Τρίτη 13 Αυγούστου 2019

Digital Marketing for Private Practice: How to Attract New Patients
Semin Hear 2019; 40: 260-269DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1693493Digital marketing in the hearing profession can be confusing, difficult, and make any private practice owner or manager frustrated with the results they are or are not getting. This article provides a digital marketing plan for getting new patients to contact your office for hearing healthcare services. Patients are confused when researching hearing aids, audiologists, and hearing tests. Some Web sites advertise bypassing licensed professionals,...
Third-Party Payers…. The Silver Bullet?
Semin Hear 2019; 40: 207-213DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1693490Healthcare reform brought about many changes in the healthcare industry including the hearing aid delivery model. Third-party payers (TPPs) became a growing trend with health insurance companies. The traditional hearing aid delivery model changed from provider and patient to provider, TPP, and patient. Due to the insertion of this middle man, profit can be diminished from the hearing aid sale, along with processes. Based on this decrease in revenue,...
Gaining Greater Adherence from Patients for Amplification
Semin Hear 2019; 40: 245-252DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1693491Every audiology curriculum features coursework and clinical practicum experiences on the knowledge and skills necessary to complete a basic audiological evaluation, diagnose the source of any abnormalities, and a plan for intervention. More advanced coursework typically includes information on balance disorders, newborn infant hearing screening, hearing conservation, amplification, and other electrophysiological tests. In addition, most programs...
What Gets Measured Gets Done: Calculating the Value of Professional Service
Semin Hear 2019; 40: 214-219DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1693444In many practices, the role of professional service in the hearing aid delivery process has been obfuscated by the use of bundled pricing models. Emerging direct-to-consumer and third-party administrator hearing aid distribution channels will further challenge practitioners to examine how, and if, they choose to participate with new strategies to increase hearing aid adoption rates. This article focuses on providing a straightforward method for...
Resale Product and Accessory Opportunities for Audiology Practices
Semin Hear 2019; 40: 232-244DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1693448Patients need and/or want access to any number of products, including consumables and durable goods, and accessories as part of their audiology care. Audiologists have an opportunity to offer products and accessories for resale from their clinical office. Several methods for reselling items to established patients including an overview of an ecommerce approach successfully implemented by several individual audiology private practices will be...
Making a Good Hire
Semin Hear 2019; 40: 220-231DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1693446Hiring the right employee is paramount to the success of any business. In 2019, with unemployment rates low and job openings high, hiring anyone might sound good. However, taking the time to find the right employee far outweighs the cost of replacing a bad or desperate hire. This article discusses the interviewing and onboarding process to shift the odds positively in the direction of making a lasting, good hire.[...]Thieme Medical Publishers...
Often Posed Questions (and Answers) Regarding Medicare, Contracting, and Non-Hearing Aid Services
Semin Hear 2019; 40: 253-259DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1693492Medicare Part B provider participation is often met with grumbling and disdain by most health care providers, including audiologists. Other pain points for audiologists likely include insurance contracts, third-party administrators, and the unknown of the future. The dynamic landscape that will include technology and delivery systems was, until recently, mere thoughts on paper and in conference rooms. With the moderate amount of misunderstanding...
Audiology Private Practice: What Students Should Consider
Semin Hear 2019; 40: 270-278DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1693445Students who have graduated from a Doctor of Audiology program are qualified to practice as audiologists as determined by university standards, national examination, and state licensure; however, being qualified to practice audiology does not necessarily mean a person is ready to open a private practice. Students may have had a few business or clinic management courses and may have had the opportunity to rotate through private practices; however,...
Tools for Success in Private Practice
Semin Hear 2019; 40: 205-206DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1693447Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.Article in Thieme eJournals:Table of contents  |  Full text

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