Τρίτη 17 Μαρτίου 2020

Galeone San José: Schatzjagd und Unterwasserkulturerbe - Art. 16 der UNESCO-Konvention von 2001 ermöglicht effektive Schutzmassenahmen
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Tagungsbericht: Teaching History in the Digital Age - International Perspectives #dhiha8, 17.06.2019-18.06.2019 Paris
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Schweizerische Geschichtstage 2019: Digitalisierung und Digital History
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Odysseus as an Alternative Model of Leader
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Anonymization of System Logs for Preserving Privacy and Reducing Storage
System logs constitute valuable information for analysis and diagnosis of systems behavior. The analysis is highly time-consuming for large log volumes. For many parallel computing centers, outsourcing the analysis of system logs (syslogs) to third parties is the only option. Therefore, a general analysis and diagnosis solution is needed. Such a solution is possible only through the syslog analysis from multiple computing systems. The data within syslogs can be sensitive, thus obstructing the sharing...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Bernhard Freund, Erfüllungszwang im Kaufrecht: Geschichte - Vergleich - Vereinheitlichung, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot (2015)
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Irrtumsanfechtung nach nationalem Recht und Anforderungen an Ausschlussvereinbarungen bei Anwendbarkeit des UN-Kaufrechts (CISG): Zugleich Anmerkung zu Schweizerisches Bundesgericht, 28. Mai 2019 - 4A_453/2018
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Grenzfragen des Anwendungsbereichs und international einheitliche Auslegung des UN-Kaufrechts (CISG): Zugleich Anmerkung zu Appellationsgericht Basel-Stadt, 24.8.2018 - ZB.2017.20 (AG.2018.557)
Der nachfolgend besprochene Entscheid des Appellationsgerichtsdes Kantons Basel-Stadt behandelt mit den Fragen (1) zur An-wendung des CISG auf durch Ausschreibung angebahnte/abge-schlossene Kaufverträge, (2) zur Anwendung des CISG aufMehrparteienverträge und (3) zur Anfechtbarkeit von CISG-Verträgen wegen Irrtums über Wareneigenschaften mehrerekomplexe Rechtsfragen, die der Autor beleuchtet. Zudem ist dieEntscheidung auch aus einheitsrechtlich-methodischer Sicht be-merkenswert, da das Gericht in...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Reconstructing Bronze Age diets and farming strategies at the early Bronze Age sites of La Bastida and Gatas (southeast Iberia) using stable isotope analysis
The El Argar society of the Bronze Age in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula (2200-1550 cal BCE) was among the first complex societies in Europe. Its economy was based on cereal cultivation and metallurgy, it was organized hierarchically, and successively expanded its territory. Most of the monumentally fortified settlements lay on steeply sloped mountains, separated by fertile plains, and allowed optimal control of the area. Here, we explore El Argar human diets, animal husbandry strategies,...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Polypheny-DB: Towards a Distributed and Self-Adaptive Polystore
Cloud providers are more and more confronted with very diverse and heterogeneous requirements their customers impose on the management of data. First, these requirements stem from service-level agreements that specify a desired degree of availability and a guaranteed latency. As a consequence, Cloud providers replicate data across data centers or availability zones and/or partition data and place it close to the location of their customers. Second, the workload at each Cloud data center or availability...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Text als Essen und Essen als Text
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Synthesis and study of molecules based on triangular graphene fragments
The present PhD dissertation summarizes my research findings in the research group of Prof. Dr. Michal Juríček from the period of February 2014 to January 2018. The main goal of our group is development and synthesis of new functional organic materials based on hydrocarbon molecules that contain one or more unpaired electrons for application in spin electronics. The present work aims at different strategies of synthesis of persistent Kekulé and non-Kekulé hydrocarbons and their application in molecular...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Interview "Ist es nur Salat oder schon Facebook?"
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Investigation of the role of Nrf2 in hepatic stellate cells during liver fibrosis using in vitro models
Liver fibrosis is a reversible wound-healing response characterized by fibroblast proliferation and extracellular matrix (ECM) remodelling. The development of fibrosis involves several intermediate steps, including hepatocyte injury and cell death, oxidative stress, activation of Kupffer cells (KC), activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSC), and chronic inflammation. Currently, most liver fibrosis research is performed in vivo since suitable in vitro system are lacking. Here, we present the design...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Hazards at 10 000 m: studies of aircrew and their importance in understanding cancer risks from cosmic radiation and circadian disruption
Aircrew studies have the potential to inform on cancer risks from several occupational exposures: cosmic radiation, electromagnetic frequency radiation (in studies of cockpit crew), and circadian disruption due to night work and rapid transmeridian travel. Six years ago, a commentary1 in this journal queried whether there is more yet to learn about cancer from studies of aircrew cohorts and outlined some possible avenues for research, including the assembly of large cohorts from individual employers,...
OEM Online First
Impact of the occupational environment of a submerged submarine on cardiometabolic health of Royal Navy submariners
ObjectiveTo determine the effect of prolonged exposure to a submarine environment on biomarkers of cardiometabolic risk in Royal Navy (RN) submariners.MethodsSerum lipids (cholesterol (C), triglyceride (TG), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), non-HDL-C), glucose, insulin and anthropometrics were compared within three RN submarine crews before and after submerged patrols of 12 or 6 weeks, and with a crew that remained ashore (SUB-HOME). Dietary intake...
OEM Online First
A morphometric analysis of the lungs of high‐altitude ducks and geese
We found that the mass‐specific lung volumes and the mass‐specific volume of exchange tissue were larger in the lungs of high‐altitude resident waterfowl than in those of low‐altitude resident and high‐altitude migratory waterfowl. We also found evidence of an inverse relationship between the percentage increase in pulmonary O2 extraction and the percentage increase in ventilation across species that is independent of the volume density of the exchange tissue. Abstract We examined the morphology...
Journal of Anatomy
A homozygous UBA5 pathogenic variant causes a fatal congenital neuropathy
BackgroundUBA5 is the activating enzyme of UFM1 in the ufmylation post-translational modification system. Different neurological phenotypes have been associated with UBA5 pathogenic variants including epilepsy, intellectual disability, movement disorders and ataxia.Methods and resultsWe describe a large multigenerational consanguineous family presenting with a severe congenital neuropathy causing early death in infancy. Whole exome sequencing and linkage analysis identified a novel homozygous UBA5...
JMG Online First
Germline RET variants underlie a subset of paediatric osteosarcoma
BackgroundAlthough considerable effort has been put into decoding of the osteosarcoma genome, very little is known about germline mutations that underlie this primary malignant tumour of bone.Methods and resultsWe followed here a coincidental finding in a multiple endocrine neoplasia family in which a 32-year-old patient carrying a germline pathogenic RET mutation developed an osteosarcoma 2 years after the resection of a medullary thyroid carcinoma. Sequencing analysis of additional 336 patients...
JMG Online First
Variable expression of subclinical phenotypes instead of reduced penetrance in families with mild triphalangeal thumb phenotypes
BackgrounThe of zone of polarizing activity regulatory sequence (ZRS) is a regulatory element residing in intron 5 of LMBR1 and regulates Sonic Hedgehog expression in the limb bud. Variants in the ZRS are generally fully penetrant and can cause triphalangeal thumb (TPT) and polydactyly in affected families.ObjectiveIn thisreport, we describe two families with mild phenotypical presentationMethodsWeperformed a field study for clinical evaluation and sequenced the ZRS for variantsusing Sanger sequencing.ResultsIn...
JMG Online First
Free-leg side elevation of pelvis in single-leg jump is a substantial advantage over double-leg jump for jumping height generation
Publication date: Available online 16 March 2020Source: Journal of BiomechanicsAuthor(s): Natsuki Sado, Shinsuke Yoshioka, Senshi Fukashiro
Biomechanical Differences during Ascent on Regular Stairs and on a Stairmill
Publication date: Available online 16 March 2020Source: Journal of BiomechanicsAuthor(s): Biing-Chwen Chang, Moiz I. Khan, Antonio Prado, Ningjia Yang, Jianghao Ou, Sunil K. Agrawal
Optimization of Muscle Activation Schemes in a Finite Element Neck Model Simulating Volunteer Frontal Impact Scenarios
Publication date: Available online 16 March 2020Source: Journal of BiomechanicsAuthor(s): Matheus A. Correia, Stewart D. McLachlin, Duane S. Cronin
The utility of magnetic resonance elastography for native renal fibrosis is questionable and necessitates future research with rigorous methodology
Publication date: Available online 15 March 2020Source: Translational ResearchAuthor(s): Mitchell P. Wilson, Prayash Katlariwala, Gavin Low
Translational Research
Biomolecules, Vol. 10, Pages 460: Flagella and Swimming Behavior of Marine Magnetotactic Bacteria
Biomolecules, Vol. 10, Pages 460: Flagella and Swimming Behavior of Marine Magnetotactic Bacteria Biomolecules doi: 10.3390/biom10030460 Authors: Zhang Wu Marine environments are generally characterized by low bulk concentrations of nutrients that are susceptible to steady or intermittent motion driven by currents and local turbulence. Marine bacteria have therefore developed strategies, such as very fast-swimming and the exploitation of multiple directional sensing–response...
Biomolecules, Vol. 10, Pages 461: BioShell 3.0: Library for Processing Structural Biology Data
Biomolecules, Vol. 10, Pages 461: BioShell 3.0: Library for Processing Structural Biology Data Biomolecules doi: 10.3390/biom10030461 Authors: Joanna M. Macnar Natalia A. Szulc Justyna D. Kryś Aleksandra E. Badaczewska-Dawid Dominik Gront BioShell is an open-source package for processing biological data, particularly focused on structural applications. The package provides parsers, data structures and algorithms for handling and analyzing macromolecular sequences, structures...
Biomolecules, Vol. 10, Pages 458: Mesenchymal Cell Growth and Differentiation on a New Biocomposite Material: A Promising Model for Regeneration Therapy
Biomolecules, Vol. 10, Pages 458: Mesenchymal Cell Growth and Differentiation on a New Biocomposite Material: A Promising Model for Regeneration Therapy Biomolecules doi: 10.3390/biom10030458 Authors: Pomeraniec Benayahu Mesenchymal stem cells serve as the body’s reservoir for healing and tissue regeneration. In cases of severe tissue trauma where there is also a need for tissue organization, a scaffold may be of use to support the cells in the damaged tissue. Such a scaffold...
Biomolecules, Vol. 10, Pages 459: MBLinhibitors.com, a Website Resource Offering Information and Expertise for the Continued Development of Metallo--Lactamase Inhibitors
Biomolecules, Vol. 10, Pages 459: MBLinhibitors.com, a Website Resource Offering Information and Expertise for the Continued Development of Metallo--Lactamase Inhibitors Biomolecules doi: 10.3390/biom10030459 Authors: Cheng Thomas Joyner Kimble Sturgill Tran Vulcan Klinsky Orea Platt Cao Li Yang Yurkiewicz Fast Crowder In an effort to facilitate the discovery of new, improved inhibitors of the metallo--lactamases (MBLs), a...
Biomolecules, Vol. 10, Pages 457: Uranyl Binding to Proteins and Structural-Functional Impacts
Biomolecules, Vol. 10, Pages 457: Uranyl Binding to Proteins and Structural-Functional Impacts Biomolecules doi: 10.3390/biom10030457 Authors: Ying-Wu Lin The widespread use of uranium for civilian purposes causes a worldwide concern of its threat to human health due to the long-lived radioactivity of uranium and the high toxicity of uranyl ion (UO22+). Although uranyl–protein/DNA interactions have been known for decades, fewer advances are made in understanding their structural-functional...
In reply: Stress dose steroids—take another look at the literature
Latest Results for Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie
Lidocaine during intubation and extubation in patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Latest Results for Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 218: Intelligent Mechanisms of Macrophage Apoptosis Subversion by Mycobacterium
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 218: Intelligent Mechanisms of Macrophage Apoptosis Subversion by Mycobacterium Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens9030218 Authors: Abdalla Ejaz Mahjoob Alameen Abosalif Elamir Mousa Macrophages are one of the first innate defense barriers and play an indispensable role in communication between innate and adaptive immune responses, leading to restricted Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection. The macrophages can undergo programmed cell...
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 217: Description of Virulent Factors and Horizontal Gene Transfers of Keratitis-Associated Amoeba Acanthamoeba Triangularis by Genome Analysis
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 217: Description of Virulent Factors and Horizontal Gene Transfers of Keratitis-Associated Amoeba Acanthamoeba Triangularis by Genome Analysis Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens9030217 Authors: Hasni Andréani Colson La Scola Acanthamoeba triangularis strain SH 621 is a free-living amoeba belonging to Acanthamoeba ribo-genotype T4. This ubiquitous protist is among the free-living amoebas responsible for Acanthamoeba keratitis, a severe infection of...
Ultrastructural Characterization of Prolonged Normothermic and Cold Cerebral Ischemia in the Adult Rat
Rejuvenation Research, Ahead of Print.
Rejuvenation Research - Table of Contents
redicting the development of psychological morbidity in inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic review
BackgroundPsychological morbidity in inflammatory bowel disease is common with significant impact on quality of life and health outcomes, but factors which predict the development of psychological morbidity are unclear.AimTo undertake a systematic literature review of the predictors of psychological morbidity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.MethodsElectronic searches for English-language articles were performed with keywords relating to psychological morbidity according to the Diagnostic...
BMJ Frontline Gastroenterology Online First
Evaluation of the yeast surface display system for screening of functional nanobodies
Yeast surface display is a powerful technology used to isolate and engineer proteins to improve their activity, specificity, and stability. In this method, gene expression is regulated by promoters, and secret...
Applied and Industrial Microbiology
Management of Tinnitus in 2020
This JAMA Clinical Insights article reviews the diagnosis and treatment of chronic tinnitus based on current understanding of symptom mechanisms and emphasizes the importance of behavioral therapies (tinnitus retraining) and personalized treatment whenever possible.
JAMA Online First
Shortcomings in the US Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: Potential Risks Associated With International Manufacturing and Trade-Related Tariffs
This Viewpoint discusses vulnerabilities in the US drug supply chain given a shift in manufacturing of pharmaceutical ingredients to other countries and calls for a system to identify high-value medications, forecast supplies and shortages, and incentivize domestic production.
JAMA Online First
Melatonin is useful alternative for sedation in children undergoing auditory brainstem responses testing
Abstract Auditory brainstem responses testing (ABRs) is frequently required to assess auditory function in children. It is done usually in outpatient fashion and requires deep sleep to avoid artefacts. Sedation method used for the test should allow a deep sleep while avoiding general anaesthesia that requires special monitoring, dedicated staff and operating room availability. For this purpose, several sedation methods have been used, with the risk of respiratory depression and...
Latest Results for European Journal of Pediatrics

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