement emotions instead of epistemic emotions. Furthermore, only few studies have addressed functional mechanisms underlying multiple different epistemic emotions simultaneously, and only one study has systematically compared...
Frontiers in Psychology | New and Recent Articles
Asymmetries in the Acceptability and Felicity of English Negative Dependencies: Where Negative Concord and Negative Polarity (Do Not) Overlap
Negative Concord (NC) constructions such as the news anchor didn’t warn nobody about the floods (meaning “the news anchor warned nobody”), in which two syntactic negations contribute a single semantic one, are stigmatized in English, while their Negative Polarity Item (NPI) variants, such as the news anchor didn’t warn anybody about the floods, are prescriptively correct. Because acceptability is often equated with grammaticality, this pattern has led linguists to treat NC as ungrammatical in “Standard”...
Frontiers in Psychology | New and Recent Articles
The Clock Counts – Length Effects in English Dyslexic Readers
In reading, length effects (LEs) are defined as an increment in the time taken to read as a function of word length and may indicate whether reading is proceeding in an efficient whole word fashion or by serial letter processing. LEs are generally considered to be a pathognomonic symptom of developmental dyslexia (DD) and predominantly have been investigated in transparent orthographies where reading impairment is characterized as slow and effortful. In the present study a sample of 18 adult participants...
Frontiers in Psychology | New and Recent Articles
Basic Psychological Needs and Sports Satisfaction Among Brazilian Athletes and Coaches: The Mediating Role of the Dyadic Relationship
Even though sport satisfaction has proved an important element for youngsters to keep practicing sports, little is known on the sport satisfaction of coaches. Moreover, the coach-athlete relationship is acknowledged as a key element for sport success, but whether its importance is the same for coaches and athletes is yet to be investigated. Our study analyzed the mediating role of the coach-athlete relationship in associating the satisfaction of basic psychological needs and sport satisfaction of...
Frontiers in Psychology | New and Recent Articles
Habitual Sleep, Social Jetlag, and Reaction Time in Youths With Delayed Sleep–Wake Phase Disorder. A Case–Control Study
The aim of this study was to explore habitual sleep, social jetlag, and day-to-day variations in sleep (measured as intra-individual standard deviation, ISD) in youths with delayed sleep–wake phase disorder (DSWPD), compared to healthy controls. We also aimed to investigate time of day effects in performance. The sample comprised 40 youths with DSWPD (70.0% female, mean age 20.7 ± 3.1 years) and 21 healthy controls (71.4% female, mean age 21.2 ± 2.2 years). Subjective and objective sleep were measured...
Frontiers in Psychology | New and Recent Articles
An Opportunity to Be Heard: Family Experiences of Coronial Investigations Into Missing People and Views on Best Practice
Experiences of 15 family members and friends of missing people of a coronial investigation into the suspected death of a missing person in New South Wales (NSW), Australia were examined via in-depth interviews. This study explored participant perceptions of the impact of coronial proceedings on well-being, and views on best practice approaches to families in the Coroner’s Court. Transcripts were thematically analysed, yielding six key themes in participant experiences of inquests: (1) Opportunity...
Frontiers in Psychology | New and Recent Articles
The Morphogenesis of Speech Gestures: From Local Computations to Global Patterns
A subtle property of speech gestures is the fact that they are spatially and temporally extended, meaning that phonological contrasts are expressed using spatially extended constrictions, and have a finite duration. This paper shows how this spatiotemporal particulation of the vocal tract, for the purpose of linguistic signaling, comes about. It is argued that local uniform computations among topographically organized microscopic units that either constrict or relax individual points of the vocal...
Frontiers in Psychology | New and Recent Articles
Analysis of the Influence of the Numerical Relation in Handball During an Organized Attack, Specifically the Tactical Behavior of the Center Back
In the last decades, observational methodology has been widely used in scientific research in sport, namely in the study of team games like handball, due to its characteristics. Handball, in addition to being a collective, complex, dynamic, and interactive sport, has its own characteristics and demands a performance analysis that takes into account the context and interaction between different factors and variables. The present study analyzes how the different numerical relations in an attack can...
Frontiers in Psychology | New and Recent Articles
Use of the House-Tree-Person Projective Drawings and Parental Styles Inventory in the Global Psychological Evaluation of Transgender Youth Who Seek Healthcare at the Gender Identity Program
The present study explores data collected in the psychological evaluation of transgender youth and their families who seek healthcare at the Gender Identity Program. Great psychosocial changes mark the transition from infancy to adulthood. Transgender youth may have these aspects of their developmental stage potentialized. A study was conducted with 23 transgender youth (mean age = 14 ± 2.38 years) and their caregivers. Eleven of the youngsters were assigned male at birth, while 12 were assigned...
Frontiers in Psychology | New and Recent Articles

The Relationship Between Uncertainty and Affect
Uncertainty and affect are fundamental and interrelated aspects of the human condition. Uncertainty is often associated with negative affect, but in some circumstances, it is associated with positive affect. In this article, we review different explanations for the varying relationship between uncertainty and affect. We identify “mental simulation” as a key process that links uncertainty to affective states. We suggest that people have a propensity to simulate negative outcomes, which result in a...
Frontiers in Psychology | New and Recent Articles
How Well Can We Assess Our Ability to Understand Others’ Feelings? Beliefs About Taking Others’ Perspectives and Actual Understanding of Others’ Emotions
People vary in their beliefs about their tendency to engage in perspective taking and to understand other’s feelings. Often, however, those beliefs are suggested to be poor indicators of actual skills and thus provide an inaccurate reflection of performance. Few studies, however, have examined whether people’s beliefs accurately predict their performance on emotion recognition tasks using dynamic or spontaneous emotional expressions. We report six studies (N ranges from 186 to 315; Ntotal = 1,347)...
Frontiers in Psychology | New and Recent Articles
Mon Nov 11, 2019 17:47
A Walk on the Wild Side
We are animals in a world of animals
Psychology Today
Determination of SIRT1 rs12778366, FGFR2 rs2981582, STAT3 rs744166, and RAGE rs1800625 Single Gene Polymorphisms in Patients with Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Purpose. To determine the frequency of the genotype of signal transducer and activator of transcription protein 3 (STAT3) rs744166, sirtuin (SIRT1) rs12778366, fibroblast growth factor (FGFR2) rs2981582, and advanced glycosylation end product-specific receptor (RAGE) rs1800625 gene polymorphisms in patients with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC). Methods. A total of 944 subjects were evaluated, which includes 144 patients with LSCC and 800 healthy controls. The genotyping of STAT3 rs744166,...
Disease Markers
A Cohesin Subunit Variant Identified from a Peripheral Sclerocornea Pedigree
Background. Sclerocornea is a rare congenital disorder characterized with the opacification of the cornea. Here, we report a nonconsanguineous Chinese family with multiple peripheral sclerocornea patients spanning across three generations inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. Methods. This is a retrospective case series of a peripheral sclerocornea pedigree. Comprehensive ophthalmic examinations were conducted and assessed on 14 pedigree members. Whole-exome sequencing was used to identify the...
Disease Markers
Hospital-based cohort study to determine the association between home-time and disability after stroke by age, sex, stroke type and study year in Canada
ObjectiveHome-time is an emerging patient-centred stroke outcome metric, but it is not well described in the population. We aimed to determine the association between 90-day home-time and global disability after stroke. We hypothesised that longer home-time would be associated with less disability. DesignHospital-based cohort study of patients with ischaemic stroke or intracerebral haemorrhage admitted to an acute care hospital between 1 April 2002 and 31 March 2013. SettingAll regional stroke...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Interventions for pregnant women who use tobacco and other substances: a systematic review protocol
IntroductionThe prevalence of tobacco smoking in pregnancy remains elevated in some disadvantaged populations of women. One group is those who use alcohol and/or other psychoactive substances during pregnancy, with tobacco use prevalence estimates ranging from 71% to 95%. Although effective evidence-based cessation treatments exist, few women with co-occurring substance use problems successfully stop smoking during pregnancy. There is limited information about treatments that specifically target...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Rationale and design of a cross-sectional study to investigate and describe the chronotype of patients with type 2 diabetes and the effect on glycaemic control: the CODEC study
IntroductionA person’s chronotype is their entrained preference for sleep time within the 24 hours clock. It is described by the well-known concept of the ‘lark’ (early riser) and ‘owl’ (late sleeper). Evidence suggests that the ‘owl’ is metabolically disadvantaged due to the standard organisation of our society which favours the ‘lark’ and places physiological stresses on this chronotype. The aim of this study is to explore cardiometabolic health between the lark and owl in a population with an...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Randomised clinical trial of an emergency department-based peer recovery support intervention to increase treatment uptake and reduce recurrent overdose among individuals at high risk for opioid overdose: study protocol for the navigator trial
IntroductionEffective approaches to increase engagement in treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) and reduce the risk of recurrent overdose and death following emergency department (ED) presentation for opioid overdose remain unknown. As such, we aim to compare the effectiveness of behavioural interventions delivered in the ED by certified peer recovery support specialists relative to those delivered by licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs) in promoting OUD treatment uptake and reducing recurrent...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Patient and healthcare provider knowledge, attitudes and barriers to handover and healthcare communication during chronic disease inpatient care in India: a qualitative exploratory study
Objectives1) To investigate patient and healthcare provider (HCP) knowledge, attitudes and barriers to handover and healthcare communication during inpatient care. 2) To explore potential interventions for improving the storage and transfer of healthcare information. DesignQualitative study comprising 41 semi-structured, individual interviews and a thematic analysis using the Framework Method with analyst triangulation. SettingThree public hospitals in Himachal Pradesh and Kerala, India. ParticipantsParticipants...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Exercise and adiposity in overweight and obese children and adolescents: a systematic review with network meta-analysis of randomised trials
ObjectivesDetermine both the effects and hierarchy of effectiveness for exercise interventions (aerobic, strength training or both) on selected measures of adiposity (body mass index (BMI) in kg/m2, fat mass and per cent body fat) in overweight and obese children and adolescents. DesignNetwork meta-analysis of randomised exercise intervention trials. SettingAny setting where a randomised trial could be conducted. ParticipantsOverweight and obese male and/or female children and adolescents 2–18...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Perineural local anaesthetic catheter after major lower limb amputation trial (PLACEMENT): results from a randomised controlled feasibility trial
ObjectivesTo determine the feasibility of undertaking a randomised controlled effectiveness trial evaluating the use of a perineural catheter (PNC) after major lower limb amputation with postoperative pain as the primary outcome. DesignRandomised controlled feasibility trial. SettingTwo vascular Centres in South Wales, UK. Participants50 patients scheduled for major lower limb amputation (below or above knee) for complications of peripheral vascular disease. InterventionsThe treatment arm received...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Examining risk factors for self-harm and suicide in LGBTQ+ young people: a systematic review protocol
IntroductionYoung people who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ+) are at increased risk for self-harm, suicide ideation and behaviours. However, there has yet to be a comprehensive understanding of what risk factors influence these behaviours within LGBTQ+ young people as a whole. The purpose of this systematic review is to examine risk factors associated with self-harm, suicidal ideation and behaviour in LGBTQ+) young people. Methods and analysisA systematic...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Study protocol for a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluating the Efficacy of cannabis-based Medicine Extract in slowing the disease pRogression of Amyotrophic Lateral sclerosis or motor neurone Disease: the EMERALD trial
IntroductionAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disorder with no known cure and with an average life expectancy of 3–5 years post diagnosis. The use of complementary medicine such as medicinal cannabis in search for a potential treatment or cure is common in ALS. Preclinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of cannabinoids in extending the survival and slowing of disease progression in animal models with ALS. There are anecdotal reports of cannabis slowing disease progression...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Time intervals experienced between first symptom recognition and pathologic diagnosis of breast cancer in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
ObjectivesThis study aimed to estimate the magnitude of patient and diagnostic delays and associated factors among women with breast cancer in Addis Ababa. DesignThis is a cross-sectional study. Settings and participantsAll women newly diagnosed with breast cancer in seven major healthcare facilities in Addis Ababa (n=441) were included in the study. Main outcomes and measuresPatient interval (time from recognition of first symptom to medical consultation) and diagnostic interval (time from first...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network--Scleroderma Support group Leader EDucation (SPIN-SSLED) program: non-randomised feasibility trial
ObjectivesThe Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network—Scleroderma Support group Leader EDucation (SPIN-SSLED) Programme was designed to improve confidence and self-efficacy and to reduce burden for support group leaders. Objectives were to (1) evaluate feasibility of programme delivery, including required resources, management issues and scientific aspects (eg, performance of outcome measures) and (2) assess user satisfaction and identify any modifications needed to improve programme content...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Experiences of informal caregivers after cardiac surgery: a systematic integrated review of qualitative and quantitative studies
ObjectivesTo provide a comprehensive synthesis of informal caregivers’ experiences of caring for a significant other following discharge from cardiac surgery. DesignSystematic integrated review without meta-analysis. Data sourcesA bibliographic search for publications indexed in six databases (Cochrane Library, CINAHL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, AMED and PsycINFO), including a scan of grey literature sources (GreyNet International, Google Scholar, Web of Science, WorldCat and the Clinical Trials Registry)...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Qualitative investigation of relatives and service users experience of mental healthcare for suicidal behaviour in bipolar disorder
ObjectivePeople with bipolar disorder are known to be at high risk of engaging in suicidal behaviours, and those who die by suicide have often been in recent contact with mental health services. The objective of this study was to explore suicidal behaviour in bipolar disorder and how this is monitored and managed by mental health services. AimsTo identify themes within relatives’ and service users’ accounts of mental healthcare, related to management and prevention of suicidal behaviour in bipolar...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Working in a cold environment, feeling cold at work and chronic pain: a cross-sectional analysis of the Tromso Study
AimThe aim of this study was to investigate if working in a cold environment and feeling cold at work are associated with chronic pain (ie, lasting ≥3 months). MethodsWe used data from the sixth survey (2007–2008) of the Tromsø Study. Analyses included 6533 men and women aged 30–67 years who were not retired, not receiving full-time disability benefits and had no missing values. Associations between working in a cold environment, feeling cold at work and self-reported chronic pain were examined...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Social participation and the combination of future needs for long-term care and mortality among older Japanese people: a prospective cohort study from the Aichi Gerontological Evaluation Study (AGES)
ObjectivesOur study aimed to examine the longitudinal association between social participation and both mortality and the need for long-term care (LTC) simultaneously. DesignA prospective cohort study with 9.4 years of follow-up. SettingSix Japanese municipalities. ParticipantsThe participants were 15 313 people who did not qualify to receive LTC insurance at a baseline based on the data from the Aichi Gerontological Evaluation Study (AGES, 2003–2013). They received a questionnaire to measure...
BMJ Open Current Issue

Adapting the Diabetes Prevention Program for low and middle-income countries: protocol for a cluster randomised trial to evaluate 'Lifestyle Africa
IntroductionLow and middle-income countries like South Africa are experiencing major increases in burden of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular conditions. However, evidence-based interventions to address behavioural factors related to these diseases are lacking. Our study aims to adapt the CDC’s National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) within the context of an under-resourced urban community in Cape Town, South Africa. Methods/analysisThe new intervention (Lifestyle...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Relieving acute pain (RAP) study: a proof-of-concept protocol for a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
IntroductionPhysicians and other prescribing clinicians use opioids as the primary method of pain management after traumatic injury, despite growing recognition of the major risks associated with usage for chronic pain. Placebos given after repeated administration of active treatments can acquire medication-like effects based on learning mechanisms. This study hypothesises that dose-extending placebos can be an effective treatment in relieving clinical acute pain in trauma patients who take opioids....
BMJ Open Current Issue
Pathways connecting socioeconomic variables, substance abuse and gambling behaviour: a cross-sectional study on a sample of Italian high-school students
ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to elucidate the pathway of associations linking gambling, alcohol intake, smoking habit, cannabis consumption between each other and with demographic and socioeconomic variables. Setting and participantsA survey was conducted in 2017 on a representative sample of 15 602 Italian 14-year-olds to 17-year-olds attending 201 secondary schools. Outcome measuresStructural Equation Models analysis was used to assess the pathway between gambling, alcohol intake, smoking,...
BMJ Open Current Issue
STOP-Colitis pilot trial protocol: a prospective, open-label, randomised pilot study to assess two possible routes of faecal microbiota transplant delivery in patients with ulcerative colitis
IntroductionImbalance of the gut microbiome is key to the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis (UC). Faecal microbiota transplant (FMT) is the transfer of homogenised and filtered faeces from a healthy individual to the gastrointestinal tract of a patient with disease. Published datasets show a positive signal for the use of FMT to treat UC, but the optimal route and dose of FMT remain unanswered. Methods and analysisThis prospective, multi-centre open-label, randomised pilot study will assess two...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Benefit of carotid revascularisation for women with symptomatic carotid stenosis: protocol for a systematic review
IntroductionCarotid intervention in the form of endarterectomy or stenting is the current standard of care for the majority of patients with symptomatic high-grade carotid stenosis. However, some randomised controlled trials (RCT) have demonstrated that women benefited significantly less from intervention than men. It is unclear if this is a true phenomenon or a study sampling artefact, as women were severely under-represented in all RCTs of carotid revascularisation. A systematic review is needed...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Choice of anaesthetic in emergency operations: a protocol for a scoping review
IntroductionThe effect of mode of anaesthesia in emergency surgery is uncertain. This scoping review will identify and summarise the evidence for local, regional or general anaesthetic in adult patients undergoing emergency surgical procedures. Methods and analysisScoping review methodology will be followed. The search will be run in EMBASE and Medline. Further articles will be identified from searching references in relevant studies. A descriptive analysis will be performed considering the following...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Examining satisfaction of older adult patients and their caregivers following traumatic injury: a cross-sectional study of three level I trauma centres
ObjectiveTo explore satisfaction of care received by older adult patients and their primary caregivers following traumatic injury. DesignProspective, cross-sectional study using the FAMCARE (Family Satisfaction with Advanced Cancer Care Scale) satisfaction surveys prior to discharge. SettingThree level I trauma centres in Colorado from November 2016 to December 2017. ParticipantsTrauma patients ≥55 years old and their primary caregivers. Outcome measuresOverall mean (SD) satisfaction, satisfaction...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Effect of the Pregnant+ smartphone application in women with gestational diabetes mellitus: a randomised controlled trial in Norway
ObjectiveTo assess the effect of the Pregnant+ app on the 2-hour glucose level of the routine postpartum oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) among women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). The Pregnant+ app was designed to provide information about GDM, and promote physical activity and a healthy diet. DesignA multicentre, non-blinded randomised controlled trial. SettingFive diabetes outpatient clinics in the Oslo region. ParticipantsWomen ≥18 years old with a 2-hour OGTT blood glucose level...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Physical activity and health-related quality of life in former elite and recreational cricketers from the UK with upper extremity or lower extremity persistent joint pain: a cross-sectional study
ObjectiveTo evaluate and compare physical activity (PA) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in former elite and recreational cricketers with upper extremity (UE), lower extremity (LE) or no joint pain. Study designCross-sectional cohort. SettingDespite the high prevalence of joint pain in former athletes, the impact of UE pain and LE pain on PA and HRQoL and potential differences between former recreational and elite athletes are poorly understood. Participants703 former cricketers aged...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Identifying and mapping biopsychosocial factors associated with pain in adults with advanced liver disease: protocol for a scoping review
IntroductionPain is highly prevalent in the adult population diagnosed with liver disease. Those progressing to advanced liver disease often experience persistent pain and poor pain relief. There is presently limited guidance for the management of pain and associated symptoms in this population. The current literature lacks attention on how physical, psychological and social domains of liver disease modulate the pain experience. In this paper, we outline our scoping review protocol to systematically...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Estimation of fibrosis progression rates for chronic hepatitis C: a systematic review and meta-analysis update
ObjectivesMathematical models are increasingly important in planning for the upcoming chronic hepatitis C (CHC) elimination efforts. Such models require reliable natural history inputs to make accurate predictions on health and economic outcomes. Yet, hepatitis C virus disease progression is known to vary widely in the literature and published inputs are currently outdated. The objectives of this study were to obtain updated estimates of fibrosis progression rates (FPR) in treatment-naïve patients...
BMJ Open Current Issue
GARFIELD-AF model for prediction of stroke and major bleeding in atrial fibrillation: a Danish nationwide validation study
ObjectivesTo externally validate the accuracy of the Global Anticoagulant Registry in the FIELD-Atrial Fibrillation (GARFIELD-AF) model against existing risk scores for stroke and major bleeding risk in patients with non-valvular AF in a population-based cohort. DesignRetrospective cohort study. SettingDanish nationwide registries. Participants90 693 patients with newly diagnosed non-valvular AF were included between 2010 and 2016, with follow-up censored at 1 year. Primary and secondary outcome...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Group education for adolescents with type 1 diabetes during transition from paediatric to adult care: study protocol for a multisite, randomised controlled, superiority trial (GET-IT-T1D)
IntroductionTransition from paediatric to adult care is challenging for adolescents and emerging adults (ages 18 to 30 years) with type 1 diabetes (T1D). This transition is characterised by a deterioration in glycaemic control (haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)), decreased clinical attendance, poor self-management and increased acute T1D-related complications. However, evidence to guide delivery of transition care is lacking. Given the effectiveness of group education in adult diabetes glycaemic control and...
BMJ Open Current Issue
Does tonsillectomy reduce medical care visits for pharyngitis/tonsillitis in children and adults? Retrospective cohort study from Sweden
ObjectiveTo assess the effectiveness of tonsillectomy/adenotonsillectomy in reducing medical care visits for pharyngitis or tonsillitis in children and adults with chronic/recurrent tonsillitis. DesignRetrospective cohort study. SettingData were retrieved from the VEGA register, a comprehensive regional cohort in Sweden. Participants1044 children (<15 years) and 2244 adults. InterventionTonsillectomy/adenotonsillectomy compared with no surgical treatment. Main outcome measuresChanges in yearly...
BMJ Open Current Issue

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