Παρασκευή 24 Απριλίου 2020


Chemosensors, Vol. 8, Pages 30: An Electronic Nose Technology to Quantify Pyrethroid Pesticide Contamination in Tea
Chemosensors, Vol. 8, Pages 30: An Electronic Nose Technology to Quantify Pyrethroid Pesticide Contamination in Tea Chemosensors doi: 10.3390/chemosensors8020030 Authors: Xiaoyan Tang Wenmin Xiao Tao Shang Shanyan Zhang Xiaoyang Han Yuliang Wang Haiwei Sun The contamination of tea with toxic pesticides is a major concern. Additionally, because of improved detection methods, importers are increasingly rejecting contaminated teas. Here, we describe an electronic nose...
Chemosensors, Vol. 8, Pages 29: Novel Platinum-Porphyrin as Sensing Compound for Efficient Fluorescent and Electrochemical Detection of H2O2
Chemosensors, Vol. 8, Pages 29: Novel Platinum-Porphyrin as Sensing Compound for Efficient Fluorescent and Electrochemical Detection of H2O2 Chemosensors doi: 10.3390/chemosensors8020029 Authors: Eugenia Fagadar-Cosma Nicoleta Plesu Anca Lascu Diana Anghel Maria Cazacu Catalin Ianasi Gheorghe Fagadar-Cosma Ion Fratilescu Camelia Epuran Metalloporphyrins are highly recognized for their capacity to act as sensitive substances used in formulation of optical, fluorescent,...
Facial affect recognition moderates the relation between autonomic nervous system reactivity and aggression during dyadic conflict
Abstract Researchers examining physiological factors of emotion have identified differential patterns of physiological reactivity among intimate partner violence perpetrators during interpersonal conflict. Although it is unclear what mechanisms are influencing these distinct physiological patterns, research suggests that perpetrators’ ability to decode emotions may be involved. The current study examined how the relation between an individual's physiological reactivity and their aggression during...
Psychophysiological responses to eye contact in a live interaction and in video call
Abstract Another person's gaze directed to oneself elicits autonomic arousal and facial reactions indicating positive affect in its observer. These effects have only been found to occur with mutual, live eye contact and not in response to direct gaze pictures or when the observer believes that the live person cannot see them. The question remains whether the physical presence of the other person is necessary for these effects. We measured psychophysiological responses to another person's direct...
Leaders in Cardiovascular Research: Valentin Fuster
LeadersArtificial intelligenceJACCMethodologyPublic outreach
Cardiovascular Research - current issue
Inside the heart of COVID-19
SARS-CoV-2CoronavirusPandemicAngiotensin-converting enzyme 2Cardiovascular system
Cardiovascular Research - current issue
The ACE2 expression in human heart indicates new potential mechanism of heart injury among patients infected with SARS-CoV-2
AbstractA new type of pneumonia caused by a novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks recently in China and spreads into many other countries. This disease, named as COVID-19, is similar to patients infected by SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, and nearly 20% of patients developed severe condition. Cardiac injury is a prevalent complication of severe patients, exacerbating the disease severity in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), the key host cellular receptor...
Cardiovascular Research - current issue
Consequences of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain in adulthood. Scoping Review.
Related ArticlesConsequences of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain in adulthood. Scoping Review. Rev Saude Publica. 2020;54:39 Authors: Cáceres-Matos R, Gil-García E, Barrientos-Trigo S, Porcel-Gálvez AM, Cabrera-León A Abstract OBJECTIVE: To examine and map the consequences of chronic pain in adulthood. METHOD: Documents addressing the impact of chronic pain on the psychological and social spheres of people suffering from chronic pain, published in Spanish...
pubmed: sleep
Construct validity and reproducibility of the six-minute step test in subjects with obstructive sleep apnea treated with continuous positive airway pressure.
Related ArticlesConstruct validity and reproducibility of the six-minute step test in subjects with obstructive sleep apnea treated with continuous positive airway pressure. J Bras Pneumol. 2020;46(3):e20180422 Authors: Magalhães MGS, Teixeira JB, Santos AMB, Clímaco DCS, Silva TNS, Lima AMJ Abstract OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the construct validity and reproducibility of the six-minute step test (6MST) in individuals with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) treated...
pubmed: sleep
Prevalence of negative self-rated health and associated factors among healthcare workers in a Southeast Brazilian city.
Related ArticlesPrevalence of negative self-rated health and associated factors among healthcare workers in a Southeast Brazilian city. Epidemiol Serv Saude. 2020;29(2):e2019358 Authors: Barbosa REC, Fonseca GC, Azevedo DSDS, Simões MRL, Duarte ACM, Alcântara MA Abstract OBJECTIVE: to investigate the prevalence of negative self-rated health and associated factors among municipal health service workers in Diamantina, MG, Brazil. METHODS: this...
pubmed: sleep
Risk and protective factors and processes for behavioral sleep problems among preschool and early school-aged children: A systematic review.
Related ArticlesRisk and protective factors and processes for behavioral sleep problems among preschool and early school-aged children: A systematic review. Sleep Med Rev. 2020 Mar 20;52:101303 Authors: Newton AT, Honaker SM, Reid GJ Abstract Behavioral sleep problems in early childhood are common, affecting about 25% of children, and include symptoms such as problems going to sleep and staying asleep. This review employed the developmental psychopathology...
pubmed: sleep
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and seizure control in idiopathic generalized epilepsy.
Related ArticlesRapid eye movement (REM) sleep and seizure control in idiopathic generalized epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav. 2020 Apr 19;107:107064 Authors: Hamdy MM, Elfatatry AM, Mekky JF, Hamdy E Abstract BACKGROUND: Sleep and epilepsy are bedfellows, and they affect each other reciprocally. Despite the well-known relationship between sleep and epilepsy, data about the impact of sleep on seizure control and responsiveness to therapy are scarce. ...
pubmed: sleep
Deep Brain Stimulation of Hypothalamus for Narcolepsy-Cataplexy in Mice.
Related ArticlesDeep Brain Stimulation of Hypothalamus for Narcolepsy-Cataplexy in Mice. Brain Stimul. 2020 Apr 19;: Authors: Rogers AA, Aiani LM, Blanpain LT, Yuxian S, Moore R, Willie JT Abstract BACKGROUND: Narcolepsy type 1 (NT1, narcolepsy with cataplexy) is a disabling neurological disorder caused by loss of excitatory orexin neurons from the hypothalamus and is characterized by decreased motivation, sleep-wake fragmentation, intrusion of rapid-eye-movement...
pubmed: sleep
The Current Situation of Internet Addiction and Its Impact on Sleep Quality and Self-Injury Behavior in Chinese Medical Students.
Related ArticlesThe Current Situation of Internet Addiction and Its Impact on Sleep Quality and Self-Injury Behavior in Chinese Medical Students. Psychiatry Investig. 2020 04;17(4):385 Authors: Wang Y, Zhao Y, Liu L, Chen Y, Ai D, Yao Y, Jin Y PMID: 32320594 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: sleep
Impaired lung function following e-cigarette or vaping product use associated lung injury in the first cohort of hospitalized adolescents.
Related ArticlesImpaired lung function following e-cigarette or vaping product use associated lung injury in the first cohort of hospitalized adolescents. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2020 Apr 22;: Authors: Carroll BJ, Kim M, Hemyari A, Thakrar P, Kump TE, Wade T, De Vela G, Hall J, Diaz CD, D'Andrea LA Abstract BACKGROUND: Beginning June 2019, Children's Wisconsin was the first hospital to identify a cohort of adolescent patients hospitalized with symptoms likely...
pubmed: sleep
Sleep disturbance in atopic dermatitis: a case-control study using actigraphy and smartphone-collected questionnaires.
Related ArticlesSleep disturbance in atopic dermatitis: a case-control study using actigraphy and smartphone-collected questionnaires. Br J Dermatol. 2020 Apr 22;: Authors: Jachiet M, Bieuvelet S, Argoud AL, Vallée M, Zinaï S, Lejeune FX, Leger D, Bouaziz JD, Elbaz M, Bagot M Abstract Atopic dermatitis (AD) has a significant impact on patients' quality of life, and due to pruritus it particularly affects sleep. Actigraphy is a well-recognized objective...
pubmed: sleep
Clinical Reaction-Time Performance Factors in Healthy Collegiate Athletes.
Related ArticlesClinical Reaction-Time Performance Factors in Healthy Collegiate Athletes. J Athl Train. 2020 Apr 22;: Authors: Caccese JB, Eckner JT, Franco-MacKendrick L, Hazzard JB, Ni M, Broglio SP, McAllister TW, McCrea M, Buckley TA Abstract CONTEXT: In the absence of baseline testing, normative data may be used to interpret postconcussion scores on the clinical reaction-time test (RTclin). However, to provide normative data, we must understand...
pubmed: sleep
Impact of Sleep Bruxism on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life.
Related ArticlesImpact of Sleep Bruxism on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life. Int J Prosthodont. 2020 May/Jun;33(3):285-291 Authors: Tay KJ, Ujin YA, Allen PF Abstract PURPOSE: To determine the prevalence of possible tooth grinding (TG) and possible sleep bruxism (SB) and to examine their impacts on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) among Asian adults. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 3,072 subjects (18 to 65 years of age) from...
pubmed: sleep
Dental Sleep Medicine: Time to incorporate sleep apnea education in the dental curriculum.
Related ArticlesDental Sleep Medicine: Time to incorporate sleep apnea education in the dental curriculum. Eur J Dent Educ. 2020 Apr 22;: Authors: Herrero Babiloni A, Beetz G, Dal Fabbro C, Martel MO, Huynh N, Masse JF, Sessle B, Lavigne GJ Abstract Dental sleep medicine is a discipline that includes conditions such as sleep breathing disorders (e.g., snoring, sleep apnea), sleep bruxism, orofacial pain and sleep related complaints, and to some extent...
pubmed: sleep
Effects of acupuncture versus cognitive behavioral therapy on cognitive function in cancer survivors with insomnia: A secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial.
Related ArticlesEffects of acupuncture versus cognitive behavioral therapy on cognitive function in cancer survivors with insomnia: A secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial. Cancer. 2020 Apr 22;: Authors: Liou KT, Root JC, Garland SN, Green J, Li Y, Li QS, Kantoff PW, Ahles TA, Mao JJ Abstract BACKGROUND: Cancer-related cognitive impairment is a prevalent, disruptive condition potentially exacerbated by sleep disturbances. The current study...
pubmed: sleep
Patterns of infant-only wake bouts and night feeds during early infancy: An exploratory study using actigraphy in mother-father-infant triads.
Related ArticlesPatterns of infant-only wake bouts and night feeds during early infancy: An exploratory study using actigraphy in mother-father-infant triads. Pediatr Obes. 2020 Apr 22;:e12640 Authors: Adams EL, Master L, Buxton OM, Savage JS Abstract BACKGROUND: Infants' ability to fall back to sleep without parental involvement may reduce nighttime feeding frequency. OBJECTIVE: We describe the associations between infant-only wake bouts ("self-soothing")...
pubmed: sleep
ARNI in cardiovascular disease - current evidence and future perspectives.
Related ArticlesARNI in cardiovascular disease - current evidence and future perspectives. Future Cardiol. 2020 Apr 22;: Authors: Kuchulakanti PK Abstract Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers are the mainstay of therapy for cardiovascular disease and heart failure (HF). The angiotensin receptor II blocker - neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI), sacubitril-valsartan has an established role in treatment of patients with HF...
pubmed: sleep
Automatic Derivation of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Settings: Comparison with In-Laboratory Titration.
Related ArticlesAutomatic Derivation of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Settings: Comparison with In-Laboratory Titration. J Clin Neurol. 2020 Apr;16(2):314-320 Authors: Kim H, Lee M, Hwangbo Y, Yang KI Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: This study was designed to investigate differences in the final recommended pressure setting between that derived from an autotitrating continuous positive airway pressure (APAP) device and manual in-laboratory continuous...
pubmed: sleep
Comorbid Depression Is Associated with a Negative Treatment Response in Idiopathic REM Sleep Behavior Disorder.
Related ArticlesComorbid Depression Is Associated with a Negative Treatment Response in Idiopathic REM Sleep Behavior Disorder. J Clin Neurol. 2020 Apr;16(2):261-269 Authors: Sunwoo JS, Kim YJ, Byun JI, Kim TJ, Jun JS, Lee ST, Jung KH, Park KI, Chu K, Kim M, Lee SK, Kim HJ, Schenck CH, Jung KY Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The first-line medications for the symptomatic treatment of rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder (RBD) are clonazepam and...
pubmed: sleep
Validation of the Korean Version of the Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale.
Related ArticlesValidation of the Korean Version of the Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale. J Clin Neurol. 2020 Apr;16(2):245-253 Authors: Choi JH, Lee JY, Cho JW, Ko SB, Ahn TB, Kim SJ, Cheon SM, Kim JS, Kim YJ, Ma HI, Baik JS, Lee PH, Chung SJ, Kim JM, Song IU, Kim HJ, Sung YH, Kwon DY, Lee JH, Kim JY, Kim JS, Yun JY, Kim HJ, Hong JY, Kim MJ, Youn J, Kim JS, Oh ES, Yang HJ, Yoon WT, You S, Kwon KY, Park HE, Lee SY, Kim...
pubmed: sleep
Effect of Sleep Quality on Headache-Related Impact in Primary Headache Disorders.
Related ArticlesEffect of Sleep Quality on Headache-Related Impact in Primary Headache Disorders. J Clin Neurol. 2020 Apr;16(2):237-244 Authors: Cho S, Lee MJ, Park HR, Kim S, Joo EY, Chung CS Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Sleep disturbance is common in patients with primary headache disorders. We were interest in whether poor sleep quality affects patients directly or via increases in the frequency and severity of headaches. To that end, we investigated...
pubmed: sleep
Efficacy of Oral Appliance Therapy as a First-Line Treatment for Moderate or Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Korean Prospective Multicenter Observational Study.
Related ArticlesEfficacy of Oral Appliance Therapy as a First-Line Treatment for Moderate or Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Korean Prospective Multicenter Observational Study. J Clin Neurol. 2020 Apr;16(2):215-221 Authors: Byun JI, Kim D, Ahn SJ, Yang KI, Cho YW, Cistulli PA, Shin WC Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Responses to oral appliances (OAs) in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) vary, and have not been fully evaluated in Korean patients. In this...
pubmed: sleep
Effects of Prolonged Seizures on Basal Forebrain Cholinergic Neurons: Evidence and Potential Clinical Relevance.
Related ArticlesEffects of Prolonged Seizures on Basal Forebrain Cholinergic Neurons: Evidence and Potential Clinical Relevance. Neurotox Res. 2020 Apr 21;: Authors: Giorgi FS, Galgani A, Gaglione A, Ferese R, Fornai F Abstract Seizures originating from limbic structures, especially when prolonged for several minutes/hours up to status epilepticus (SE), can cause specific neurodegenerative phenomena in limbic and subcortical structures. The cholinergic...
pubmed: sleep
The effect of physical therapy and rehabilitation modalities on sleep quality in patients with primary knee osteoarthritis: A single-blind, prospective, randomized-controlled study.
Related ArticlesThe effect of physical therapy and rehabilitation modalities on sleep quality in patients with primary knee osteoarthritis: A single-blind, prospective, randomized-controlled study. Turk J Phys Med Rehabil. 2020 Mar;66(1):73-83 Authors: Altaş EU, Demirdal Ü Abstract Objectives: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of physical therapy modalities on pain, sleep, mental status, and quality of life of patients with osteoarthritis...
pubmed: sleep
Chemical Modulation of Bioengineered Exosomes for Tissue-Specific Biodistribution.
Related ArticlesChemical Modulation of Bioengineered Exosomes for Tissue-Specific Biodistribution. Adv Ther (Weinh). 2019 Nov;2(11): Authors: Hwang DW, Jo MJ, Lee JH, Kang H, Bao K, Hu S, Baek Y, Moon HG, Lee DS, Kashiwagi S, Henary M, Choi HS Abstract The physicochemical properties of nanomaterials play a key role in tissue-specific targeting by reducing nonspecific background uptake as well as controlling biodistribution and clearance. Due to the strong...
pubmed: sleep
Effects of an oral health program: Community-based education among mothers of young children living in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Related ArticlesEffects of an oral health program: Community-based education among mothers of young children living in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods. J Educ Health Promot. 2020;9:40 Authors: Öcek ZA, Eden E, Yücel U, Çiçeklioglu M Abstract INTRODUCTION: An oral health program for mothers starting from pregnancy in a disadvantaged district of İzmir was performed in 2013-2016. Dental behaviors and their determinants among intervention and...
pubmed: sleep
The effect of Salvia officinalis extract on symptoms of flushing, night sweat, sleep disorders, and score of forgetfulness in postmenopausal women.
Related ArticlesThe effect of Salvia officinalis extract on symptoms of flushing, night sweat, sleep disorders, and score of forgetfulness in postmenopausal women. J Family Med Prim Care. 2020 Feb;9(2):1086-1092 Authors: Zeidabadi A, Yazdanpanahi Z, Dabbaghmanesh MH, Sasani MR, Emamghoreishi M, Akbarzadeh M Abstract Background: Complications of hormone therapy (as replacement) during menopause prompted us to research on alternative therapies including...
pubmed: sleep
Clinical and psychological characteristics of liraglutide treatment among patients with type 2 diabetes.
Related ArticlesClinical and psychological characteristics of liraglutide treatment among patients with type 2 diabetes. J Family Med Prim Care. 2020 Feb;9(2):1065-1071 Authors: Al Hayek AA, Al Dawish MA Abstract Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the glycemic control, quality of life (QOL), and sleep quality in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients who are treated with liraglutide and to investigate whether the QOL and sleep quality were correlated...
pubmed: sleep
A study of self-reported health problems of the people living near railway tracks in Raipur city.
Related ArticlesA study of self-reported health problems of the people living near railway tracks in Raipur city. J Family Med Prim Care. 2020 Feb;9(2):740-744 Authors: Sahu P, Galhotra A, Raj U, Ranjan RV Abstract Noise is pervasive in everyday life and can cause both auditory and nonauditory health effects. Noise-induced hearing loss remains highly prevalent in occupational settings. Nonauditory effects of noise can cause tinnitus, headache, auricular...
pubmed: sleep
Efficacy of Wholetones® 2Sleep and classical music on sleep and health behaviors of adults with insomnia symptoms: A single blind, randomized, controlled, crossover pilot trial.
Related ArticlesEfficacy of Wholetones® 2Sleep and classical music on sleep and health behaviors of adults with insomnia symptoms: A single blind, randomized, controlled, crossover pilot trial. Sleep Sci. 2019 Oct-Dec;12(4):302-306 Authors: Hausenblas H, Hooper S, Hooper D, Coyle K, Lynch T Abstract Objectives: To conduct a randomized single-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial on adults with insomnia symptoms to examine the efficacy of Wholetones®...
pubmed: sleep
Sleep disturbance in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A systematic review.
Related ArticlesSleep disturbance in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A systematic review. Sleep Sci. 2019 Oct-Dec;12(4):295-301 Authors: Martins R, Scalco JC, Ferrari Junior GJ, Gerente JGDS, Costa MDL, Beltrame TS Abstract The aim of the present systematic review was to compare sleep disorders in children, from 7 to 12 years old, with and without an attention-deficithyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis. Electronic literature...
pubmed: sleep
Performance of Epworth Sleepiness Scale and tiredness symptom used with simplified diagnostic tests for the identification of sleep apnea.
Related ArticlesPerformance of Epworth Sleepiness Scale and tiredness symptom used with simplified diagnostic tests for the identification of sleep apnea. Sleep Sci. 2019 Oct-Dec;12(4):287-294 Authors: Borsini E, Blanco M, Schonfeld S, Ernst G, Salvado A Abstract Objective: To compare the performance of Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and tiredness symptom with the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) in a population referred to home sleep tests. Materials...
pubmed: sleep
Sleep, energy disturbances and pre-competitive stress in female traveller athletes.
Related ArticlesSleep, energy disturbances and pre-competitive stress in female traveller athletes. Sleep Sci. 2019 Oct-Dec;12(4):279-286 Authors: Silva MG, Paiva T Abstract Background: Gymnasts of high performance level are submitted to a demanding competitive schedule, which can negatively affect their circadian rhythm, sleep, appetite and pre-competitive stress. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate sleep, body composition, pre-competitive...
pubmed: sleep
Sleep duration on a population of children referred to sleep study - cross-sectional data from 2003 to 2009.
Related ArticlesSleep duration on a population of children referred to sleep study - cross-sectional data from 2003 to 2009. Sleep Sci. 2019 Oct-Dec;12(4):272-278 Authors: Fumo-Dos-Santos C, Pradella-Hallinan M, Barbisan BN, Tufik S, Moreira GA Abstract Introduction: Sleep is essential for human beings, especially children. Insufficient sleep is linked to somatic and psychological problems. This study aims to describe nocturnal sleep patterns in children...
pubmed: sleep

Level of physical activity and sleep characteristics in university students.
Related ArticlesLevel of physical activity and sleep characteristics in university students. Sleep Sci. 2019 Oct-Dec;12(4):265-271 Authors: Arbinaga F, Fernández-Cuenca S, Fernández-Ozcorta EJ, Toscano-Hermoso MD, Joaquin-Mingorance M Abstract Introduction: The aim of the present study was to identify the subjective quality of sleep, the chronotype, the frequency of nightmares and the propensity for nightmares in university students depending on whether...
pubmed: sleep
Relationship of actigraphy-assessed sleep efficiency and sleep duration to reactivity to stress.
Related ArticlesRelationship of actigraphy-assessed sleep efficiency and sleep duration to reactivity to stress. Sleep Sci. 2019 Oct-Dec;12(4):257-264 Authors: Eiman MN, Pomeroy JML, Weinstein AA Abstract Objective: Sleep duration is an important predictor of cardiovascular health outcomes, but the role of sleep efficiency is less clear. This study investigated actigraphy-assessed sleep efficiency and sleep duration and their relationship with responses...
pubmed: sleep
CPAP indication based on clinical data and oximetry for patients with suspicion of obstructive sleep apnea: A multicenter trial.
Related ArticlesCPAP indication based on clinical data and oximetry for patients with suspicion of obstructive sleep apnea: A multicenter trial. Sleep Sci. 2019 Oct-Dec;12(4):249-256 Authors: Nigro CA, Borsini EE, Dibur E, Larrateguy LD, Cazaux A, Elias C, de-la-Vega M, Berrozpe C, Maggi S, Grandval S, Cambursano H, Visentini D, Criniti J, Nogueira F Abstract Background and Objective: The usefulness of pulse oximetry for the management of obstructive...
pubmed: sleep
Gender differences in sleep patterns and sleep complaints of elite athletes.
Related ArticlesGender differences in sleep patterns and sleep complaints of elite athletes. Sleep Sci. 2019 Oct-Dec;12(4):242-248 Authors: Silva A, Narciso FV, Rosa JP, Rodrigues DF, Cruz AÂDS, Tufik S, Viana F, Bichara JJ, Pereira SRD, da Silva SC, Mello MT Abstract Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the gender differences for sleep complaints, patterns and disorders of elite athletes during preparation for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games....
pubmed: sleep
The Role of Executive Function in Predicting Children's Outcomes in a Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Trauma-Related Nightmares and Secondary Sleep Disturbances.
Related ArticlesThe Role of Executive Function in Predicting Children's Outcomes in a Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Trauma-Related Nightmares and Secondary Sleep Disturbances. J Child Adolesc Trauma. 2019 Dec;12(4):501-513 Authors: Rischard ME, Cromer LD Abstract Predictors of children's outcomes in trauma-focused interventions are well documented. However, little is known about the role of higher-order cognitive processes, specifically executive...
pubmed: sleep
Progress in Model Systems of Cystic Fibrosis Mucosal Inflammation to Understand Aberrant Neutrophil Activity.
Related ArticlesProgress in Model Systems of Cystic Fibrosis Mucosal Inflammation to Understand Aberrant Neutrophil Activity. Front Immunol. 2020;11:595 Authors: Laucirica DR, Garratt LW, Kicic A Abstract In response to recurrent infection in cystic fibrosis (CF), powerful innate immune signals trigger polymorphonuclear neutrophil recruitment into the airway lumen. Exaggerated neutrophil proteolytic activity results in sustained inflammation and scarring...
pubmed: sleep
Exercising Caution Upon Waking-Can Exercise Reduce Sleep Inertia?
Related ArticlesExercising Caution Upon Waking-Can Exercise Reduce Sleep Inertia? Front Physiol. 2020;11:254 Authors: Kovac K, Ferguson SA, Paterson JL, Aisbett B, Hilditch CJ, Reynolds AC, Vincent GE Abstract Sleep inertia, the transitional state of reduced alertness and impaired cognitive performance upon waking, is a safety risk for on-call personnel who can be required to perform critical tasks soon after waking. Sleep inertia countermeasures have...
pubmed: sleep
Recent Progress in Sleep Quality Monitoring and Non-drug Sleep Improvement.
Related ArticlesRecent Progress in Sleep Quality Monitoring and Non-drug Sleep Improvement. Front Hum Neurosci. 2020;14:21 Authors: Chi J, Cao W, Gu Y Abstract Insomnia is one of the most common health risk factors in the population as well as in clinical practice, which is associated with genes, neuron, environment, behavior, and physiology, etc. This review summarizes the recent progress in sleep quality monitoring and non-drug sleep improvement. The...
pubmed: sleep
The Risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Related ArticlesThe Risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Niger Med J. 2020 Jan-Feb;61(1):32-36 Authors: Umoh VA, Akpan EE, Ekrikpo UE, Idung AU, Ekpe EE Abstract Context/Aims: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and Type 2 diabetes mellitus share obesity as a common risk factor. The presence of OSA may contribute to increased morbidity and mortality of diabetes. Despite their close association, OSA is not routinely...
pubmed: sleep
Tracking respiratory mechanics around natural breathing rates via variable ventilation.
Related ArticlesTracking respiratory mechanics around natural breathing rates via variable ventilation. Sci Rep. 2020 Apr 21;10(1):6722 Authors: Bou Jawde S, Walkey AJ, Majumdar A, O'Connor GT, Smith BJ, Bates JHT, Lutchen KR, Suki B Abstract Measuring respiratory resistance and elastance as a function of time, tidal volume, respiratory rate, and positive end-expiratory pressure can guide mechanical ventilation. However, current measurement techniques...
pubmed: sleep
Modulating dream experience: Noninvasive brain stimulation over the sensorimotor cortex reduces dream movement.
Related ArticlesModulating dream experience: Noninvasive brain stimulation over the sensorimotor cortex reduces dream movement. Sci Rep. 2020 Apr 21;10(1):6735 Authors: Noreika V, Windt JM, Kern M, Valli K, Salonen T, Parkkola R, Revonsuo A, Karim AA, Ball T, Lenggenhager B Abstract Recently, cortical correlates of specific dream contents have been reported, such as the activation of the sensorimotor cortex during dreamed hand clenching. Yet, despite...
pubmed: sleep
Collagen-producing lung cell atlas identifies multiple subsets with distinct localization and relevance to fibrosis.
Related ArticlesCollagen-producing lung cell atlas identifies multiple subsets with distinct localization and relevance to fibrosis. Nat Commun. 2020 Apr 21;11(1):1920 Authors: Tsukui T, Sun KH, Wetter JB, Wilson-Kanamori JR, Hazelwood LA, Henderson NC, Adams TS, Schupp JC, Poli SD, Rosas IO, Kaminski N, Matthay MA, Wolters PJ, Sheppard D Abstract Collagen-producing cells maintain the complex architecture of the lung and drive pathologic scarring in...
pubmed: sleep
A kinome-wide screen identifies a CDKL5-SOX9 regulatory axis in epithelial cell death and kidney injury.
Related ArticlesA kinome-wide screen identifies a CDKL5-SOX9 regulatory axis in epithelial cell death and kidney injury. Nat Commun. 2020 Apr 21;11(1):1924 Authors: Kim JY, Bai Y, Jayne LA, Hector RD, Persaud AK, Ong SS, Rojesh S, Raj R, Feng MJHH, Chung S, Cianciolo RE, Christman JW, Campbell MJ, Gardner DS, Baker SD, Sparreboom A, Govindarajan R, Singh H, Chen T, Poi M, Susztak K, Cobb SR, Pabla NS Abstract Renal tubular epithelial cells (RTECs) perform...
pubmed: sleep
Factors Disrupting Melatonin Secretion Rhythms During Critical Illness.
Related ArticlesFactors Disrupting Melatonin Secretion Rhythms During Critical Illness. Crit Care Med. 2020 Apr 17;: Authors: Maas MB, Lizza BD, Abbott SM, Liotta EM, Gendy M, Eed J, Naidech AM, Reid KJ, Zee PC Abstract OBJECTIVES: The circadian system modulates many important physiologic processes, synchronizing tissue-specific functions throughout the body. We sought to characterize acute alterations of circadian rhythms in critically ill patients...
pubmed: sleep
Clinician Recognition of the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Risk Factors for Under-Recognition and Trends Over Time.
Related ArticlesClinician Recognition of the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Risk Factors for Under-Recognition and Trends Over Time. Crit Care Med. 2020 Apr 17;: Authors: Schwede M, Lee RY, Zhuo H, Kangelaris KN, Jauregui A, Vessel K, Belzer A, Deiss T, Matthay MA, Liu KD, Calfee CS Abstract OBJECTIVES: The acute respiratory distress syndrome is common in critically ill patients. Recognition is crucial because acute respiratory distress syndrome...
pubmed: sleep
Stress-Induced Behavioral Quiescence and Abnormal Rest-Activity Rhythms During Critical Illness.
Related ArticlesStress-Induced Behavioral Quiescence and Abnormal Rest-Activity Rhythms During Critical Illness. Crit Care Med. 2020 Apr 17;: Authors: Maas MB, Lizza BD, Kim M, Abbott SM, Gendy M, Reid KJ, Zee PC Abstract OBJECTIVES: To characterize acute alterations of circadian and ultradian rest-activity rhythms in critically ill patients and their association with brain dysfunction, systemic multiple organ dysfunction, and melatonin rhythms. ...
pubmed: sleep
Sleep disorders and cerebrovascular disease: the long and winding road.
Related ArticlesSleep disorders and cerebrovascular disease: the long and winding road. Eur Respir J. 2020 Apr;55(4): Authors: Pepin JL, Martinez-Garcia MA PMID: 32317356 [PubMed - in process]
pubmed: sleep
EAN/ERS/ESO/ESRS statement on the impact of sleep disorders on risk and outcome of stroke.
Related ArticlesEAN/ERS/ESO/ESRS statement on the impact of sleep disorders on risk and outcome of stroke. Eur Respir J. 2020 Apr;55(4): Authors: Bassetti CLA, Randerath W, Vignatelli L, Ferini-Strambi L, Brill AK, Bonsignore MR, Grote L, Jennum P, Leys D, Minnerup J, Nobili L, Tonia T, Morgan R, Kerry J, Riha R, McNicholas WT, Papavasileiou V Abstract Sleep disorders are highly prevalent in the general population and may be linked in a bidirectional...
pubmed: sleep
Adaptive servo-ventilation therapy does not favourably alter sympatho-vagal balance in sleeping patients with systolic heart failure and central apnoeas: Preliminary data.
Related ArticlesAdaptive servo-ventilation therapy does not favourably alter sympatho-vagal balance in sleeping patients with systolic heart failure and central apnoeas: Preliminary data. Int J Cardiol. 2020 Apr 02;: Authors: Gorbachevski M, Spiesshoefer J, Arzt M, Oldenburg O, Becker S, Tuleta I, Emdin M, Passino C, Sciarrone P, Boentert M, Giannoni A Abstract BACKGROUND: In contrast to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), the use of adaptive...
pubmed: sleep
Efficacy and safety study of an eyelid gel after repeated nocturnal application in healthy contact lens users and non-users.
Related ArticlesEfficacy and safety study of an eyelid gel after repeated nocturnal application in healthy contact lens users and non-users. J Optom. 2020 Apr 18;: Authors: Pinazo-Durán MD, Raga-Cervera J, Sanz-González SM, Salgado-Borges J, Benítez-Del-Castillo J, Ramírez AI, Zanón-Moreno V Abstract PURPOSE: To evaluate skin biocompatibility of a nighttime hydrating eyelid gel and possible ocular surface effects in contact lens users (CLU) and non-contact...
pubmed: sleep

Different patterns of treatment response to Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) in psychosis.
Related ArticlesDifferent patterns of treatment response to Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) in psychosis. Schizophr Res. 2020 Apr 18;: Authors: Waters F, Chiu VW, Dragovic M, Ree M Abstract People with psychosis benefit enormously from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBTI), although some variability exists in treatment outcomes. While recent efforts have focused on profiling sleep at treatment initiation, an alternative...
pubmed: sleep
Screening for obstructive sleep apnea amongst patients with retinal vein occlusion.
Related ArticlesScreening for obstructive sleep apnea amongst patients with retinal vein occlusion. Can J Ophthalmol. 2020 Apr 18;: Authors: Felfeli T, Alon R, Al Adel F, Shapiro CM, Mandelcorn ED, Brent MH Abstract OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence and varying severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) amongst those newly diagnosed with retinal vein occlusion (RVO), and screen patients with the use of 2 in-office-administered questionnaires validated...
pubmed: sleep
Plasticity of DNA methylation, functional brain connectivity and efficiency in cognitive remediation for schizophrenia.
Related ArticlesPlasticity of DNA methylation, functional brain connectivity and efficiency in cognitive remediation for schizophrenia. J Psychiatr Res. 2020 Mar 28;: Authors: Ho NF, Tng JXJ, Wang M, Chen G, Subbaraju V, Shukor S, Ng DSX, Tan BL, Puang SJ, Kho SH, Siew RWE, Sin GL, Eu PW, Zhou J, Sng JCG, Sim K, Medalia A Abstract Cognitive remediation (CR) is predicated on principles of neuroplasticity, but the actual molecular and neurocircuitry changes...
pubmed: sleep
Might chronic opioid use impact sleep-disordered breathing and vice versa?
Related ArticlesMight chronic opioid use impact sleep-disordered breathing and vice versa? J Clin Sleep Med. 2020 Apr 22;: Authors: Orr JE, Wallace MS, Malhotra A PMID: 32317097 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: sleep
In response: Letter on update to the Vitamin C, Thiamine and Steroids in Sepsis (VICTAS) protocol.
Related ArticlesIn response: Letter on update to the Vitamin C, Thiamine and Steroids in Sepsis (VICTAS) protocol. Trials. 2020 Apr 22;21(1):351 Authors: Lindsell CJ, McGlothlin A, Nwosu S, Rice TW, Hall A, Bernard GR, Busse LW, Ely EW, Fowler AA, Gaieski DF, Hinson JS, Hooper MH, Jackson JC, Kelen GD, Levine M, Martin GS, Rothman RE, Sevransky JE, Viele K, Wright DW, Hager DN Abstract TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT03509350. Registered on...
pubmed: sleep
Study protocol: a cluster randomized trial to evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of onsite GeneXpert testing at community health centers in Uganda (XPEL-TB).
Related ArticlesStudy protocol: a cluster randomized trial to evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of onsite GeneXpert testing at community health centers in Uganda (XPEL-TB). Implement Sci. 2020 Apr 21;15(1):24 Authors: Reza TF, Nalugwa T, Farr K, Nantale M, Oyuku D, Nakaweesa A, Musinguzi J, Vangala M, Shete PB, Tucker A, Ferguson O, Fielding K, Sohn H, Dowdy D, Moore DAJ, Davis JL, Ackerman SL, Handley MA, Katamba A, Cattamanchi A Abstract ...
pubmed: sleep
A study protocol for a clustered randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a peer-led school-based walking intervention on adolescent girls' physical activity: the Walking In ScHools (WISH) study.
Related ArticlesA study protocol for a clustered randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a peer-led school-based walking intervention on adolescent girls' physical activity: the Walking In ScHools (WISH) study. BMC Public Health. 2020 Apr 21;20(1):541 Authors: O'Kane SM, Carlin A, Gallagher AM, Lahart IM, Jago R, Faulkner M, Murphy MH Abstract BACKGROUND: Adolescent girls in the UK and Ireland are failing to meet current physical...
pubmed: sleep
Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Related ArticlesEfficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. West J Nurs Res. 2020 Apr 22;:193945920914081 Authors: Ham OK, Lee BG, Choi E, Choi SJ Abstract This study examined the effects of cognitive behavioral treatment for insomnia. A randomized controlled trial was performed on 44 women. The intervention included one group session of sleep hygiene education and four individual sessions of counseling. The...
pubmed: sleep
Do Recent Experiences of Sexual Violence and Co-Occurring Depression and Anxiety Symptoms Predict Poorer Functioning One Year Later During the Transition to Young Adulthood?
Related ArticlesDo Recent Experiences of Sexual Violence and Co-Occurring Depression and Anxiety Symptoms Predict Poorer Functioning One Year Later During the Transition to Young Adulthood? J Interpers Violence. 2020 Apr 22;:886260520913648 Authors: Davis JP, Pedersen ER, Rodriguez A, Tucker JS, Seelam R, Shih R, D'Amico EJ Abstract Sexual violence (SV) is a public health concern for youth. Few longitudinal studies address how experiences of SV and co-occurring...
pubmed: sleep
Blockchain for Digital Health: Prospects and Challenges.
Related ArticlesBlockchain for Digital Health: Prospects and Challenges. OMICS. 2020 Apr 21;: Authors: Evangelatos N, Özdemir V, Brand A Abstract An open distributed ledger system, blockchain records digital transactions and offers the potential to disruptively transform the way we conduct biomedical research, provide health care, and perform economic transactions. This expert review provides the overarching background, key definitions, prospects and...
pubmed: sleep
Ultrasonic Measurement of Lingual Artery and Its Application for Midline Glossectomy.
Related ArticlesUltrasonic Measurement of Lingual Artery and Its Application for Midline Glossectomy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2020 Apr 21;:3489420913581 Authors: Liu C, Qin J, Xing D, Lu H, Yue R, Li S, Wu D Abstract OBJECTIVE: To explore the application of lingual artery ultrasound (US) for midline glossectomy in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). METHODS: Lingual artery US was performed in 57 OSA patients (OSA group) and 20 normal...
pubmed: sleep
Alcohol Hangover and Multitasking: Effects on Mood, Cognitive Performance, Stress Reactivity, and Perceived Effort.
Related ArticlesAlcohol Hangover and Multitasking: Effects on Mood, Cognitive Performance, Stress Reactivity, and Perceived Effort. J Clin Med. 2020 Apr 17;9(4): Authors: Benson S, Ayre E, Garrisson H, Wetherell MA, Verster JC, Scholey A Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the effects of hangover on mood, multitasking ability, and psychological stress reactivity to cognitive demand. Using a crossover design and semi-naturalistic methodology,...
pubmed: sleep
Does the "Morning Morality Effect" Apply to Prehospital Anaesthesiologists? An Investigation into Diurnal Changes in Ethical Behaviour.
Related ArticlesDoes the "Morning Morality Effect" Apply to Prehospital Anaesthesiologists? An Investigation into Diurnal Changes in Ethical Behaviour. Healthcare (Basel). 2020 Apr 16;8(2): Authors: Brøchner AC, Binderup LG, Schaffalitzky de Muckadell C, Mikkelsen S Abstract The "morning morality effect"-the alleged phenomenon that people are more likely to act in unethical ways in the afternoon when they are tired and have less self-control than in...
pubmed: sleep
Influence of Sleeping Patterns in Health and Academic Performance Among University Students.
Related ArticlesInfluence of Sleeping Patterns in Health and Academic Performance Among University Students. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Apr 16;17(8): Authors: Toscano-Hermoso MD, Arbinaga F, Fernández-Ozcorta EJ, Gómez-Salgado J, Ruiz-Frutos C Abstract Sleep problems in university students are important and have implications for health, quality of life, and academic performance. Using an ex post facto design, a total sample of 855 students...
pubmed: sleep
Depressive Symptoms and Sleep Disturbance in Female Nurses with Atopic Dermatitis: The Korea Nurses' Health Study.
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pubmed: sleep
Interventional bronchoscopy in children: Planning the path ahead.
Related ArticlesInterventional bronchoscopy in children: Planning the path ahead. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2020 02;55(2):288-291 Authors: Shanthikumar S, Steinfort DP, Ranganathan S PMID: 31816189 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: sleep
High-dose lormetazepam dependence: strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde-comment.
Related ArticlesHigh-dose lormetazepam dependence: strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde-comment. Intern Emerg Med. 2020 03;15(2):341-342 Authors: Ferini-Strambi L, Sforza M, Galbiati A PMID: 31286409 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: sleep
Pragmatic methods to avoid intensive care unit admission when it does not align with patient and family goals.
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pubmed: sleep
Aligning use of intensive care with patient values in the USA: past, present, and future.
Related ArticlesAligning use of intensive care with patient values in the USA: past, present, and future. Lancet Respir Med. 2019 07;7(7):626-638 Authors: Turnbull AE, Bosslet GT, Kross EK Abstract For more than three decades, both medical professionals and the public have worried that many patients receive non-beneficial care in US intensive care units during their final months of life. Some of these patients wish to avoid severe cognitive and physical...
pubmed: sleep
Visual analogue scales for interstitial lung disease: a prospective validation study.
Related ArticlesVisual analogue scales for interstitial lung disease: a prospective validation study. QJM. 2018 Aug 01;111(8):531-539 Authors: Yates H, Adamali HI, Maskell N, Barratt S, Sharp C Abstract BACKGROUND: Visual analogue scales (VAS) are simple symptom assessment tools which have not been validated in interstitial lung disease (ILD). Simple measures of ILD disease burden would be valuable for non-specialist clinicians monitoring disease away...
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