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Τετάρτη 28 Αυγούστου 2019

Immune activity at the gut epithelium in the larval sea urchin
Abstract The embryo of the purple sea urchin has been a fruitful model for the study of developmental gene regulatory networks. For similar reasons, the feeding sea urchin larva provides a gene regulatory model to investigate immune interactions at the gut epithelium. Here we describe what is known of the gut structure and immune cells of the sea urchin larva, and the cellular and gene expression response of the larva to gut-associated immune challenge. As a focused example of...
Latest Results for Cell and Tissue Research
Clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes among stroke patients hospitalized to Nekemte referral hospital, western Ethiopia
The updated definition of central nervous system infarction is brain, spinal cord, or retinal cell death attributable to ischemia in a defined vascular territory, based on neuropathological, neuroimaging, and/or clinical evidence of focal ischemic injury with symptoms persisting ≥24 h or until death, and other etiologies excluded [1]. Stroke is the brain equivalent of a heart attack [2]. In Caucasian populations approximately 80% of all strokes are ischemic, 10%-15% intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH),...
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience
A preliminary data: Evaluation of serum Galectin-3 levels in patients with Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease
Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease (IPH) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease with tremors, motor findings (rigidity, bradykinesia, etc.) and cognitive impairments, in the geriatric population after Alzheimer's Disease (AD), affecting approximately 1–2% of the population over 60 years of age [1–8]. Although the etiopathogenesis of the loss of selective dopamine neurons remains unclear, increasing evidence suggests that oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and apoptosis associated...
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience
Clinical outcomes of moderate to severe acute ischemic stroke in a telemedicine network
Telemedicine for the management of AIS is being increasingly used to improve stroke care and to deliver stroke expertise to physicians and patients in underserved areas. [1–3]. The number and extent of telestroke networks and the implementation of telestroke into routine practice is rapidly growing in the United States and throughout the world [2,4]. Recently, thrombectomy alone or after administration of intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (i.v. t-PA), has proven to be effective for the treatment...
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience
Surgical-orthodontic approach for facial rejuvenation based on a reverse facelift
Orthodontic treatment combined with a maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) can be an effective option for patients who need not only corrected occlusion but also facial rejuvenation. In this case series, two pa...
Progress in Orthodontics - Latest Articles
Development of Hemorrhage-prone Anastomoses in Asymptomatic Moyamoya Disease—A Comparative Study with Japan Adult Moyamoya Trial
Objective: Present study was aimed to precisely evaluate the angio-architectures in patients with asymptomatic moyamoya disease (MMD) by comparing with those with hemorrhagic stroke. Methods: This study used the data set of cerebral angiography in Asymptomatic Moyamoya Registry (AMORE) Study and Japan Adult Moyamoya (JAM) Trial at enrollment. The development of 3 subtypes of collateral vessels, including lenticulostriate, thalamic, and choroidal anastomosis, was evaluated on cerebral angiography.
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases
Obinutuzumab plus fludarabine and cyclophosphamide in previously untreated, fit patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a subgroup analysis of the GREEN study
Leukemia, Published online: 27 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41375-019-0554-1Obinutuzumab plus fludarabine and cyclophosphamide in previously untreated, fit patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a subgroup analysis of the GREEN study
Leukemia - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Relapsed refractory multiple myeloma: a comprehensive overview
Leukemia, Published online: 27 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41375-019-0561-2Relapsed refractory multiple myeloma: a comprehensive overview
Leukemia - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Evaluation of ERK as a therapeutic target in acute myelogenous leukemia
Leukemia, Published online: 27 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41375-019-0552-3Evaluation of ERK as a therapeutic target in acute myelogenous leukemia
Leukemia - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Chronic myeloid leukemia: the concepts of resistance and persistence and the relationship with the BCR-ABL1 transcript type
Leukemia, Published online: 27 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41375-019-0562-1Chronic myeloid leukemia: the concepts of resistance and persistence and the relationship with the BCR-ABL1 transcript type
Leukemia - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Evaluation of ERK as a therapeutic target in acute myelogenous leukemia
Leukemia - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Obinutuzumab plus fludarabine and cyclophosphamide in previously untreated, fit patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a subgroup analysis of the GREEN study
Leukemia - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Relapsed refractory multiple myeloma: a comprehensive overview
Leukemia - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Chronic myeloid leukemia: the concepts of resistance and persistence and the relationship with the BCR-ABL1 transcript type
Leukemia - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Building a global alliance in vascular surgery
At the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS) Annual Meeting in Budapest, Hungary, in September 2013, a landmark meeting was held that charted a new course of collaboration among the major Vascular Surgery Societies. Representatives from the ESVS, the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS), and the World Federation of Vascular Societies (WFVS) met and agreed that the TransAtlantic Societal Consensus process no longer met the needs of defining standards of vascular care.1 The group unanimously agreed...
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Single Muscle Fibre Contractility Testing in Rats to Quantify Ischaemic Muscle Damage During Reperfusion Injury
In this study, the aim was to investigate the potential for single muscle fibre contractility (SMFC) testing to detect the extent of reperfusion injury following various reperfusion periods. The hypothesis was that force generated by muscle fibres will correlate inversely with the extent of reperfusion injury.
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Impact of Post-Hospital Syndrome on Outcomes of Elective Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Post-hospital syndrome (PHS) is an acquired, transient period of health vulnerability that follows hospital admission for acute illness. It is characterized by physiologic deconditioning secondary to stressors from disruption in circadian rhythm, depletion of nutritional reserve, and pain or discomfort associated with hospitalization. PHS is reported as an independent risk factor for readmission and adverse postoperative outcomes. The aim of this study was to investigate whether PHS affects outcomes...
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Five Year Outcomes of the Endurant Stent Graft for Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair in the ENGAGE Registry
Endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) is commonly used to treat abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). However, the incidence of long-term complications and the need for re-interventions after EVAR remains a concern. Newer generation stent grafts have encouraging short and mid-term outcomes, but thorough analysis of their long-term performance is necessary.
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Achieving Consensus to Define Curricular Content for Simulation Based Education in Vascular Surgery: A Europe Wide Needs Assessment Initiative
To gather consensus among European educators about technical procedures that should be included in a future simulation based curriculum in vascular surgery.
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Events of Interest
News items of interest to the vascular surgeon must be received at least 8 weeks before the desired month of publication. Announcements published at no charge include those received from a sponsoring society of this Journal, those courses and conferences sponsored by state, regional, national, or international vascular surgical organizations, and university-sponsored continuing medical education courses. Send applicable events to Andrew O’Brien, Journal Manager, at a.obrien@elsevier.com. All other...
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Low Albumin Level Predicts Poor Outcome After Lower Extremity Procedures for Peripheral Artery Disease
There are limited data evaluating the impact of preoperative albumin levels in patients undergoing vascular procedures. This study evaluated the relationship of preoperative albumin levels with outcome after lower extremity (LE) vascular procedures for peripheral artery disease (PAD).
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Outcomes After Carotid Artery Stenting in Patients With Normal Neck Anatomy and Hostile Neck Anatomy Are Comparable
Carotid artery stenting (CAS) in patients with hostile neck anatomy (prior radiation therapy [XRT] and carotid endarterectomy [CEA]) is safe and effective, but concern remains for higher restenosis and differences in postoperative neurologic events. Our objective was to determine whether periprocedural and long-term outcomes of CAS performed in patients who have had prior XRT or CEA are comparable to those of patients with normal neck anatomy (NL).
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Predictors of New Ischaemic Brain Lesions on Diffusion Weighted Imaging After Carotid Stenting and Endarterectomy: A Systematic Review
Peri-procedural ischaemic brain lesions on diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) after carotid endarterectomy (CEA) and carotid artery stenting (CAS) have been related to a higher chance of recurrent cerebrovascular events. This systematic review provides an overview of patient characteristics associated with increased risk of new DWI lesions.
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Effectiveness and Safety of Ultrasound Guided Lower Extremity Nerve Blockade in Infragenicular Bypass Grafting for High Risk Patients With Chronic Limb Threatening Ischaemia
Surgical revascularisation to accomplish limb salvage remains preferable in some patients with chronic limb threatening ischaemia (CLTI). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of ultrasound guided lower extremity nerve blockade (UGNB) in infragenicular bypass surgery (IGBS).
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Management of Open Abdominal Aortic Graft Infections
Aortic graft infection (AGI) is a disastrous complication with an incidence of 0.2–6% in operated patients. With little or no high quality evidence, the best treatment option remains unclear. Therefore, the literature on the management of open abdominal AGI was systematically reviewed to determine optimal treatment.
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Editorial Board
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Information for Readers
Communications regarding original articles and editorial management should be addressed to Peter Gloviczki, MD, and Peter F. Lawrence, MD, Editors, Journal of Vascular Surgery, 9400 W. Higgins Road, Suite 315, Rosemont IL 60018; telephone: 312-334-2355; fax: 312-334-2320; e-mail: JVASCSURG@vascularsociety.org. Information for authors appears in the January and July issues, at www.jvascsurg.org, and at jvs.editorialmanager.com. Authors should consult this document before submitting manuscripts to...
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Long-Term Stroke Risk With Carotid Endarterectomy in Patients With Severe Carotid Stenosis
Informed debate about optimal carotid endarterectomy (CEA) use for severe stenosis requires contemporary assessment of long-term procedural stroke risk reduction with periprocedural risk, and long-term outcome data, particularly for asymptomatic (ASX) stenosis, are lacking. In this study, we report long-term stroke and death risk after CEA in a large integrated health care system.
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Invited commentary
The Wound Ischemia foot Infection (WIfI) classification has gained widespread acceptance in the vascular community as a method of categorizing disease severity in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI). The original WIfI system is based on a Delphi consensus model, which relies on an iterative process of consensus amongst experts, but is not necessarily data driven. Twelve experts were selected in the formation of the initial WIfI model. The WIfI classification was initially developed...
Journal of Vascular Surgery
The Impact of Hemoglobin A1c on Outcomes After Lower Extremity Bypass
Diabetes has been shown to be associated with increased risk of postoperative complications after lower extremity bypass (LEB), although it is unclear whether short-term glucose control affects outcomes. This study aimed to assess the impact of perioperative hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels on short- and long-term results after LEB.
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Association of Upper Extremity and Neck Access With Stroke in Endovascular Aortic Repair
Upper extremity and neck access is increasingly being used for complex endovascular aortic repairs. We sought to compare perioperative stroke and other complications of (1) arm/neck with femoral/iliac access (AN) vs femoral/iliac access alone (FI), (2) right- vs left-sided AN, and (3) arm vs neck access sites.
Journal of Vascular Surgery
WEE1 kinase inhibitor shows promise
Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, Published online: 27 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41571-019-0270-9WEE1 kinase inhibitor shows promise
Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology - Issue - nature.com science feeds
WEE1 kinase inhibitor shows promise
Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Cartilage on a Chip to Identify New Treatments for Osteoarthritis
Researchers from the Polytechnic University of Milan and the University Hospital of Basel have developed a microfluidic chip containing cartilage, which can be subjected to mechanical stress. The procedure mimics the conditions of osteoarthritis and could help in developing new treatments. Osteoarthritis is relatively common among people over 60, with 20% of women and 10% of men suffering its effects at this age. However, perhaps surprisingly, there are no drugs available that can...
MedWorm Palliative Care Blogs
Simple suggestions can make such a positive impact
Recently I visited a lady at her home who was a palliative care patient. She was seated on the couch in the living room with a turban on her head and a look of anxiety and depression. Her husband was quiet during the entire visit. He was seated in a chair next to the couch […]Find jobs at  Careers by KevinMD.com.  Search thousands of physician, PA, NP, and CRNA jobs now.  Learn more. (Source: Kevin, M.D. - Medical Weblog)
MedWorm Palliative Care Blogs
5 tips for airway management in the bariatric patient
Pre-oxygenate, evaluate for LEMONS and position a patient of any size correctly to help secure an airway
EMS1 Product Articles
Volunteer EMS: 10 things to know about billing for services
Not billing for EMS patient transport leaves money in the pockets of insurance companies and government programs created to pay for ambulance transport
EMS1 Product Articles
Mixing business and billing: EMS documentation impact on billing and reimbursement
Ambulance services cannot afford to feed the billing department incomplete, inaccurate or misrepresented information
EMS1 Product Articles

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