Τρίτη 13 Αυγούστου 2019

Educational inequalities in the impact of chronic diseases on exit from paid employment among older workers: a 7-year prospective study in the Netherlands
ObjectivesThe study aimed to investigate the relative and absolute risks of early exit from paid employment among older workers with a chronic disease, and to assess whether these risks differ across educational groups.MethodsData on chronic diseases and demographics from 9160 Dutch workers aged 45–64 years were enriched with monthly information on employment status from Statistics Netherlands. Subdistribution hazard ratios (SHR) and 7-year probabilities among workers with a chronic disease of exit...
OEM Online First
Calzone-Like Traumatic Flap Dislocation Four Years after Laser in situ Keratomileusis
A 46-year-old patient presented with a flip-folded partially dislocated flap after trauma caused by a sheet of paper, four years after a reportedly uneventful laser in situ keratomileusis procedure using microkeratome. Flap re-lift, mechanical debridement, and flap stretching were performed in a first interventional approach. Due to epithelial ingrowth two month after the first intervention, a flap re-lift and mechanical removal of epithelial cells from the stroma bed and flap were performed. In...
Case Reports in Ophthalmology
Complete Anterior Capsule Phimosis following Cataract Surgery in a Patient with a History of Retinopathy of Prematurity, Nystagmus, and a Narrow Angle
The authors present a case of complete anterior capsule phimosis and vision decline which developed 4 weeks postoperatively in the right eye after uncomplicated cataract surgery. Prior ocular history included retinopathy of prematurity in both eyes, acute angle closure glaucoma in the left eye, prophylactic laser peripheral iridotomy for a narrow angle in the right eye, and nystagmus in both eyes. This condition was addressed by surgically releasing the anterior capsule with microscissors to open...
Case Reports in Ophthalmology
Perforating Peripheral Ulcerative Keratitis in Syphilis
Purpose: To present a case of peripheral ulcerative keratitis with perforation in the setting of syphilis. Method: A single observational case report in urban USA. Case Presentation: A patient with multiple sexual partners presented with bilateral peripheral ulcerative keratitis, unilateral corneal perforation, and a pustular rash. Workup was positive for syphilis as well as HSV, HIV, and multiple autoantibody tests. Findings improved after treatment for syphilis. Conclusion: Bilateral peripheral...
Case Reports in Ophthalmology
Changes on Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy with the Heidelberg Retinal Tomography after a Cardiac Catheterism in a Patient with Progressive Glaucoma
Purpose: We present a case of a patient with progressive open angle glaucoma who presented changes suggestive of improvement in the Heidelberg retinal tomography 3 (HRT3) analysis after a cardiac catheterization. Observation: A 69-year-old woman presented with progressive open angle glaucoma despite maximum tolerable antiglaucomatous topical treatment. A filtering surgery (trabeculectomy) was performed and successfully achieved intraocular pressure (IOP) levels of 10 mm Hg on average. Despite this,...
Case Reports in Ophthalmology
Researchers study protein ancestors to understand their role in growth
'Resurrecting' the ancestors of key proteins yields evolutionary insights into their role in human cells and in most cancers, a new study finds.
Evolutionary Biology News -- ScienceDaily
Ancient pigs endured a complete genomic turnover after they arrived in Europe
New research has resolved a pig paradox. Archaeological evidence has shown that pigs were domesticated in the Near East and as such, modern pigs should resemble Near Eastern wild boar. They do not. Instead, the genetic signatures of modern European domestic pigs resemble European wild boar.
Evolutionary Biology News -- ScienceDaily
Lung Adenocarcinoma with Cheek Dysesthesia as an Initial Symptom: A Case Report and Literature Review
Metastasis from lung carcinoma to the sphenoid bone is rare. Patients with symptoms related to sphenoid bone metastasis as the initial presentation of carcinoma are thus also rare. Herein, we report the case of a patient presenting with only cheek dysesthesia as the first sign of lung adenocarcinoma. The 74-year-old woman presented with a 2-month history of left cheek dysesthesia. CT showed a tumor around 2.5 cm in diameter with heterogeneous enhancement of the central focus at the left foramen rotundum...
Case Reports in Oncology
Successful Imatinib Treatment of an Abdominal Compartment Syndrome due to Huge Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour
Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs) are the most common digestive mesenchymal tumours, whose prognosis has been revolutionised by targeted therapies such as oral imatinib. Abdomen compartment syndrome (ACS) is associated with mortality superior to 50% in adults. ACS has never been reported to date in patients with GIST. Specific anticancer treatment in critically ill patients in intensive care unit (ICU) remains a matter of debate given the high mortality rate. Here, we report the case of a...
Case Reports in Oncology
A comprehensive characterisation of chronic norovirus infection in immune deficient hosts
Publication date: Available online 13 August 2019Source: Journal of Allergy and Clinical ImmunologyAuthor(s): Li-An K Brown, Christopher Ruis, Ian Clark, Sunando Roy, Julianne R. Brown, Adriana S. Albuquerque, Smita Y. Patel, Joanne Miller, Mohammed Yousuf Karim, Samir Dervisevic, Jennifer Moore, Charlotte A. Williams, Juliana Cudini, Fernando Moreira, Penny Neild, Suranjith L. Seneviratne, Sarita Workman, Christos Toumpanakis, Claire Atkinson, Siobhan O. Burns
Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Early-life antibiotic exposure and childhood food allergy: a systematic review
Publication date: Available online 12 August 2019Source: Journal of Allergy and Clinical ImmunologyAuthor(s): Stejara A. Netea, Nicole L. Messina, Nigel Curtis
Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Detection of KIT D816V mutation in patients with severe anaphylaxis and normal basal tryptase – First data from the Anaphylaxis Registry (NORA)
Publication date: Available online 12 August 2019Source: Journal of Allergy and Clinical ImmunologyAuthor(s): Sabine Dölle-Bierke, Frank Siebenhaar, Thomas Burmeister, Margitta Worm
Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Indoor Bacterial Microbiota and the Development of Asthma by 10.5 years of age
Publication date: Available online 12 August 2019Source: Journal of Allergy and Clinical ImmunologyAuthor(s): Anne M. Karvonen, Pirkka V. Kirjavainen, Martin Täubel, Balamuralikrishna Jayaprakash, Rachel I. Adams, Joanne E. Sordillo, Diane R. Gold, Anne Hyvärinen, Sami Remes, Erika von Mutius, Juha PekkanenAbstractBackgroundEarly-life indoor bacterial exposure is associated with the risk of asthma but the roles of specific bacterial genera are poorly understood.ObjectiveTo determine whether individual...
Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Καρκίνος Παγκρέατος: Τα υψηλά επίπεδα ινσουλίνης αυξάνουν τον κίνδυνο
Μια αιτιώδη σχέση μεταξύ των υψηλών επιπέδων ενδογενούς ινσουλίνης και του καρκίνου του παγκρέατος, διατυπώνουν για πρώτη φορά επιστήμονες από το Πανεπιστήμιο British Columbia (UBC) σε μια μελέτη που δημοσιεύθηκε στο Cell Metabolism. Συγκεκριμένα, οι ερευνητές μείωσαν τα επίπεδα ινσουλίνης σε ποντίκια που είχαν προδιάθεση για ανάπτυξη καρκίνου του παγκρέατος και διαπίστωσαν ότι τα χαμηλότερα αυτά επίπεδα προστάτευαν τα ποντίκια από την ασθένεια. Πρόκειται για ευρήματα που δημιουργούν ελπίδες για...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Ιός Έμπολα: Δύο νέα φάρμακα σώζουν το 90% των ασθενών
Για πρώτη φορά φάνηκε στον ορίζοντα η προοπτική θεραπείας της νόσου Έμπολα, χάρη σε δύο νέα φάρμακα που δοκιμάσθηκαν κλινικά και έδειξαν ότι μπορούν να σώσουν από το θάνατο περίπου το 90% των ασθενών, αυξάνοντας σημαντικά το ποσοστό επιβίωσης όσων νοσούν. Συνολικά δοκιμάσθηκαν από πέρυσι το Νοέμβριο τέσσερα φάρμακα σε περίπου 700 ασθενείς στη Δημοκρατία του Κονγκό, όπου υπάρχει σημαντική εξάπλωση του ιού και σχεδόν 1.900 άνθρωποι έχουν πεθάνει τον τελευταίο χρόνο. Τα δύο φάρμακα (REGN-EB3 και mAb114),...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Αποτελεσματικό το πρώτο εμβόλιο για την πιο συχνή σεξουαλικά μεταδιδόμενη λοίμωξη
Το πρώτο εμβόλιο για τα χλαμύδια των γεννητικών οργάνων που έφθασε στην αρχική φάση 1 της κλινικής δοκιμής του, άφησε ενθαρρυντικές ενδείξεις, καθώς φαίνεται ασφαλές και «πυροδοτεί» την αντίδραση του ανοσοποιητικού συστήματος, δηλαδή την παραγωγή αντισωμάτων, όπως ανακοίνωσαν οι επιστήμονες. Τα χλαμύδια είναι η συχνότερη σεξουαλικώς μεταδιδόμενη βακτηριακή λοίμωξη στις ανεπτυγμένες χώρες, όμως μέχρι σήμερα έχει αποτύχει η μείωση των περιστατικών διεθνώς, παρά τα διάφορα μέτρα διάγνωσης και πρόληψης,...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Ποιοι βρίσκουν το ίδιο φαγητό πιο νόστιμο και θέλουν περισσότερο για να ικανοποιηθούν
Μια νέα μελέτη που δημοσιεύθηκε στο Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics διαπίστωσε ότι δεν υπάρχει κάποια αξιόλογη διαφορά στην αντίληψη της γεύσης ανάμεσα στους ανθρώπους με φυσιολογικό βάρος και στους υπέρβαρους. Ωστόσο, οι παχύσαρκοι έχουν μεγαλύτερη αρχική αντίληψη της γεύσης, η οποία, μάλιστα, φθίνει πιο σταδιακά. Το συμπέρασμα της μελέτης, λοιπόν, είναι ότι η ποσοτικοποίηση της ικανοποίησης από το φαγητό ενδεχομένως να μπορεί να εξηγήσει το γιατί κάποιοι άνθρωποι τρώνε περισσότερο...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Χειρουργείο Παχέος Εντέρου: Η προετοιμασία και ο καθαρισμός του εντέρου δεν είναι απαραίτητα
Τη χρησιμότητα της προετοιμασίας του εντέρου πριν από την κολεκτομή εξέτασαν Φινλανδοί επιστήμονες. «Η προετοιμασία του εντέρου είναι μία αγχωτική διαδικασία για τον ασθενή, έτσι η διεξαγωγή της είναι δικαιολογημένη μόνο όταν αποδεδειγμένα ωφελεί τον ασθενή. Παρατηρήσαμε ότι τα τελευταία χρόνια δεν είχε διεξαχθεί έρευνα σχετικά με το θέμα. Αποφασίσαμε λοιπόν να πραγματοποιήσουμε μία δική μας έρευνα», δήλωσε η Δρ. Laura Koskenvuo χειρουργός στο Πανεπιστημιακό Νοσοκομείο του Ελσίνκι. Στη μελέτη συμμετείχαν...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Νόσος Αλτσχάιμερ: Αρκούν 30′ για να την κρατήσει μακριά του ένας 40αρης
Την εμφάνιση της Νόσου Αλτσχάιμερ θα μπορούσαν να αποτρέψουν 2,5 ώρες άσκησης μεσαίας έντασης την εβδομάδα. Σε αυτό το συμπέρασμα κατέληξε έρευνα που πραγματοποίησαν επιστήμονες από τη Σχολή Ιατρικής και Δημόσιας Υγείας του Πανεπιστημίου του Ουισκόνσιν και παρουσίασαν στο ετήσιο συνέδριο της Αμερικανικής Εταιρείας Ψυχολόγων. Οι ερευνητές μελέτησαν μια ομάδα ανθρώπων των οποίων οι γονείς είχαν νόσο Αλτσχάιμερ, γεγονός που αύξανε τις πιθανότητες να νοσήσουν και οι ίδιοι. «Η έρευνά μας δείχνει ότι...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Οι δύο πιο επικίνδυνες ώρες που πενταπλασιάζουν τον κίνδυνο εμφράγματος
Οι δύο ώρες που ακολουθούν μια κρίση θυμού χαρακτηρίζονται από αυξημένο κατά πέντε φορές κίνδυνο να υποστεί κανείς έμφραγμα του μυοκαρδίου, ενώ αυξάνεται κατά έξι φορές η πιθανότητα να πληγεί από εγκεφαλικό επεισόδιο ή ρήξη ανευρύσματος. Παρ’ όλα αυτά, Γερμανοί επιστήμονες απέδειξαν, σε έρευνα που διενεργήθηκε σε 6.000 άτομα, ότι το να γκρινιάζουμε και να εκφράζουμε πού και πού τον θυμό μας προσθέτει δύο χρόνια στο προσδόκιμο ζωής μας. Συμπέρασμα: τα μικρά ξεσπάσματα θυμού από καιρού εις καιρόν...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
MicroRNA-769-5p contributes to the proliferation, migration and invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma cells by attenuating RYBP
Publication date: October 2019Source: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 118Author(s): Yao Xian, Liang Wang, Bowen Yao, Wei Yang, Huanye Mo, Lei Zhang, Kangsheng TuAbstractHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the commonest primary liver cancer with highly aggressive features. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are demonstrated to play important roles in the tumorigenesis and progression of HCC. miR-769-5p is a recently identified cancer-associated miRNA. But, the expression level of miR-769-5p and its function...
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
RBCK1 contributes to chemoresistance and stemness in colorectal cancer (CRC)
Publication date: October 2019Source: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 118Author(s): Min-Li Liu, Feng Zang, Sheng-Jun ZhangAbstractChemotherapy is an essential treatment for colorectal cancer (CRC). However, colorectal cancer cells often develop resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs, resulting in relapse and poor patient prognosis. Growing studies indicate that tumor cells with stem cell-like features could promote resistance to chemotherapeutic agents. In this study, we demonstrated that...
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
Hydroxychloroquine potentiates the anti-cancer effect of bevacizumab on glioblastoma via the inhibition of autophagy
Publication date: October 2019Source: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 118Author(s): Lin-qing Liu, Shi-bing Wang, Yan-fei Shao, Jia-na Shi, Wei Wang, Wan-yuan Chen, Zi-qi Ye, Jin-ying Jiang, Qing-xia Fang, Guo-bing Zhang, Zi-xue XuanAbstractBevacizumab (BEV) is widely used for the treatment of patients with recurrent glioblastoma (GBM), but recent evidence demonstrated that BEV induced cytoprotective autophagy, which allows tumor cells to survive. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) inhibits lysosomal...
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
Aberrant N-cadherin expression in cancer
Publication date: October 2019Source: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 118Author(s): Zhan-Qi Cao, Zhi Wang, Ping LengAbstractNeural (N)-cadherin is a calcium-dependent single-chain transmembrane glycoprotein that mediates homotypic and heterotypic cell-cell adhesion. As an important member of the cadherin family, N-cadherin plays an important role in the developmental and functional regulation of the nervous system, brain, heart, skeletal muscles, blood vessels and hematopoietic microenvironment....
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
Bioinspired non-aromatic compounds emitters displaying aggregation independent emission and recoverable photo-bleaching
Publication date: 1 January 2020Source: Talanta, Volume 206Author(s): Cui Xu, Ruifang Guan, Duxia Cao, Kaerdun Liu, Qifeng Chen, Yunqiao Ding, Yun YanAbstractAggregation dependence is a universal feature for fluorophores, ranging from classical planar fluorescent dyes displaying aggregation-caused quenching (ACQ) and propeller-shaped AIEgens that exhibit aggregation-induced emission (AIE). In this work, we report compounds emitters (CA-PDA) that display aggregation-independent fluorescence owing...
ScienceDirect Publication: Talanta
Impact of data bin size on the classification of diesel fuels using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with principal component analysis
Publication date: 1 January 2020Source: Talanta, Volume 206Author(s): Paige E. Sudol, Derrick V. Gough, Sarah E. Prebihalo, Robert E. SynovecAbstractPrincipal component analysis (PCA) is a widely applied chemometric tool for classifying samples using comprehensive two-dimensional (2D) gas chromatography (GC × GC) separation data. Classification via PCA can be improved by 2D binning of the data. A “standard operating procedure (SOP) bin size” is often applied to improve the S/N and to mitigate potential...
ScienceDirect Publication: Talanta
A sensitive photochemical reaction-capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection system for HPLC and its application in determination of Cyclosporin A
Publication date: 1 January 2020Source: Talanta, Volume 206Author(s): Xing Huang, Dan Xiao, Yanli Tong, Zuanguang ChenAbstractHigh performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) post-column photochemical reaction (PR) coupled capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detector (C4D) was used for the first time in analysis of weak ultraviolet (UV)-absorbing, non-fluorescence and nonpolar compound. A series of conditions including the radiation power of light source, the length of the reaction tube and...
ScienceDirect Publication: Talanta
Micro-extraction by packed sorbent combined with UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS for the determination of prostanoids and isoprostanoids in dried blood spots
Publication date: 1 January 2020Source: Talanta, Volume 206Author(s): Denise Biagini, Shaula Antoni, Tommaso Lomonaco, Silvia Ghimenti, Pietro Salvo, Francesca Giuseppa Bellagambi, Rosa Teresa Scaramuzzo, Massimiliano Ciantelli, Armando Cuttano, Roger Fuoco, Fabio Di FrancescoAbstractThis work presents a reliable analytical procedure combining micro-extraction by packed sorbent (MEPS) and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry to determine 8-iso...
ScienceDirect Publication: Talanta
Impact of molar teeth distalization with clear aligners on occlusal vertical dimension: a retrospective study
Abstract Background A common strategy in the non-extraction treatment of Class II molar relationship is maxillary molar distalization, which could increase lower face height and cause clockwise mandibular rotation. The aim of this retrospective study was to analyse the effects on vertical dentoskeletal dimension of young adults treated with sequential distalization with orthodontic aligners. ...
Latest Results for BMC Oral Health
Polymer brush based fluorescent immunosensor for direct monitoring of interleukin-1β in rat blood
Analyst, 2019, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9AN01300H, PaperFei Deng, Yi Li, Md Jakir Hossain, Michael Kendig, Ria Arnold, Ewa M. Goldys, M. J. Morris, Guozhen LiuA sandwich immunosensor was successfully developed for monitoring of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) in rat whole blood. The substrate stainless steel (SS) was first coated with a polydopamine layer and subsequently grafted...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
In-vitro quantification of botulinum neurotoxin type A1 using immobilized nerve cell-mimicking nanoreactors in a microfluidics platform
Analyst, 2019, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9AN00817A, PaperOliver G. Weingart, Klaus Eyer, Christian Lüchtenborg, Timo Sachsenheimer, Britta Brügger, Marc van Oostrum, Bernd Wollscheid, Petra S Dittrich, Martin J. LoessnerThe bacterial toxin Botulinum neurotoxin A (BoNT/A) is not only an extremely toxic substance but also a potent pharmaceutical compound that is used in a wide spectrum of neurological disorders...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
Infrared Attenuated Total Reflection and 2D Fluorescence Spectroscopy for the Discrimination of Differently Aggregated Monoclonal Antibodies
Analyst, 2019, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9AN00424F, PaperAlina Handl, Ángela I. López-Lorente, René Handrick, Boris Mizaikoff, Friedemann HesseAntibody aggregates may occur as undesirable by-products during the manufacturing process of biopharmaceutical proteins, since patrameters such as pH, temperature, ionic strength, protein concentration, oxygen, and shear forces can lead...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
A three-dimensional study of hemimandibular hyperplasia, hemimandibular elongation, solitary condylar hyperplasia, simple mandibular asymmetry and condylar osteoma or osteochondroma
Publication date: Available online 12 August 2019Source: Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial SurgeryAuthor(s): Ru Sun, Lisha Sun, Zhipeng Sun, Li Gang, Yanping Zhao, Xuchen Ma, ChongKe SunSummaryPurposeTo investigate the morphological features of hemimandibular hyperplasia (HH) in comparison to other condylar hyperplasia-associated asymmetries, including hemimandibular elongation (HE), solitary condylar hyperplasia (SCH), simple mandibular asymmetry (SMA) and condylar osteoma or osteochondroma (COS).Materials...
ScienceDirect Publication: Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
A Diet Rich in Taurine, Cysteine, Folate, B<sub>12</sub> and Betaine May Lessen Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease By Boosting Brain Synthesis of Hydrogen Sulfide
Publication date: Available online 12 August 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Mark F. McCarty, James H. O'Keefe, James J. DiNicolantonioAbstractThe gaseous physiological modulator hydrogen sulfide (H2S) has recently been shown to exert a variety of neuroprotective effects. In particular, the treatment of transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) with agents that release H2S aids preservation of cognitive function, suppresses brain production of amyloid beta, and decreases tau phosphorylation....
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Discovery of Novel Natural Flavonoids as Potent Antiviral Candidates against Hepatitis C Virus NS5B Polymerase
Publication date: Available online 12 August 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Farideh Badichi Akher, Abdolkarim Farrokhzadeh, Pritika Ramharack, Letitia Shunmugam, Fanie R. Van Heerden, Mahmoud E.S. SolimanAbstractThe non-structural 5B (NS5B) polymerase of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an attractive target for antiviral intervention. Quercetagetin (Que) is a natural flavonoid, which has been exhibited to have anti-HCV property through inhibition of RNA binding to NS5B. The last few decades have...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Association Between Salivary Secretary Function and Laryngopharyngeal Reflux: A Prospective Study
Publication date: Available online 13 August 2019Source: Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral RadiologyAuthor(s): Ji Won Kim, Hong-Ju Kim, Ki-Ik Park, Young-Mo Kim, Jeong-Seok ChoiAbstractObjectivesThis study aimed to demonstrate the prevalence and risk factors of laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) in patients with xerostomia, and to investigate the association between salivary function and LPR.Study DesignWe analyzed the prevalence of LPR among xerostomia patients and compared the clinical...
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology
Auditory gating in adults with dyslexia: An ERP account of diminished rapid neural adaptation
Publication date: Available online 12 August 2019Source: Clinical NeurophysiologyAuthor(s): Beate Peter, Hunter Mccollum, Ayoub Daliri, Heracles PanagiotidesAbstractObjectiveA recent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study of adults with dyslexia showed a general deficit in suppressing responses to various types of repetitive stimuli. This diminished neural adaptation may interfere with implicit learning and forming stable word representations. With fMRI, spatial but not temporal characteristics...
Clinical Neurophysiology
P1-14-04. Pyramidal tract evaluation by transcranial magnetic stimulation in hereditary diffuse leukoencephalopathy with axonal spheroids (HDLS)
Publication date: Available online 6 August 2019Source: Clinical NeurophysiologyAuthor(s): Nagako Murase
Clinical Neurophysiology
Publisher’s note
Publication date: Available online 12 August 2019Source: Journal of Human EvolutionAuthor(s):
Journal of Human Evolution

Is laser-assisted resection preferable to lobectomy for pulmonary metastasectomy?
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate if laser-assisted resection is appropriate for large and/or central lung metastases, when stapler wedge resection is not feasible, to determine whether this technique can be an alternative to lobectomy. All patients who underwent laser-assisted resection for large and/or central metastases were selected for the study. For comparison, patients who underwent lobectomy for metastases between 2005 and 2017 were reviewed. All resections...
Photobiomodulation therapy can change actin filaments of 3T3 mouse fibroblast
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects that photobiomodulation therapy might produce in cells, in particular, related to their structure. Thus, this paper presents the results of morphological changes in fibroblasts following low-intensity light illumination. Mouse fibroblasts were grown on glass coverslips on either 4 kPa or 16 kPa gels, to mimic normal tissue conditions. Cells were photo-irradiated with laser light at either 625 nm or 808 nm (total...
Network medicine and type 2 diabetes mellitus: insights into disease mechanism and guide to precision medicine
Abstract Understanding the genomic basis of type 2 diabetes mellitus is a major challenge. Simple genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified ~250 loci that link to the phenotype; however, the great majority have tiny effect size of uncertain mechanistic significance. Polygenic risk score strategies do nothing more than integrate these statistical association into a single scalar parameter, again offering limited mechanistic insight. The new discipline of network medicine...
International journal of basic and clinical endocrinology
NRAS mutated melanoma: that's what we got so far
Abstract NRAS mutation, occurring in about 20‐30% of cutaneous melanomas, leads to activation of RAS‐RAF‐MAPK cascade and represents a clear distinct clinicopathological entity in melanoma. In contrast with BRAF mutant melanoma, no specific target therapies are available outside the setting of clinical trials. In the field of immunoncology, the predictive role of NRAS mutation with respect to checkpoint inhibitors treatment has not clearly established and deserves further investigation. At present,...
Wiley: Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research: Table of Contents
Body site‐specific genetic effects influence naevus count distribution in women
Abstract Body site is highly relevant for melanoma: it affects prognosis and varies according to the patient's sex. The distribution of naevi, a major risk factor for melanoma, at different body sites also varies according to sex in childhood. Using naevus counts at different body sites in 492 unrelated adults from both sexes, we observed that women have an increased number of naevi on the lower limbs compared to men (P=8.5x10‐5), showing that a high naevus count on this site persists from childhood...
Wiley: Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research: Table of Contents
Neural adaptation and cognitive inflexibility in repeated problem-solving behaviors
Publication date: Available online 12 August 2019Source: CortexAuthor(s): Furong Huang, Lei Han, Yan Jiang, Fuhong Li, Jing LuoAbstractRepeated stimulus processing is often associated with a reduction in neural activity, known as neural adaptation. Therefore, people are more sensitive to novelty detection but likely lose flexibility in subsequent novelty processing after detection. To demonstrate the dynamic changes in neural adaption in repeated problem-solving behaviors and test its negative influence...
Associations between self-report and physiological measures of emotional reactions to food among women with disordered eating
Publication date: Available online 12 August 2019Source: International Journal of PsychophysiologyAuthor(s): Léah Suissa-Rocheleau, Stephen D. Benning, Sarah E. RacineAbstractIndividuals with eating disorders have exhibited both positive and negative emotional responses to food when assessed via self-report and psychophysiology. These mixed findings may be explained by a lack of association between self-report and physiological measures, and the degree of association may differ based on core eating...
International Journal of Psychophysiology
Assessment of the Concerns of Caregivers of Children with Repaired Esophageal Atresia–Tracheoesophageal Fistula Related to Feeding–Swallowing Difficulties
Abstract The study aimed to assess concerns of caregivers of children with EA-TEF related to feeding–swallowing difficulties, compare the concerns according to type of atresia and repair time, and investigate its relationship with time to start oral feeding. Caregivers accompanying 64 children with EA-TEF were included. Age, sex, type of atresia, repair time, and time to start oral feeding were noted. Parents completed the Turkish version of the Feeding/Swallowing Impact Survey...
Long noncoding RNA Linc01296 promotes hepatocellular carcinoma development through regulation of the miR-26a/PTEN axis
Journal Name: Biological ChemistryIssue: Ahead of print
Biological Chemistry.
Cysteine, glutathione and a new genetic code: biochemical adaptations of the primordial cells that spread into open water and survived biospheric oxygenation
Journal Name: Biological ChemistryIssue: Ahead of print
Biological Chemistry.
Safety and efficacy of RONOZYME® WX CT/L (endo‐1,4‐β‐xylanase) as a feed additive for sows for reproduction
Abstract Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of RONOZYME® WX CT/L as a feed additive for sows for reproduction. This additive contains endo‐1,4‐β‐xylanase produced by a genetically modified strain of Aspergillus oryzae and it is authorised in the EU as a feed additive for poultry for fattening, weaned piglets and pigs for fattening. The...
Wiley: EFSA Journal: Table of Contents
Safety and efficacy of 3‐phytase FLF1000 as a feed additive for pigs for fattening and minor porcine species for growing
Abstract Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of 3‐phytase FLF1000 as a feed additive for pigs for fattening and minor porcine species for growing. This additive contains 3‐phytase produced by a genetically modified strain of Komagataella phaffii and it is authorised in the European Union as a feed additive for feed for chickens for fattening,...
Wiley: EFSA Journal: Table of Contents
Development and feasibility of an ambulatory acquisition system for fiber‐optic high‐resolution colonic manometry
A novel ambulatory system for high‐resolution colonic manometry has been developed and validated in benchtop and clinical studies. This technique will facilitate prolonged ambulatory recordings of colonic motor activity, assisting with future investigations into the role of colonic motility in disease states. Abstract Background High‐resolution colonic manometry is an emerging technique that has provided new insights into the pathophysiology of functional colorectal diseases. Prior studies have...
The European Gastrointestinal Motility Society
Inhibition of CD133 Overcomes Cisplatin Resistance Through Inhibiting PI3K/AKT/mTOR Signaling Pathway and Autophagy in CD133-Positive Gastric Cancer Cells
Technology in Cancer Research &Treatment, Volume 18, Issue , January 2019. Cisplatin is widely used as the standard gastric cancer treatment, but the relapse and metastasis are common as intrinsic or acquired drug resistance. CD133 has been widely known to be associated with chemoresistance in various cancer cells. In this study, we focused on investigating the function and mechanism of CD133 underlying cisplatin resistance in gastric cancer cell line KATO-III. We detected CD133 expression by...
SAGE Publications Inc: Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment: Table of Contents
Antimicrobial Blue Light for decontamination of platelets during storage
ABSTRACT Platelet (PLT) storage is currently limited to 5 days in clinics in the United States, in part, due to an increasing risk for microbial contamination over time. In light of well‐documented antimicrobial activity of blue light (405‐470 nm), we investigated potentials to decontaminate microbes during PLT storage by antimicrobial blue light (aBL). We found that PLTs produced no detectable levels of porphyrins or their derivatives, the chromophores that specifically absorb blue light, in marked...
Journal of Biophotonics
Three‐dimensional interventional photoacoustic imaging for biopsy needle guidance with a linear array transducer
Abstract Needle placement is important for many clinical interventions, such as tissue biopsy, regional anesthesia, and drug delivery. It is essential to visualize the spatial position of the needle and the target tissue during the interventions using appropriate imaging techniques. Based on the contrast of optical absorption, photoacoustic imaging is well suited for the guidance of interventional procedures. However, conventional photoacoustic imaging typically provides two‐dimensional (2D) slices...
Journal of Biophotonics
Ex vivo detection of cadmium induced renal damage by using confocal Raman spectroscopy
Abstract Cadmium (Cd) is a toxic heavy metal which is harmful to environment and organisms. The reabsorption of Cd in kidney leads it to be the main damaged organ in animals under the Cd exposure. In this work, we applied confocal raman spectroscopy to map the pathological changes in‐situ in normal and Cd exposed mice kidney. The renal tissue from Cd exposed group displayed a remarkable decreasing in the intensity of typical peaks related to mitochondria, DNA, proteins and lipids. On the contrary,...
Journal of Biophotonics
Parallelized shifted‐excitation Raman difference spectroscopy for fluorescence rejection in a temporary varying system
Abstract A fluorescence background is one of the common interference factors of the Raman spectroscopic analysis in the biology field. Shifted‐excitation Raman difference spectroscopy (SERDS), in which a slow (typically 1 Hz) modulation to excitation wavelength is coupled with a sequential acquisition of alternating shifted‐excitation spectra, has been used to separate Raman scattering from excitation‐shift insensitive background. This sequential method is susceptible to spectral change and thus...
Journal of Biophotonics
Quantifying the Range of Signal Modification in Clinically Fit Hearing Aids
Objectives: Hearing aids provide various signal processing techniques with a range of parameters to improve the listening experience for a hearing-impaired individual. In previous studies, we reported significant differences in signal modification for mild versus strong signal processing in commercially available hearing aids. In this study, the authors extend this work to clinically prescribed hearing aid fittings based on best-practice guidelines. The goals of this project are to determine the...
Ear and Hearing - Published Ahead-of-Print
Health-Related Quality of Life With Cochlear Implants: The Children’s Perspective
Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess self-reported health-related quality of life (HR-QOL) in a group of children with cochlear implants (CIs) and to compare their scores to age- and gender-matched controls. The authors also assessed the agreement between proxy- and self-reported HR-QOL in the CI group and examined individual and environmental variables that could be associated with higher or lower self-reported HR-QOL in the CI group. Design: The sample consisted of 168...
Ear and Hearing - Published Ahead-of-Print

Perspective on the Development of a Large-Scale Clinical Data Repository for Pediatric Hearing Research
The use of “big data” for pediatric hearing research requires new approaches to both data collection and research methods. The widespread deployment of electronic health record systems creates new opportunities and corresponding challenges in the secondary use of large volumes of audiological and medical data. Opportunities include cost-effective hypothesis generation, rapid cohort expansion for rare conditions, and observational studies based on sample sizes in the thousands to tens of thousands....
Ear and Hearing - Published Ahead-of-Print
Exonic mutations associated with atopic dermatitis disrupt LEKTI action and enhance its degradation
Abstract Background Skin desquamation is facilitated by serine proteases KLK5 and KLK7, which are tightly regulated by lymphoepithelial Kazal‐type related inhibitor (LEKTI). LEKTI itself is controlled through degraded by mesotrypsin. Here, we sought to determine whether LEKTI exonic mutations associated with atopic dermatitis (AD) affect the protease inhibitory activity of LEKTI or its susceptibility to mesotrypsin degradation. Methods The inhibitory activities of the LEKTI domain 4 (D4)...
Linkage Effect in the Heterogenization of Cobalt Complexes by Doped Graphene for Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction
No plain, no gain: Immobilization of planar CoII‐2,3‐naphthalocyanine (NapCo) complexes onto sulfoxide or carboxyl doped graphene resulted in a heterogeneous molecular Co electrocatalyst that was active and selective to reduce CO2 into CO in aqueous solution. Abstract Immobilization of planar CoII‐2,3‐naphthalocyanine (NapCo) complexes onto doped graphene resulted in a heterogeneous molecular Co electrocatalyst that was active and selective to reduce CO2 into CO in aqueous solution. A systematic...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
White‐Light Emission from a Semi‐Conductive Borate‐Stannate
The first borate‐stannate, which is also the first environmentally friendly defect‐induced white‐light emitting crystalline inorganic borate, Ba2[Sn(OH)6][B(OH)4]2, has been prepared. It shows CIE chromaticity coordinates of (0.42, 0.38), an ultrahigh CRI of 94.1, and an appropriate CCT of 3083 K. Abstract In response to ever‐increasing application requirements in lighting and displays, a tremendous emphasis is being placed on single‐component white‐light emission. Single‐component inorganic...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Atomic/Molecular Layer Deposited Iron–Azobenzene Framework Thin Films for Stimuli‐Induced Gas Molecule Capture/Release
ALD/MLD (atomic/molecular layer deposition) is an elegant way to grow crystalline metal–azobenzene thin films directly from gaseous precursors in situ. Reversible water capture/release behavior is triggered through the trans–cis photoisomerization reaction of the azobenzene moieties. Abstract The atomic/molecular layer deposition (ALD/MLD) technique provides an elegant way to grow crystalline metal–azobenzene thin films directly from gaseous precursors; the photoactive azobenzene linkers thus...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Isoelectronic Aluminium Analogues of Carbonyl and Dioxirane Moieties
He ain't heavy, he's my brother: A two‐coordinate aluminyl anion reacts sequentially with elemental selenium to generate isoelectronic analogues of organic functional groups, namely carbonyl and dioxirane moieties. Spectroscopic, crystallographic, and computational analysis confirmed the presence of multiple bonding between aluminium and selenium in the carbonyl analogue. Abstract We report the anion [Al(NONAr)(Se)]− (NONAr=[O(SiMe2NAr)2]2−, Ar=2,6‐iPr2C6H3), which is an isoelectronic Group 13...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Ultramicroporous Building Units as a Path to Bi‐microporous Metal–Organic Frameworks with High Acetylene Storage and Separation Performance
Hole to differentiate and hole to accommodate: Two types of pores can mingle together using a strategy called UBU (ultramicroporous building unit). This strategy results in a promising gas absorbent for excellent C2H2 storage capacity and top‐level C2H2/CO2 separation ability. Abstract A strategy called ultramicroporous building unit (UBU) is introduced. It allows the creation of hierarchical bi‐porous features that work in tandem to enhance gas uptake capacity and separation. Smaller pores...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Bruno G. De Geest
“I admire the exceptional balance between complexity and efficacy in biological systems. The biggest challenge facing scientists is to remain creative …” Find out more about Bruno G. De Geest in his Author Profile.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Artur C. Cope Award 2019 / Artur C. Cope Scholar Awards 2019 / And also in the News
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Stable J‐Aggregation of an aza‐BODIPY‐Lipid in a Liposome for Optical Cancer Imaging
BODIPYsome: The synthesis of a novel aza‐BODIPY‐lipid building block and its self‐assembly into BODIPYsome, which has optically stable NIR J‐aggregation that is attributed to J‐dimerization, is presented. BODIPYsomes exhibit a high extinction coefficient and high fluorescence quenching, enabling photoacoustic imaging when intact and recovered NIR fluorescence upon disruption. Abstract Organic building blocks are the centerpieces of “one‐for‐all” nanoparticle development. Herein, we report the...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Hydrophobic Poly(tert‐butyl acrylate) Photonic Crystals towards Robust Energy‐Saving Performance
A tert ‐butyl acrylate (t‐BA) monomer for the construction of hydrophobic P(t‐BA) photonic crystals toward magnetic‐optics display and energy saving device is presented. It may open an innovative avenue toward the assembled PC fields. Abstract Photonic crystals (PCs) have been widely applied in optical, energy, and biological fields owing to their periodic crystal structure. However, the major challenges are easy cracking and poor structural color, seriously hindering their practical...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Facilitating Gold Redox Catalysis with Electrochemistry: An Efficient “Chemical‐Oxidant‐Free” Approach
Due to the high oxidation potential between Au(I) and Au(III), gold redox catalysis requires at least stoichiometric amounts of a strong oxidant. We herein report the first example of an electrochemical approach in promoting gold‐catalyzed oxidative coupling of terminal alkynes. Oxidation of Au(I) to Au(III) was successfully achieved through anode oxidation, which enabled facile access to either symmetrical or unsymmetrical conjugated diynes via homo‐coupling or cross‐coupling. This report extends...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Cooperative Self‐Assembly of Pyridine‐2,6‐Diimine‐Linked Macrocycles into Mechanically Robust Nanotubes
Nanotubes assembled from macrocyclic precursors offer a unique combination of low dimensionality, structural rigidity, and distinct interior and exterior microenvironments. Usually the weak stacking energies of macrocycles limit the length and mechanical strength of the resultant nanotubes. Imine‐linked macrocycles were recently found to assemble into high‐aspect ratio (>10^3), lyotropic nanotubes in the presence of excess acid. Yet these harsh conditions are incompatible with many functional...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Efficient Delivery of a Gene Editing Protein to Stem Cells via Peptide Brush Polymers
The scarcity of effective means to deliver functional proteins to living cells is a central problem in biotechnology and medicine. Stem cells present a particular opportunity to the field because of their technological and potential medical utility yet they are intransigent to most biomolecule transduction methods. Here we report the efficient delivery of an active DNA‐modifying enzyme to human stem cells via high‐density cell penetrating peptide brush polymers. Cre recombinase is mixed with a fluorophore‐tagged...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Nano‐ferroelectric for high efficiency overall water splitting under ultrasonic vibration
Piezocatalysis, converting mechanical vibration into chemical energy, has emerged as a promising candidate for water‐splitting technology. However, the efficiency of the hydrogen production is quite limited. We herein report well‐defined 10 nm BaTiO3 nanoparticles (NPs) characterized by a large electro‐mechanical coefficient which induces a high piezoelectric effect. Atomic‐resolution high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF‐STEM) and scanning probe microscopy...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Nitrogen‐Doped Hexapole [7]Helicene vs Its All‐Carbon Analogue
Two synthetic nanographenes (NGs) were prepared. One is doped with nitrogen, N‐H7H; the other is its all‐carbon analogue, C‐H7H. Both are hexapole [7]helicenes (H7Hs), and their structures are identified by single crystal X‐ray diffraction. Sharp contrasts in absorption (absλmax, 683 vs 593 nm), emission (emλmax, 894 vs 777 nm), and electrochemical behaviour (oxE1, 0.28 vs 0.53 V) between N‐H7H and C‐H7H were observed, and the origin of these changes was rationalized by theoretical calculations....
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Gas‐Phase Dehydrogenation of Alkanes: C‐H Activation by a Graphene‐Supported Nickel Single‐Atom Catalyst Model
A gas‐phase anionic nickel(0) fluorenyl complex is shown to effect the dehydrogenation of linear, branched, and cyclic alkanes via C‐H activation. It performs dehydrogenations via a C‐H insertion followed by β‐hydride elimination. When given energy via collision‐induced dissociation, the system is capable of second and third dehydrogenations to form dienes and aromatics such as benzene. Kinetic isotope effects and DFT calculations completed at the M06/6‐311+G** level support the proposed mechanism....
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Sex‐limited penetrance of lymphedema to females with CELSR1 haploinsufficiency: a second family
ABSTRACT A second multi‐generation family with hereditary lymphedema secondary to a variant in the planar polarity gene, CELSR1, is described. Dominant inheritance of the variant was discovered using whole exome sequencing and confirmed by Sanger sequencing. In contrast to heterozygous males, all heterozygous females showed lymphedema during physical examination albeit variable in severity and age of onset. Lymphscintigraphy in affected females showed previously undescribed lymphatic abnormalities...
Clinical Genetics
The Role of IL-17 in Papulopustular Rosacea and Future Directions
Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, Ahead of Print. Rosacea is a chronic, progressive, inflammatory condition phenotypically subtyped into diagnostic features, major features, and minor/secondary features. There is currently no cure for rosacea, and it carries a significant negative psychosocial burden for afflicted patients. While there are a number of treatment modalities at the disposal of the clinician, clinical experience has suggested a need for updated treatments. The pathogenesis of...
SAGE Publications Inc: Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery: Table of Contents
Nitrous Oxide Reduces Pain Associated With Local Anesthetic Injections
Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, Ahead of Print. Background:Local anesthetic injections can be painful and distressing.Objective:The aim of this study was to determine whether nitrous oxide, ice, vibration, or topical anesthetic improves analgesia for local anesthetic injections.Method:A cohort study of 400 patients undergoing Mohs micrographic surgery with local anesthetic was conducted. Patients received no intervention (n = 200), ice (n = 50), topical anesthetic cream (n = 50), vibration...
SAGE Publications Inc: Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery: Table of Contents

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