Τρίτη 13 Αυγούστου 2019

Breast Imaging 
In women with clinically node-positive breast cancer who undergo neoadjuvant chemotherapy, a predictive model that incorporates clinical-pathologic features, changes in size of the primary tumor, and axillary lymphadenopathy at examinations after treatment was able to identify those patients who will achieve axillary pathologic complete response and be suitable candidates for sentinel lymph node biopsy.    
Rihyeon Kim, Jung Min Chang...Woo Kyung Moon 
For digital breast tomosynthesis compared with digital mammography, true-positive rates were higher and false-positive rates were lower for all volumetric breast density categories and age groups (ages 50–69 years), except for extremely dense breasts.    
Bjørn Helge Østerås, Anne Catrine T. Martinsen...Per Skaane 

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