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Τρίτη 6 Αυγούστου 2019

Extended evaluation of the efficacy of a proactive forced oscillation technique-based auto-CPAP algorithm
Abstract Purpose Previous studies revealed substantially varying therapy efficacy of automatic continuous positive airway pressure (APAP) devices in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). We evaluated the efficacy of a new APAP device using the forced oscillation technique (FOT) to evaluate upper airway obstruction during apneas and flow contour analyses during hypopneas. ...
Latest Results for Sleep and Breathing
Sleep-related symptoms and brain morphological changes in older adults
Publication date: Available online 5 August 2019Source: Sleep MedicineAuthor(s): Oscar H. Del Brutto
Sleep Medicine
Greater Social Jetlag Associates with Higher HbA1c in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: A Cross Sectional Study
Publication date: Available online 5 August 2019Source: Sleep MedicineAuthor(s): Rachael M. Kelly, Jacinta Finn, Ultan Healy, Dervla Gallen, Seamus Sreenan, John H. McDermott, Andrew N. CooganAbstractBackground/Objectives: Later chronotype has been associated with poorer glycemic control in type 2 diabetes. It is unclear whether this is a direct relationship, or if personality factors or social jetlag (chronic circadian misalignment reflecting the discrepancy between the entrained phase of the circadian...
Sleep Medicine
Insomnia identity and its correlates in adolescents
Abstract Objective Insomnia identity, defined as a conviction that one has insomnia, is a cognitive appraisal process that influences help-seeking, diagnosis, and treatment of insomnia. Previous studies in adults showed that about 50% of poor sleepers did not label themselves as having insomnia, while 10% of good sleepers endorsed insomnia identity. This analysis aimed to examine the proportions and characteristics of complaining and noncomplaining...
Latest Results for Sleep and Breathing

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