Τρίτη 13 Αυγούστου 2019

Effects of body weight support and pedal stance width on joint loading during pinnacle trainer exercise
Publication date: Available online 12 August 2019Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): Yu-Lin You, Su-Ya Lee, Yi-Jung Tsai, Cheng-Feng Lin, Li-Chieh Kuo, Fong-Chin SuAbstractBackgroundA pinnacle trainer is a stair climber that has a biplane exercise trajectory and an adjustable pedal stance width (PSW). A pinnacle trainer integrated with a body weight support (BWS) system can help overweight individuals or individuals with poor balance exercise safely by reducing excessive or improper joint loads,...
Gait & Posture
Can arm movements improve postural stability during challenging standing balance tasks?
Publication date: Available online 12 August 2019Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): Chy N. Objero, Maximilian M. Wdowski M, Mathew W. Hill
Gait & Posture
Association of back pain and pelvic tilt during gait in individuals with cerebral palsy
Publication date: Available online 12 August 2019Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): Zachary B. Novaczyk, Andrew Georgiadis, Elizabeth R. BoyerAbstractBackgroundBack pain prevalence may increase with lumbar lordosis during standing in individuals with cerebral palsy (CP). Multiple interventions undertaken in individuals with CP have been shown to increase anterior pelvic tilt.Research QuestionAre pelvic tilt and trunk tilt (proxy measurements for lumbar lordosis) during gait are associated with...
Gait & Posture
Gait Characteristics and Their Associations with Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Publication date: Available online 12 August 2019Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): Masahiro Iwakura, Kazuki Okura, Kazuyuki Shibata, Atsuyoshi Kawagoshi, Keiyu Sugawara, Hitomi Takahashi, Takanobu Shioya, Masahiko WakasaABSTRACTBackgroundAbnormalities of spatiotemporal gait parameters are frequently observed in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, associations of gait parameters with clinical outcomes and their implementation into clinical practice have not been established.Research...
Gait & Posture
Forward and backward walking in Parkinson disease: A factor analysis
Publication date: Available online 12 August 2019Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): Greydon Gilmore, Arnaud Gouelle, Mitchell B. Adamson, Marcus Pieterman, Mandar JogAbstractBackgroundForward and backward walking are both impaired in Parkinson disease (PD). In this study, an exploratory factor analysis was performed to investigate the relationship between forward and backward walking in PD.Research QuestionGiven the difference in levodopa response between forward and backward walking, what is the...
Gait & Posture
New Law Aims to Improve Education for Students with Hearing Loss
Two new pieces of legislation were signed into law with the mission to improve education in New Jersey schools for children who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, or deaf-blind. The legislation was signed by Acting Governor Sheila Oliver and passed the full Assembly in June by a vote of 77-0. The first law created a Working Group on Deaf Education that will make recommendations for issues on early linguistic developments of children who are deaf or heard of hearing. This group within the Department of Education...

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