Δευτέρα 5 Αυγούστου 2019

Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,

Prospects for pharmacotherapies to treat alcohol use disorder: an update on recent human studies Purpose...
Prospects for pharmacotherapies to treat alcohol use disorder: an update on recent human studiesPurpose of review The aim of this study was to provide an update on medication development efforts for alcohol use disorder (AUD) by reviewing recently published (past 2 years) human studies that evaluated medications' effects on alcohol-related outcomes. Recent findings Forty-five publications were found suitable for this review. A variety of compounds have been tested in the past 2 years as potential...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Improved Patient Flow and Provider Efficiency After the Implementation of an Electronic Health Record...
Improved Patient Flow and Provider Efficiency After the Implementation of an Electronic Health RecordElectronic health records are used widely across the nation in many different types of healthcare facilities. Electronic health record systems can provide more accurate and complete information about a patient's health, improve patient safety, and improve patient care. The purpose of this project is to evaluate a provider efficiency and workflow program at a hospital-owned, freestanding urgent care...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Cardiovascular Medicine
Routine cardiac troponin assessment after percutaneous coronary intervention: useful or hype?Although the angiographic and procedural success of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is now very high, some severe complications may still develop, including periprocedural myocardial infarction (MI). An accurate diagnosis of this condition is essential for guiding the clinical management, as these patients may need a tailored management. The current recommendations for diagnosing periprocedural myocardial...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Ultra-Protective Ventilation Reduces Biotrauma in Patients on Venovenous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation...
Ultra-Protective Ventilation Reduces Biotrauma in Patients on Venovenous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeIntroduction: Ventilator settings for patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome supported by venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation are currently set arbitrarily. The impact on serum and pulmonary biotrauma markers of the transition to ultra-protective ventilation settings following extracorporeal membrane oxygenation implantation,...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Routine cardiac troponin assessment after percutaneous coronary intervention: useful or hype? Although...
Routine cardiac troponin assessment after percutaneous coronary intervention: useful or hype?Although the angiographic and procedural success of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is now very high, some severe complications may still develop, including periprocedural myocardial infarction (MI). An accurate diagnosis of this condition is essential for guiding the clinical management, as these patients may need a tailored management. The current recommendations for diagnosing periprocedural myocardial...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Responding to the Changing Face of the Social Determinants of Health The social determinants of health...
Responding to the Changing Face of the Social Determinants of HealthThe social determinants of health (SDoH) are at the top of every health care organization's priority list. The ability to respond to these nonclinical client needs is driving the financial sustainability, if not survivability, of facilities and programs across the globe. Although a number of traditional populations have been long identified with the SDoH, the face of those clients and communities is changing. With these demographic...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
'Googling' anaphylaxis Purpose of review Anaphylaxis is a systemic allergic reaction and without the...
'Googling' anaphylaxisPurpose of review Anaphylaxis is a systemic allergic reaction and without the appropriate treatment can progress fast and may be fatal. Information about allergy and immunology topics including anaphylaxis can be easily found online and are widely searched by patients as well as medical personnel. Social media and search engines not only bring a number of benefits to users but also carry risks for breaches of confidentiality and privacy, unprofessional behaviour, malpractice...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Molecular Medicine Reports - Volume:20 Number:3 Spandidos Publications
Current advances in the study of diabetic cardiomyopathy: From clinicopathological features to molecular therapeutics (Review)Lin Sun, Ming Yu, Tong Zhou, Siwen Zhang, Guangyu He, Guixia Wang, Xiaokun GangView Abstract ❯Identification of a thymus microRNA‑mRNA regulatory network in Down syndromeMiao Chai, Liju Su, Xiaolei Hao, Meng Zhang, Lihui Zheng, Jiabing Bi, Xiao Han, Chunbo GaoView Abstract ❯Identification of differentially expressed genes in hip cartilage with femoral head necrosis, based on...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Cardiology  A Summary of Recently Published Activity PERSPECTIVE Combating EPA Rollbacks — Health...
Cardiology A Summary of Recently Published ActivityPERSPECTIVECombating EPA Rollbacks — Health Care's Response to a Retreat on ClimateG. McCarthy and A. BernsteinN Engl J Med, July 24, 2019ORIGINAL ARTICLEEffect of Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure on Cardiovascular OutcomesA.C. Flint and OthersN Engl J Med 381:243, July 18, 2019A Multicenter Trial of Vena Cava Filters in Severely Injured PatientsK.M. Ho and OthersN Engl J Med 381:328, July 25, 2019CME Quick TakeRituximab or Cyclosporine in the...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Dermatology  A Summary of Recently Published Activity IMAGES IN CLINICAL MEDICINE Cutaneous Ulcerations...
Dermatology A Summary of Recently Published ActivityIMAGES IN CLINICAL MEDICINECutaneous Ulcerations in Anti-MDA5 DermatomyositisA. Charrow and R.A. VleugelsN Engl J Med 381:465, August 1, 2019CORRESPONDENCETofacitinib in Amyopathic Dermatomyositis–Associated Interstitial Lung DiseaseZ. Chen and OthersN Engl J Med 381:291, July 18, 2019
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Emergency Medicine  A Summary of Recently Published Activity PERSPECTIVE Toppling the Ethical Balance...
Emergency Medicine A Summary of Recently Published ActivityPERSPECTIVEToppling the Ethical Balance — Health Care Refusal and the Trump AdministrationE. SepperN Engl J Med, July 31, 2019A "Never Event" That Could Kill MillionsM. BivensN Engl J Med 381:203, July 18, 2019Taking NoteR. RushN Engl J Med 381:9, July 4, 2019ORIGINAL ARTICLEA Multicenter Trial of Vena Cava Filters in Severely Injured PatientsK.M. Ho and OthersN Engl J Med 381:328, July 25, 2019CME Quick TakeREVIEW ARTICLEDrug-Induced Liver...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Predicting radiation dosimetric distribution in different regions of the jaw in patients receiving...
Predicting radiation dosimetric distribution in different regions of the jaw in patients receiving radiotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsilChiaojung Jillian Tsai MD, PhD  Nipun Verma MD, PhD  Adepitan A. Owosho BChD  Patrick Hilden MS Jonathan Leeman MD  SaeHee Yom DDS, MPH  Joseph M. Huryn DDS … See all authorsFirst published: 05 August 2019 https://doi.org/10.1002/hed.25883Chiaojung Jillian Tsai and Nipun Verma are co‐first authors.Funding information: National Institute of Health...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Head & Neck  Early View Online Version of Record before inclusion in an issue ORIGINAL ARTICLESMicroscopic...
Head & Neck Early ViewOnline Version of Record before inclusion in an issueORIGINAL ARTICLESMicroscopic tumor invasion of contralateral mucosa in cancer involving unilateral septumGurston Nyquist MD, Chandala Chitguppi MD, Allison Keane MD, Erin Reilly MD, Ian Koszewski MD, Mehri Mollaee MD, Sanjeet Rangarajan MD, Mindy Rabinowitz MD, Marc Rosen MD, Madalina Tuluc MD, PhDVersion of Record online: 01 August 2019CLINICAL REVIEWSTransoral robotic surgery for head and neck malignancies: Imaging features...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
The role of rehabilitation in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension Purpose of review The current...
The role of rehabilitation in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertensionPurpose of review The current review summarizes the latest evidence of the effects of exercise training for pulmonary hypertension patients demonstrated by six randomized controlled trails and 20 further studies. As the availability of exercise training is still limited it is important to raise awareness of the body of evidence showing the benefit for the patients and the limitations. Recent findings The effects of exercise...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Endocrinology  A Summary of Recently Published Activity PERSPECTIVE Combating EPA Rollbacks — Health...
Endocrinology A Summary of Recently Published ActivityPERSPECTIVECombating EPA Rollbacks — Health Care's Response to a Retreat on ClimateG. McCarthy and A. BernsteinN Engl J Med, July 24, 2019ORIGINAL ARTICLEC-Type Natriuretic Peptide Analogue Therapy in Children with AchondroplasiaR. Savarirayan and OthersN Engl J Med 381:25, July 4, 2019IMAGES IN CLINICAL MEDICINEMucosal NeuromasA.R. Scott and R.A. ComptonN Engl J Med 381:e5, July 18, 2019INTERACTIVE MEDICAL CASEBad to the BoneJ.L. Crombie and...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Gastroenterology  A Summary of Recently Published Activity PERSPECTIVE Taking Note R. Rush N Engl...
Gastroenterology A Summary of Recently Published ActivityPERSPECTIVETaking NoteR. RushN Engl J Med 381:9, July 4, 2019REVIEW ARTICLEDrug-Induced Liver Injury — Types and PhenotypesJ.H. Hoofnagle and E.S. BjörnssonN Engl J Med 381:264, July 18, 2019CMEIMAGES IN CLINICAL MEDICINEPneumoperitoneum from a Gastric PerforationA. Masson and G. CheronN Engl J Med 381:75, July 4, 2019CORRESPONDENCEEuropean Echinococcus multilocularis Identified in Patients in CanadaA. Massolo and OthersN Engl J Med 381:384,...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Sarcopenia: looking to muscle mass to better manage pancreatic cancer patients Purpose of review Overall...
Sarcopenia: looking to muscle mass to better manage pancreatic cancer patientsPurpose of review Overall survival of patients with pancreatic cancer is strongly conditioned by tumor biology and the incidence of malnutrition and metabolic disorders. In this landscape, the assessment of body composition is crucial to properly manage the clinical implications of muscle wasting. The pathogenesis of this condition is the result of a complex interplay between cancer and the host. In particular, sarcopenia...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Genetics  A Summary of Recently Published Activity ORIGINAL ARTICLE C-Type Natriuretic Peptide Analogue...
Genetics A Summary of Recently Published ActivityORIGINAL ARTICLEC-Type Natriuretic Peptide Analogue Therapy in Children with AchondroplasiaR. Savarirayan and OthersN Engl J Med 381:25, July 4, 2019REVIEW ARTICLEFrontiers in Medicine: Gene TherapyK.A. High and M.G. RoncaroloN Engl J Med 381:455, August 1, 2019Audio | Interactive/Multimedia | CommentsFrontiers in Medicine: Genetic Variation, Comparative Genomics, and the Diagnosis of DiseaseE.E. EichlerN Engl J Med 381:64, July 4, 2019Video | Audio | CommentsIMAGES...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Infection in xenotransplantation: opportunities and challenges Purpose of review Posttransplantation...
Infection in xenotransplantation: opportunities and challengesPurpose of review Posttransplantation infections are common. It is anticipated that infection will be no less common in xenotransplantation recipients. Prolonged xenograft survivals have resulted from advances in immunosuppressive strategies and development of swine that decrease host immune responses via genetic manipulation, notably CRISPR/cas9 manipulation. As prospects for clinical trials improve, consideration of the unique infectious...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Geriatrics/Aging  A Summary of Recently Published Activity PERSPECTIVE Toppling the Ethical Balance...
Geriatrics/Aging A Summary of Recently Published ActivityPERSPECTIVEToppling the Ethical Balance — Health Care Refusal and the Trump AdministrationE. SepperN Engl J Med, July 31, 2019Combating EPA Rollbacks — Health Care's Response to a Retreat on ClimateG. McCarthy and A. BernsteinN Engl J Med, July 24, 2019Postacute Care — The Piggy Bank for Savings in Alternative Payment Models?M.L. Barnett and OthersN Engl J Med 381:302, July 25, 2019
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Hematology/Oncology  A Summary of Recently Published Activity PERSPECTIVE Combating EPA Rollbacks...
Hematology/Oncology A Summary of Recently Published ActivityPERSPECTIVECombating EPA Rollbacks — Health Care's Response to a Retreat on ClimateG. McCarthy and A. BernsteinN Engl J Med, July 24, 2019A Most Reckless Proposal — A Plan to Continue Asbestos Use in the United StatesP.J. Landrigan and R.A. LemenN Engl J Med, July 10, 2019ORIGINAL ARTICLERoxadustat for Anemia in Patients with Kidney Disease Not Receiving DialysisN. Chen and OthersN Engl J Med, July 24, 2019Roxadustat Treatment for Anemia...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Allergy/Immunology  A Summary of Recently Published Activity ORIGINAL ARTICLE Rituximab or Cyclosporine...
Allergy/Immunology A Summary of Recently Published ActivityORIGINAL ARTICLERituximab or Cyclosporine in the Treatment of Membranous NephropathyF.C. Fervenza and OthersN Engl J Med 381:36, July 4, 2019Brief Report: Kelch-like Protein 11 Antibodies in Seminoma-Associated Paraneoplastic EncephalitisC. Mandel-Brehm and OthersN Engl J Med 381:47, July 4, 2019CLINICAL PRACTICEChronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal PolypsC. HopkinsN Engl J Med 381:55, July 4, 2019CME | Full Text AudioREVIEW ARTICLEHemolytic...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
Molecules, Vol. 24, Pages 2837: Bioavailability and Bioactivity of Encapsulated Phenolics and Carotenoids Isolated from Red Pepper WasteMolecules, Vol. 24, Pages 2837: Bioavailability and Bioactivity of Encapsulated Phenolics and Carotenoids Isolated from Red Pepper Waste Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules24152837 Authors: Jelena Vulić Vanja Šeregelj Ana Kalušević Steva Lević Viktor Nedović Vesna Tumbas Šaponjac Jasna Čanadanović-Brunet Gordana Ćetković In order to deactivate the health properties...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
Australasian Journal of Dermatology Early View Online Version of Record before inclusion in an issue...Australasian Journal of DermatologyEarly ViewOnline Version of Record before inclusion in an issueLetters to the EditorsCase LetterFlare of palmoplantar psoriasis with ustekinumabBenjamin S. Daniel, Chris Baker, Peter FoleyVersion of Record online: 01 August 2019Original ResearchAtopic dermatitis in adults: An Australian management consensusSaxon Smith, Christopher Baker, Kurt Gebauer, Diana Rubel, Brad...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
MDPI JournalsIJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 2759: Impact of Carers' Smoking Status on Childhood Obesity in the Growing up in Ireland Cohort StudyIJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 2759: Impact of Carers' Smoking Status on Childhood Obesity in the Growing up in Ireland Cohort Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph16152759 Authors: Salome Sunday Zubair Kabir Childhood obesity is a growing concern worldwide. The association between childhood obesity and maternal smoking...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Cancer Letters
Adoptive CD8+ T cell therapy against cancer:Challenges and opportunitiesPublication date: 10 October 2019Source: Cancer Letters, Volume 462Author(s): Xiaotao Jiang, Jiang Xu, Mingfeng Liu, Hui Xing, Zhiming Wang, Lei Huang, Andrew L. Mellor, Wei Wang, Sha WuAbstractCancer immunotherapy is a new and promising option for cancer treatment. Unlike traditional chemo- and radiotherapy, immunotherapy actives host immune system to attack malignancies, and this potentially offers long-term protection from...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Internal and Emergency Medicine
Progressive splenomegaly and mild thrombocytosis in beta-thalassaemia trait and coexisting hereditary hemochromatosis: possible confounders for a subsequent hematological diagnosisAcute pericarditis or a systemic disease with pleuropulmonary involvement?Utility of intestinal ultrasound in the diagnosis and short-term follow-up of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced enteropathyIs vitamin D deficiency predictor of complications development in patients with HCV-related cirrhosis?Unusual radiographic...
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Elafonisi Beach Crete Greece
Alexandros SfakianakisAnapafseos 5 . Agios NikolaosCrete.Greece.7210028410261826948891480alsfakia@gmail.com
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης

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