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Τετάρτη 21 Αυγούστου 2019

Möglichkeiten und Perspektiven der Hyperspektralbildgebung in der Viszeralchirurgie
Zusammenfassung Die Hyperspektralbildgebung („HyperSpectral Imaging“ [HSI]) erlaubt quantitative Gewebeanalysen über die Limitationen des menschlichen Auges hinaus. Somit dient es als neues Diagnostikinstrument der optischen Eigenschaften verschiedener Gewebe. Im Gegensatz zu anderen intraoperativen bildgebenden Methoden ist HSI kontaktlos, nichtinvasiv und bedarf keiner Kontrastmittelapplikation. Die Messungen nehmen nur wenige Sekunden in Anspruch und stören somit die Operationsabläufe...
Latest Results for Der Chirurg
Polytrauma im Alter – Erkenntnisse aus dem TraumaRegister DGU®
Zusammenfassung Der geriatrische Frakturpatient steht aufgrund der demographischen Entwicklung zunehmend im Fokus. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass die Zahl der polytraumatisierten geriatrischen Patienten in den kommenden Jahren ähnlich der demographischen Entwicklung steigen wird. Das TraumaRegister DGU® der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie gibt uns hierbei interessante Einblicke in die Altersstruktur und das Outcome der Patienten. Im Jahr 2017 waren 26,2 % der erfassten...
Latest Results for Der Chirurg
Efficacy of a Topical Formulation of Sodium Bicarbonate in Mild to Moderate Stable Plaque Psoriasis: a Randomized, Blinded, Intrapatient, Controlled Study
Abstract Introduction Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by the presence of erythematosquamous lesions. A wide variety of topical treatments for therapy of this pathology are available, including sodium bicarbonate (SB). A few papers reported in literature focus on use of SB baths for treatment of psoriasis, but none assess evidence concerning the efficacy of SB topical preparations. This study aimed to determine...
Latest Results for Dermatology and Therapy
Economic Impact of Etanercept in Patients with Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis in Spain: A Systematic Review
Abstract Introduction Etanercept (ETN), a highly effective biological agent for the treatment of psoriasis (PSO) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA), is widely used in Spain. However, evidence of its economic impact is limited, indicating the need for a systematic review of the economic assessments conducted on the use of ETN in the treatment of both PSO and PsA in Spain. ...
Latest Results for Dermatology and Therapy
SEMS and Sensibility: Self-Expandable Metal Stents for Malignant Biliary Obstruction—Are Stent Characteristics Important?
Latest Results for Digestive Diseases and Sciences
Quantitating Quality Measurements of Acute Pancreatitis Management
Latest Results for Digestive Diseases and Sciences
Quality of Care Indicators in Patients with Acute Pancreatitis
Abstract Background Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a common and expensive condition. Improving quality of care in AP is vital to minimizing cost and improving patient outcomes. However, there has been little work accomplished toward developing and validating explicit quality indicators (QIs) in AP. Aims To define quality of care in patients with...
Latest Results for Digestive Diseases and Sciences
Introduction to “DDS Citation Classics”: Reaping Dividends from Rising Interest
Latest Results for Digestive Diseases and Sciences
Sound Conclusions: How Splenic Elastography May Decrease the Need for Endoscopic Variceal Surveillance
Latest Results for Digestive Diseases and Sciences
Resolution of Refractory Eosinophilic Esophagitis with the Leukocyte-Trafficking Inhibitor Natalizumab
Latest Results for Digestive Diseases and Sciences
Current Aspects on Differentiating Relapses from Over-Infections in Symptomatic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Latest Results for Digestive Diseases and Sciences
Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Transpancreatic Sphincterotomy, Double-Guidewire, and Precut Techniques: Which One Makes the Cut?
Latest Results for Digestive Diseases and Sciences
Precautions and Monitoring of Patients Taking Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors Who are at Risk of Increased Intraocular Pressure
Abstract Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5Is) may increase intraocular pressure (IOP) by increasing blood flow to the ciliary body. Although clinical studies of changes in IOP after single and multiple doses of PDE5Is show variable results, most are limited by small sample sizes, absence of control groups and blinding, and use of normal patient volunteers who have no risk factors for glaucoma. However, multiple case reports of glaucoma have been published, and one epidemiologic...
Latest Results for Drugs
Study of the strength of the evidence and the redundancy of the research on pharmacological treatment for Alzheimer’s disease: a cumulative meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis
Abstract Purpose To study the strength of the evidence on efficacy, safety and acceptability of cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEI) and memantine for Alzheimer’s disease (AD); and to determine the number of redundant post-authorisation trials. Methods A cumulative meta-analysis with a trial sequential analysis (TSA) was performed. Primary outcomes were cognitive...
Latest Results for European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Efficacy of phloroglucinol for the treatment of pain of gynaecologic or obstetrical origin: a systematic review of literature of randomised controlled trials
Abstract Purpose Antispasmodics like phloroglucinol are commonly used to alleviate pain. Various authorities recommend the use of this drug for conditions such as dysmenorrhoea, threatened abortion or labour pains. The goal was to carry out a systematic review analysing the existing data concerning the efficacy of phloroglucinol to treat pain in obstetrical or gynaecologic cases. The protocol was registered in Prospero (CRD 42018094065)....
Latest Results for European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Streptococcus agalactiae disrupts P-glycoprotein function in brain endothelial cells
Abstract Bacterial meningitis is a serious life threatening infection of the CNS. To cause meningitis, blood–borne bacteria need to interact with and penetrate brain endothelial cells (BECs) that comprise the blood–brain barrier. BECs help maintain brain homeostasis and they possess an array of efflux transporters, such as P-glycoprotein (P-gp), that function to efflux potentially harmful compounds from the CNS back into the circulation. Oftentimes, efflux also serves to limit...
Latest Results for Fluids and Barriers of the CNS
Factors defining occurrence of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes during continuous flow left ventricular assist device support
Abstract Objective LVAD-related strokes occur at a much higher rate compared to traditional open heart surgery. The pathophysiology of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes after LVAD implantation is not well defined. The aim of this study was to better describe the etiopathogenesis of strokes during continuous flow LVAD support based on our institutional experience. Methods ...
Latest Results for General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Telerehabilitation for Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Patients: A Pilot Series with High Patient Satisfaction
Abstract Background The demand for total hip and total knee arthroplasty in the USA is projected to increase significantly. Traditionally, face-to-face physical therapy has been an essential component of recovery in patients after total joint arthroplasty. Emerging technology allows telerehabilitation, or virtual physical therapy, which may reduce costs and increase standardization, but its effects on outcomes are not known. ...
Latest Results for HSS Journal ®
Limited Parenchyma-Sparing Pancreatic Head Resection for Benign Neuroendocrine Tumors and Cystic Neoplasms—the Use of Duodenum-Preserving Head Resection
Abstract Treating benign tumors of the pancreatic head by using duodenum-preserving total or subtotal pancreatic head resection (DPPHRt/s) has proven to reduce mortality and morbidity with a positive postoperative outcome, when compared with the standard approach which is represented by pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). We present three cases of DPPHRs for benign tumors, in which pancreaticojejunostomy (PJ) and pancreaticogastrostomy (PG) were used. The long-term outcome of these patients...
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
Comparison of Conventional and Video-Assisted Lateral Neck Lymphadenectomy for Thyroid Cancer
Abstract The thoroughness and safety of removal of lymph nodes by endoscopic thyroidectomy is questioned. We applied video-assisted lateral neck lymphadenectomy and evaluated its feasibility and safety. Sixty-six patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) and lateral neck lymph node metastasis (TNM staging: cN1b) who agreed to surgical therapies were retrospectively compared. The patients were divided into two groups: a conventional lateral neck lymphadenectomy group (CL group)...
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
The Effects of Different Insufflation Pressures on Cerebral Oxygen Saturation in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Abstract A pneumoperitoneum during laparoscopic procedures has deleterious effects on cerebral perfusion and oxygenation. Our aim was to assess the effects of different insufflation pressures on cerebral oxygen saturation (rSO2) using a noninvasive INVOS Cerebral Oximeter (Somanetics Corporation, USA) system. One hundred patients scheduled for laparoscopic cholecystectomy were included and divided into two groups: a 10 mmHg pneumoperitoneum group (group I) and a 14 mmHg pneumoperitoneum...
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
Pure Tubular Carcinoma of the Breast: Is Axillary Staging Necessary?
Abstract Pure tubular carcinoma (PTC) is a rare and well-differentiated tumor of the breast with high survival and low local recurrence rate. Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is routinely used but still bears 5% risk of lymphedema. This study aims to investigate axillary involvement rate and necessity of axillary staging in clinically early PTCs. Thirty-seven PTCs in 36 patients between 2010 and 2017 were evaluated retrospectively. Histopathological features, sentinel lymph node...
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
Can Native Arteriovenous Fistula Be Safely Made by Trainees? Comparison of Results of Native Arteriovenous Fistula for Vascular Access Made by Trainees with that by Consultant
Abstract Native arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is the preferred mode of vascular access for hemodialysis. Few studies suggest that the results of AVF are influenced by the experience of the operating surgeons. The present study compares the results of the AVF surgery performed by the surgical trainees with consultant. The retrospective data of the patient operated during the period of January to December 2016 was evaluated. The primary success rate and functional status of the AVF...
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
Femoroceles—a Rare Differential for the Irreducible Groin Lump: a Case Report and Literature Review
Abstract Femoral hydroceles, or femoroceles, are a rare differential for the irreducible groin lump. A healthy 68-year-old lady presents to the surgical outpatient clinic with bilateral groin lumps. CT imaging of the region demonstrates a left inguinal hernia containing unobstructed small bowel and a right inguinal cyst most suggestive of a canal of Nuck cyst. An intraoperative diagnosis of a femorocele was made, and the defect was repaired using a mesh plug. The patient was discharged...
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
Rocuronium Bromide Intravenous Solution Maruishi® is more suitable than ESLAX Intravenous® during rapid-sequence induction of anesthesia
Abstract Purpose Rocuronium Bromide Intravenous Solution® (Maruishi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Osaka, Japan) is a newly developed generic drug and we have noticed that compared with conventional rocuronium formulations [e.g. Esmeron (Eslax), MSD Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan], rocuronium Maruishi appeared to cause less pain or withdrawal movement. The aim of this study was to assess the hypothesis that the injection of rocuronium Maruishi causes...
Latest Results for Journal of Anesthesia
The effect of active coating and refrigerated storage on the quality of avocado cultivar, Quintal
Abstract Postharvest technologies, such as the application of coatings, could contribute to the extension of the shelf life of avocado fruit. The objective of the present research was to evaluate the effects of coating, based on agro-industrial co-products (citrus pectin, broken rice grain flour, and cellulosic rice skin nanofiber), sorbitol and potassium sorbate, on the quality of avocado (cultivar ‘Quintal’) stored under refrigeration. The coating contributed to a longer conservation...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
A Meta-analysis of the Association Between SLC6A3 Gene Polymorphisms and Schizophrenia
Abstract The dopamine transporter is coded by the SLC6A3 gene and plays an important role in regulation of the neurotransmitter dopamine. To detect the association between the SLC6A3 gene and the risk of schizophrenia, 31 case-control articles were included in this meta-analysis. There were 23 studies with 40 bp VNTR (3246 cases and 3639 controls), 4 studies with rs40184 (2020 cases and 1674 controls), rs6347 (1317 cases and 1917 controls), rs403636 (2045 cases and 1704 controls),...
Latest Results for Journal of Molecular Neuroscience
Low-Dose Subcutaneous Anti-CD20 Treatment Depletes Disease Relevant B Cell Subsets and Attenuates Neuroinflammation
Abstract To explore the B cell depleting capacity of a low-dose (20 μg) subcutaneous mouse anti-CD20 antibody treatment on disease-relevant B cell populations within lymph nodes and the spleen. B cell depleting capacity was explored in healthy female C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice; following immune activation in two different mouse models: trinitrophenylated lipopolysaccharide model (thymus-independent response) and dinitrophenyl-keyhole limpet hemocyanin model (thymus-dependent response);...
Latest Results for Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology
Correction to: Gap Analysis Regarding Prognostication in Neurocritical Care: A Joint Statement from the German Neurocritical Care Society and the Neurocritical Care Society
This article was updated to correct the spelling of Karl Georg Haeusler.
Latest Results for Neurocritical Care
Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutics for Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2
Abstract The effective therapeutic treatment and the disease-modifying therapy for spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) (a progressive hereditary disease caused by an expansion of polyglutamine in the ataxin-2 protein) is not available yet. At present, only symptomatic treatment and methods of palliative care are prescribed to the patients. Many attempts were made to study the physiological, molecular, and biochemical changes in SCA2 patients and in a variety of the model systems...
Latest Results for Neurotherapeutics
Insights from the Impact of Meal Composition on Glucose Profile Towards Post-bariatric Hypoglycemia Management
Abstract Background/Aim The need to improve post-bariatric hypoglycemia (PBH) diagnosis and clinical management is well recognized. Our aim was to evaluate the influence of meal nutritional composition on interstitial fluid glucose (IFG) profiles and symptom profile after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB). Methods Seventeen subjects previously submitted to...
Latest Results for Obesity Surgery
Risk Factors for Prolonged Pleural Effusion After Extracardiac Fontan Operation
Abstract Prolonged pleural effusion after Fontan operation is a significant morbidity that leads to long hospital stays. We investigated the association of multiple risk factors, including clinical characteristics, hemodynamic parameters, and preoperative, operative, and postoperative factors, with prolonged pleural effusion after Fontan operation. Eighty-five patients who underwent a Fontan operation between January 2005 and June 2018 in our center were included in this retrospective...
Latest Results for Pediatric Cardiology
Implementation of a pediatric trauma cervical spine clearance pathway
Abstract Purpose Pediatric cervical spine injuries are rare events. Missed injuries must be weighed against radiation exposure and excess resource utilization in a young population. A universal pediatric cervical spine clearance algorithm does not exist. The study objective is to determine if care improved after the implementation of a standardized cervical spine clearance pathway by evaluating imaging rates, length of stay, speciality...
Latest Results for Pediatric Surgery International
Gonocyte transformation in congenital undescended testes: what is the role of inhibin-B in cell death?
Abstract Purpose Undescended testes (UDT) are subjected to heat stress, which can disturb gonocyte transformation as well as apoptosis. This study aims to describe the apoptosis pathway occurring during minipuberty of children with unilateral (UDT), and to investigate the role of inhibin-B. Methods Testicular biopsies at unilateral orchidopexy of 10 boys...
Latest Results for Pediatric Surgery International
Impact of an enhanced recovery pathway on length of stay and complications in elective radical cystectomy: a before and after cohort study
Abstract Background Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) pathways aim to standardize and integrate perioperative care, incorporating the best available evidence-based practice throughout the perioperative period targeted at attenuating the surgical stress response while optimizing physiologic function, with the goal of facilitating recovery. Radical cystectomy is associated with significant postoperative morbidity, but comprehensive...
Latest Results for Perioperative Medicine
Sex Differences in an Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis: Are Restricted Repetitive Behaviors and Interests the Key?
Abstract Restricted and repetitive behaviors and interests (RRBI) have garnered attention for their presenting sex differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Specifically, previous works have claimed that RRBI are less predictive of an ASD diagnosis for females relative to males. Previous reports have demonstrated mixed findings: females present with greater RRBI (e.g., compulsive behaviors), females present with fewer RRBI (e.g., restricted interests), and females are not...
Latest Results for Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Advancements in Cancer Stem Cell Isolation and Characterization
Abstract Occurrence of stem cells (CSCs) in cancer is well established in last two decades. These rare cells share several properties including presence of common surface markers, stem cell markers, chemo- and radio- resistance and are highly metastatic in nature; thus, considered as valuable prognostic and therapeutic targets in cancer. However, the studies related to CSCs pave number of issues due to rare cell population and difficulties in their isolation ascribed to common...
Latest Results for Stem Cell Reviews and Reports

Hypergravity-induced plastic alteration of the vestibulo-sympathetic reflex involves decrease in responsiveness of CAMK2-expressing neurons in the vestibular nuclear complex
Abstract The vestibular system contributes to not only eye movement and posture but also the sympathetic response. Plastic alteration of the vestibulo-sympathetic reflex is induced by hypergravity load; however, the mechanism remains unknown. Here, we examined 2 g-induced changing in responsiveness of CAMK2-expressing neurons in the vestibular nucleus complex using optogenetic tools. The excitatory photostimulation of the CAMK2-expressing neurons in the unilateral vestibular nuclear...
Latest Results for The Journal of Physiological Sciences

IL-2 production by self-reactive CD4 thymocytes scales regulatory T cell generation in the thymus
A small population of self-reactive CD4SP thymocytes promotes thymic T reg cell development by provision of the niche factor IL-2, thereby scaling the size of the T reg cell compartment to appropriately match the self-reactive T cell pool.
Latest Articles
Yeats4 drives ILC lineage commitment via activation of Lmo4 transcription
Liu et al. show that Yeats4 recruits the Dot1l–RNA Pol II complex onto the Lmo4 promoter by recognizing H3K27ac modification to initiate Lmo4 transcription in α4β7+ CLPs, leading to ILC lineage commitment.
Latest Articles
Magnesium oxide nanoparticles and thidiazuron enhance lead phytoaccumulation and antioxidative response in Raphanus sativus L.
Abstract An in vitro study was conducted to evaluate the effects of thidiazuron (TDZ) growth regulator and magnesium oxide (MgO) nanoparticles on radish (Raphanus sativus L.) under lead (Pb) stress. Effects of TDZ and MgO on seed germination, growth, biomass, total phenolics and flavonoids, antioxidant potential, and Pb phytoaccumulation in different plant parts were assessed. Nanoparticles of MgO were synthesized with leaf extract of Sageretia thea (Osbeck) plant. Thidiazuron...
Latest Results
Urea/ZnCl 2 in situ hydrothermal carbonization of Camellia sinensis waste to prepare N-doped biochar for heavy metal removal
Abstract Environmental benefits of biochar require a simple and effective method for preparation of functional N-doped biochar. In this study, urea/ZnCl2 was developed to prepare N-doped biochar via in situ hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) of Camellia sinensis waste at 120–280 °C for 2 h under 1.0–9.8 MPa. Physicochemical and structural properties of the N-doped biochar were investigated by Raman spectra, elemental analysis, BET surface area, SEM, TEM, XRD, and XPS. The results...
Latest Results
Thermotolerance of camel ( Camelus dromedarius ) somatic cells affected by the cell type and the dissociation method
Abstract Researchers dealing with heat stress experiments use different cell kinds and use trypsin that has been reported to affect the cellular proteins of cultured cells. Therefore, we compared the effects of acute and chronic exposures to high temperature (45 °C) on camel skin fibroblast and granulosa cells. Primary culture of fibroblasts and granulosa cells tolerated the acute heat shock for 2 h; however, granulosa cells cultured for long duration (20 h) showed thermotolerance...
Latest Results
Ecotoxicological effects and accumulation of ciprofloxacin in Eichhornia crassipes under hydroponic conditions
Abstract Antibiotic residues pose a threat to the health of aquatic organisms. The effects and accumulation of antibiotic ciprofloxacin (CIP) in a floating macrophyte (Eichhornia crassipes) under hydroponic conditions were investigated. It was found that E. crassipes exposure to CIP (< 1000 μg L−1) could maintain a stable photosynthesis efficiency. In response to CIP stress, catalase and peroxidase activities of leaves were 7.24–37.51 nmol min−1 g−1 and 98.46–173.16 U g−1, respectively....
Latest Results
Morphological and dynamic evaluation of complex cystic focal liver lesions by contrast-enhanced ultrasound: current state of the art
Abstract Complex cystic and cystic-like focal liver lesions (FLLs) encompass a spectrum of disorders ranging from non-neoplastic conditions to benign and malignant tumors. In this prospective, the possibility of non-invasive differentiation of these lesions is extremely important, because the clinical implications and therapeutic strategies vary considerably. Because of its advantageous cost/benefit ratio, widespread availability and easy execution, ultrasound (US) is the first-line...
Latest Results
Radikale Prostatektomie oder „Watchful Waiting“ beim frühen Prostatakarzinom?
Latest Results
Radiogenomics in head and neck cancer: correlation of radiomic heterogeneity and somatic mutations in TP53, FAT1 and KMT2D
Abstract Purpose Genetic tumour profiles and radiomic features can be used to complement clinical information in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) patients. Radiogenomics imply the potential to investigate complementarity or interrelations of radiomic and genomic features, and prognostic factors might be determined. The aim of our study was to explore radiogenomics in HNSCC. ...
Latest Results
Retraction Note: Unique RNA signature of different lesion types in the brain white matter in progressive multiple sclerosis
The authors have retracted this article [1] because a line was omitted from the data sheet; this was due to a bug in the analysis scripts.
Latest Results for Acta Neuropathologica Communications
Toxicokinetics of urinary 2-ethylhexyl salicylate and its metabolite 2-ethyl-hydroxyhexyl salicylate in humans after simulating real-life dermal sunscreen exposure
Abstract Chemical UV filters are common components in sunscreens and cosmetic products. The question of adverse health risks is not completely resolved, partly owing to lacking human data from dermal exposure, which are essential for sound risk assessment. Therefore, we investigated the urinary toxicokinetics of 2-ethylhexyl salicylate (EHS) after a 1-day dermal real-life sunscreen application scenario. Twenty human volunteers were dermally exposed to a commercial sunscreen for...
Latest Results for Archives of Toxicology
Toxicokinetics of urinary 2-ethylhexyl salicylate and its metabolite 2-ethyl-hydroxyhexyl salicylate in humans after simulating real-life dermal sunscreen exposure
Abstract Chemical UV filters are common components in sunscreens and cosmetic products. The question of adverse health risks is not completely resolved, partly owing to lacking human data from dermal exposure, which are essential for sound risk assessment. Therefore, we investigated the urinary toxicokinetics of 2-ethylhexyl salicylate (EHS) after a 1-day dermal real-life sunscreen application scenario. Twenty human volunteers were dermally exposed to a commercial sunscreen for...
Latest Results for Archives of Toxicology
Toxicokinetics of urinary 2-ethylhexyl salicylate and its metabolite 2-ethyl-hydroxyhexyl salicylate in humans after simulating real-life dermal sunscreen exposure
Abstract Chemical UV filters are common components in sunscreens and cosmetic products. The question of adverse health risks is not completely resolved, partly owing to lacking human data from dermal exposure, which are essential for sound risk assessment. Therefore, we investigated the urinary toxicokinetics of 2-ethylhexyl salicylate (EHS) after a 1-day dermal real-life sunscreen application scenario. Twenty human volunteers were dermally exposed to a commercial sunscreen for...
Latest Results for Archives of Toxicology
Asiatic Acid Attenuates Bone Loss by Regulating Osteoclastic Differentiation
Abstract Anti-resorptive agents like bisphosphonates have been widely used for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. However, their long-term safety and efficacy are still controversial. This study is to examine the effect of Asiatic acid (AA) in osteoclastic differentiation, and further to investigate its effect on bone quality in animals. Effect of AA on osteoclastic differentiation was measured by Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase stain, bone resorption pit assays,...
Latest Results for Calcified Tissue International
The impact of future urban scenarios on a severe weather case in the metropolitan area of São Paulo
Abstract In this work, convective parameters are applied, based on numerical simulations made with Brazilian Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (BRAMS) model, to a severe weather case which occurred in the metropolitan area of São Paulo (MASP). Scenarios of future urban area growth and increase of building heights were made to evaluate changes in convective parameters and rainfall for the study region. Using factorial planning and factor separation methods, we found that the...
Latest Results for Climatic Change
Decarbonization and its discontents: a critical energy justice perspective on four low-carbon transitions
Abstract Low-carbon transitions are often assumed as positive phenomena, because they supposedly reduce carbon emissions, yet without vigilance, there is evidence that they can in fact create new injustices and vulnerabilities, while also failing to address pre-existing structural drivers of injustice in energy markets and the wider socio-economy. With this in mind, we examine four European low-carbon transitions from an unusual normative perspective: that of energy justice. Because...
Latest Results for Climatic Change
Ethical commitment of Spanish oncologists to patients with prostate cancer: reflections on the statements of the new ASTRO/AUA guideline (2019 guideline amendment)
Latest Results for Clinical and Translational Oncology
Standardized versus research-based PAM50 intrinsic subtyping of breast cancer
Latest Results for Clinical and Translational Oncology
Single-Dose Pharmacokinetics and Tolerability of Aprocitentan, a Dual Endothelin Receptor Antagonist, in Subjects with Severe Renal Function Impairment
Abstract Background The orally active dual endothelin receptor antagonist aprocitentan targets a novel pathway in the treatment of hypertension and could be a key player in the treatment of salt/volume-dependent hypertension. Its pharmacokinetic profile supports a once-daily dosing strategy. Objective As hypertensive patients may also experience concomitant...
Latest Results for Clinical Drug Investigation
Single-Dose Pharmacokinetics and Tolerability of Aprocitentan, a Dual Endothelin Receptor Antagonist, in Subjects with Severe Renal Function Impairment
Abstract Background The orally active dual endothelin receptor antagonist aprocitentan targets a novel pathway in the treatment of hypertension and could be a key player in the treatment of salt/volume-dependent hypertension. Its pharmacokinetic profile supports a once-daily dosing strategy. Objective As hypertensive patients may also experience concomitant...
Latest Results for Clinical Drug Investigation

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