Efficacy and safety of siponimod for multiple sclerosis: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis Background: Multiple sclerosis is the most common demyelinating disease of the central nervous system with serious social and economic burden. Siponimod is a sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor agonist, and clinical trials in the past decade have shown good prospects for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. But there is a lack of comprehensive understanding of the dose–effect relationship and safety in different subtypes of multiple sclerosis at present. Methods: We will perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical randomized controlled trials to evaluate the efficacy and safety of siponimod in multiple sclerosis. We will search PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, Clinical Trials, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) using a comprehensive strategy. The reference lists of the articles we select for inclusion will be checked to identify additional studies for potential inclusion. Two reviewers will review all literature independently. Upon inclusion of articles, another 2 reviewers will extract available data using a standardized form and assess the potential bias. Review Manager will be used to conduct data synthesis. There is no requirement of ethical approval and informed consent. Result: This is the first systematic assessment of siponimod for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. We predict it will provide high-quality synthesis of existing evidence for the efficacy and safety of siponimod for multiple sclerosis and a relatively comprehensive reference for clinical practice and clinical trials about siponimod to be conducted. Conclusion: The results of the systematic review and meta-analysis will provide updated evidence for the use of siponimod for multiple sclerosis. Registration: The systematic review and meta-analysis is registered in the PROSPERO international prospective register of systematic review (PROSPERO#CRD42018112721).
Perioperative combined administration of tranexamic acid and dexamethasone in total knee arthroplasty—benefit versus harm?
Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the benefits and harm of combined administration of tranexamic acid (TXA) and dexamethasone (Dexa) in total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Methods: A total of 88 consecutive patients undergoing TKA for knee osteoarthritis were stratified in 2 groups. All surgeries were performed under general anesthesia. Brief, patients in the TXA + Dexa group (n = 45) received 10 mg Dexa just after the anesthesia, and repeated at 24 hours after the surgery; and patients in the TXA group (n = 43) received 2 ml of normal saline solution at the same time. The measured outcomes were the C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) from preoperatively to postoperatively, and postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), fatigue, range of motion (ROM), length of stay (LOS), and the analgesic and antiemetic rescue consumption Results: The level of CRP and IL-6 in the TXA + Dexa group were lower than that in the TXA group at 24 hours (P < .001, P < .001), 48 hours (P < .001, P < .001), and 72 hours (P < .001, P < .001) after the surgery. The pain scores in the TXA + Dexa group were lower during walking at 24 hours (P < .001), 48 hours (P < .001), and 72 hours (P < .001) and at rest at 24 hours (P = .022) after the surgery. Patients in the TXA + Dexa group had a lower nausea score, the incidence of PONV, fatigue, and the analgesic and antiemetic rescue consumption, and had a greater ROM than that in the TXA group. No significant differences were found in LOS and complications. Conclusion: The combined administration of TXA + Dexa significantly reduced the level of postoperative CRP and IL-6, relieve postoperative pain, ameliorate the incidence of POVN, provide additional analgesic and antiemetic effects, reduce postoperative fatigue, and improve ROM, without increasing the risk of complications in primary TKA.
Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma arising from the kidney: A rare case report
Rationale: Primary renal epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EH) is a rare vascular tumor with intermediate biologic behavior and metastatic potential, and it is extremely rare and has only 4 cases in the current literatures. Patient concerns: We reported a 30-year-old woman who had a 3-month history of gross hematuria and aggravated for half a month. The imaging examination showed a cystic lesion in the mid pole of the left kidney pelvicaliceal. Diagnoses: The diagnosis was confirmed according to the specific anatomical location and pathological examination which was proved as EH. Interventions: The patient underwent ureteroscopy and partial left nephrectomy. Outcomes: Her postoperative condition was good without complications. No clinical evidence of local recurrence or metastatic disease was found during 6 months of follow-up clinical and ultrasound examinations. In addition, laboratory tests, including a urine examination, were normal. Lessons: Renal EH is a rare low-grade malignant tumor with characteristic histological structure. Locally excision has been considered as the optimal treatment and regular follow-up is necessary. Our present study reviewed the clinical and biological information of previous cases which were diagnosed as renal EH and we supplemented more data for further study.
ECG pre-hospital teletransmission by emergency teams staffed with an emergency physician and paramedics and its impact on transportation and hospital admission
Electrocardiography (ECG) is essential to detect and diagnose life threatening cardiac conditions and to determine further treatment. Correct interpretation of an ECG can be challenging, especially in the out-of-hospital setting and by less experienced emergency team members. The aim of this study was to compare the rate of ECG transmission from an out-of-hospital emergency scene to an in-hospital cardiologist on call in EMS-B and EMS-S providers and its impact on direct transportation to a cardiac catheterization laboratory and hospital admission. The study was designed as an observational study. Data from 3 separate emergency medical service teams were collected. Two teams are staffed by paramedics only (EMT-B), while another specialized team is staffed with an emergency physician (EMT-S). 5864 out-of-hospital emergencies were performed during a 12-month period and were analyzed for this study. In 124 out of 5864 (2.1%) out-of-hospital emergencies, an ECG transmission from the out-of-hospital scene to an in-hospital cardiologist on call was performed. Rate of transmission was similar between both teams (EMT-B n = 70, 2.2% vs EMT-S n = 54, 2.0%, P = .054). After coordinating with the cardiologist on call, 11 patients (15.7%) of the EMT-B (15.7%) and 24 patients (44.4%) of the EMT-S were directly transported from the scene of emergency to a cardiac catheterization laboratory (P < .001). Overall, 80% of patients treated by EMT-S, compared to 52.5% treated by the EMT-B required subsequent hospital admission (P < .05). Transmission of ECG from the out-of-hospital emergency scene to the in-hospital cardiologist is infrequently performed. The rate of STEMI in transmitted ECG's by emergency teams staffed with an emergency physician was higher compared to emergency teams staffed with paramedics only.
Pineal region metastasis with intraventricular seeding: A case report and literature review
Introduction: Tumors of the pineal region are rare, and metastatic carcinoma occurring in the pineal region is extremely rare. No previous reports have described pineal region metastasis with intraventricular seeding. Patient concerns: We report a case of a 51-year-old woman presented with a 1-week history of severe headache, nausea, and vomiting. Imaging examination revealed 2 lesions in the pineal region and the right lateral ventricle. Diagnosis: Pinealocytoma or germinoma was considered as the preoperative diagnosis. The postoperative pathological diagnosis was small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma. After bronchoscopic biopsy, small cell lung cancer was confirmed. Interventions: A right frontal craniotomy and a translateral ventricle approach were performed to remove 2 lesions completely. And regular radiotherapy and chemotherapy were initiated after surgery. Outcomes: The patient was discharged from the hospital 2 weeks after operation and went to another cancer hospital for bronchoscopic biopsy, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Finally, the patient died 2 years after surgical treatment. Conclusion: Metastatic tumors of the pineal region are very rare. For patients with pineal lesions, a diagnosis of a metastatic tumor should be considered. Retrograde cerebrospinal fluid circulation might be the reason for a secondary metastasis.
Brain metastases from esophageal cancer: A retrospective analysis of the outcome after surgical resection followed by radiotherapy
Brain metastases deriving from esophageal cancer are very rare with scarce data available concerning these patients’ outcome. We, therefore, evaluated outcome after surgical resection followed by radiotherapy of brain metastasis from esophageal cancer. A retrospective analysis was conducted on consecutive patients undergoing resection of brain metastasis from esophageal cancer in 2 neuro-oncological centers between 2008 and 2018. Clinical and demographic data were retrieved from electronic patient charts. Post-treatment survival was calculated using Kaplan–Meier estimates. Twenty-five patients were identified. Treatment for primary disease comprised neo-adjuvant radio-chemotherapy followed by surgery (64.0%), surgery and adjuvant radio-chemotherapy (8.0%), radio-chemotherapy only (24.0%), and 1 patient receiving esophageal stenting only. Median time interval since initial diagnosis was 16 (range 0–110) months. All but 1 brain lesion were neurologically symptomatic and median Karnofsky performance score improved postoperatively from 70 to 80. After resection of brain metastases patients received whole-brain (n = 13 (52.0%)) or local fractionated (n = 9 (36.0%)) radiotherapy. In 2 patients adjuvant treatment was impeded by clinical deterioration; 1 patient refused radiotherapy. By the time of analysis 22 patients had died. Median survival after brain metastasis was 6 (95% CI 0.5–11.6) months. Survival after resection of metastasis from esophageal cancer is poor compared to other tumor entities. Nevertheless, resection of symptomatic brain metastases may improve clinical status in the context of a palliative concept.
Antecolic reconstruction is associated with a lower incidence of delayed gastric emptying compared to retrocolic technique after Whipple or pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy
Background: The aim of present study is to investigate the relationship between the antecolic (AC) route of gastrojejunostomy (GJ) after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) or duodenojejunostomy (DJ) reconstruction after pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy (PPPD), and the incidence of delayed gastric emptying (DGE). Methods: An electronic search of 4 databases to identify all articles comparing AC and retrocolic (RC) reconstruction after PD or PPPD was performed. Results: Fifteen studies involving 2270 patients were included for final pooled analysis. The overall incidence of DGE was 27.2%. Meta-analysis results showed AC group had lower incidence of DGE (odds ratio, 0.29; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.16–0.52, P < .0001) and shorter hospital length of stay (weight mean difference, −3.29; 95% CI, −5.2 to −1.39, P = .0007). Days until to liquid and solid diet in the AC group were also significantly earlier than that in the RC group (P = .0006 and P < .0001). There was no difference in operative time, incidence of pancreatic fistula and bile leakage, and mortality, respectively. Conclusions: AC route of GJ after PD or DJ after PPPD is associated with a lower incidence of DGE. However, the preferred route for GJ or DJ reconstruction remains to be investigated in well-powered, randomized, controlled trial.
A unique fatal case of Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome caused by Proteus mirabilis in an immunocompetent subject: Case report and literature analysis
Introduction: The Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome (WFS), also known as purpura fulminans, is a potentially lethal condition described as acute hemorrhagic necrosis of the adrenal glands. It is often caused by infection. Classically, Neisseriae meningitidis represents the main microorganism related to WFS, although, infrequently, also other infectious agents are reported as a possible etiologic agent. The authors report the first case of death due to Proteus mirabilis infection, with postmortem evidence of WFS. Patient concerns: After a facial trauma that provoked a wound on the nose, the subject, a healthy 40-years old man, was conducted to the local hospital (in Sicily, Italy) after the primary care he was discharged. Subsequently, after 2 days of general malaise, he returned to the hospital due to the worsening of the clinical condition. During the hospitalization, hypotension, and neurological impairment appeared; the laboratory analysis showed leukocytosis and the alteration of renal, hepatic and coagulative parameters. Microbiological blood analysis resulted positive for a P mirabilis infection. Diagnosis: Multiorgan failure (MOF) with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) due to sepsis was diagnosed. Interventions: The practitioners administered intensive support, antibiotic therapy, antithrombin III, vitamin K, and plasma. Outcomes: After 3 days the subject died. The autopsy and the microscopic investigation were performed revealing, also, the adrenal diffuse micronodular hyperplasia associated with a cortico-medullary hemorrhagic apoplexy. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first case of MOF with WFS due to P mirabilis infection. This case report suggests that P mirabilis should be added to the list of unusual bacteria causing WFS. Furthermore, it supports the theory that any bacterium which causes DIC may cause adrenal hemorrhage and should suggest to clinicians the importance to consider a potential adrenal involvement in every patient with sepsis and DIC.
Correlation between CCL2, CALCA, and CX3CL1 gene polymorphisms and chronic pain after cesarean section in Chinese Han women: A case control study
Objective: Postoperative chronic pain is characterized by high incidence, long duration, and complex pathogenesis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between the single nucleotide polymorphisms of the CCL2 gene rs4586 (g.5974T>C), CALCA rs3781719 (−692T>C), CX3CL1 rs614230 (2342C>T), and the risk of postoperative chronic pain in Chinese Han women. Methods: We analyzed the CCL2 gene rs4586, CALCA rs3781719, CX3CL1 rs614230 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) of 350 Chinese Han women with chronic postsurgical pain (CPSP) 6 months after cesarean section and 350 healthy women without chronic pain (HC). The levels of CCL2, CALCA, and CX3CL1 in serum were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: The CCL2 rs4586 T allele and the CX3CL1 gene rs614230C allele were protective factors for CPSP risk (adjusted OR = 0.766, 95% CI: 0.675–0.865 and OR = 0.336, 95% CI: 0.644–0.835). The CALCA gene rs3781719C allele was a risk factor for CPSP (adjusted OR = 1.273, 95% CI: 1.125–1.424). CCL2 rs4586, CX3CL1 gene rs614230, and CALCA gene rs3781719 locus gene polymorphisms were associated with serum CCL2, CX3CL1, and CALCA protein levels. Conclusion: Our results support that CCL2 gene rs4586, CALCA rs3781719, CX3CL1 rs614230 gene polymorphism are associated with the occurrence of chronic pain after cesarean section in Chinese Han women.
Evaluation of nutritional status and prognostic impact assessed by the prognostic nutritional index in children with chronic kidney disease
To evaluate the nutritional status of children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) before dialysis via a series of indexes, and investigate the prognostic impact of nutritional status in these patients assessed by the Prognostic Nutritional Index (PNI). Fifty-four children with CKD before dialysis were enrolled in this study. The nutritional status was evaluated by different indexes, including dietary intake, anthropometry data and biochemical parameters. Additionally, PNI is calculated as 10 × serum albumin (g/dL) + 0.005 × lymphocyte count (/mm3). Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of patients with different PNI scores was followed up. Thirty-four patients (63.0%) experienced unreasonable dietary intake, and the patients with CKD stage 4 were characterized by lower energy intake. The height was the most affected anthropometry parameter. Additionally, 46 patients (85.2%) suffered from anemia. The serum albumin of 42 patients (77.8%) was <35 g/L, while 34 cases (63.0%) had increased cholesterol and triglyceride. According to the PNI scores, the patients were divided into 3 groups: high-PNI (PNI ≥ 38), middle-PNI (35 ≤ PNI < 38), and low-PNI (PNI < 35). Of the 54 patients, the PNI was <35 in 29 (53.7%) and ≥38 in 13 (24.1%). The patients with CKD stage 4 were belonged to the low-PNI group. At follow-up, GFR decreased significantly in patients with low-PNI scores compared with the high-PNI group (P < .05). Malnutrition, as a common complication of CKD, has a prognostic impact in children with CKD before dialysis, as assessed by the PNI score.
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