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Σάββατο 17 Αυγούστου 2019

, Does systemically administered azithromycin have an effect on gingival overgrowth? – a systematic review
Publication date: Available online 17 August 2019Source: Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral RadiologyAuthor(s): Matthias D. Fuchs, Sabrina L. Signer-Buset, Silwan Mendes, Julia C. Schmidt, Clemens WalterAbstractObjectiveThe aim of this systematic review was to evaluate studies that analyzed the effect of systemically administered azithromycin (AZM) on cyclosporine A (CsA)-mediated gingival overgrowth (GO).Study DesignA systematic literature search was performed for publications...
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology
Neurophysiological correlates of collective perceptual decision‐making
Abstract Humans frequently perform tasks collaboratively in daily life. Collaborating with others may or may not result in higher task performance than if one were to complete the task alone (i.e., a collective benefit). A recent study on collective benefits in perceptual decision‐making showed that dyad members with similar individual performances attain collective benefit. However, little is known about the physiological basis of these results. Here, we replicate this earlier work and also investigate...
European Journal of Neuroscience
Synergistic enhancement of beta-lactam antibiotics by modified tunicamycin analogs TunR1 and TunR2
The Journal of Antibiotics, Published online: 16 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41429-019-0220-xSynergistic enhancement of beta-lactam antibiotics by modified tunicamycin analogs TunR1 and TunR2
The Journal of Antibiotics - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Development of a nebramine-cyclam conjugate as an antibacterial adjuvant to potentiate β-lactam antibiotics against multidrug-resistant <i>P. aeruginosa</i>
The Journal of Antibiotics, Published online: 16 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41429-019-0221-9Development of a nebramine-cyclam conjugate as an antibacterial adjuvant to potentiate β-lactam antibiotics against multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa
The Journal of Antibiotics - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Recognition and management of adults with Turner syndrome: From the transition of adolescence through the senior years
Abstract Turner syndrome is recognized now as a syndrome familiar not only to pediatricians and pediatric specialists, medical geneticists, adult endocrinologists, and cardiologists, but also increasingly to primary care providers, internal medicine specialists, obstetricians, and reproductive medicine specialists. In addition, the care of women with Turner syndrome may involve social services, and various educational and neuropsychologic therapies. This article focuses on the recognition and management...
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A
Association between the ADAMTS proteinases and obstructive sleep apnea
Abstract Background A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type-1 motifs (ADAMTS) proteinases have important roles in degradation/repairing of extracellular matrix (ECM). They are thought to play a key role in pathogenesis of many diseases. We aimed to investigate the association between ADAMTS 2, 3, and 14 (procollagen) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Methods...
Latest Results for Sleep and Breathing
Effect of rapid maxillary expansion on the morphology of spheno-occipital synchondrosis in rats
Abstract Purpose Spheno-occipital synchondrosis (SOS) plays a significant role in the anterior growth of the midface. Orthopaedic forces acting during rapid maxillary expansion (RME) are transferred to the skull base and thus could alter the morphology of SOS. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of experimental RME on the rats’ SOS by means of micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). ...
Latest Results for Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics / Fortschritte der Kieferorthopädie
human homeostasis; +27 new citations
27 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: human homeostasis These pubmed results were generated on 2019/08/16PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Human homeostasis
human homeostasis; +27 new citations
27 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: human homeostasis These pubmed results were generated on 2019/08/16PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Human homeostasis
Correlation Between SNOT-22, Nasal Cytology, and Mood Disorders in Patients With Allergic Rhinitis Treated With a Liposomal Nasal Spray.
Related ArticlesCorrelation Between SNOT-22, Nasal Cytology, and Mood Disorders in Patients With Allergic Rhinitis Treated With a Liposomal Nasal Spray. Allergy Rhinol (Providence). 2019 Jan-Dec;10:2152656719866809 Authors: Lauriello M, Di Rubbo V, Sinatti G, Pasqua M, Tucci C, di Marco GP, Necozione S, Eibenstein A Abstract Patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) can suffer from mood disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical effect...
allergy rhinol
Ultrasound in Tongue Cancer- a Help to Decide Depth of Invasion and to Improve the Surgical Margin
Conditions:   Tongue Cancer;   Floor of Mouth Squamous Cell CarcinomaIntervention:   Diagnostic Test: UltrasoundSponsor:   Region Örebro CountyRecruiting
Epidemiology of Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma in Province 2, Nepal
Condition:   Oral and Maxillofacial InjuriesIntervention:   Other: surgical treatment of facial bone fractureSponsor:   Tribhuvan University, NepalNot yet recruiting
Immediate Effect of a Single Cervical Spinal Manipulation
Condition:   Neck PainInterventions:   Other: Cervical manipulation intervention;   Other: Placebo interventionSponsor:   University of ValenciaRecruiting
Identification of a BACE1 Binding Peptide Candidate for the Prevention of Amyloid Beta in Alzheimer's Disease.
Related ArticlesIdentification of a BACE1 Binding Peptide Candidate for the Prevention of Amyloid Beta in Alzheimer's Disease. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2019;53(2):413-428 Authors: Read J, Suphioglu C Abstract BACKGROUND/AIMS: Amyloid plaques, generated during the progression of Alzheimer's disease, cause major neurological deficits due to substantial cell toxicity and death. The underlying cause of plaque generation stems from cleavage of the amyloid precursor...
pubmed: "cell physiol bioche...
UNIPred-Web: a web tool for the integration and visualization of biomolecular networks for protein function prediction.
Related ArticlesUNIPred-Web: a web tool for the integration and visualization of biomolecular networks for protein function prediction. BMC Bioinformatics. 2019 Aug 14;20(1):422 Authors: Perlasca P, Frasca M, Ba CT, Notaro M, Petrini A, Casiraghi E, Grossi G, Gliozzo J, Valentini G, Mesiti M Abstract BACKGROUND: One of the main issues in the automated protein function prediction (AFP) problem is the integration of multiple networked data sources. The...
pubmed: "bmc bioinformatics"...
Additional Neural Matrix Factorization model for computational drug repositioning.
Related ArticlesAdditional Neural Matrix Factorization model for computational drug repositioning. BMC Bioinformatics. 2019 Aug 14;20(1):423 Authors: Yang X, Zamit L, Liu Y, He J Abstract BACKGROUND: Computational drug repositioning, which aims to find new applications for existing drugs, is gaining more attention from the pharmaceutical companies due to its low attrition rate, reduced cost, and shorter timelines for novel drug discovery. Nowadays, a...
pubmed: "bmc bioinformatics"...
medical science; +2046 new citations
2046 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: medical science These pubmed results were generated on 2019/08/16PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Medical Science
Giant bulla or pneumothorax: How to distinguish.
Related ArticlesGiant bulla or pneumothorax: How to distinguish. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2019 Aug 08;62:21-23 Authors: Aramini B, Ruggiero C, Stefani A, Morandi U Abstract BACKGROUND: The differential diagnosis between pneumothorax and giant bullae is thought to be straightforward but sometimes poses a challenge. CASE PRESENTATION: We present a case of a 54-year-old Caucasian man with a giant emphysematous bulla who underwent surgical resection....
pubmed: "int j surg case rep...
Radical resection of a giant rib osteosarcoma with complex chest wall reconstruction.
Related ArticlesRadical resection of a giant rib osteosarcoma with complex chest wall reconstruction. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2019 Aug 08;62:17-20 Authors: Ahmad SB, Hoellwarth J, Christie N, Mcgough R Abstract INTRODUCTION: Primary rib osteosarcoma is a rare chest wall tumor with variable presentation. Large tumors greater than 10 cm are even rarer and present a challenge for surgical management. PRESENTATION OF CASE: A 61-year-old male with a...
pubmed: "int j surg case rep...
Association Between the Severity of Dysphagia and Various Parameters of the Cervical Spine; Videofluoroscopic Analysis in Neutral and Retraction Position of the Normal Volunteers.
Related ArticlesAssociation Between the Severity of Dysphagia and Various Parameters of the Cervical Spine; Videofluoroscopic Analysis in Neutral and Retraction Position of the Normal Volunteers. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2019 Aug 12;: Authors: Hong JT, Oh JS, Lee DH, Lim SH, Kim JS Abstract STUDY DESIGN: Videoflurographic swallowing study in asymptomatic volunteers OBJECTIVE.: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the severity...
Dysphagia - Rehabilitation
Effects of prophylactic swallowing exercises on dysphagia and quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer receiving (chemo) radiotherapy: the Redyor study, a protocol for a randomized clinical trial.
Related ArticlesEffects of prophylactic swallowing exercises on dysphagia and quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer receiving (chemo) radiotherapy: the Redyor study, a protocol for a randomized clinical trial. Trials. 2019 Aug 14;20(1):503 Authors: Guillen-Sola A, Soler NB, Marco E, Pera-Cegarra O, Foro P Abstract BACKGROUND: Radiation-induced dysphagia is common in patients with head and neck cancer (HNC). Available evidence suggests...
Dysphagia - Rehabilitation
Tumor-to-Tumor Metastasis: Pulmonary Carcinoid Metastasizing to Solitary Fibrous Tumor.
Related ArticlesTumor-to-Tumor Metastasis: Pulmonary Carcinoid Metastasizing to Solitary Fibrous Tumor. Am J Case Rep. 2019 Aug 15;20:1205-1209 Authors: Shishido Y, Aoyama A, Hara S, Hamakawa H, Takahashi Y Abstract BACKGROUND Tumor-to-tumor metastasis is an uncommon phenomenon in which a primary tumor metastasizes into another tumor. CASE REPORT An 81-year-old Asian woman was referred to our hospital for evaluation and treatment of a solid mass in the...
pubmed: "am j case rep"[jour...
Small cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix during pregnancy.
Related ArticlesSmall cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix during pregnancy. Rare Tumors. 2019;11:2036361319866539 Authors: Eto S, Kai K, Nasu K, Nishida M, Nishida H, Narahara H Abstract Small cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix is a rare histological entity that has a poor prognosis. We report the case of a patient with small cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix who underwent a radical hysterectomy during pregnancy. A 33-year-old Japanese woman with...
Rare tumors
Effects of prophylactic swallowing exercises on dysphagia and quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer receiving (chemo) radiotherapy: the Redyor study, a protocol for a randomized clinical trial.
Related ArticlesEffects of prophylactic swallowing exercises on dysphagia and quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer receiving (chemo) radiotherapy: the Redyor study, a protocol for a randomized clinical trial. Trials. 2019 Aug 14;20(1):503 Authors: Guillen-Sola A, Soler NB, Marco E, Pera-Cegarra O, Foro P Abstract BACKGROUND: Radiation-induced dysphagia is common in patients with head and neck cancer (HNC). Available evidence suggests...
swallowing exercises
Outcomes of microsurgical clipping vs coil embolization for ruptured aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: A multicenter real-world analysis of 583 patients in China.
Related ArticlesOutcomes of microsurgical clipping vs coil embolization for ruptured aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: A multicenter real-world analysis of 583 patients in China. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Aug;98(33):e16821 Authors: Wang HY, Song J, Gao F, Duan XD, Gao X, Wang Y, Cheng HB, Nan CR, Zhao D Abstract Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a complex neurovascular syndrome with high disability and mortality. SAH patients may be managed...
Skull Base
Endoscopic transorbital route to the cavernous sinus through the meningo-orbital band: a descriptive anatomical study.
Related ArticlesEndoscopic transorbital route to the cavernous sinus through the meningo-orbital band: a descriptive anatomical study. J Neurosurg. 2017 Sep;127(3):622-629 Authors: Dallan I, Di Somma A, Prats-Galino A, Solari D, Alobid I, Turri-Zanoni M, Fiacchini G, Castelnuovo P, Catapano G, de Notaris M Abstract OBJECTIVE Exposure of the cavernous sinus is technically challenging. The most common surgical approaches use well-known variations of the...
Skull Base
Effects of pentoxifylline and tocopherol on a rat-irradiated jaw model using micro-CT cortical bone analysis.
Related ArticlesEffects of pentoxifylline and tocopherol on a rat-irradiated jaw model using micro-CT cortical bone analysis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Aug 14;: Authors: Nguyen TTH, Eo MY, Seo MH, Myoung H, Kim SM, Lee JH Abstract PURPOSE: A combination of pentoxifylline (PTX) and tocopherol (TP) is believed to reduce chronic fibrosis and induce bone healing in osteoradionecrosis (ORN) of the mandible, but evidence of its therapeutic effectiveness...
http://link.springer.com/journal/405,European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology,The European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino
Exploring stimulation patterns for electrical stimulation of the larynx using surface electrodes.
Related ArticlesExploring stimulation patterns for electrical stimulation of the larynx using surface electrodes. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Aug 14;: Authors: Feiner M, Gerstenberger C, Mayr W, Hortobagyi D, Gugatschka M Abstract PURPOSE: Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is considered an upcoming treatment modality for a number of laryngeal diseases. However, sound data are scarce when it comes to surface FES to treat voice disorders. Aim...
http://link.springer.com/journal/405,European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology,The European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino
Dysphagia following uncomplicated thyroidectomy: a systematic review.
Related ArticlesDysphagia following uncomplicated thyroidectomy: a systematic review. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Aug 14;: Authors: Galluzzi F, Garavello W Abstract OBJECTIVE: Dysphagia after uncomplicated thyroidectomy is commonly reported and it includes a broad spectrum of swallowing complaints. Though various causes have been hypothesized, it remains not completely understood. METHODS: A systematic review was performed to identify studies...
http://link.springer.com/journal/405,European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology,The European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino
Efficacy of hemithyroidectomy in papillary thyroid carcinoma with minimal extrathyroidal extension.
Related ArticlesEfficacy of hemithyroidectomy in papillary thyroid carcinoma with minimal extrathyroidal extension. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Aug 14;: Authors: Ji YB, Song CM, Kim D, Sung ES, Lee DW, Chung MS, Tae K Abstract PURPOSE: This study aimed to compare the oncologic outcomes of hemithyroidectomy with total thyroidectomy in clinically node-negative (cN0) papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) with minimal extrathyroidal extension (ETE). ...
http://link.springer.com/journal/405,European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology,The European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino
Warm Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
Foreword. This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem. Evidence supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines, when they exist. The article ends with the author’s clinical recommendations. Stage. A 61-year-old…
The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Allergy\Immunology
Heterogeneity in respiratory electron transfer and adaptive iron utilization in a bacterial biofilm
Nature Communications, Published online: 16 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11681-0Biofilm formation in Bacillus subtilis requires high levels of ferric iron. Here, Qin et al. show that iron accumulation requires production of dihydroxybenzoate (a precursor in siderophore biosynthesis), and matrix-associated iron may be acting as extracellular electron acceptor during respiratory electron transfer.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Generation of amine dehydrogenases with increased catalytic performance and substrate scope from ε-deaminating <i>L</i>-Lysine dehydrogenase
Nature Communications, Published online: 16 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11509-xAmine dehydrogenases (AmDHs) catalyse the conversion of ketones into amines. Here, the authors created AmDH variants, the best of which showing a substrate-dependent stereo-switchable selectivity, affording either S- or R-configured amine products with up to >99.9% enantiomeric excess.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
3D sub-diffraction imaging in a conventional confocal configuration by exploiting super-linear emitters
Nature Communications, Published online: 16 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11603-0Super-resolution microscopy is a valuable tool in bioimaging, but often requires complex systems or post-processing. Here, the authors present super-linear excitation-emission (SEE) microscopy, which overcomes these limitations by taking advantage of markers with super-linear dependence between emission and excitation power.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Memory-guided microsaccades
Nature Communications, Published online: 16 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11711-xMicrosaccades are small-amplitude, fixational eye movements that are largely thought to be involuntary. Here, the authors demonstrate that monkeys (and humans) can be easily trained to respond to a remembered target location with a volitional microsaccade, and that a population of superior colliculus neurons is selectively associated with them.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Chemical compass behaviour at microtesla magnetic fields strengthens the radical pair hypothesis of avian magnetoreception
Nature Communications, Published online: 16 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11655-2Many animals use the Earth’s magnetic field for orientation, yet the underlying principles are poorly understood. The authors show that a molecular triad acts as a chemical compass in magnetic fields of similar magnitude to that of the Earth, supporting the hypothesis that photo-initiated quantum processes underlie bird magnetoreception.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
On demand delivery and analysis of single molecules on a programmable nanopore-optofluidic device
Nature Communications, Published online: 16 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11723-7Nanopore based detection has numerous high impact applications outside of next-generation sequencing. Here the authors use an optofluidic chip to detect individual individual 70S ribosomes in a sample mixed with DNA.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Expression of CD20 after viral reactivation renders HIV-reservoir cells susceptible to Rituximab
Nature Communications, Published online: 16 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11556-4Here, the authors identify B lymphocyte antigen CD20 as a marker for HIV-infected T cells and provide evidence for the potential use of anti-CD20 antibodies in combination with latency reversing agents for depletion of viral reactivated CD4 T cells in patients on antiretroviral therapy.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Single cell transcriptome analysis of developing arcuate nucleus neurons uncovers their key developmental regulators
Nature Communications, Published online: 16 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11667-yDespite the crucial physiological processes governed by neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC), the developmental pathways and regulators for ARC neurons remain understudied. In this study the authors use single cell RNA-seq analyses of mouse embryonic ARC to identify cell type-specific markers for developing ARC neurons and give key insight into the underlying developmental pathways and regulators.
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Heterogeneity in respiratory electron transfer and adaptive iron utilization in a bacterial biofilm
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Generation of amine dehydrogenases with increased catalytic performance and substrate scope from ε-deaminating <i>L</i>-Lysine dehydrogenase
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
3D sub-diffraction imaging in a conventional confocal configuration by exploiting super-linear emitters
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Memory-guided microsaccades
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Chemical compass behaviour at microtesla magnetic fields strengthens the radical pair hypothesis of avian magnetoreception
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
On demand delivery and analysis of single molecules on a programmable nanopore-optofluidic device
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Expression of CD20 after viral reactivation renders HIV-reservoir cells susceptible to Rituximab
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Single cell transcriptome analysis of developing arcuate nucleus neurons uncovers their key developmental regulators
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Effects of acute oral feeding on protein metabolism and muscle protein synthesis in individuals with cancer.
Related ArticlesEffects of acute oral feeding on protein metabolism and muscle protein synthesis in individuals with cancer. Nutrition. 2019 Jun 24;67-68:110531 Authors: van der Meij BS, De Groot LM, Deutz NEP, Engelen MPKJ Abstract Weight loss and muscle loss are common in individuals living with cancer, with ≤50% experiencing involuntary weight loss at any time point in their cancer journey, and between 11% and 74% having sarcopenia or significant...
pubmed: future oncology
Effects of medium chain triglycerides on body fat distribution and adipocytokine levels in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia under chemotherapy.
Related ArticlesEffects of medium chain triglycerides on body fat distribution and adipocytokine levels in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia under chemotherapy. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Aug;98(33):e16811 Authors: Zhang R, Chen J, Zheng H, Li Y, Huang H, Liang Z, Jiang H, Sun J Abstract Glucocorticoids used to treat acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are associated with cytotoxicity and obesity. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects...
pubmed: future oncology
Hospitalization costs of treating colorectal cancer in China: A retrospective analysis.
Related ArticlesHospitalization costs of treating colorectal cancer in China: A retrospective analysis. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Aug;98(33):e16718 Authors: Yuan GL, Liang LZ, Zhang ZF, Liang QL, Huang ZY, Zhang HJ, Cheng SA, Peng XX Abstract BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to explore the influence factors of hospitalization costs of treating colorectal cancer in China. And the study provides new estimates on hospitalization costs and length...
pubmed: future oncology
Strategies to prevent brain metastasis.
Related ArticlesStrategies to prevent brain metastasis. Curr Opin Oncol. 2019 Aug 13;: Authors: Soffietti R, Pellerino A, Rudà R Abstract PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The current article reviews the state of art of prevention strategies for brain metastases from solid tumors and touches both old pivotal studies and new directions of personalized molecular approaches. RECENT FINDINGS: Prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) has a definite role in the prevention...
pubmed: future oncology
The applications of metabolomics in the molecular diagnostics of cancer.
Related ArticlesThe applications of metabolomics in the molecular diagnostics of cancer. Expert Rev Mol Diagn. 2019 Aug 15;: Authors: Cheung PK, Ma MH, Tse HF, Yeung KF, Tsang HF, Chu MKM, Kan CM, Cho WCS, Ng LBW, Chan LWC, Wong SCC Abstract Introduction: Metabolomics, the study of metabolites, is a promising research field for cancers. The metabolic pathway in a tumor cell is different from a normal tissue cell. There are two approaches to study the...
pubmed: future oncology
Global extracellular vesicle proteomic signature defines U87-MG glioma cell hypoxic status with potential implications for non-invasive diagnostics.
Related ArticlesGlobal extracellular vesicle proteomic signature defines U87-MG glioma cell hypoxic status with potential implications for non-invasive diagnostics. J Neurooncol. 2019 Aug 14;: Authors: Indira Chandran V, Welinder C, Gonçalves de Oliveira K, Cerezo-Magaña M, Månsson AS, Johansson MC, Marko-Varga G, Belting M Abstract PURPOSE: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and lethal of primary malignant brain tumors. Hypoxia constitutes...
pubmed: future oncology
Integrating Concept Maps into a Medical Student Oncology Curriculum.
Related ArticlesIntegrating Concept Maps into a Medical Student Oncology Curriculum. J Cancer Educ. 2019 Aug 14;: Authors: Brondfield S, Seol A, Hyland K, Teherani A, Hsu G Abstract Expanding frontiers of knowledge have prompted medical schools to reconsider how best to promote learning in the face of information overload. Concept mapping (CM) promotes knowledge retention and integration. Students have perceived CM positively in prior studies, but the...
pubmed: future oncology
CaringGuidance™ after breast cancer diagnosis eHealth psychoeducational intervention to reduce early post-diagnosis distress.
Related ArticlesCaringGuidance™ after breast cancer diagnosis eHealth psychoeducational intervention to reduce early post-diagnosis distress. Support Care Cancer. 2019 Aug 14;: Authors: Lally RM, Kupzyk KA, Bellavia G, Hydeman J, Gallo S, Helgeson VS, Erwin D, Mills AC, Brown JK Abstract PURPOSE: Significant cancer-related distress affects 30-60% of women diagnosed with breast cancer. Fewer than 30% of distressed patients receive psychosocial care. Unaddressed...
pubmed: future oncology
Vaccinia-based oncolytic immunotherapy Pexastimogene Devacirepvec in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma after sorafenib failure: a randomized multicenter Phase IIb trial (TRAVERSE).
Related ArticlesVaccinia-based oncolytic immunotherapy Pexastimogene Devacirepvec in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma after sorafenib failure: a randomized multicenter Phase IIb trial (TRAVERSE). Oncoimmunology. 2019;8(8):1615817 Authors: Moehler M, Heo J, Lee HC, Tak WY, Chao Y, Paik SW, Yim HJ, Byun KS, Baron A, Ungerechts G, Jonker D, Ruo L, Cho M, Kaubisch A, Wege H, Merle P, Ebert O, Habersetzer F, Blanc JF, Rosmorduc O, Lencioni R, Patt R, Leen AM,...
pubmed: future oncology
Genomics applied to the treatment of breast cancer.
Related ArticlesGenomics applied to the treatment of breast cancer. Oncotarget. 2019 Jul 30;10(46):4786-4801 Authors: Hamdan D, Nguyen TT, Leboeuf C, Meles S, Janin A, Bousquet G Abstract Breast cancer remains a major health issue in the world with 1.7 million new cases in 2012 worldwide. It is the second cause of death from cancer in western countries. Genomics have started to modify the treatment of breast cancer, and the developments should become...
pubmed: future oncology
Prognostic Nomograms for Predicting Overall Survival and Cancer-Specific Survival of Patients with Major Salivary Gland Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma.
Related ArticlesPrognostic Nomograms for Predicting Overall Survival and Cancer-Specific Survival of Patients with Major Salivary Gland Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma. J Cancer. 2019;10(18):4380-4388 Authors: Hu JQ, Yu PC, Shi X, Liu WL, Zhang TT, Lei BW, Huang NS, Xu WB, Han LT, Ma B, Liao T, Wei WJ, Wang Y, Lu ZW, Wang YL, Ji QH Abstract Background: The aim of this study was to develop and validate prognostic nomograms predicting overall (OS) and cancer-specific...
pubmed: future oncology
Workshop on proposal writing on research for health care professionals: a brief report.
Related ArticlesWorkshop on proposal writing on research for health care professionals: a brief report. J Multidiscip Healthc. 2019;12:565-572 Authors: Shrestha S, Danekhu K, Sharma N, Khanal P, Ansari SR, Shrestha S, Piryani RM, Mohamed Ibrahim MI Abstract A one-day workshop on proposal writing for research for health care professionals was organized by Hospital Research Board (HRB), Nepal Cancer Hospital and Research Center Pvt. Ltd, Harisiddhi, Lalitpur,...
pubmed: future oncology

HIV status does not have an impact on positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) findings or radiotherapy treatment recommendations in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer.
Related ArticlesHIV status does not have an impact on positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) findings or radiotherapy treatment recommendations in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2019 Aug 13;: Authors: Simonds H, Botha MH, Ellmann A, Warwick J, Doruyter A, Neugut AI, Van Der Merwe H, Jacobson JS Abstract INTRODUCTION: Positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) imaging is commonly...
pubmed: future oncology
Outcomes and outcome measures used in evaluation of communication training in oncology - a systematic literature review, an expert workshop, and recommendations for future research.
Related ArticlesOutcomes and outcome measures used in evaluation of communication training in oncology - a systematic literature review, an expert workshop, and recommendations for future research. BMC Cancer. 2019 Aug 14;19(1):808 Authors: Fischer F, Helmer S, Rogge A, Arraras JI, Buchholz A, Hannawa A, Horneber M, Kiss A, Rose M, Söllner W, Stein B, Weis J, Schofield P, Witt CM Abstract BACKGROUND: Communication between health care provider and patients...
pubmed: future oncology
Evaluating the experience of rural individuals with prostate and breast cancer participating in research via telehealth.
Related ArticlesEvaluating the experience of rural individuals with prostate and breast cancer participating in research via telehealth. Rural Remote Health. 2019 Aug;19(3):5269 Authors: Scurrey S, Garland SN, Thoms J, Laing K Abstract INTRODUCTION: Studies that use objective assessments often only recruit individuals in the geographic region in which the study is being conducted, because the assessments require that the researcher and participant be...
pubmed: future oncology
Evolving Clinical Utility of Liquid Biopsy in Gastrointestinal Cancers.
Related ArticlesEvolving Clinical Utility of Liquid Biopsy in Gastrointestinal Cancers. Cancers (Basel). 2019 Aug 13;11(8): Authors: Jacobson RA, Munding E, Hayden DM, Levy M, Kuzel TM, Pappas SG, Masood A Abstract Room for improvement exists regarding recommendations for screening, staging, therapy selection, and frequency of surveillance of gastrointestinal cancers. Screening is costly and invasive, improved staging demands increased sensitivity and...
pubmed: future oncology
The Developmental Pathways of Preschool Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Communicative and Social Sequelae One Year after Treatment.
Related ArticlesThe Developmental Pathways of Preschool Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Communicative and Social Sequelae One Year after Treatment. Children (Basel). 2019 Aug 13;6(8): Authors: Tremolada M, Taverna L, Bonichini S, Pillon M, Biffi A Abstract Early childhood is considered to be a period of rapid development, with the acquisition of abilities predicting future positive school competences. Motor, cognitive, and social difficulties...
pubmed: future oncology
Prevention of cervical cancer in Latin America: Future challenges and opportunities.
Related ArticlesPrevention of cervical cancer in Latin America: Future challenges and opportunities. Salud Publica Mex. 2018 Nov-Dic;60(6):609-611 Authors: Franco EL PMID: 30699263 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: future oncology
upper respiratory tract infection; +34 new citations
34 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: upper respiratory tract infection These pubmed results were generated on 2019/08/16PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Upper respiratory tract infection
Ketone ester supplementation in endurance athletes: a miracle drink or 'spin'?
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