Τρίτη 3 Μαρτίου 2020

Junk Foods Promote Hunger and Overeating
The struggle with weight gain and obesity is a common and costly health issue, leading to an increase in risk for heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and cancer, just to name a few.1 Obese individuals also have substantially higher medical expenses and indirect costs associated with lost productivity, transportation and premature mortality, and obesity is the reason why 1 in 3 fail to qualify for military service in the U.S.2 According to the 2019 State of Obesity report,3 18.5% of American...
Mercola Natural Health Articles
Cosmetics Are a Menace — But You Have Options
Business Insider1 reports that the beauty industry reached a value of $532 billion in 2019 and is projected to rapidly rise in the coming years. Cosmetics and personal care products are benefiting from social media, targeted pricing and companies that are aiming at sustainable alternatives demanded by consumers. In other words, it’s big business. Women have been using products to alter or enhance their appearance since at least the times of ancient Egypt.2 Despite continued growth in the industry,...
Mercola Natural Health Articles
Randomised clinical trial: transabdominal interferential electrical stimulation vs sham stimulation in women with functional constipation
Summary Background Managing chronic constipation is challenging as patients frequently remain dissatisfied with laxative treatments. Novel studies using transabdominal electrical interferential therapy in children have shown benefit but there are inadequate adult studies. Aim To examine the effects of transabdominal interferential stimulation on bowel symptoms and quality of life in women with refractory constipation. Methods In a single‐blind, randomised, sham‐controlled...
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
“Evolution? I Don’t Believe in It”
Abstract Due to the controversies surrounding the topic of evolution among religious and non-religious people alike, the treatment of biological evolution in education—both teaching and learning—is a potential minefield. The goal of this study was to probe the insights of Israeli stakeholders in education regarding the revision of the Israeli science and technology and biology curricula with respect to evolution. Our study is designed to capture the educational stakeholders’ opinions...
Science & Education

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