Τετάρτη 28 Αυγούστου 2019

GSE112859 Targets mediated microRNA arm-imbalance promotes gastric cancer progression
Contributors : Zhengyi Zhang ; Jingnan Pi ; Dongling Zou ; Xiaoshuang Wang ; Jiayue Xu ; Yanni Ma ; Dong Wang ; Jia YuSeries Type : Expression profiling by high throughput sequencingOrganism : Homo sapiensTwo miRNA arms from the same precursor, miR-574-5p and miR-574-3p, were reversely expressed and played exact opposite role in gastric cancer progression. miR-574-5p/-3p ratio was also strongly correlated with higher TNM stages and shorter survival of patients. The increase of miR-574-5p/-3p...
GEO series published today
Screening for natural products that affect Wnt signaling activity
AbstractWnt signaling has been implicated in numerous aspects of development, cell biology, and physiology. When aberrantly activated, Wnt signaling can also lead to the formation of tumors. Thus, Wnt signaling is an attractive target for cancer therapy. Based on our screening program targeting Wnt signaling activity using a cell-based luciferase screening system assessing TCF/ β-catenin transcriptional activity, we isolated a series of terpenoids and heterocyclic aromatic compounds that affect the...
MedWorm Cancer & Oncology Research
Combined anterolateral thigh and tensor fasciae latae flap using intraflap flow-through anastomoses in a case of chest wall reconstruction
This report shows that intraflap anastomoses for two different pedicles can be u seful for no more than one artery and vein at the recipient site and also allows for preservation of the other lateral circumflex branches.Level of evidence: Level V, therapeutic study. (Source: European Journal of Plastic Surgery)
MedWorm Cancer & Oncology Research
Assessing circovirus gene flow in multiple spill-over events
Abstract The establishment of viral pathogens in new host environments following spillover events probably requires adaptive changes within both the new host and pathogen. After many generations, signals for ancient cross-species transmission may become lost and a strictly host-adapted phylogeny may mimic true co-divergence while the virus may retain an inherent ability to jump host species. The mechanistic basis for such processes remains poorly understood. To study the dynamics...
Latest Results for Virus Genes
Short hairpin RNAs targeting M and N genes reduce replication of porcine deltacoronavirus in ST cells
Abstract Porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) is a recently identified coronavirus that causes intestinal diseases in neonatal piglets with diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, and post-infection mortality of 50–100%. Currently, there are no effective treatments or vaccines available to control PDCoV. To study the potential of RNA interference (RNAi) as a strategy against PDCoV infection, two short hairpin RNA (shRNA)-expressing plasmids (pGenesil-M and pGenesil-N) that targeted the M...
Latest Results for Virus Genes
Nasal respiration entrains neocortical long‐range gamma coherence during wakefulness
Abstract Recent studies have shown that slow cortical potentials in archi‐, paleo‐ and neocortex can phase‐lock with nasal respiration. In some of these areas’ gamma activity (γ: 30‐100 Hz) is also coupled to the animal's respiration. It has been hypothesized that these functional relationships play a role in coordinating distributed neural activity. In a similar way, inter‐cortical interactions at γ frequency have also been associated as a binding mechanism by which the brain generates temporary...
European Journal of Neuroscience
Microglia cytoarchitecture in the brain of adenosine A2A receptor knockout mice: brain region and sex specificities
Abstract Microglia cells exert a critical role in brain development, mainly supported by their immune functions, which predicts an impact on the genesis of psychiatric disorders. In fact, microglia stress during gestation is, for instance, associated with chronic anxiety and cognitive deficits accompanied by long‐lasting, region‐ and sex‐specific changes in microglia morphology. We recently reported that the pattern of microglia morphologic plasticity, which is sex‐determined, impacts on anxious‐like...
European Journal of Neuroscience
Pathological responses to single pulse electrical stimuli in epilepsy: the role of feedforward inhibition
Abstract Delineation of epileptogenic cortex in focal epilepsy patients may profit from single pulse electrical stimulation during intracranial EEG recordings. Single pulse electrical stimulation evokes early and delayed responses. Early responses represent connectivity. Delayed responses are a biomarker for epileptogenic cortex, but up till now, the precise mechanism generating delayed responses remains elusive. We used a data‐driven modelling approach to study early and delayed responses. We...
European Journal of Neuroscience
Subtle changes of gray matter volume in fibromyalgia reflect chronic musculoskeletal pain rather than disease‐specific effects
Abstract Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic pain syndrome. Neuroimaging studies provided evidence of altered gray matter volume (GMV) in FMS but, similarly, in chronic pain of other origin as well. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the disease specificity of GMV alterations in FMS by direct comparison. Structural MRI data of the brain were acquired in 25 females with FMS and two different control groups: 21 healthy subjects and 23 patients with osteoarthritis. Regional GMVs...
European Journal of Neuroscience
PD-L1 expression in gastric cancer determined by digital image analyses: pitfalls and correlation with pathologist interpretation
Abstract Programmed death ligand-1 (PD-L1) immunohistochemistry is used to predict response to anti-PD-L1 therapy. However, intra- and inter-observer variability influence the prediction of PD-L1 expression. Unlike evaluations of non–small cell lung cancer according to PD-L1 expression determined by tumor proportion score, gastric cancer is evaluated using combined positive scores. We aimed to compare the results of digital image analysis and pathologists’ interpretations for predicting...
What is new in endothelial neoplasia?
Abstract The classification of vascular neoplasms continues to evolve as we accumulate more genetic and clinical data, particularly for rare tumor types. Because of tumor rarity, changes to classification schema, overlapping histologic features, and in some cases, lack of morphologic evidence of vasoformation, vascular neoplasms present a diagnostic challenge. Here, we discuss recent developments in our understanding of vascular tumors, with a detailed discussion of epithelioid...
Histological and molecular features of solitary fibrous tumor of the extremities: clinical correlation
Abstract Solitary fibrous tumor is a rare mesenchymal neoplasm that exhibits a broad spectrum of biological behaviors. Few studies relative to clinical-pathologic features and predictive factors have been reported, all involving a mixed population of tumors occurring at different anatomic sites. In this study, we described a cohort of 41 patients with solitary fibrous tumor of the extremities and evaluated the prognostic role of clinical and histological features, presence of C228T...
Summary of the 11th International Conference on Human Herpesviruses 6A, ‐6B and ‐7
ABSTRACT The 11th International Conference on Human Herpesviruses‐6A (HHV‐6A), Human Herpesvirus‐6B (HHV‐6B) and Human Herpesviruses‐7 (HHV‐7) was held in Quebec City, from June 23‐26, 2019. It attracted 144 basic, translational and clinical scientists from 20 countries. Important new information was presented regarding: the mechanisms of chromosomal integration for HHV‐6A and ‐6B; the biology of inherited chromosomally‐integrated HHV‐6A and ‐6B; animal models for, and animal viruses with similarities...
Journal of Medical Virology
Real‐life effectiveness and safety of the daclatasvir/asunaprevir combination therapy for genotype 1b chronic hepatitis C patients: an emphasis on the pretreatment NS5A resistance‐associated substitution test
Abstract Background /Aim This study aimed to investigate the real‐life effectiveness and safety of daclatasvir (DCV) and asunaprevir (ASV) combination therapy in Korean patients. Methods We consecutively enrolled patients with genotype 1b HCV infection treated with at least one dose of DCV/ASV combination therapy in seven tertiary hospitals of South Korea. The sustained virologic response (SVR) rates and safety according to intention‐to‐treat (ITT) and per‐protocol (PP) analyses were evaluated....
Journal of Medical Virology
Clinical and Economic Burden of Pre‐emptive Therapy of Cytomegalovirus Infection in Hospitalized Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients
Abstract CMV infection remains a major complication after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo‐HCT). We conducted a retrospective study to determine the clinical and economic burden of pre‐emptive therapy (PET) for CMV infection in 100 consecutive hospitalized adult CMV positive serostatus allo‐HCT recipients and compared their hospitalization cost with allo‐HCT recipients hospitalized with graft versus host disease without CMV infection (control group) and across 19 US cancer centers...
Journal of Medical Virology
The velvet repressed vidA gene plays a key role in governing development in Aspergillus nidulans
Abstract Fungal development is regulated by a variety of transcription factors in Aspergillus nidulans. Previous studies demonstrated that the NF-κB type velvet transcription factors regulate certain target genes that govern fungal differentiation and cellular metabolism. In this study, we characterize one of the VosA/VelB-inhibited developmental genes called vidA, which is predicted to encode a 581-amino acid protein with a C2H2 zinc finger domain at the C-terminus. Levels of...
Latest Results for Journal of Microbiology
Cohnella abietis sp. nov., isolated from Korean fir ( Abies koreana ) rhizospheric soil of Halla mountain
Abstract A strictly aerobic, motile, endospore-forming, rod-shaped bacterium, designated HS21T, was isolated from rhizospheric soil of the Korean fir tree (Abies koreana) from Halla mountain on Jeju island, Korea. Growth of strain HS21T was observed at pH 6.0–8.0 (optimum: pH 7.0), 0–2% (w/v) NaCl and 4–30°C (optimum: 25°C). A comparative analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain HS21T was most closely related to Cohnella luojiensis HY-22RT (97.6%), followed by C....
Latest Results for Journal of Microbiology
Kinetic characterization of laccase from Bacillus atrophaeus , and its potential in juice clarification in free and immobilized forms
Abstract In the present study, a laccase gene (BaLc) from a lignin degrading bacterium, Bacillus atrophaeus, has been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The optimal catalytic activity of the protein was achieved at 5.5 pH and 35°C temperature, measured by oxidation of ABTS. The Km and Vmax values were determined as 1.42 mM and 4.16 μmole/min, respectively. To achieve the enzyme recovery, the biocatalyst (BaLc) was covalently attached onto the functionalized iron magnetic-nanoparticles....
Latest Results for Journal of Microbiology
Methylobacterium terrae sp. nov., a radiation-resistant bacterium isolated from gamma ray-irradiated soil
Abstract A Gram-stain-negative, asporogenous, aerobic rods, motile by means of a single polar flagellum, catalase- and oxidase-positive, methylotrophic bacterium, designated 17Sr1-28T, was isolated from gamma ray-irradiated soil. The 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that strain 17Sr1-28T was phylogenetically related to Methylobacterium currus PR1016AT (96.8%), Methylobacterium platani PMB02T (96.2%), Methylobacterium aquaticum DSM 16371T (96.3%), Methylobacterium tarhaniae...
Latest Results for Journal of Microbiology
Bacterial persistence: Fundamentals and clinical importance
Abstract The threat of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is increasing worldwide. Bacteria utilize persistence and resistance to survive antibiotic stress. For a long time, persistence has been studied only under laboratory conditions. Hence, studies of bacterial persistence are limited. Recently, however, the high incidence of infection relapses caused by persister cells in immunocompromised patients has emphasized the importance of persister research. Furthermore, persister pathogens...
Latest Results for Journal of Microbiology
Comparative portrayal of ocular surface microbe with and without dry eye
Abstract rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing was performed in the conjunctival swab samples to investigate the composition of the OS bacterial community in DE (n=35) and NDE (n=54) and compared the composition of MGD (n=25) and NMGD (n=10) among DE subjects. Deep sequencing of OS 16S rDNA from DE (n=35) and NDE (n=54) demonstrated great a difference in alpha and beta diversity between the OS bacterial flora (P < 0.05). The similar OS microbial structures were shown at the phylum...
Latest Results for Journal of Microbiology
Autophagic elimination of Trypanosoma cruzi in the presence of metals
Abstract Trypanosoma cruzi is an obligate intracellular parasite transmitted to vertebrate hosts by blood-sucking insects. Molecules present in parasites and mammalian cells allow the recognition and parasite internalization. Metallic ions play an essential role in the establishment and maintenance of hostparasite interaction. However, little is known about how parasites handle with essential and nonessential metal quotas. This study aimed to investigate the influence of metal...
Latest Results for Journal of Microbiology
Collecting ducts carcinoma: an orphan disease. Literature overview and future perspectives
Collecting ducts carcinoma is a malignant epithelial tumor arising from the principal cells of distal segment of the collecting ducts of Bellini in the renal medulla [1]. CDC is a rare tumor, accounting for only 1% of renal tumors with distinct clinical, histological and pathological characteristics [2 –4], first recognized by Mancilla-Jimenez et al. in 1976 [5] and then further described by Fleming and Lewi in 1986 [6]. (Source: Cancer Treatment Reviews)
Cancer Treatment Reviews
Nature ’s One Voluntarily Issues Allergy Alert for Undeclared Milk Allergen
Nature ’s One, Lewis Center, Ohio is recalling PediaSmart® SOY Vanilla Beverage Mix because milk is not listed under the “contains” label statement. Each lot is tested for milk allergen by independent 3rd party laboratories before release for sale. (Source: FDA Food Safety)MedWorm Message: Have you tried our new medical search engine? More powerful than before. Log on with your social media account. 100% free.
MedWorm Allergy & Immunology Alerts
HEALTH MART ALLERGY RELIEF (Chlorpheniramine Maleate) Tablet [Strategic Sourcing Services LLC]
Updated Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 00:00:00 EDT (Source: DailyMed Drug Label Updates)
MedWorm Allergy & Immunology Alerts
SUNMARK ALLERGY RELIEF (Chlorpheniramine Maleate) Tablet [Strategic Sourcing Services LLC]
Updated Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 00:00:00 EDT (Source: DailyMed Drug Label Updates)MedWorm Message: Have you tried our new medical search engine? More powerful than before. Log on with your social media account. 100% free.
MedWorm Allergy & Immunology Alerts
SUNMARK CHILDRENS ALL DAY ALLERGY (Cetirizine Hcl) Solution [Strategic Sourcing Services LLC]
Updated Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 00:00:00 EDT (Source: DailyMed Drug Label Updates)
MedWorm Allergy & Immunology Alerts
HEALTH MART CHILDRENS ALL DAY ALLERGY (Cetirizine Hcl) Solution [Strategic Sourcing Services LLC]
Updated Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 00:00:00 EDT (Source: DailyMed Drug Label Updates)
MedWorm Allergy & Immunology Alerts
Functional symptoms in dermatology: Part 1
Abstract Functional – or somatoform – symptoms are those that arise with no proven organic pathology. Also known as ‘medically unexplained’ symptoms, they can present in any medical speciality, including dermatology. Mucocutaneous pain syndromes and functional pruritus are two examples of functional disorders encountered by dermatologists. Patients presenting with somatoform symptoms have paradoxically complex and often subjectively severe symptomatology, yet minimal abnormalities on clinical examination...
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology
Association of SLC15A1 polymorphisms with susceptibility to dyslipidaemia in a Chinese Han population
In this study, we investigated the association of genetic polymorphisms in SLC15A1 with the risk of dyslipidemia in a Chinese Han population. Results showed that SLC15A1 rs2297322 and rs1289389 polymorphisms are likely to influence the susceptibility of dyslipidemia. The findings enhances our present understanding of the gene mechanisms of dyslipidemia. Abstract What is known and Objective Dyslipidaemia is an increasingly serious clinical and public health issue. In this study, we aim to explore...
Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 4210: Selection of Appropriate Reference Genes for Gene Expression Analysis under Abiotic Stresses in Salix viminalis
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 4210: Selection of Appropriate Reference Genes for Gene Expression Analysis under Abiotic Stresses in Salix viminalis International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms20174210 Authors: Valentin Ambroise Sylvain Legay Gea Guerriero Jean-Francois Hausman Ann Cuypers Kjell Sergeant Salix viminalis is a fast growing willow species with potential as a plant used for biomass feedstock or for phytoremediation. However, few reference genes (RGs)...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 4211: Improving Lodging Resistance: Using Wheat and Rice as Classical Examples
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 4211: Improving Lodging Resistance: Using Wheat and Rice as Classical Examples International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms20174211 Authors: Liaqat Shah Muhammad Yahya Syed Mehar Ali Shah Muhammad Nadeem Ahmad Ali Asif Ali Jing Wang Muhammad Waheed Riaz Shamsur Rehman Weixun Wu Riaz Muhammad Khan Adil Abbas Aamir Riaz Galal Bakr Anis Hongqi Si Haiyang Jiang Chuanxi Ma One of the most chronic constraints...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Issue Information
Clinical Endocrinology
Clinical Endocrinology
Issue Information
Clinical Endocrinology
Telomere-binding proteins Taz1 and Rap1 regulate DSB repair and suppress gross chromosomal rearrangements in fission yeast
by Hiroyuki Irie, Io Yamamoto, Yusuke Tarumoto, Sanki Tashiro, Kurt W. Runge, Fuyuki Ishikawa Genomic rearrangements (gross chromosomal rearrangements, GCRs) threatens genome integrity and cause cell death or tumor formation. At the terminus of linear chromosomes, a telomere-binding protein complex, called shelterin, ensures chromosome stability by preventing chromosome end-to-end fusions and regulating telomere length homeostasis. As such, shelterin-mediated telomere functions play a pivotal...
Publishing science
JCM, Vol. 8, Pages 1320: Factors Enhancing Serum Syndecan-1 Concentrations: A Large-Scale Comprehensive Medical Examination
JCM, Vol. 8, Pages 1320: Factors Enhancing Serum Syndecan-1 Concentrations: A Large-Scale Comprehensive Medical Examination Journal of Clinical Medicine doi: 10.3390/jcm8091320 Authors: Kazumasa Oda Hideshi Okada Akio Suzuki Hiroyuki Tomita Ryo Kobayashi Kazuyuki Sumi Kodai Suzuki Chihiro Takada Takuma Ishihara Keiko Suzuki Soichiro Kano Kohei Kondo Yuki Iwashita Hirohisa Yano Ryogen Zaikokuji So Sampei Tetsuya Fukuta Yuichiro Kitagawa Haruka...
Journal of Clinical Medicine
JCM, Vol. 8, Pages 1319: Vitamin D Deficiency is Associated with Increased Disease Activity in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
JCM, Vol. 8, Pages 1319: Vitamin D Deficiency is Associated with Increased Disease Activity in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Journal of Clinical Medicine doi: 10.3390/jcm8091319 Authors: Hausmann Kubesch Amiri Filmann Blumenstein Background and Aims: Vitamin D has an inhibitory role in the inflammatory signaling pathways and supports the integrity of the intestinal barrier. Due to its immunomodulatory effect, vitamin D plays a role in chronic inflammatory...
Journal of Clinical Medicine
JCM, Vol. 8, Pages 1316: Dietary Nutrient Intake, Alcohol Metabolism, and Hangover Severity
JCM, Vol. 8, Pages 1316: Dietary Nutrient Intake, Alcohol Metabolism, and Hangover Severity Journal of Clinical Medicine doi: 10.3390/jcm8091316 Authors: Verster Vermeulen Loo Balikji Kraneveld Garssen Scholey Several dietary components have been shown to influence alcohol metabolism and thereby potentially affect the development of a hangover. From the literature, it is evident that dietary nicotinic acid and zinc play a pivotal role in the oxidation of ethanol...
Journal of Clinical Medicine

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