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Τετάρτη 18 Μαρτίου 2020

EGFR Polymorphism and Survival of NSCLC Patients Treated with TKIs: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Tyrosine kinase inhibitor- (TKI-) based therapy revolutionized the overall survival and the quality of life in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients that have epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations. However, EGFR is a highly polymorphic and mutation-prone gene, with over 1200 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Since the role of EFGR polymorphism on the treatment outcome is still a matter of debate, this research analyzed the available literature data, according to the PRISMA...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Large Cell Calcifying Sertoli Cell Tumor with Macrocalcification in a Partially Resected Testis
Large cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumors (LCCSCTs) are extremely rare, with less than 100 tumors being described to date. Most of the tumors are benign with a few malignant cases, and aggressive behavior is infrequent. These tumors are a type of Sertoli cell tumor, and these tumors comprise less than 0.3% of all testis tumors in Saudi Arabia. They usually occur in boys and young adults and can affect one or both testicles in multifocal form causing microcalcifications. A 28-year-old male visited...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Wave Propagation in X-Section Piles for Low Strain Integrity Testing: Three-Dimensional Effects
X-section cast-in-place concrete pile (referred to as XCC pile) has a different velocity response compared with circular section pile in the low strain testing due to the special cross section. Full-scale model tests of XCC pile were conducted to reveal the velocity response characteristics. The time-domain velocity responses on the pile top were obtained, which showed obvious three-dimensional effects because of the different high-frequency interferences. The test results were compared with the...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
The Lightweight RFID Grouping-Proof Protocols with Identity Authentication and Forward Security
In many fields, multiple RFID tags are often combined into a group to identify an object. An RFID grouping-proof protocol is utilized to prove the simultaneous existence of a group of tags. However, many current grouping-proof protocols cannot simultaneously provide privacy preserving, forward security, and the authentication between reader/verifier and tags, which are vulnerable to trace attack, privacy leakage, and desynchronization attack. To improve the secure performance of the current grouping-proof...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Hydraulic Fracturing Behavior in Shale with Water and Supercritical CO2 under Triaxial Compression
Comparing to the water fracturing fluid regularly used in the hydraulic fracturing operation, supercritical CO2 (SC-CO2) as a promising nonaqueous fracturing fluid has the great potential for the improvement of production and protection of shale reservoir. This paper presents an experimental study of the mechanical response and fracture propagation of shale fractured using water and SC-CO2 under the different stress status and injection rate. According to the experimental results, SC-CO2 fracturing...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Symptomatic Intrathecal Hematoma following an Epidural Blood Patch for an Obstetric Patient with Postdural Puncture Headache: A Case Report and Synthesis of the Literature
Epidural blood patch (EBP), generally considered a low-risk procedure, can potentially lead to significant neurological complications. We report the case of a parturient who underwent an uneventful EBP for postdural puncture headache (PDPH) and subsequently presented with progressively worsening radicular symptoms. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed an intrathecal hematoma, and conservative management with steroids led to complete recovery. Our case highlights the possibility of this rare...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Research on Hybrid Wind Speed Prediction System Based on Artificial Intelligence and Double Prediction Scheme
Wind energy analysis and wind speed modeling have a significant impact on wind power generation systems and have attracted significant attention from many researchers in recent decades. Based on the inherent characteristics of wind speed, such as nonlinearity and randomness, the prediction of wind speed is considered to be a challenging task. Previous studies have only considered point prediction or interval measurement of wind speed separately and have not combined these two methods for prediction...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Application of Hybrid ARIMA and Artificial Neural Network Modelling for Electromagnetic Propagation: An Alternative to the Least Squares Method and ITU Recommendation P.1546-5 for Amazon Urbanized Cities
This study sets out an empirical hybrid autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and artificial neural network (ANN) model designed to estimate electromagnetic wave propagation in densely forested urban areas. Received signal power intensity data was acquired through measurement campaigns carried out in the Metropolitan Area of Belém (MAB), in the Brazilian Amazon. Comparisons were made between estimates from classical least squares (LS) fitting and ITU (International Telecommunication Union)...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Simultaneous Quantitative Determination of Polyphenolic Compounds in Blumea balsamifera (Ai-Na-Xiang, Sembung) by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Photodiode Array Detector
A high-performance liquid chromatography method was developed for simultaneous quantification of 18 polyphenolic compounds from the leaves of Blumea balsamifera, including 17 flavonoids and 1 phenylethanone. The B. balsamifera extraction was separated by a Kromasil C18 column (250 × 4.6 mm, 5 μm) with a binary gradient mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile and 0.2% aqueous acetic acid. A photodiode array detector (PDA) was used to record the signals of investigated constituents. The linearity,...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
The Impacts of Fairness Concern and Different Business Objectives on the Complexity of Dual-Channel Value Chains
This paper considers a Stackelberg game model in a dual-channel supply chain, which is composed of a manufacturer and a retailer. The manufacturer and retailer consider fairness concern in the market competition, and the manufacturer takes market share and profit as his/her business objectives. The entropy complexity and dynamic characteristic of the dual-channel system are analyzed through mathematical analysis and numerical simulation, such as local stability, bifurcation, entropy, and chaos. The...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Detecting Abnormal Brain Regions in Schizophrenia Using Structural MRI via Machine Learning
Utilizing neuroimaging and machine learning (ML) to differentiate schizophrenia (SZ) patients from normal controls (NCs) and for detecting abnormal brain regions in schizophrenia has several benefits and can provide a reference for the clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia. In this study, structural magnetic resonance images (sMRIs) from SZ patients and NCs were used for discriminative analysis. This study proposed an ML framework based on coarse-to-fine feature selection. The proposed framework used...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
The Achievements and Challenges of Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Its Associated Colorectal Cancer
Approximately new cases of cancer were recorded globally in 2018, out of which 9.6 million died. It is known that people who have Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) turn to be prone to increased risks of developing colorectal cancer (CRC), which has global incident and mortality rates of 10.2% and 9.2%, respectively. Over the years, conventional treatments of IBD and its associated CRC have been noted to provide scarce desired results and often with severe complications. The introduction of biological...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Bone Defect Repair Using a Bone Substitute Supported by Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from the Umbilical Cord
Objective. Bone defects or atrophy may arise as a consequence of injury, inflammation of various etiologies, and neoplastic or traumatic processes or as a result of surgical procedures. Sometimes the regeneration process of bone loss is impaired, significantly slowed down, or does not occur, e.g., in congenital defects. For the bone defect reconstruction, a piece of the removed bone from ala of ilium or bone transplantation from a decedent is used. Replacement of the autologous or allogenic source...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Proportion of Maternal Near-Miss and Its Determinants among Northwest Ethiopian Women: A Cross-Sectional Study
Background. Life-threatening situations might arise unexpectedly during pregnancy. Maternal near-miss can be a proxy for maternal death and explained as women who nearly died due to obstetric-related complications. It is recognized as the predictor of level of care and maternal death. Maternal near-miss evaluates life-threatening pregnancy-related complications, and it directs the assessment of the quality of obstetric care. Objective. To determine the proportion and factors associated with maternal...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Hybrid Fuzzy Clustering Method Based on FCM and Enhanced Logarithmical PSO (ELPSO)
Fuzzy c-means (FCM) is one of the best-known clustering methods to organize the wide variety of datasets automatically and acquire accurate classification, but it has a tendency to fall into local minima. For overcoming these weaknesses, some methods that hybridize PSO and FCM for clustering have been proposed in the literature, and it is demonstrated that these hybrid methods have an improved accuracy over traditional partition clustering approaches, whereas PSO-based clustering methods have poor...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Peptide-Based Vaccination Therapy for Rheumatic Diseases
Rheumatic diseases are extremely heterogeneous diseases with substantial risks of morbidity and mortality, and there is a pressing need in developing more safe and cost-effective treatment strategies. Peptide-based vaccination is a highly desirable strategy in treating noninfection diseases, such as cancer and autoimmune diseases, and has gained increasing attentions. This review is aimed at providing a brief overview of the recent advances in peptide-based vaccination therapy for rheumatic diseases....
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
The Role of Adverse Childhood Experience on Depression Symptom, Prevalence, and Severity among School Going Adolescents
Background and Objectives. Adverse childhood experiences include stressful and potentially traumatic events associated with a higher risk of long-term behavioral problems and chronic illnesses. In this study, we had estimated the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and association with depression symptoms prevalence and severity as a function of ACE counts. Methods. A cross-sectional school-based study was employed. Five hundred forty-six secondary school students were selected using...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Exercise-Induced Cognitive Improvement Is Associated with Sodium Channel-Mediated Excitability in APP/PS1 Mice
Elevated brain activation, or hyperexcitability, induces cognitive impairment and confers an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Blocking the overexcitation of the neural network may be a promising new strategy to prevent, halt, and even reverse this condition. Physical exercise has been shown to be an effective cognitive enhancer that reduces the risk of AD in elderly individuals, but the underlying mechanisms are far from being fully understood. We explored whether long-term treadmill exercise...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Influence of Lorentz Invariation Violation on Arbitrary Spin Fermion Tunneling Radiation in the Vaidya-Bonner Space-Time
In the space-time of the nonstationary spherical symmetry Vaidya-Bonner black hole, an accurate modification of Hawking tunneling radiation for fermions with arbitrary spin is researched. Considering a light dispersion relationship derived from string theory, quantum gravitational theory, and the Rarita-Schwinger equation in the nonstationary spherical symmetry space-time, we derive an accurately modified dynamic equation for fermions with arbitrary spin. By solving the equation, the modified tunneling...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
A Task Scheduling Strategy in Edge-Cloud Collaborative Scenario Based on Deadline
Task scheduling plays a critical role in the performance of the edge-cloud collaborative. Whether the task is executed in the cloud and how it is scheduled in the cloud is an important issue. On the basis of satisfying the delay, this paper will schedule tasks on edge devices or cloud and present a task scheduling algorithm for tasks that need to be transferred to the cloud based on the catastrophic genetic algorithm (CGA) to achieve global optimum. The algorithm quantifies the total task completion...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Reduced Cortical Complexity in Cirrhotic Patients with Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy
Purpose. Gray matter volume loss, regional cortical thinning, and local gyrification index alteration have been documented in minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE). Fractal dimension (FD), another morphological parameter, has been widely used to describe structural complexity alterations in neurological or psychiatric disease. Here, we conducted the first study to investigate FD alterations in MHE. Methods and Materials. We performed high-resolution structural magnetic resonance imaging on cirrhotic...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Complete Surgical Enucleation of a Giant Chylous Mesenteric Cyst
Mesenteric cysts are rare benign abdominal tumors, and they can appear anywhere in the mesentery of the gastrointestinal tract, from the duodenum to the rectum. They are generally asymptomatic and may present as an incidental finding. The diagnosis is confirmed by the laparotomy findings and the results of the histopathological examination. Complete surgical (open or laparoscopic) enucleation of the cyst is the treatment of choice. We present a case of a female patient who presented with abdominal...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation

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