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Τρίτη 6 Αυγούστου 2019

Pregnancy-associated breast cancer: A review of 47 women
Publication date: Available online 5 August 2019
Source: Clinical Imaging
Author(s): Fusun Taskin, Yasemin Polat, İbrahim H. Erdoğdu, Aykut Soyder
Pregnancy-associated breast cancer (PABC) is a rare disease. However, its expected incidence tends to be increased because of delayed maternal age. The purpose of this study was to describe the clinical, radiological, and histopathological characteristics of PABC cases diagnosed in our center.
The clinical-radiological findings and histopathological characteristics of patients diagnosed and treated with PABC at our institution between January 2011 and January 2017 were retrospectively evaluated.
Mammography and ultrasonography were performed in all patients. MRI examination was performed in 18 patients. Nine (19.1%) out of 47 patients were diagnosed with breast cancer during pregnancy, and 38 (80.9%) were in their first year after delivery. The most frequent finding (95.7%) during imaging was one or more masses. Mammography-detected pure or accompanying microcalcifications were found in 12 (25.5%) patients. MRI detected additional multifocal and multicentric disease in 14 (29.8%) patients and contralateral cancer in one (2.1%) patient.
Pregnancy-related breast cancer tends to be diagnosed in an advanced stage with poor prognosis. Any breast abnormalities observed in this period should alert clinicians, and a meticulous radiological evaluation is mandatory. The early diagnosis of this disease would increase the chances of successful treatment.

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