Τρίτη 13 Αυγούστου 2019

Journal of Surgical Oncology
Early View

Online Version of Record before inclusion in an issue


Duodenal GI stromal tumors: Is radical resection necessary?
Abhineet Uppal MD, Mansen Wang PhD, Trevan Fischer MD, Melanie Goldfarb MD, MSc
Version of Record online: 10 August 2019
 Open Access


Prognostic factors and survival in MEN1 patients with gastrinomas: Results from the DutchMEN study group (DMSG)
Dirk‐Jan van Beek MD, Sjoerd Nell MD, PhD, Carolina R.C. Pieterman MD, PhD, Wouter W. de Herder MD, PhD, Annenienke C. van de Ven MD, PhD, Olaf M. Dekkers MD, PhD, Anouk N. van der Horst‐Schrivers MD, PhD, Madeleine L. Drent MD, PhD, Peter H. Bisschop MD, PhD, Bas Havekes MD, PhD, Inne H. M. Borel Rinkes MD, PhD, Menno R. Vriens MD, PhD, Gerlof D. Valk MD, PhD
Version of Record online: 10 August 2019


MRI does not predict pathologic complete response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer
Stephen F. Sener MD, Rachel E. Sargent MD, Connie Lee MD, Tejas Manchandia MD, Vivian Le‐Tran DO, Yuliya Olimpiadi MD, Nicole Zaremba MD, Andrew Alabd, Maria Nelson MD, Julie E. Lang MD
Version of Record online: 09 August 2019


Prognostic factors influencing survival in small bowel neuroendocrine tumor with liver metastases
Nicholas Manguso MD, Nicholas Nissen MD, Andrew Hendifar MD, Attiya Harit MS, James Mirocha MS, Marc Friedman MD, H. Gabriel Lipshutz MD, Farin Amersi MD
Version of Record online: 08 August 2019


Preventive effects of a synthetic absorbable antiadhesive film (seprafilm) on small bowel obstruction in patients who underwent elective surgery for colon cancer: A randomized controlled trial
Gota Saito MD, PhD, Sotaro Sadahiro MD, PhD, Takashi Ogimi MD, Hiroshi Miyakita MD, PhD, Kazutake Okada MD, PhD, Akira Tanaka MD, PhD, Toshiyuki Suzuki MD, PhD
Version of Record online: 07 August 2019


Interaction of race and pathology for neuroendocrine tumors: Epidemiology, natural history, or racial disparity?
Danielle K. DePalo MD, Rachel M. Lee MD, MSPH, Alexandra G. Lopez‐Aguiar MD, MS, Adriana C. Gamboa MD, Flavio Rocha MD, George Poultsides MD, Mary Dillhoff MD, Ryan C. Fields MD, Kamran Idrees MD, Hari Nathan MD, Daniel Abbott MD, Shishir K. Maithel MD, Maria C. Russell MD, other members of the United States Neuroendocrine Tumor Study Group
Version of Record online: 06 August 2019


Surgical treatment for pelvic Ewing sarcoma: What is a safe and functional acetabular reconstruction when combined with modern multidisciplinary treatments?
Tomohiro Fujiwara MD, PhD, Johnathan R. Lex MD, Jonathan D. Stevenson MD, FRCS, Yusuke Tsuda MD, PhD, Rhys Clark MD, Michael C. Parry MD, FRCS, Robert J. Grimer DSc, FRCS, Lee M. Jeys MD, FRCS
Version of Record online: 05 August 2019


Review of preclinical and clinical studies of using cell‐based therapy for secondary lymphedema
Ching‐En Chen MD, Nai‐Jung Chiang MD, Cherng‐Kang Perng MD, PhD, Hsu Ma MD, PhD, Chih‐Hsun Lin MD, PhD
Version of Record online: 05 August 2019

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