Τετάρτη 18 Μαρτίου 2020

Validation of mammographic x-ray spectra generated using Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System
A Monte Carlo (MC) code is a robust method to generate a mammographic x-ray spectrum because the geometry of a mammography system can be flexible and directly modeled in MC simulation. However, simulations from MC code need to be validated before it can be reliably used for specific applications. This study aimed to generate and validate the x-ray spectra of relevant anodes used in mammography and breast tomosynthesis using Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS). PHITS version...
Physics in Medicine and Biology - latest papers
Chemical radiation dosimetry in magnetic fields: characterization of a Fricke-type chemical detector in 6 MV photon beams and magnetic fields up to 1.42 T
In magnetic resonance guided radiotherapy (MRgRT) radiation dose measurements needs to be performed in the presence of a magnetic field. In this study, the influence of magnetic fields on the readings of a Fricke detector, a chemical dosimeter, have been investigated in 6 MV photon beams. This type of detector has been chosen, as the Federal Office of Metrology (METAS, Switzerland) has great experience with Fricke dosimetry and since it is not expected that this detector is greatly...
Physics in Medicine and Biology - latest papers
Conditional depletion of Fus in oligodendrocytes leads to motor hyperactivity and increased myelin deposition associated with Akt and cholesterol activation
Myelin thickness and myelinated small axons are increased in Fus OLcKO mice. Activation of HMGCR expression leads to higher cholesterol in Fus OLcKO mice. Akt is activated in Fus OLcKO mice. Fus OLcKO mice exhibit enhanced exploration and motor activity Abstract Fused in sarcoma (FUS) is a predominantly nuclear multifunctional RNA/DNA‐binding protein that regulates multiple aspects of gene expression. FUS mutations are associated with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (fALS)...
Improved survival in metastatic breast cancer: results from a 20-year study involving 1033 women treated at a single comprehensive cancer center
Abstract Purpose Diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer have changed profoundly over the past 25 years. The outcome improved dramatically and was well quantified for early stage breast cancer (EBC). However, progress in the treatment of metastatic disease has been less convincingly demonstrated. We have studied survival data of patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) from a large academic cancer center over a period of 20 years....
Latest Results
Downregulation of SFRP1 is a protumorigenic event in hepatoblastoma and correlates with beta-catenin mutations
Abstract Background Hepatoblastoma (HB) and pediatric hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are the most common malignant liver tumors in childhood. Both tumor types exhibit genetic and epigenetic alterations in the WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway, which is a key regulator of liver progenitor cells in embryonic development. The tumors demonstrate a high rate of β-catenin mutations and gene expression changes of several WNT antagonists. However,...
Latest Results
Prescription of hormone replacement therapy prior to and after the diagnosis of gynecological cancers in German patients
Abstract Purpose Little is known about how a gynecological cancer diagnosis affects a gynecologist’s decision to prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Therefore, the goal of this study was to analyze the prevalence of HRT prescription prior to and after the diagnosis of four gynecological cancers in women followed in gynecological practices in Germany. Methods ...
Latest Results
ESSFN The Mission
Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 2020;98:72–72
SFN : Last 20 articles
ASSFN Society News
Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 2020;98:71–71
SFN : Last 20 articles
WSSFN Society News
Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 2020;98:70–70
SFN : Last 20 articles
Quantitative phosphoproteomics to unravel the cellular response to chemical stressors with different modes of action
Abstract Damage to cellular macromolecules and organelles by chemical exposure evokes activation of various stress response pathways. To what extent different chemical stressors activate common and stressor-specific pathways is largely unknown. Here, we used quantitative phosphoproteomics to compare the signaling events induced by four stressors with different modes of action: the DNA damaging agent: cisplatin (CDDP), the topoisomerase II inhibitor: etoposide (ETO), the pro-oxidant:...
Latest Results for Archives of Toxicology
Trendy e-cigarettes enter Europe: chemical characterization of JUUL pods and its aerosols
Abstract The popularity and the high nicotine content of the American pod e-cigarette JUUL have raised many concerns. To comply with European law, the nicotine concentration in the liquids of the European version, which has been recently released on the market, is limited to below 20 mg/mL. This limit can possibly be circumvented by technological adjustments that increase vaporization and consequently, elevate nicotine delivery. In this study, we compare vapor generation and nicotine...
Latest Results for Archives of Toxicology
Time- and temperature-dependent postmortem concentration changes of the (synthetic) cannabinoids JWH-210, RCS-4, as well as ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol following pulmonary administration to pigs
Abstract In forensic toxicology, interpretation of postmortem (PM) drug concentrations might be complicated due to the lack of data concerning drug stability or PM redistribution (PMR). Regarding synthetic cannabinoids (SC), only sparse data are available, which derived from single case reports without any knowledge of dose and time of consumption. Thus, a controlled pig toxicokinetic study allowing for examination of PMR of SC was performed. Twelve pigs received a pulmonary dose...
Latest Results for Archives of Toxicology
IL‐1β and IL‐17A are involved in IVIG resistance through activation of C/EBPβ and δ in a coronary artery model of Kawasaki disease
Structure-Based Design and Discovery of a Long-Acting Cocaine Hydrolase Mutant with Improved Binding Affinity to Neonatal Fc Receptor for Treatment of Cocaine Abuse
Abstract Despite decades of efforts to develop a pharmacotherapy for cocaine abuse treatment, there is still no FDA-approved treatment of diseases associated with this commonly abused drug. Our previously designed highly efficient cocaine hydrolases (CocHs) and the corresponding Fc-fusion proteins (e.g., CocH3-Fc) are recognized as potentially promising therapeutic enzyme candidates for cocaine abuse treatment, but all with limited biological half-lives. In order to prolong...
Latest Results for The AAPS Journal
In NIH trial, selumetinib shrinks tumors, provides clinical benefit for children with NF1
An NCI clinical trial finds the drug selumetinib improves outcomes for children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), shrinking inoperable tumors called plexiform neurofibromas, reducing pain, and improving function and overall quality of life.
NCI News Releases
Metabolic Pathway Construction and Optimization of Escherichia coli for High-Level Ectoine Production
Abstract Ectoine is widely produced by various bacteria as a natural cell protectant against environment stress, e.g., osmotic and temperature stress. Its protective properties therefore exhibit high commercial value, especially in agriculture, medicine, cosmetics, and biotechnology. Here, we successfully constructed an engineered Escherichia coli for the heterologous production of ectoine. Firstly, the ectABC genes from Halomonas elongata were introduced into E. coli MG1655 to...
Latest Results
Pseudomonas atagosis sp. nov., and Pseudomonas akappagea sp. nov., New Soil Bacteria Isolated from Samples on the Volcanic Island Izu Oshima, Tokyo
Abstract During the exploration of microbial natural resources, two strains of Pseudomonas, PS14T and PS24T, were isolated from samples taken from Izu Oshima, a volcanic island located 120 km southwest of central Tokyo. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that PS14T was most similar to Pseudomonas baetica a390T (99.6%) and Pseudomonas helmanticensis OHA11T (99.5%), and that PS24T was most similar to Pseudomonas qingdaonensis JJ3T (98.8%) and Pseudomonas...
Latest Results
Identification and validation of tumor environment phenotypes in lung adenocarcinoma by integrative genome-scale analysis
Abstract Purpose To comprehensively elucidate the landscape of the tumor environment (TME) of lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD), which has a profound impact on prognosis and response to immunotherapy. Methods and materials Using a large dataset of LUAD patients from The Cancer Genome Atlas, Gene Expression Omnibus database (GEO), and our institution (n = 1411),...
Latest Results for Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy
BRAF V600 mutation profiling in primary skin nodular melanoma in Indonesia: an analysis using high resolution pyrosequencing
We aimed to investigate the prevalence and type of BRAF V600 mutations and the associations with clinicopathological variables in primary skin nodular melanoma cases in Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia usin...
BMC Research Notes - Latest Articles
Knowledge of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV among women of reproductive age group and associated factors at Mecha district, Northwest Ethiopia
This study was aimed to asses knowledge of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV among reproductive age women and associated factors at Mecha district, North West Ethiopia. A community based cross ...
BMC Research Notes - Latest Articles
Cell-free DNA screening for sex chromosomal aneuploidies in 9985 pregnancies: Italian single experience
Non invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) using cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) has been widely accepted in recent years to detect common fetal autosomal chromosome aneuploidies and sex chromosome aneuploidies (SCAs)....
BMC Research Notes - Latest Articles
Breast milk vitamin B12 concentration and incidence of diarrhea and respiratory infections among infants in urban Tanzania: a prospective cohort study
A recent trial of vitamin B12 supplementation among Indian children 6–30 months found no effect on the incidence of diarrhea and respiratory infections. These results differ with studies in adults that showed ...
BMC Research Notes - Latest Articles
Effect of Gum Arabic (Acacia senegal) on C-reactive protein level among sickle cell anemia patients
Inflammation is ongoing process among sickle cell anemia even during steady state. C reactive protein (CRP) is cardinal marker that utilized widely as inflammatory indicator. Gum Arabic (GA) is gummy exudates ...
BMC Research Notes - Latest Articles
Predicting school performance and early risk of failure from an intelligent tutoring system
Abstract In many rural Indian schools, English is a second language for teachers and students. Intelligent tutoring systems have good potential because they enable students to learn at their own pace, in an exploratory manner. This paper describes a 3-year longitudinal study of 2123 Indian students who used the intelligent tutoring system, AmritaITS. The aim of the study was to use the students’ interaction logs with AmritaITS to: (1) predict student performance, in English and...
Latest Results for Education and Information Technologies

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