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Παρασκευή 1 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Unknowing ingestion of Brugmansia suaveolens leaves presenting with signs of anticholinergic toxicity: a case report
Brugmansia suaveolens is the commonest species under the Solanacea (“Angels Trumpet” in English; “Attana” in Sinhalese) plant family in Sri Lanka. It contains alkaloids like scopolamine, atropine and hyoscyamine ...
Journal of Medical Case Reports - Latest Articles
Wed Oct 30, 2019 02:00
Case 34-2019: A 16-Year-Old Boy with Jaundice
Presentation of Case. Dr. Akash Gupta (Pediatrics): A 16-year-old boy was admitted to this hospital in autumn because of jaundice and abnormal results on liver-function tests. The patient had been well until 4 days before admission, when he noted pruritus around his ankles. That night, malaise and…
Clinical Cases
Thu Oct 31, 2019 02:00
Sonographic Presentation of the Geyser Sign
A case of geyser sign with acromioclavicular (AC) joint cyst with underlying rotator cuff tear is presented. Ultrasound modality is used to diagnose the clinical case of the AC cyst with positive geyser sign. A 91-year-old male patient presented with a complaint of right-sided shoulder and neck pain. The physical examination revealed a large lump on his right shoulder with restricted shoulder movements. During ultrasound examination, a chronic supraspinatus tendon (ST) tear and AC joint cyst with...
Case Reports in Medicine
Thu Oct 31, 2019 15:05

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