Abstract Purpose Gemcitabine (GEM)-based chemotherapy is the first-line treatment for locally advanced pancreatic cancer. GEM resistance, however, remains a significant clinical challenge. Here, we investigated whether exosomes derived from GEM-resistant pancreatic cancer stem cells (CSCs) mediate cell-cell communication between cells that are sensitive or resistant to GEM and, by doing so, regulate drug resistance. ...
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Abstract Iron overload remains a concern in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) patients especially those requiring recurrent blood transfusions. Whether iron chelating therapy (ICT) is beneficial to the long-term survival of myelodysplastic syndrome is still a controversial issue. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to clarify the relationship between ICT and long-term survival in patients with MDS. A total of 14 studies involving 7242 participants were identified;...
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Abstract The capacity to feel and express themselves in response to worldly surroundings is a defining feature of who a person living with dementia is, and can have profound effects on the ways in which they think, act and express creativity. Drawing on a year of intensive collaborative work with residents living with dementia in an Orthodox Jewish care home in London, I extend our perceptions and understandings of how a couple experiences their day-to-day lives, with particular...
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Abstract Purpose of Review We review the current literature on predictors, pathophysiology, and prevention of delirium in surgical patients. The focus is on the role of the anesthesiologist in the prevention and management of delirium in the perioperative setting. Recent Findings Recent literature has examined how surgery and anesthetic management can affect...
Abstract Purpose of Review The purpose of this paper is to review updates to the definition of pulmonary hypertension (PH), its diagnosis, and management. New treatment options, the role of mechanical support, outcome studies, and intraoperative management will be emphasized. Recent Findings The definition of PH has been recently changed, with a decrease...
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Abstract Purpose of Review To offer a “toolbox” for geriatric nurses consisting of a general understanding of geriatric oncology, use of a comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA), role in the multidisciplinary team (MDT), and additional roles as leader, clinician, educator, advocate, and exemplar. Recent Findings Geriatric oncology incorporates the use of...
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Zusammenfassung Gallengangsverletzungen können nach abdominellem Trauma, postoperativ nach Cholezystektomien, Leberresektionen oder Lebertransplantationen sowie als Komplikation einer endoskopischen retrograden Cholangiopankreatikographie (ERCP) auftreten. Das klinische Erscheinungsbild von Gallengangsverletzungen zeigt sich sehr variabel und hängt in erster Linie von der zugrunde liegenden Ursache ab. Neben einer hohen perioperativen Morbidität können Gallengangsverletzungen nach...
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Zusammenfassung Biologische Arzneimittel sind die Gesamtheit aller Arzneistoffe oder Präparationen aus Arzneistoffen, die biologischen Ursprungs sind oder aus biologischem Material hergestellt werden. Das Spektrum biologischer Arzneimittel ist umfangreich und schließt aus biologischem Material isolierte Stoffe, rekombinante RNA(Ribonukleinsäure)-Moleküle, Proteine sowie Vollantikörper, Antikörperfragmente oder Antikörper-Drug-Konjugate ein. Die Besonderheiten der molekularen Eigenschaften...
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Hautbezogene Scham ist ein wichtiger Aspekt der psychischen Belastung dermatologischer Patienten. Aufgrund des Mangels an robusten Erhebungsmethoden wird diese Art der Scham in der Forschung und der klinischen Praxis jedoch kaum beachtet. Ziel der Studie war es, hautbezogene Scham erstmals mittels einer deutschen Version der Skin Shame Scale (SSS-24) zu messen und diese anhand etablierter psychometrischer Parameter...
Zusammenfassung Topika sind die mit Abstand am häufigsten durch den/die Dermatologen/-in eingesetzten therapeutischen oder prophylaktischen Präparationen. In den letzten Jahren haben allerdings nur wenige neue arzneiliche Wirkstoffe in Topika den Markt erreicht, dennoch sind innovative galenische Konzepte und Strategien zur Eigenwirkung von Topika entwickelt worden. So werden wir in den kommenden Jahren auch mit neuen und echten Innovationen im Bereich der Topika rechnen können....
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Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Die Studienlage über die langfristigen kognitiven Defizite nach Schlaganfällen ist heterogen und die zugrunde liegende Pathophysiologie der sog. Post-Stroke-Demenz unklar. Ziel der Arbeit Analyse der langfristigen kognitiven Veränderungen von Patienten nach erstmaligem Hirninfarkt und Identifikation möglicher Risikofaktoren für...
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Präventive Strategien werden bei Patienten mit Demenz (PmD) zunehmend wichtiger. Dabei gewinnt die Diagnostik von Patienten mit leichten kognitiven Störungen (PmLKS) an Bedeutung. Es ist wenig bekannt, welche Diagnoseverfahren in der Routineversorgung bei PmLKS gegenwärtig eingesetzt werden. Ziel der Studie ist die Beschreibung der diagnostischen Leistungsdichte bei inzidenten PmLKS im Vergleich zu inzidenten...
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Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Die Radiologie ist ein Schnittstellenfach. Der Radiologe muss in kurzer Zeit unterschiedlichste diagnostische Fragen mittels verschiedener Untersuchungen beantworten. Dabei müssen sowohl der behandelte Patient als auch der Zuweiser adäquat und in einem angemessen Zeitraum Berücksichtigung finden. Zugleich muss für eine hohe Untersuchungsqualität bei möglichst niedriger Strahlenbelastung gesorgt werden. ...
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Zusammenfassung Nach einer Knieoperation oder einem Trauma leidet eine kleine Gruppe von Patienten unter starken andauernden Knieschmerzen. Traumatologen denken in solchen Fällen selten an einen neuropathischen Ursprung derselben. Chronische Schmerzen in Knienähe können durch eine Schädigung des R. infrapatellaris (RI) verursacht werden. Dieser Endast des N. saphenus ist rein sensorisch und aufgrund seines oberflächlichen medialen Verlaufs einem hohen Risiko gegenüber iatrogenen...
Zusammenfassung Junge Menschen mit chronischen belastungsabhängigen Unterschenkelschmerzen, bei denen normale Druckverhältnisse im Muskelkompartiment herrschen und ein unauffälliger Befund in der bildgebenden Diagnostik vorliegt, leiden gelegentlich an einem Nerveneinklemmungssyndrom. Bei diesen Patienten werden durchweg eine ganze Reihe diagnostischer Untersuchungen und oftmals vergebliche Therapien durchgeführt, bevor die richtige Diagnose gestellt wird. Traumatologen sind...
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Abstract Background Tacrolimus is the most commonly prescribed medication in initial immunosuppressive regimens to prevent acute rejection in kidney transplant recipients (KTRs). Tacrolimus was originally available as an immediate-release formulation (IR-Tac) given twice daily. Extended-release tacrolimus (ER-Tac) given once daily was later developed with the expectation of improved medication adherence. Data from observational studies,...
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Abstract The traditional lecture-oriented teaching is still the norm in English as a foreign language education courses, but an innovative teaching model, expedited by recent advances in technology, becomes often popular across non-English-speaking subjects. The new model flips the usual classroom paradigm, in which students learn primary concepts outside classroom and class time is reserved for more active problem-based learning. Discussion of model and its impact are more, on...
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Abstract Arsenic (As) is a potentially toxic and carcinogenic metalloid. It has gained considerable attention owing to its high ecotoxic nature. High As contamination of groundwater in scattered areas is the current status of Pakistan. A number of assessments exist for the As contamination of the drinking water in District Vehari, Pakistan. However, there is scarcity of data about As contents in drinking water of health facilities and healthcare centers in District Vehari. The...
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Abstract Objective The purpose of this study was to systematically evaluate the risk factors of pharyngocutaneous fistula (PCF) after total laryngectomy. Methods We systematically searched Pubmed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Embase databases and included the literature according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. ...
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Abstract In the last two decades, microbiology laboratories have radically changed by the introduction of novel technologies, like Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Nevertheless, emergence of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms represents a global threat of current medicine, being responsible for increasing mortality and health-care direct and indirect costs. In addition, the identification...
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Abstract The use of DNA extracted from skeletonized human remains is a common challenge for those working in human identification. Thermal age and chemical compromise should be considered prior to performing DNA testing on skeletonized remains. Both heat and chemical contamination may cause damage to the DNA present in the osseous materials and a subsequent increase in both the difficulty and expense of DNA testing. For this study, three World War II era mass fatality events involving...
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Zusammenfassung Nach einer ungewöhnlich langen Zeit von 6 Jahren ist im August 2019 endlich die Neuauflage der ESC(European Society of Cardiology)-Leitlinie von 2013 „Guidelines on the Management of Stable Coronary Artery Disease“ erschienen. Der Verlauf einer „stabilen“ koronaren Herzkrankheit (KHK) ist nur vermeintlich stabil, pathophysiologisch ist er oft zunächst unbemerkt progredient. Um das Bewusstsein für den progredienten Charakter der „stabilen KHK“ zu schärfen, wurde...
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Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Im Kopf-Hals-Bereich kommen auch extranodale Lymphome vor. Diese machen 12–15 % aller malignen Kopf-Hals-Tumoren aus. In seltenen Fällen treten klassische Hodgkin-Lymphome (cHL) auf. Im Waldeyer-Rachenring ist das cHL mit einem Anteil von 1 % aller dort auftretenden Lymphome selten. Im Referenzzentrum für Lymphknotenpathologie des Pathologischen Instituts der Universität Würzburg diagnostizierte Fälle wurden...
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Die Morbidität nach Eingriffen an den Tonsillen wird weitgehend durch Schmerzen, die dadurch bedingt verzögerte Nahrungsaufnahme sowie Blutungskomplikationen bestimmt. Die postoperative Unterbringung von Kindern ist Gegenstand von Diskussionen, genauere Informationen zur Situation in Deutschland liegen nicht vor. Material und Methode ...
Zusammenfassung Bei Patienten mit unzureichender Hörverbesserung nach Tympanoplastik können aktive Hörimplantate eine Hörrehabilitation bei frustraner Hörgeräteversorgung ermöglichen, in dem sie im Sinne eines vibromechanischen Bypasses die Steifigkeit und Dämpfung eines schlecht schwingenden Trommelfells bzw. einer (rekonstruierten) Gehörknöchelchenkette umgehen. Die Auswahl des Hörsystems ist dabei abhängig vom maximalen Ausgangspegel des Hörsystems sowie den anatomischen Voraussetzungen...
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Abstract Introduction In Ethiopia, most cervical cancer patients present at advanced cancer stages, long time after they experience first symptoms. We investigated possible predictors of long time spans between symptom onset and pathologic diagnosis (patient intervals). We also aimed to seek out predictors for advanced cancer stage diagnosis. Methods ...
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Abstract Objective This study aimed to test the expression and biological function of miR-140-5p in osteoarthritis (OA), and identify its target gene and explore its mechanism in OA. Methods Differential genes were screened and analyzed by gene microarray and WGCNA analysis. The normal human chondrocytes C28/I2 were induced by IL-1β to construct the OA cell...
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Abstract In the arid and semi-arid areas of China, rainfall and drought affect the growth and photosynthetic activities of plants. Gross primary productivity (GPP) is one of the most important indices that measure the photosynthetic ability of plants. This paper focused on the GPP of two representative grassland species (Stipa krylovii and Allium polyrhizum) to demonstrate the effect of a temporal rainfall on the two species. Our research was conducted in a temperate grassland...
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Zusammenfassung Zahlreiche Stimmen fordern derzeit in Deutschland eine Reform der Krankenhausversorgung und -finanzierung, um Fehlentwicklungen der letzten Jahrzehnte zu korrigieren und das System auf die Herausforderungen der Zukunft einzustellen. Mit der Notfallstufenregelung und Einführung von Pflegepersonaluntergrenzen sowie der Ausgliederung der Kosten für die Pflege aus den auf Diagnosis-Related-Groups (DRG) basierenden Fallpauschalen hat die Gesundheitspolitik erste Schritte...
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Summary The optimal surveillance strategy in renal cell carcinoma after curative resection or ablation is a field of ongoing research. This review discusses the evidence behind routine follow up, duration of follow up, imaging modality and intervals as well as surveillance after local ablative therapy. The recommendations and differences of major guidelines are outlined as well. A risk based approach is advocated taking into account both tumor and patient specific characteristics.
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Abstract The growth cone is a specialized structure that forms at the tip of extending axons in developing and regenerating neurons. This structure is essential for accurate synaptogenesis at developmental stages, and is also involved in plasticity-dependent synaptogenesis and axon regeneration in the mature brain. Thus, understanding the molecular mechanisms utilized by growth cones is indispensable to understanding neuronal network formation and rearrangement. Phosphorylation...
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Abstract The pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease (PD) involves the accumulation of aggregated forms of α-synuclein in the body. The location for the initiation of misfolded forms of α-synuclein is now a contentious issue, what was once thought to be a disease of the central nervous system (CNS) now appears to involve multiple organs in the body. In particular, the two regions in the body where the nervous system is exposed to the environment, the olfactory bulb and the enteric...
Abstract Neuronal hippocampal death can be induced by exacerbated levels of cortisol, a condition usually observed in patients with Major depressive disorder (MDD). Previous in vitro and in vivo studies showed that ursolic acid (UA) elicits antidepressant and neuroprotective properties. However, the protective effects of UA against glucocorticoid-induced cytotoxicity have never been addressed. Using an in vitro model of hippocampal cellular death induced by elevated levels of corticosterone,...
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Abstract Purpose This study aimed to compare lung perfusion scan with single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) for the evaluation of lung function and to elucidate the most appropriate modality for the prediction of postoperative lung function in patients with lung cancer. Methods A total of 181 patients underwent Tc-99m macroaggregated...
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Abstract Objective To determine the effect of tobacco consumption on paternity rates in men with a history of cryptorchidism. To compare the paternity rates between formerly unilateral, bilateral cryptorchid smokers, and nonsmokers. Methods A retrospective cohort study of 153 men who had undergone orchiopexy between 1961 and 1985 at the Miguel Servet University...
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Abstract Rationale Dysregulation of the one carbon cycle is documented in depression. Thereby, S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), a one–carbon cycle nutraceutical compound with a favourable side effect profile, has a theoretical rationale for efficacy. However, further controlled studies are required to confirm SAMe’s efficacy. Objectives To test the efficacy of...
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Abstract Objectives Postradiogenic wound healing disorders are an important clinical problem. While a variety of treatment modalities are available, there is no strategy to objectively judge treatment success. The aim of this study was to evaluate a 2D luminescence imaging system for pH and oxygen in non-healing wounds after radiotherapy. Methods ...
Abstract Background Adjuvant (ART) and salvage radiotherapy (SRT) are two common concepts to enhance biochemical relapse free survival (BCRFS) in patients with prostate cancer (PC). We analyzed differences in outcome between ART and SRT in patients with steep decline of PSA-levels after surgery to compare outcome. Methods We evaluated 253 patients...
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Abstract Background The current opioid overdose epidemic affecting communities across North America is increasingly driven by illicitly manufactured fentanyl and its related analogues. A variety of public health interventions have been implemented and scaled up, including opioid agonist treatments (OAT). While these treatments are successful for many individuals, they have a variety of limitations. It is critical to trial alternative...
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Abstract Multiple approaches such as mathematical deconvolution and mechanistic oral absorption models have been used to predict in vivo drug dissolution in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. However, these approaches are often validated by plasma pharmacokinetic profiles, but not by in vivo drug dissolution due to the limited data available regarding the local GI environment. It is also challenging to predict and validate in vivo dissolution in different regions of the GI tract...
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Abstract The composition and accumulation of BSi and its role in C sequestration in the YRDW were quantified based on field investigation combined with remote sensing observation in the Yellow River Delta Wetland (YRDW). Results show that the soil BSi pool in the YRDW mainly consists of phytoliths. The pools of BSi, TOC, and BSi-occluded C (OCBSi) for aboveground plants in the YRDW are 7.6 g m−2, 129 g m−2 and 0.13 g m−2, respectively. Surface soil (0–10 cm) stocks of BSi, TOC,...
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