Παρασκευή 24 Απριλίου 2020


Cryo-EM structure of the PlexinC1/A39R complex reveals inter-domain interactions critical for ligand-induced activation
Nature Communications, Published online: 23 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15862-0Plexins are the receptors for the guidance molecules semaphorins and regulate immunity and the development of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Here authors present a structure of full-length human PlexinC1 in complex with its ligand A39R, which reveals how inter-domain interactions couple extracellular ligand binding to receptor activation and signaling.
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Thu Apr 23, 2020 03:00
Novel metabolic role for BDNF in pancreatic β-cell insulin secretion
Nature Communications, Published online: 23 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15833-5Glucose metabolism is regulated by hypothalamic brain functions and factors produced by peripheral tissues. Here, the authors show that the regulator of food intake Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is also produced and secreted by muscle and stimulates pancreas insulin release.
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Thu Apr 23, 2020 03:00
Solar photovoltaic interventions have reduced rural poverty in China
Nature Communications, Published online: 23 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15826-4There lacks a comprehensive analysis on the large-scale deployment of solar photovoltaic projects and its impact on poverty alleviation. Here the authors show that solar photovoltaic poverty alleviation pilot policy increases per-capita disposable income in a county by approximately 7%-8%.
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Thu Apr 23, 2020 03:00
Noninvasive electromagnetic source imaging of spatiotemporally distributed epileptogenic brain sources
Nature Communications, Published online: 23 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15781-0Noninvasive electromagnetic measurements are utilized effectively to estimate large scale dynamic brain networks. Sohrabpour et al. propose a novel electrophysiological source imaging approach to estimate the location and size of epileptogenic tissues in patients with epilepsy.
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Thu Apr 23, 2020 03:00
Direct structural evidence of Indian continental subduction beneath Myanmar
Nature Communications, Published online: 23 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15746-3Indian continental subduction can explain crustal deformation, magmatic activity and uplift of the Tibetan Plateau following collision, however, the nature of the Indian subducting slab beneath Myanmar and the related tectonic regime remain unclear. Here, the authors present direct structural evidence of present-day Indian continental subduction beneath Asia.
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Thu Apr 23, 2020 03:00
Sex chromosome evolution in parasitic nematodes of humans
Nature Communications, Published online: 23 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15654-6Many nematode worms, including Caenorhabditis elegans have XX/XO sex determination, while other species have XY. The authors use a new genome assembly of the filarial parasite Brugia malayi and published data to show that nematode sex chromosome evolution is highly plastic.
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Thu Apr 23, 2020 03:00
Photoinduced site-selective alkenylation of alkanes and aldehydes with aryl alkenes
Nature Communications, Published online: 23 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15878-6Dehydrogenative alkenylation of C-H bonds is an atom-economical approach to prepare more complex olefins. Here, the authors use a combination of decatungstate and a cobaloxime catalyst for the photocatalytic dehydrogenative alkenylation of alkanes and aliphatic aldehydes with aryl alkenes.
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Thu Apr 23, 2020 03:00
Feature-specific neural reactivation during episodic memory
Nature Communications, Published online: 23 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15763-2Memory recollection involves reactivation of neural activity that occurred during the recalled experience. Here, the authors show that neural reactivation can be decomposed into visual-semantic features, is widely synchronized throughout the brain, and predicts memory vividness and accuracy.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Apr 23, 2020 03:00
Cryo-EM structure of the PlexinC1/A39R complex reveals inter-domain interactions critical for ligand-induced activation
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Apr 23, 2020 03:00
Novel metabolic role for BDNF in pancreatic β-cell insulin secretion
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Apr 23, 2020 03:00
Solar photovoltaic interventions have reduced rural poverty in China
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Thu Apr 23, 2020 03:00
Noninvasive electromagnetic source imaging of spatiotemporally distributed epileptogenic brain sources
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Thu Apr 23, 2020 03:00
Direct structural evidence of Indian continental subduction beneath Myanmar
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Thu Apr 23, 2020 03:00
Sex chromosome evolution in parasitic nematodes of humans
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Thu Apr 23, 2020 03:00
Photoinduced site-selective alkenylation of alkanes and aldehydes with aryl alkenes
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Thu Apr 23, 2020 03:00
Feature-specific neural reactivation during episodic memory
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Thu Apr 23, 2020 03:00
Development of a thermophilic coculture for corn fiber conversion to ethanol
Nature Communications, Published online: 22 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15704-zCorn fiber is a difficult feedstock to utilize due to its recalcitrant hemicellulose. Here, the authors characterize the recalcitrant structures, isolate a new bacterium to consume the hemicellulose, identify its enzymes, and show the benefit with increased conversion of corn fiber to ethanol.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00
Deep learning enables structured illumination microscopy with low light levels and enhanced speed
Nature Communications, Published online: 22 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15784-xSuper-resolution microscopy typically requires high laser powers which can induce photobleaching and degrade image quality. Here the authors augment structured illumination microscopy (SIM) with deep learning to reduce the number of raw images required and boost its performance under low light conditions.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00
Consistent RNA sequencing contamination in GTEx and other data sets
Nature Communications, Published online: 22 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15821-9Sample contamination has been reported in high throughput RNA sequencing. Here the authors analyze the RNA sequencing data from the Genotype-Tissue Expression project and describe how highly expressed, tissue specific genes contaminate across samples, which is corroborated in other data sets.
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Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00
Author Correction: Molecular vibrations reduce the maximum achievable photovoltage in organic solar cells
Nature Communications, Published online: 22 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15790-zAuthor Correction: Molecular vibrations reduce the maximum achievable photovoltage in organic solar cells
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Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00
CD8<sup>+</sup> regulatory T cells are critical in prevention of autoimmune-mediated diabetes
Nature Communications, Published online: 22 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15857-xHelminth infections are associated with a reduction in inflammatory pathology in rodent models of type 1 diabetes. Here, the authors show patient data and that trehalose (produced by H. polygyrus) can alter the microbiome of mice, inducing regulatory CD8+ T cells and reducing susceptibility to autoimmune diabetes.
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Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00
The platelet receptor CLEC-2 blocks neutrophil mediated hepatic recovery in acetaminophen induced acute liver failure
Nature Communications, Published online: 22 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15584-3The molecular mechanisms that drive irreversible acute liver failure remain poorly characterized. Here, the authors show that the recently discovered platelet receptor CLEC-2 (C-type lectin-like receptor) perpetuates and worsens liver damage during acute liver injury by blocking restorative neutrophil driven inflammation.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00
Donor-delivered cell wall hydrolases facilitate nanotube penetration into recipient bacteria
Nature Communications, Published online: 22 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15605-1Bacteria can produce membranous nanotubes that mediate contact-dependent exchange of molecules between bacterial cells. Here, Baidya et al. show that cell-wall remodelling enzymes from Bacillus subtilis are required for efficient nanotube extrusion and penetration, and can be delivered to other bacterial species via nanotubes.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00
Context information supports serial dependence of multiple visual objects across memory episodes
Nature Communications, Published online: 22 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15874-wVisual cognition compensates for small changes in an object’s appearance to ensure its perceived continuity. We show that in situations with multiple objects, context features like color, temporal or spatial position are used as anchors to selectively integrate corresponding objects over time.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00
Consistent RNA sequencing contamination in GTEx and other data sets
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00
CD8<sup>+</sup> regulatory T cells are critical in prevention of autoimmune-mediated diabetes
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00
Development of a thermophilic coculture for corn fiber conversion to ethanol
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00
Donor-delivered cell wall hydrolases facilitate nanotube penetration into recipient bacteria
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00
The platelet receptor CLEC-2 blocks neutrophil mediated hepatic recovery in acetaminophen induced acute liver failure
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00
Deep learning enables structured illumination microscopy with low light levels and enhanced speed
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00
Context information supports serial dependence of multiple visual objects across memory episodes
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00
Author Correction: Molecular vibrations reduce the maximum achievable photovoltage in organic solar cells
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00
Publisher Correction: East Siberian Arctic inland waters emit mostly contemporary carbon
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00
Proteasome inhibitor-induced modulation reveals the spliceosome as a specific therapeutic vulnerability in multiple myeloma
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Apr 22, 2020 03:00

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