Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1224: Disulfiram Overcomes Cisplatin Resistance in Human Embryonal Carcinoma CellsCancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1224: Disulfiram Overcomes Cisplatin Resistance in Human Embryonal Carcinoma Cells Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers11091224 Authors: Silvia Schmidtova Katarina Kalavska Katarina Gercakova Zuzana Cierna Svetlana Miklikova Bozena Smolkova Verona Buocikova Viera Miskovska Erika Durinikova Monika Burikova Michal Chovanec Miroslava Matuskova Michal Mego Lucia Kucerova Cisplatin re- "Malays J Pathol"[jour]; +18 new citations18 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: "Malays J Pathol"[jour] These pubmed results were generated on 2019/08/22PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
- Effects of Verbal Cueing on Respiratory-Swallow Patterning, Lung Volume Initiation, and Swallow Apnea Duration in Parkinson’s DiseaseAbstract Respiratory-swallow coordination (RSC) is important for swallowing safety. Atypical RSC is common in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and is associated with the presence of dysphagia and aspiration. Verbal cueing is known to affect RSC in healthy adults, yet an understanding of its effect on RSC in PD is unknown. Therefore, the aims of this study were to: (1) assess the effects of verbal cueing on respiratory-swallow patternin
- Commissioning and Evaluation of a Third-Party 6 Degrees-of-Freedom Couch Used in RadiotherapyTechnology in Cancer Research &Treatment, Volume 18, Issue , January 2019. Purposes:The newly released Protura 6 degrees-of-freedom couch (CIVCO) has limited quality assurance protocols and pertinent publications. Herein, we report our experiences of the Protura system acceptance, commissioning, and quality assurance.Methods:The Protura system integration was tested with peripheral equipment on the following items: couch movement range limit,
- miR-451a Inhibits the Growth and Invasion of Osteosarcoma via Targeting TRIM66Technology in Cancer Research &Treatment, Volume 18, Issue , January 2019. The importance of microRNAs in regulating osteosarcoma development has been studied in recent years. However, the function of microRNA-451a in osteosarcoma growth is rarely investigated. Here, we explored the expression of microRNA-451a in osteosarcoma cell lines. Bioinformatic software, luciferase activity reporter assay, and Western blot were conducted to determine t
- Gpn3 Is Essential for Cell Proliferation of Breast Cancer Cells Independent of Their Malignancy DegreeTechnology in Cancer Research &Treatment, Volume 18, Issue , January 2019. Successful therapies for patients with breast cancer often lose their initial effectiveness. Thus, identifying new molecular targets is a constant goal in the fight against breast cancer. Gpn3 is a protein required for RNA polymerase II nuclear targeting in both yeast and human cells. We investigated here the effect of suppressing Gpn3 expression on cell proliferation
- The giant pouched rat (Cricetomys ansorgei) olfactory receptor repertoire [NEW RESULTS]For rodents, olfaction is essential for locating food, recognizing mates and competitors, avoiding predators, and navigating their environment. It is thought that rodents may have expanded olfactory receptor repertoires in order to specialize in olfactory behavior. Despite being the largest clade of mammals and depending on olfaction relatively little work has documented olfactory repertoires outside of the conventional laboratory mice and rats.
- Hypothalamic hamartomas and inner ear diverticula with X-linked stapes gusher syndrome - new associations?Abstract X-linked stapes gusher syndrome is a genetic form of deafness with distinct radiographic features on temporal bone CT. Hypothalamic hamartoma is a congenital glioneuronal anomaly of the hypothalamus. We report a potential association between these two rare anomalies that, to our knowledge, has not been reported. Two brothers presented with sensorineural hearing loss and almost identical inner ear and hypothalamic abnor
- A case of bilateral pelvic kidneysSummary A rare case of bilateral pelvic kidneys detected incidentally on computed tomography.
- Electronegative LDL from Rabbits Fed with Atherogenic Diet Is Highly ProinflammatoryElectronegative low-density lipoprotein (LDL(-)) has been found in the plasma of familial hypercholesterolemia and acute myocardial infarction and has been implicated in atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. However, less is known about the involvement of LDL(-) in atherosclerosis-related inflammation. This study aims at investigating the inducibility of LDL(-) by atherogenic diet in rabbits and at exploring the proinflammatory potential of
- Assortative mating by population of origin in a mechanistic model of admixture [NEW RESULTS]Populations whose mating pairs have levels of similarity in phenotypes or genotypes that differ systematically from the level expected under random mating are described as experiencing assortative mating. Excess similarity in mating pairs is termed positive assortative mating, and excess dissimilarity is negative assortative mating. In humans, empirical studies suggest that mating pairs from admixed various populations---whose ancestry derives fr
- Fluorescently probing site-specific and self-catalyzed DNA depurinationAnalyst, 2019, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9AN01412H, PaperYifan Fei, Chenxiao Yan, Yali Yu, Longlong Gao, Ting Ye, Qingqing Zhang, Heng Gao, Xiaoshun Zhou, Yong ShaoDepurination occurs via hydrolysis of the purine-deoxyribose glycosyl bond and will cause nucleic acid damage. Especially, the DNA sequences that can undergo a self-catalyzed depurination (SCD) will cause a great...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
- Correction to: LINC01296/miR-26a/GALNT3 axis contributes to colorectal cancer progression by regulating O-glycosylated MUC1 via PI3K/AKT pathwayIn the publication of this article [1], there is an error in Fig. 5C (panel 4, group of InmiR-26a + silinc01296 in SW620). The revised Fig. 5 which includes 5C has now been included in this correction.
- Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1223: Novel Biomarkers for Personalized Cancer ImmunotherapyCancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1223: Novel Biomarkers for Personalized Cancer Immunotherapy Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers11091223 Authors: Yoshitaro Shindo Shoichi Hazama Ryouichi Tsunedomi Nobuaki Suzuki Hiroaki Nagano Cancer immunotherapy has emerged as a novel and effective treatment strategy for several types of cancer. Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have recently demonstrated impressive clinical benefit in some advanced
- Glasdegib in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemiaFuture Oncology, Ahead of Print.
- Neratinib-based therapy in patients with metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer from AsiaFuture Oncology, Ahead of Print.
- Sequence-specific retrotransposition of 28S rDNA-specific LINE R2Ol in human cells [Report]R2 is a long interspersed element (LINE) found in a specific sequence of the 28S rDNA among a wide variety of animals. Recently, we observed that R2Ol isolated from medaka fish, Oryzias latipes, retrotransposes sequence specifically into the target sequence of zebrafish. Since the 28S target and flanking regions are widely conserved among vertebrates, we examined whether R2Ol can also integrate in a sequence-specific manner in human cells. Using
- A Clean Cut: Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Replacement after Heart TransplantationTHORAC CARDIOV SURG Reports 2019; 08: e27-e29DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1693451A 50-year-old female presented with progressive heart failure due to obstruction of the mitral valve after heart transplantation in 2008. Through the occlusion catheter (IntraClude Intra-Aortic Occlusion Device), aortic cross-clamping, antegrade cardioplegia, and aortic root venting were performed.Our case reports the first published study on minimally invasive mitral valve r
- Preclinical Efficacy and Safety Comparison of CD3 Bispecific and ADC Modalities Targeting BCMA for the Treatment of Multiple MyelomaThe restricted expression pattern of B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA) makes it an ideal tumor associated antigen (TAA) for the treatment of myeloma. BCMA has been targeted by both CD3 bispecific antibody and antibody drug conjugate (ADC) modalities, but a true comparison of modalities has yet to be performed. Here we utilized a single BCMA antibody to develop and characterize both a CD3 bispecific and two ADC formats (cleavable and non-cleavable)
- FXYD5 (Dysadherin) upregulation predicts shorter survival and reveals platinum resistance in high-grade serous ovarian cancer patientsBritish Journal of Cancer, Published online: 22 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41416-019-0553-zFXYD5 (Dysadherin) upregulation predicts shorter survival and reveals platinum resistance in high-grade serous ovarian cancer patients
- Determinants of poorly controlled asthma among asthmatic patients in Jimma University Medical Center, Southwest Ethiopia: a case control studyThe aim of this study was to assess determinants of poorly controlled asthma among asthmatic patients on follow up at Jimma University Medical Center, Southwest Ethiopia. A facility based case control study in...
- Knowledge and sources of accessing sexual and reproductive health information among visually impaired women in GhanaThis study aims to explore the knowledge and sources of accessing sexual and reproductive health services and care information among visually impaired women in Ghana. Qualitative data involving in-depth interv...
- Prevalence and associated factors of chronic undernutrition among under five children in Adama town, Central Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study designThe purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence and factors associated with stunting among under five children in Adama town, Central Ethiopia, 2013. A community based cross sectional study was conducte...
- Depression and its associated factors among HIV/AIDS patients attending ART clinics at Gimbi General hospital, West Ethiopia, 2018The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and factors associated with depression among people living with HIV/AIDS attending Gimbi General hospital, West Ethiopia. Institutional based cross-sectional ...
- Primary school teachers’ misconceptions about Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Nekemte town, Oromia region, Western EthiopiaTeachers’ misconception on Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in general and the implementation of effective educational strategies for children with this problem in particular is one obstacle tha...
- Evolution of a novel and adaptive floral scent in wild tobacco [NEW RESULTS]Many plants emit diverse floral scents that mediate plant-environment interactions and attain reproductive success. However, how plants evolve novel adaptive floral volatiles remains unclear. Here, we show that in the wild tobacco, Nicotiana attenuata, a dominant species-specific floral volatile (benzyl acetone, BA) that attracts pollinators and deters florivore is synthesized by phenylalanine ammonia-lyase 4 (NaPAL4), isoflavone reductase 3 (NaI
- [ASAP] Advancing Solutions to the Carbohydrate Sequencing ChallengeJournal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b06406
- [ASAP] Generation and Stabilization of Small Platinum Clusters Pt<sub>12±<italic toggle="yes">x</italic></sub> Inside a Metal–Organic FrameworkJournal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b07083
- [ASAP] Ni-Catalyzed Reductive Dicarbofunctionalization of Nonactivated Alkenes: Scope and Mechanistic InsightsJournal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b02973
- [ASAP] Copper Hydride Catalyzed Enantioselective Synthesis of Axially Chiral 1,3-Disubstituted AllenesJournal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b07582
- [ASAP] Guidelines for the Use of Deuterium Oxide (D<sub>2</sub>O) in <sup>1</sup>H NMR MetabolomicsAnalytical ChemistryDOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b01580
- [ASAP] Uracil-Mediated New Photospacer-Adjacent Motif of Cas12a To Realize Visualized DNA Detection at the Single-Copy Level Free from ContaminationAnalytical ChemistryDOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b02554
- 20-million-year-old skull suggests complex brain evolution in monkeys, apesNew research on one of the oldest and most complete fossil primate skulls from South America shows instead that the pattern of brain evolution in this group was far more checkered. The study suggests that the brain enlarged repeatedly and independently over the course of anthropoid history.
- Chronic iron exposure and c-Myc/H-ras-mediated transformation in fallopian tube cells alter the expression of EVI1, amplified at 3q26.2 in ovarian cancerOncogenesis, Published online: 21 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41389-019-0154-yChronic iron exposure and c-Myc/H-ras-mediated transformation in fallopian tube cells alter the expression of EVI1, amplified at 3q26.2 in ovarian cancer
- Response to Letter to the Editor from Peck.Related ArticlesResponse to Letter to the Editor from Peck. J Am Acad Audiol. 2019 Aug 16;: Authors: Roup CM, Post E, Lewis JH PMID: 31429404 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
- Evaluation of a Remote Microphone System with Tri-Microphone Beamformer.Related ArticlesEvaluation of a Remote Microphone System with Tri-Microphone Beamformer. J Am Acad Audiol. 2019 Aug 16;: Authors: Wolfe J, Duke M, Schafer E, Jones C, Rakita L, Battles J Abstract BACKGROUND: Children with hearing loss often experience difficulty understanding speech in noisy and reverberant classrooms. Traditional remote microphone use, in which the teacher wears a remote microphone
- Sound Localization in Toddlers with Normal Hearing and with Bilateral Cochlear Implants Revealed Through a Novel "Reaching for Sound" Task.Related ArticlesSound Localization in Toddlers with Normal Hearing and with Bilateral Cochlear Implants Revealed Through a Novel "Reaching for Sound" Task. J Am Acad Audiol. 2019 Aug 12;: Authors: Bennett EE, Litovsky RY Abstract BACKGROUND: Spatial hearing abilities in children with bilateral cochlear implants (BiCIs) are typically improved when two implants are used compared with a single implant.
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- BMP-signalling inhibition in Drosophila secondary cells remodels the seminal proteome, and self and rival ejaculate functions [NEW RESULTS]Seminal fluid proteins (SFPs) exert potent effects on male and female fitness. Rapidly evolving and molecularly diverse, they derive from multiple male secretory cells and tissues. In Drosophila melanogaster, most SFPs are produced in the accessory glands, which are composed of ~1000 fertility-enhancing 'main cells' and ~40, more functionally cryptic, 'secondary cells'. Inhibition of BMP-signalling in secondary cells suppresses secretion, leading
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- Adaptational lags during periods of environmental change [NEW RESULTS]Effects of climate change can be handled by means of mitigation and adaptation. In the biological sciences, adaptations are evolved solutions of engineering problems where organisms need to match an ecological challenge. Based on Adaptive Dynamics theory, a definition is proposed of adapted states and adaptational lags which is applicable during periods with environmental change of any speed and to any character. Adaptation can thus be studied ev
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- Comparable radiation response of ex vivo and in vivo irradiated tumor samples determined by residual γH2AXThe standard of care for advanced HNSCC comprises surgery followed by radio(chemo)therapy or, alternatively, primary radio(chemo)therapy with a total radiation dose of ∼70 Gy for combined fractionation. Although a routine pathological investigation classifies tumor grade and stage prior to initiation of radio(chemo)therapy, the classification generally disregards the patient-dependent intrinsic radiosensitivity, which importantly influences treat
- Single vs multiple fraction palliative radiation therapy for bone metastases: Cumulative meta-analysisPain originating from uncomplicated bone metastases, defined as those which have not resulted in and are not at imminent risk for pathological fracture or spinal cord compression, is effectively palliated by conventional external beam radiation therapy (RT) [1,2]. There has been a long-standing debate regarding the efficacy of single fraction (SFRT) compared to multiple fraction RT (MFRT); many systematic reviews and meta-analyses have been condu
- Ten things I learnt from conducting research in three different countriesNature, Published online: 21 August 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02539-yIt’s crucial to make time for the little things, and to attempt a healthy work–life balance, says Elisabeth Kugler.
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- Kenelm O. L. BurridgeOctober 31, 1922–May 21, 2019 Kenelm Burridge, a scholar of immense scope and a legendary teacher at the University of British Columbia (UBC), passed away at the age of 96 on May 21, 2019, in North Vancouver, Canada. Born in Malta, Burridge spent his early childhood in India before attending school in England. He enlisted in the Royal Navy in 1939. Captured after the HMS Splendid was sunk near Naples, he escaped and returned to the navy, ending
- MathWorks Helps Develop New Medical Devices: Interview with Arvind AnanthanAs the Global Medical Device Industry Manager at MathWorks, Arvind Ananthan has immense experience working with medical device engineers, academic researchers, and regulatory authorities. Having a background in signal processing and electrical engineering, Arvind joined Mathworks 15 years ago as a technical sales engineer working with embedded systems before moving into his current role, where he identifies and addresses challenges faced
- Production of E. coli-expressed Self-Assembling Protein Nanoparticles for Vaccines Requiring Trimeric Epitope PresentationA detailed method is provided here describing the purification, refolding, and characterization of self-assembling protein nanoparticles (SAPNs) for use in vaccine development.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
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