Τετάρτη 4 Μαρτίου 2020

Environment based virtual interaction to enhance motivation of STEM education: The qualitative interview design and analysis
Abstract The development of ICT has led to the use of simulation and visualisation (S&V) in various domains as a useful virtual interactive tool. Although there are many discussions and related studies on the relevancy of S&V in current applications, the tools and methods proposed do not sufficiently meet the needs of the different and dynamic users today. A literature study has identified five main components that may influence the STEM motivation among school children...
Latest Results for Education and Information Technologies
Sun Mar 01, 2020 02:00
Quality of service acceptance in cloud service utilization: An empirical study in Palestinian higher education institutions
Abstract Cloud service is an emerging technology in Higher education institutions (HEIs). However, while providing this technology, quality of service (QoS) not given sufficiently important attention especially from the HEIs and decision makers. In this research, previous QoS models and frameworks are reviewed of researches done in this field are presented. It necessary to monitor, and evaluate QoS acceptance variables of cloud service to provide accurate information for HEIs....
Latest Results for Education and Information Technologies
Sun Mar 01, 2020 02:00
Framework design of university communication model (UCOM) to enhance continuous intentions in teaching and e-learning process
Abstract The technology enhancement learning (TEL) needs continuous use and high perception from learners with collaborative of technologies and multi-media applications. The problem of continuous intention in e-learning applications relies on the type of technology used that changes from one university to another. This study aims to design a framework developed from University Communication Model (UCOM) model to enhance the teaching and learning process of universities. This...
Latest Results for Education and Information Technologies
Sun Mar 01, 2020 02:00
Novel approach for adaptive flipped classroom based on learning management system
Abstract Today with the technology development, the learning activity takes some different methods and approaches. Among these approaches, we can talk about virtual learning using the learning management systems and the flipped classroom concept. Moodle platform represents one of these systems. The limitation of this Platform is the lack of an integrated adaptive mechanism to manage the students’ learning process. In this paper, we present a model that can be combined with the...
Latest Results for Education and Information Technologies
Sun Mar 01, 2020 02:00
Lipoprotein insulin resistance score and branched-chain amino acids increase after adrenalectomy for unilateral aldosterone-producing adenoma: a preliminary study
Abstract Background and aims Primary aldosteronism (PA) due to unilateral aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA) is preferentially treated by unilateral adrenalectomy (ADX), but little is known about the changes in lipid and glucose metabolism that may occur after ADX. Methods We studied 19 non-diabetic patients who did not use lipid-lowering drugs with...
Latest Results for Endocrine
Wed Mar 04, 2020 02:00

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