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Παρασκευή 24 Απριλίου 2020


Lower Vitamin B12 Level at Multiple System Atrophy Diagnosis Is Associated With Shorter Survival
Abstract Background Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a neurodegenerative disorder from α‐synuclein aggregation. in vitro studies suggest vitamin B12 may interrupt α‐synuclein‐mediated neurodegeneration. The objective of this study was to determine whether serum vitamin B12 level at MSA diagnosis is associated with survival. Methods One hundred eighty‐two MSA patients evaluated at Mayo Clinic with vitamin B12 testing were studied. We determined the risk of death in relationship to...
Movement Disorders
MDS‐UPDRS use in the COVID era
Movement Disorders
Biomechanical modeling of radiation dose-induced volumetric changes of the parotid glands for deformable image registration.
Related ArticlesBiomechanical modeling of radiation dose-induced volumetric changes of the parotid glands for deformable image registration. Phys Med Biol. 2020 Apr 22;: Authors: McCulloch M, Cazoulat G, Ford A, Elgohari BA, Bahig H, Kim AD, Elhalawani HM, He R, Wang J, Ding Y, Mohamed ASR, Polan DF, King J, Peterson CB, Ohrt AN, Fuller CD, Lai SY, Brock KK Abstract Early animal studies suggest that parotid gland (PG) toxicity prediction could be...
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Endoscopic endonasal CSF rhinorrhea repair in children: Systematic review with meta-analysis.
Related ArticlesEndoscopic endonasal CSF rhinorrhea repair in children: Systematic review with meta-analysis. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Apr 10;134:110044 Authors: Makary CA, Zalzal HG, Ramadan J, Ramadan HH Abstract OBJECTIVES: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhea in children is relatively uncommon. Endoscopic repair techniques in adults have become first line for nasal-based CSF leaks, and this meta-analysis looks at the success rates...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Prevalence of Pre-Existing Hearing Loss Among Patients With Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in South Africa.
Related ArticlesPrevalence of Pre-Existing Hearing Loss Among Patients With Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in South Africa. Am J Audiol. 2020 Apr 22;:1-7 Authors: Hong H, Dowdy DW, Dooley KE, Francis HW, Budhathoki C, Han HR, Farley JE Abstract Purpose Hearing loss, resulting from aminoglycoside ototoxicity, is common among patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB). Those with pre-existing hearing loss are at particular risk of clinically important...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Societal-Perceived Health Utility of Hypertrophic Facial Port-Wine Stain and Laser Treatment.
Related ArticlesSocietal-Perceived Health Utility of Hypertrophic Facial Port-Wine Stain and Laser Treatment. Facial Plast Surg Aesthet Med. 2020 Apr 22;: Authors: Heiser A, Jowett N, Occhiogrosso J, Tessler O, Tan OT Abstract Background: Port-wine stain (PWS) is a congenital capillary malformation occurring commonly in the head and neck. Left untreated, affected areas may darken and hypertrophy over time, resulting in pronounced disfigurement, risk...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Waiting for Something Positive.
Related ArticlesWaiting for Something Positive. N Engl J Med. 2020 Apr 22;: Authors: Jayawardena A PMID: 32320555 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
AA pubmed: head and neck
Evaluation of a pressure plate for detection of hind limb lameness in cats.
Related ArticlesEvaluation of a pressure plate for detection of hind limb lameness in cats. PLoS One. 2020;15(4):e0231904 Authors: Schnabl-Feichter E, Tichy A, Bockstahler B Abstract Detection of lameness in cats can be very time-consuming and frustrating. Feline studies have shown that the success of treatment can be evaluated by measurement of the ground reaction force (GRF). However, the possibility of multiple limb involvement or the presence...
AA pubmed: head and neck
The Prognostic Value of Circulating Inflammatory Cell Counts in Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss and the Effect of Cardiovascular Risk Factors.
Related ArticlesThe Prognostic Value of Circulating Inflammatory Cell Counts in Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss and the Effect of Cardiovascular Risk Factors. Ear Nose Throat J. 2020 Apr 22;:145561320920968 Authors: Sancaktar ME, Ağrı İ, Çeçen AB, Akgül G, Çelebi M Abstract OBJECTIVES: Recent studies suggest that elevated neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) are poor prognostic factors in sudden sensorineural...
AA pubmed: head and neck
An extensive sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma in mandible: a case report and literature review.
Related ArticlesAn extensive sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma in mandible: a case report and literature review. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2020 Apr 22;:20190426 Authors: Pakezhati S, Feng Y, Gao A, Lin Z, Huang X, Sun G, Zhang L, Wang T Abstract Sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma (SOC) is a primary intraosseous carcinoma of the jaw that was listed as a separate entity for the first time in the latest version of the World Health Organization classification...
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Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongue: Distinct epidemiological profile disease.
Related ArticlesSquamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongue: Distinct epidemiological profile disease. Head Neck. 2020 Apr 22;: Authors: Yosefof E, Hilly O, Stern S, Bachar G, Shpitzer T, Mizrachi A Abstract BACKGROUND: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) occurs in different subsites within the oral cavity. Our goal was to investigate the epidemiological features of OSCC with relation to age and subsite. METHODS: Retrospective review of...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Effects of S‑adenosyl‑L‑methionine on the invasion and migration of head and neck squamous cancer cells and analysis of the underlying mechanisms.
Related ArticlesEffects of S‑adenosyl‑L‑methionine on the invasion and migration of head and neck squamous cancer cells and analysis of the underlying mechanisms. Int J Oncol. 2020 Mar 12;: Authors: Mosca L, Minopoli M, Pagano M, Vitiello F, Carriero MV, Cacciapuoti G, Porcelli M Abstract S‑Adenosyl‑L‑methionine (AdoMet) is the principal methyl donor in transmethylation reactions fundamental to sustaining epigenetic modifications. Over the past decade,...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Dissociated Results between Caloric and Video Head Impulse Tests in Dizziness: Prevalence, Pattern, Lesion Location, and Etiology.
Related ArticlesDissociated Results between Caloric and Video Head Impulse Tests in Dizziness: Prevalence, Pattern, Lesion Location, and Etiology. J Clin Neurol. 2020 Apr;16(2):277-284 Authors: Lee JY, Kwon E, Kim HJ, Choi JY, Oh HJ, Koo JW, Kim JS Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: This study was designed to determine the prevalence, pattern, lesion location, and etiology of dissociation in the results of the bithermal caloric test and the horizontal...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Significant association between DHFR promoter methylation and ischemic stroke in a Chinese hypertensive population.
Related ArticlesSignificant association between DHFR promoter methylation and ischemic stroke in a Chinese hypertensive population. J Clin Lab Anal. 2020 Apr 22;:e23322 Authors: Hu J, Zhu H, Xu G, Chen Z, Li L, Wang S, Deng H, Bao X, Shen Z Abstract OBJECTIVE: DHFR encodes dihydrofolate reductase, a major enzyme in the metabolism of folate, and is a candidate gene for ischemic stroke (IS). Therefore, we aimed to investigate the association between...
AA pubmed: head and neck
PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway and autophagy regulator genes in paranasal squamous cell carcinoma metastasis.
Related ArticlesPI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway and autophagy regulator genes in paranasal squamous cell carcinoma metastasis. Mol Biol Rep. 2020 Apr 21;: Authors: Biray Avci C, Sezgin B, Goker Bagca B, Karci HB, Gode S Abstract Although there are many studies on the role of PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway and autophagy genes in the mechanism of head and neck cancer formation and prognostic significance, there is no study investigating the role of the genes in paranasal...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Stereotactic radiosurgery for head and neck paragangliomas: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Related ArticlesStereotactic radiosurgery for head and neck paragangliomas: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neurosurg Rev. 2020 Apr 21;: Authors: Fatima N, Pollom E, Soltys S, Chang SD, Meola A Abstract Head and neck paragangliomas (HNPs) are rare, usually benign hyper vascularized neuroendocrine tumors that traditionally have been treated by surgery, with or without endovascular embolization, or, more recently stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS)....
AA pubmed: head and neck
Evaluation of the correlation between side effects to oral mucosa, salivary glands, and general health status with quality of life during intensity-modulated radiotherapy for head and neck cancer.
Related ArticlesEvaluation of the correlation between side effects to oral mucosa, salivary glands, and general health status with quality of life during intensity-modulated radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. Support Care Cancer. 2020 Apr 21;: Authors: Oba MK, Innocentini LMAR, Viani G, Ricz HMA, de Carvalho Reis T, Ferrari TC, de Macedo LD Abstract PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of acute clinical complications...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Research progress on mechanism and dosimetry of brainstem injury induced by intensity-modulated radiotherapy, proton therapy, and heavy ion radiotherapy.
Related ArticlesResearch progress on mechanism and dosimetry of brainstem injury induced by intensity-modulated radiotherapy, proton therapy, and heavy ion radiotherapy. Eur Radiol. 2020 Apr 21;: Authors: Wei J, Shen Z, Wang H, Zhao Q, Ji R, Wang B, Xin Y, Jiang X Abstract Radiotherapy (RT) is an effective method for treating head and neck cancer (HNC). However, RT may cause side effects during and after treatment. Radiation-induced brainstem injury...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Clinical data analysis reveals the role of OGR1 (GPR68) in head and neck squamous cancer.
Related ArticlesClinical data analysis reveals the role of OGR1 (GPR68) in head and neck squamous cancer. Animal Model Exp Med. 2020 Mar;3(1):55-61 Authors: Zhang W, Han Y, Li W, Cao L, Yan L, Qin C, Gao R Abstract Background: Head and neck squamous cancer (HNSC) frequently occurs in the clinic. Revealing the role of the genes that correlate with cancer cell outgrowth will contribute to potential treatment target identification and tumor inhibition....
AA pubmed: head and neck
Biomarker Signatures of Quality for Engineering Nasal Chondrocyte-Derived Cartilage.
Related ArticlesBiomarker Signatures of Quality for Engineering Nasal Chondrocyte-Derived Cartilage. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2020;8:283 Authors: Asnaghi MA, Power L, Barbero A, Haug M, Köppl R, Wendt D, Martin I Abstract The definition of quality controls for cell therapy and engineered product manufacturing processes is critical for safe, effective, and standardized clinical implementation. Using the example context of cartilage grafts engineered...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Sebaceous lymphadenoma of parotid gland: A case report of a unique presentation in an immunocompromised patient.
Related ArticlesSebaceous lymphadenoma of parotid gland: A case report of a unique presentation in an immunocompromised patient. J Family Med Prim Care. 2020 Feb;9(2):1202-1205 Authors: Al-Essa M Abstract Sebaceous lymphadenoma is a rare, benign tumor of the parotid gland accounting for only 0.196% of all adenomas of the parotid gland. Our aim is to present a case of sebaceous lymphadenoma, which has been rapidly enlarging over a period of few months...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Embolization of a Superior Thyroid Artery Hemorrhage after Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy of a Thyroid Nodule.
Related ArticlesEmbolization of a Superior Thyroid Artery Hemorrhage after Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy of a Thyroid Nodule. Case Rep Otolaryngol. 2020;2020:3727696 Authors: Gates C, Newby M, Stokes W, Boo S, Carr M Abstract Fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is a procedure completed thousands of times daily across the world as an efficacious and safe way to evaluate thyroid nodules. Complications of an FNAB typically range from patient intolerance...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Cochlear supporting cells function as macrophage-like cells and protect audiosensory receptor hair cells from pathogens.
Related ArticlesCochlear supporting cells function as macrophage-like cells and protect audiosensory receptor hair cells from pathogens. Sci Rep. 2020 Apr 21;10(1):6740 Authors: Hayashi Y, Suzuki H, Nakajima W, Uehara I, Tanimura A, Himeda T, Koike S, Katsuno T, Kitajiri SI, Koyanagi N, Kawaguchi Y, Onomoto K, Kato H, Yoneyama M, Fujita T, Tanaka N Abstract To protect the audiosensory organ from tissue damage from the immune system, the inner ear...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Data-driven segmentation of audiometric phenotypes across a large clinical cohort.
Related ArticlesData-driven segmentation of audiometric phenotypes across a large clinical cohort. Sci Rep. 2020 Apr 21;10(1):6704 Authors: Parthasarathy A, Romero Pinto S, Lewis RM, Goedicke W, Polley DB Abstract Pure tone audiograms are used to assess the degree and underlying source of hearing loss. Audiograms are typically categorized into a few canonical types, each thought to reflect distinct pathologies of the ear. Here, we analyzed 116,400...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Author Correction: A VEGF receptor vaccine demonstrates preliminary efficacy in neurofibromatosis type 2.
Related ArticlesAuthor Correction: A VEGF receptor vaccine demonstrates preliminary efficacy in neurofibromatosis type 2. Nat Commun. 2020 Apr 21;11(1):2028 Authors: Tamura R, Fujioka M, Morimoto Y, Ohara K, Kosugi K, Oishi Y, Sato M, Ueda R, Fujiwara H, Hikichi T, Noji S, Oishi N, Ogawa K, Kawakami Y, Ohira T, Yoshida K, Toda M Abstract An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.PMID: 32317644...
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Clear cell lesions in pathology: Histomorphologic approach to diagnosis.
Related ArticlesClear cell lesions in pathology: Histomorphologic approach to diagnosis. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2020 Apr-Jun;63(2):177-187 Authors: Kar A, Pattnaik K, Kar T, Biswal P, Mishra C, Guru L Abstract There has been remarkable progress in the field of surgical pathology; however, histomorphology has remained the most important and essential tool of the surgical pathologist in everyday practice till now. It is surprising that the hematoxylin-eosin...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Transient Amnesia Following Prehospital Low-dose Ketamine Administration.
Related ArticlesTransient Amnesia Following Prehospital Low-dose Ketamine Administration. Am J Emerg Med. 2020 Apr 09;: Authors: Aljadeed R, Perona S Abstract Low doses of ketamine have been shown to be safe and effective for pain relief. Adverse effects are generally mild and transient. A 69-year-old woman suffered a witnessed ground-level fall without report of head injury, loss of consciousness, or intoxication. She was in severe pain despite...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Consideration of povidone-iodine as a public health intervention for COVID-19: Utilization as "Personal Protective Equipment" for frontline providers exposed in high-risk head and neck and skull base oncology care.
Related ArticlesConsideration of povidone-iodine as a public health intervention for COVID-19: Utilization as "Personal Protective Equipment" for frontline providers exposed in high-risk head and neck and skull base oncology care. Oral Oncol. 2020 Apr 16;:104724 Authors: Mady LJ, Kubik MW, Baddour K, Snyderman CH, Rowan NR PMID: 32317139 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
AA pubmed: head and neck
Low rates of airway intervention in adult supraglottitis: A case series and meta-analysis.
Related ArticlesLow rates of airway intervention in adult supraglottitis: A case series and meta-analysis. Am J Otolaryngol. 2020 Apr 04;:102482 Authors: Ringel B, Shilo S, Carmel-Neiderman NN, Livneh N, Oestreicher-Kedem Y, Abergel A, Fliss DM, Horowitz G Abstract PURPOSE: Acute supraglottitis (SG) can potentially lead to rapid airway obstruction. The last few decades have witnessed a shift towards a more conservative approach in airway management...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Extensive craniospinal disseminated metastasis after the resection of intradural extramedullary ependymoma in the craniocervical junction: A case report and literature review.
Related ArticlesExtensive craniospinal disseminated metastasis after the resection of intradural extramedullary ependymoma in the craniocervical junction: A case report and literature review. Int J Neurosci. 2020 Apr 22;:1-8 Authors: Guo Z, Wan J, Zhao B Abstract Purpose/Aim: Intradural extramedullary (IDEM) ependymomas are very rare, and IDEM ependymomas with craniospinal disseminated metastasis are exceptionally rare; only 2 preoperative cases...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Development of a Patient-Reported Outcome Measure for Mohs Reconstruction.
Related ArticlesDevelopment of a Patient-Reported Outcome Measure for Mohs Reconstruction. Facial Plast Surg Aesthet Med. 2020 Apr 21;: Authors: Kavanagh KJ, Christophel JJ Abstract Objective: There are currently no validated patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) to specifically evaluate quality-of-life (QOL) outcomes for patients undergoing Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) reconstruction. Therefore, the objective of this report was to develop...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Efficacy and Safety of Polaprezinc (Zinc Compound) on Zinc Deficiency: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials Using Individual Patient Data.
Related ArticlesEfficacy and Safety of Polaprezinc (Zinc Compound) on Zinc Deficiency: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials Using Individual Patient Data. Nutrients. 2020 Apr 17;12(4): Authors: Furihata K, Tsuchikawa M, Miwa T, Naito Y, Oba K, Sakagami M Abstract Zinc intake is recommended for zinc deficiency. In clinical practice, polaprezinc has been used as a zinc replacement therapy for zinc deficiency....
AA pubmed: head and neck
Metastatic Tumors of the Oro-Facial Tissues: Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. A Clinico-Pathological and Immunohistochemical Study of Seven Cases.
Related ArticlesMetastatic Tumors of the Oro-Facial Tissues: Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. A Clinico-Pathological and Immunohistochemical Study of Seven Cases. J Clin Med. 2020 Apr 17;9(4): Authors: Capodiferro S, Limongelli L, Mastropasqua MG, Favia G, Lajolo C, Colella G, Tempesta A, Maiorano E Abstract Metastases to orofacial tissues are infrequent, their incidence being 1-8% of malignant oral tumors, sometimes manifesting as the first clinical...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Nutritional Issues in Head and Neck Cancer Patients.
Related ArticlesNutritional Issues in Head and Neck Cancer Patients. Healthcare (Basel). 2020 Apr 17;8(2): Authors: Bozzetti F, Cotogni P Abstract The purpose of this paper is to update the oncologist on the correct approach to the nutritional care of the head and neck cancer patient. Recent scientific contributions on this issue, with a special emphasis on international guidelines and randomised clinical trials (RCTs), are reviewed. The following...
AA pubmed: head and neck
A Mouse Model of Oropharyngeal Papillomavirus-Induced Neoplasia Using Novel Tools for Infection and Nasal Anesthesia.
Related ArticlesA Mouse Model of Oropharyngeal Papillomavirus-Induced Neoplasia Using Novel Tools for Infection and Nasal Anesthesia. Viruses. 2020 Apr 16;12(4): Authors: Bilger A, King RE, Schroeder JP, Piette JT, Hinshaw LA, Kurth AD, AlRamahi RW, Barthel MV, Ward-Shaw ET, Buehler D, Masters KS, Thibeault SL, Lambert PF Abstract Human head and neck cancers that develop from the squamous cells of the oropharynx (Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinomas...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Establishment of epigenetic markers to predict irradiation efficacy against oropharyngeal cancer.
Related ArticlesEstablishment of epigenetic markers to predict irradiation efficacy against oropharyngeal cancer. Cancer Sci. 2020 Apr;111(4):1407-1416 Authors: Kurokawa T, Nakagawa T, Matsusaka K, Fukuyo M, Mima M, Misawa K, Rahmutulla B, Ikeda JI, Hanazawa T, Okamoto Y, Kaneda A Abstract Irradiation, or chemoradiotherapy, is a curative treatment for oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC). Its invasiveness, however, can often negate its efficacy....
AA pubmed: head and neck
Biodegradable nanoparticles decorated with different carbohydrates for efficient macrophage-targeted gene therapy
Publication date: 10 July 2020Source: Journal of Controlled Release, Volume 323Author(s): Qijing Chen, Mingzhu Gao, Zhongyu Li, Yue Xiao, Xin Bai, Kofi Oti Boakye-Yiadom, Xiaoyang Xu, Xue-Qing Zhang
ScienceDirect Publication: Journal of Controlled Release
Synergistic drug combinations for a precision medicine approach to interstitial glioblastoma therapy
Publication date: Available online 23 April 2020Source: Journal of Controlled ReleaseAuthor(s): Elizabeth G. Graham-Gurysh, Ananya B. Murthy, Kathryn M. Moore, Shawn D. Hingtgen, Eric M. Bachelder, Kristy M. Ainslie
ScienceDirect Publication: Journal of Controlled Release
Bacterial outer membrane vesicles as a platform for biomedical applications: An update
Publication date: Available online 22 April 2020Source: Journal of Controlled ReleaseAuthor(s): Min Li, Han Zhou, Chen Yang, Yi Wu, Xuechang Zhou, Hang Liu, Yucai Wang
ScienceDirect Publication: Journal of Controlled Release

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