Δευτέρα 19 Αυγούστου 2019

Head & Neck Early View Online Version of Record before inclusion in an issue


Gender disparities are present in academic rank and leadership positions despite overall equivalence in research productivity indices among senior members of American Head and Neck Society (AHNS) Fellowship Faculty
Meghan E. Garstka MD, MS, Gregory W. Randolph MD, Antoine B. Haddad MD, Cherie‐Ann O. Nathan MD, Kareem Ibraheem MD, Mahmoud Farag MD, Neal Deot BS, Hania Adib MS, Marcus Hoof BS, Kaley French BS, Mary T. Killackey MD, Emad Kandil MD, MBA
Version of Record online: 16 August 2019


Serious immune‐related adverse events in patients with head and neck cancer after checkpoint blockade: Systematic review
Mohsin Shah MD, Mona K. Jomaa MD, PhD, Renata Ferrarotto MD, PhD, Sai‐Ching J. Yeung MD, PhD, Ehab Y. Hanna MD, Cielito C. Reyes‐Gibby DrPH
Version of Record online: 15 August 2019


Absence of disruptive TP53 mutations in high‐risk human papillomavirus‐driven neck squamous cell carcinoma of unknown primary
Paolo Boscolo‐Rizzo MD, Lea Schroeder PhD, Valeria Sacchetto PhD, Dana Holzinger PhD, Maria Cristina Da Mosto MD, Giancarlo Tirelli MD, Elisa Dal Cin MD, Monica Mantovani MD, Anna Menegaldo MD, Annarosa Del Mistro MD, Salvatore Romeo MD, PhD, Angelo Paolo Dei Tos MD, Monia Niero PhD, Stefania Rigo MD, Gerhard Dyckhoff MD, Jochen Hess PhD, Laia Alemany PhD, Miquel Quer MD, Xavier León MD, Jerry Polesel PhD, Michael Pawlita MD, Roberta Bertorelle PhD
Version of Record online: 15 August 2019


The impact of treatment package time on locoregional control for HPV+ oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma treated with surgery and postoperative (chemo)radiation
Hann‐Hsiang Chao MD PhD, Caitlin A. Schonewolf MD, Erik X. Tan BS, Samuel Swisher‐McClure MD, Alireza F. Ghiam MD, Gregory S. Weinstein MD, Bert W. O'Malley MD Jr, Ara A. Chalian MD, Christopher H. Rassekh MD, Jason G. Newman MD, Roger B. Cohen MD, Joshua M. Bauml MD, Charu Aggarwal MD MPH, Alexander Lin MD, John N. Lukens MD
Version of Record online: 14 August 2019


Malnutrition evaluation in head and neck cancer patients: Practice patterns among otolaryngologists and radiation oncologists
Amarbir S. Gill MD, Michael Kinzinger MD, Arnaud F. Bewley MD, D. Gregory Farwell MD, Michael G. Moore MD
Version of Record online: 12 August 2019


Effects of jaw exercise intervention timing on outcomes following oral and oropharyngeal cancer surgery: Pilot study
Mykayla L. Sandler BA, Cathy L. Lazarus PhD, Meng Ru MS, Kayvon F. Sharif BA, Lauren E. Yue BA, Martha J. Griffin BA, Ilya Likhterov MD, Raymond L. Chai MD, Daniel Buchbinder MD, Mark L. Urken MD, FACE, FACS, Cindy Ganz MS, CCC‐SLP
Version of Record online: 12 August 2019


Surgical approaches for infratemporal fossa tumor resection: Fifteen years' experience of a single center
Daniel Yafit MD, Irit Duek MD, Sara Abu‐Ghanem MD MMedSc, Omer J. Ungar MD, Anat Wengier MD, Helena Moshe‐Levyn MD, Ravit Yanko‐Arzi MD, Arik Zaretski MD, Nevo Margalit MD, Avraham Abergel MD, Nidal Muhanna MD, Dan M. Fliss MD
Version of Record online: 12 August 2019


Positive survival trend in metastatic head and neck cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma over four‐decades: Multicenter study
Shaheen Hasmat MD, BMed, Ardalan Ebrahimi MBBS (Hons), MPH, FRACS, Peter P. Luk BMedSc, MBBS, FRCPA, PhD, Tsu‐Hui (Hubert) Low MBBS (Hons), BSc Med, FRACS, Lachlan McDowell MBBS, FRANZCR, Matthew J. R. Magarey BMed, FRACS, Michael Veness MMed, MD, FRANZCR, Ruta Gupta MBBS, MD, FRCPA, Jonathan Clark MBBS, BSc (Med), FRACS, MBiostat
Version of Record online: 12 August 2019

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