A 2018 Reference Guide to the Banff Classification of Renal Allograft Pathology
The Banff Classification of Allograft Pathology is an international consensus classification for the reporting of biopsies from solid organ transplants. Since its initial conception in 1991 for renal transplants, it has undergone review every 2 years, with attendant updated publications. The rapid expansion of knowledge in the field has led to numerous revisions of the classification. The resultant dispersal of relevant content makes it difficult for novices and experienced pathologists to faithfully apply the classification in routine diagnostic work and in clinical trials. This review shall provide a complete and simple illustrated reference guide of the Banff Classification of Kidney Allograft Pathology based on all publications including the 2017 update. It is intended as a concise desktop reference for pathologists and clinicians, providing definitions, Banff Lesion Scores and Banff Diagnostic Categories. An online website reference guide hosted by the Banff Foundation for Allograft Pathology (www.banfffoundation.org) is being developed, which will be updated with future refinement of the Banff Classification from 2019 onward.
Organs From Executed People Are Not a Source of Scientific Discovery No abstract available
Shiraz Organ Transplant Center: The Largest Liver Transplant Center in the World
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At What Creatinine Level is Angiographic Dye safe for Coronary Angiography in Cardiac Transplant Recipients?
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Diarrhea After Kidney Transplantation: A New Look at a Frequent Symptom
Diarrhea is a frequent but overlooked complication of kidney transplantation. Diarrhea is repeatedly neglected, often considered by patients and clinicians an unavoidable side effect of immunosuppressive regimens. It is, however, associated with a significant impairment in life quality. Severe and chronic posttransplant diarrhea may lead to dehydration, malabsorption, rehospitalization, immunosuppression, noncompliance, and a greater risk of graft loss and death. There is thus a need to optimize and standardize the management of posttransplant diarrhea with consistent diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. A recent study has suggested that the increased sensitivity of molecular tools might help in early pathogen identification and guidance of antimicrobial treatment. Most bacterial and protozoan infections are readily curable with appropriate antimicrobial agents; cryptosporidiosis and C. difficile infections may however be complicated by relapsing courses. In addition, identification of enteric viral genomes in stool has further reduced posttransplant diarrhea of unknown origin. Chronic norovirus-related posttransplant diarrhea, arising from the interplay of the virus and immunosuppressive drugs, has emerged as a new challenge in the field. Prospective and controlled studies are necessary to evaluate the efficacy and safety of innovative anti-norovirus therapeutics, as well as optimal immunosuppressive regimens, to enable viral clearance while preventing rejection and donor-specific antibody formation. This review seeks to provide a basis for the design of future clinical prospective studies.
Practical Recommendations for Long-term Management of Modifiable Risks in Kidney and Liver Transplant Recipients: A Guidance Report and Clinical Checklist by the Consensus on Managing Modifiable Risk in Transplantation (COMMIT) Group
Short-term patient and graft outcomes continue to improve after kidney and liver transplantation, with 1-year survival rates over 80%; however, improving longer-term outcomes remains a challenge. Improving the function of grafts and health of recipients would not only enhance quality and length of life, but would also reduce the need for retransplantation, and thus increase the number of organs available for transplant. The clinical transplant community needs to identify and manage those patient modifiable factors, to decrease the risk of graft failure, and improve longer-term outcomes. COMMIT was formed in 2015 and is composed of 20 leading kidney and liver transplant specialists from 9 countries across Europe. The group’s remit is to provide expert guidance for the long-term management of kidney and liver transplant patients, with the aim of improving outcomes by minimizing modifiable risks associated with poor graft and patient survival posttransplant. The objective of this supplement is to provide specific, practical recommendations, through the discussion of current evidence and best practice, for the management of modifiable risks in those kidney and liver transplant patients who have survived the first postoperative year. In addition, the provision of a checklist increases the clinical utility and accessibility of these recommendations, by offering a systematic and efficient way to implement screening and monitoring of modifiable risks in the clinical setting.
B Cell Recruitment Follows Kidney Injury and Maladaptive Repair
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Criteria for and Appropriateness of Renal Transplantation in Elderly Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease: A Literature Review and Position Statement on Behalf of the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association Descartes Working Group and European Renal Best Practice
During the last 20 years, waiting lists for renal transplantation (RT) have grown significantly older. However, elderly patients (ie ≥65 years of age) are still more rarely referred or accepted to waiting lists and, if enlisted, have less chances of actually receiving a kidney allograft, than younger counterparts. In this review, we looked at evidence for the benefits and risks of RT in the elderly trying to answer the following questions: Should RT be advocated for elderly patients? What should be the criteria to accept elderly patients on the waiting list for RT? What strategies might be used to increase the rate of RT in waitlisted elderly candidates? For selected elderly patients, RT was shown to be superior to dialysis in terms of patient survival. Virtually all guidelines recommend that patients should not be deemed ineligible for RT based on age alone, although a short life expectancy generally might preclude RT. Concerning the assessment of comorbidities in the elderly, special attention should be paid to cardiac evaluation and screening for malignancy. Comorbidity scores and frailty assessment scales might help the decision making on eligibility. Psychosocial issues should also be evaluated. To overcome the scarcity of organ donors, elderly RT candidates should be encouraged to consider expanded criteria donors and living donors, as alternatives to deceased standard criteria donors. It has been demonstrated that expanded criteria donor RT in patients 60 years or older is associated with higher survival rates than remaining on dialysis, whereas living donor RT is superior to all other options.
Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Subclinical AMR Is Vital for Improving Clinical Outcomes No abstract available
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