Παρασκευή 24 Απριλίου 2020


Parameters of Experimental Activity in the Study of the Cognitive Abilities of Rhesus Monkeys ( Macaca mulatta ) and Baboons ( Papio hamadryas )
We compared experimental activity, behavioral activity in the experiment, of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and baboons (Papio hamadryas). Baboons showed higher levels of experimental activity. The contrast in the activity between the species is probably associated with species-specific characteristics of the behavior and different ability to adapt under new conditions. In particular, they may be the result of lower plasticity of rhesus monkeys with respect to experimental conditions.
Latest Results for Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine
Distribution of Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles in the Body and Possibility of Controlling Them in an Isolated Organ by a Permanent Magnetic Field
We studied the distribution of ferrihydrite nanoparticles isolated from bacteria Klebsiella oxytoca in the whole body in vivo and in a cultured isolated organ (liver). The possibility of controlling these nanoparticles in the body using a magnetic field was assessed. One hour after intravenous injection of ferrihydrite nanoparticles to mice, their accumulation was observed in the liver, lungs, and kidneys. Experiment with cultured isolated rat liver showed that these nanoparticles can be controlled...
Latest Results for Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine
First Experience of Sutureless Redo on Mitral Valve Using Valve-in-Valve Technique: Two-Stage Implantation on a Large Animal
Sutureless implantation of the mitral valve bioprosthesis using the valve-in-valve method was performed on a large animal (sheep). According to the results of a two-stage implantation (primary implantation of a xenopericardial 26-mm framed bioprosthesis and reimplantation of the developed 23-mm bioprosthesis), minor changes in quantitative indicators were revealed: an increase in the transprosthetic gradient by 1.3 mm Hg and a decrease in the area of the mitral orifice by 21.6%. Considerable reduction...
Latest Results for Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine
Response of the Hemostatic System to Acute Vital Stress in Rats
We studied the effect of acute vital stress on the parameters of the hemostasis system in young and old Wistar rats. The psychotraumatic effect was simulated as a situation of emotional stress at the sight of a predator (Indian python) catching and eating a conspecific. In young rats, acute vital stress was followed by inhibition of platelet aggregation, hypercoagulation by the external pathway and final stages of plasma hemostasis, and a decrease in fibrinogen and antithrombin III levels against...
Latest Results for Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine
Blockade of Dopamine D2 Receptors as a Novel Approach to Stimulation of Notch1 + Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Angiogenesis in C57BL/6 Mice with Pulmonary Emphysema Induced by Proteases and Deficiency of α1-Antitrypsin
We studied the effects of spiperone, a selective blocker of dopamine D2 receptors, on the model of pulmonary emphysema provoked by administration of elastase and D-galactosamine hydrochloride to female C57BL/6 mice and characterized by activation of proteases in the lungs and systemic deficiency of its inhibitor α1-antitrypsin. In this model, spiperone prevented the development of inflammatory reaction and reduced the area of emphysematous expanded alveolar tissue. The expression of angiogenic marker...
Latest Results for Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine
Blood Cytokine Concentration in Rats during Antigenic Treatment after a Single Long-Term Stress Exposure
We studied changes in the blood cytokine profile of rats 3 h, 1 day, and 8 days after acute stress on the model of 24-h immobilization followed by LPS administration (100 μg/kg intraperitoneally). The concentration of proinflammatory cytokines (particularly of IL-1β and TNFα) significantly decreased at the early stage after stress exposure and physiological saline injection, but increased in the follow-up period and practically did not differ or even surpassed the control level by the end of observations....
Latest Results for Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine
Rat Blood Leukocytes after Intravenous Injection of Chitosan-Modified Magnetic Nanospheres
Nanosized magnetite particles (magnetic nanospheres) are a prospective basis for creation of new diagnostic and therapeutic agents. The structure of blood leukocytes and the leukocytic formula are studied in adult rats over a period of 120 days after a single intravenous injection of chitosan-modified nanosized magnetite particles. No effects of chitosan-modified magnetic nanospheres on the structure of rat blood leukocytes are detected. Injection of suspension of chitosan-modified magnetite nanospheres...
Latest Results for Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine
Changes in Transcriptional Regulation of Postnatal Morphogenesis of the Adrenal Zona Fasciculata Caused by Endocrine Disruptor Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
We studied the expression of transcriptional factors regulating postnatal morphogenesis of the adrenal zona fasciculata in rats after developmental exposure to endocrine disruptor DDT. It was found that tissue reparation after trophic disorders and cell death triggered by prenatal and postnatal exposure to DDT was accompanied by an increase in the number of Oct4- and Shh-expressing cells forming a pool located outside the regeneration zones and involved in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis in...
Latest Results for Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine
Delivering extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for patients with COVID‐19: what, who, when and how?
Abstract On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19), caused by severe respiratory syndrome coronavirus‐2 (SARS‐CoV‐2), a worldwide pandemic. Although most patients with SARS‐CoV‐2 are asymptomatic or experience only mild disease, approximately 14% develop severe disease associated with a high case fatality rate [1–3]. Patients with severe respiratory failure refractory to tracheal intubation, positive pressure ventilation, prone positioning,...
Global evidence on occupational sun exposure and keratinocyte cancers: a systematic review
Summary Individual studies have suggested that the association between occupational exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and the development of keratinocyte cancers (KC) may only be valid in populations of European ancestry living in certain geographic regions. Comparative global data are scarce and so this review aimed to summarize current evidence on the association between occupational exposure to solar UVR and the development of KC, with a specific focus on geographic location and...
British Journal of Dermatology
High somatostatin receptor expression and efficacy of somatostatin analogues in patients with metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma
Abstract Background Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is an aggressive, high‐grade, cutaneous neuroendocrine tumour (NET). PD‐1/PD‐L1 blocking agents have efficacy in metastatic MCC (mMCC), but half of patients do not derive durable benefit. Somatostatin analogues (SSA) are commonly used to treat low‐ and moderate‐grade NETs that express somatostatin receptors (SSTR). Objectives To assess SSTR expression and efficacy of SSA in mMCC, a high‐grade NET. Methods In this retrospective...
British Journal of Dermatology
Feasibility and healthcare costs of superpotent topical corticosteroid therapy in bullous pemphigoid: a prospective, observational study in an academic center in France
Abstract Superpotent topical corticosteroids (TCS) were demonstrated to be more effective and safer than high doses of oral corticosteroids to treat extensive bullous pemphigoid (BP).1 They are proposed as first‐line treatment for BP in the Cochrane review2 and in European guidelines.3 In France, TCS are the recommended first‐line treatment for BP, whatever the severity of the disease.4 The objectives of this study were to determine whether TCS alone were actually used as first‐line therapy and...
British Journal of Dermatology
Partner bereavement can increase the incidence of atopic dermatitis but has no effect on psoriasis
British Journal of Dermatology
Silicone dressings for pressure ulcer prevention
British Journal of Dermatology
Epitope competition and neutralizing antidrug antibodies: immune monitoring of antiprogrammed death‐1 therapies and lessons learned from natalizumab
Abstract We read with interest the BJD online publication by Gambichler and colleagues1 about a decline of programmed death (PD)‐1+ circulating T regulatory cells (Tregs) predicting clinical outcome in anti‐PD‐1 therapy. The study highlights the potential and importance of immune monitoring in anti‐PD‐1 checkpoint therapy in malignant melanoma. However, their conclusion about anti‐PD‐1 antibody treatment effecting a decline of PD‐1+ Tregs is misleading.
British Journal of Dermatology
Sleep disturbance in atopic dermatitis: a case–control study using actigraphy and smartphone‐collected questionnaires
Abstract Atopic dermatitis (AD) has a significant impact on patients’ quality of life, and due to pruritus it particularly affects sleep. Actigraphy is a well‐recognized objective tool that is used in sleep medicine. Its relevance for assessing sleep in patients with AD has been shown by several studies. This study aimed to evaluate the sleep of patients with AD and to compare it with that of healthy volunteers using wrist actigraphy and a smartphone application.
British Journal of Dermatology
Microscopy Research and Technique
Issue Information
Microscopy Research and Technique
Ist die Wurzelspitzenresektion noch zeitgemäß?
Zusammenfassung Für eine persistierende oder erneut aufgetretene apikale Parodontitis kommen verschiedene Auslöser in Betracht. Diese sind meistens im Wurzelkanalsystem des betroffenen Zahns, nicht selten aber auch extraradikulär lokalisiert. Entsprechend wichtig ist eine sorgfältige Diagnostik zur Bestimmung der Ursache, um die Erhaltungswürdigkeit des Zahns zu belegen und die am besten geeignete Therapie auszuwählen. Die Erfolgsquote der Wurzelspitzenresektion liegt etwas höher...
Latest Results for Der MKG-Chirurg
A 5-year Retrospective Analysis of Drug Survival, Safety, and Effectiveness of the Infliximab Biosimilar CT-P13 in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis
Abstract Background The infliximab biosimilar CT-P13 has widely received regulatory approval in all indications of reference infliximab, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Objective This retrospective analysis investigated drug survival and long-term safety and effectiveness of CT-P13 in patients with RA or AS in the Republic...
Latest Results for Clinical Drug Investigation
Bladder cancer therapy without toxicity ‐ A dose‐escalation study of alpha1‐oleate
Abstract Potent chemotherapeutic agents are required to counteract the aggressive behavior of cancer cells and patients often experience severe side effects, due to tissue toxicity. This study addresses if a better balance between efficacy and toxicity can be attained using the tumoricidal complex alpha1‐oleate, formed by a synthetic, alpha‐helical peptide comprising the N‐terminal 39 AMino acids of alpha‐lactalbumin and the fatty acid oleic acid. Bladder cancer was established, by intra‐vesical...
Int J Cancer
Contemporary Considerations in Adjuvant Radioiodine Treatment of Adults with Differentiated Thyroid Cancer
Abstract Differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) is the most common endocrine malignancy with a growing incidence worldwide. The initial conventional management is surgery, followed by consideration of 131I treatment that includes 3 options. These are termed remnant ablation (targeting benign thyroid remnant), adjuvant (targeting presumed microscopic DTC) and known disease (targeting macroscopic DTC) treatments. Some experts mostly rely on clinico‐pathologic assessment for recurrence risk to select...
Int J Cancer
Comments on “Inhibition of the ketolytic acetyl CoA supply to tumors could be their ‘Achilles heel’”
Int J Cancer
Blood markers of oxidative stress are strongly associated with poorer prognosis in colorectal cancer patients
Abstract Oxidative stress has been implicated in the initiation of several cancers, including colorectal cancer (CRC). Whether it also plays a role in CRC prognosis is unclear. We assessed the associations of two oxidative stress biomarkers (Diacron's reactive oxygen metabolites [d‐ROMs] and total thiol level [TTL]) with CRC prognosis. CRC patients who were diagnosed in 2003‐2012 and recruited into a population‐based study in Germany (N = 3361) were followed for up to 6 years. Hazard ratios (HRs)...
Int J Cancer
Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongue: Distinct epidemiological profile disease
Abstract Background Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) occurs in different subsites within the oral cavity. Our goal was to investigate the epidemiological features of OSCC with relation to age and subsite. Methods Retrospective review of all patients treated for OSCC in a tertiary care center between 2000 and 2018. Results A total of 360 patients were included. Five age groups were defined: 0 to 30, 31 to 45, 46 to 60, 61 to 75, and 76+. In the 0 to 30 and 31 to 45 groups,...
Head & Neck
Issue Information
Head & Neck
Melanoma-associated fibroblasts impair CD8+ T cell function and modify expression of immune checkpoint regulators via increased arginase activity
Abstract Abstract This study shows that melanoma-associated fibroblasts (MAFs) suppress cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity and reveals a pivotal role played by arginase in this phenomenon. MAFs and normal dermal fibroblasts (DFs) were isolated from surgically resected melanomas and identified as Melan-A-/gp100-/FAP+ cells. CTLs of healthy blood donors were activated in the presence of MAF- and DF-conditioned media (CM). Markers of successful...
Latest Results for Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
11p15.5 epimutations in children with Wilms tumor and hepatoblastoma detected in peripheral blood
Background Constitutional or somatic mosaic epimutations are increasingly recognized as a mechanism of gene dysregulation resulting in cancer susceptibility. Beckwith‐Wiedemann syndrome is the cancer predisposition syndrome most commonly associated with epimutation and is extremely variable in its phenotypic presentation, which can include isolated tumors. Because to the authors' knowledge large‐scale germline DNA sequencing studies have not included methylation analysis, the percentage of pediatric...
Impact of prebiopsy magnetic resonance imaging on biopsy and radical prostatectomy grade concordance
Background Adoption of prostate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) before biopsy is based on evidence demonstrating superior detection of clinically significant prostate cancer on biopsy. Whether this is due to the detection of otherwise occult higher grade cancers or preferential sampling of higher grade areas within an otherwise low‐grade cancer is unknown. Methods To distinguish these two possibilities, this study examined the effect of prebiopsy MRI on the rate of pathologic upgrading...
Pembrolizumab for the treatment of programmed death–ligand 1‒positive advanced carcinoid or pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: Results from the KEYNOTE‐028 study
Background Despite a protracted disease course and multiple available therapies, patients with well‐differentiated neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) inevitably experience disease progression. Programmed death–ligand 1 (PD‐L1) has been associated with NET progression and prognosis. The multicohort, phase 1 KEYNOTE‐028 study (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT02054806) evaluated the activity and safety of the anti–programmed cell death protein 1 immunotherapy pembrolizumab in patients with well‐differentiated...
Effects of acupuncture versus cognitive behavioral therapy on cognitive function in cancer survivors with insomnia: A secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial
Background Cancer‐related cognitive impairment is a prevalent, disruptive condition potentially exacerbated by sleep disturbances. The current study was performed to evaluate the effects of acupuncture versus cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT‐I) on objective and subjective cognitive function in cancer survivors with insomnia. Methods Using data from a randomized clinical trial (160 survivors) that compared acupuncture versus CBT‐I for insomnia occurring in cancer survivors,...
the current outbreak of COVID-19 in Lombardy, a region of Northern Italy, has dramatically impacted the organization of healthcare activities. As the infection escalates, in the hopes of conserving resources, a number of hospitals reduced elective surgeries as part of their COVID-19 containment strategy.
Auris Nasus Larynx
Disposable Glove Use - Coronavirus PreOp Patient Education Patient Engagement
Disposable Glove Use - Coronavirus PreOp Patient Education Patient Engagement https://preop.com/preop/gloving/ This video is about disposable glove use for patient care activities in the home. These gloves are clean, not sterile. They are used one time, then thrown away. Disposable gloves can prevent the spread of germs that cause infection...They are used to protect both the caregiver and the patient...even if the patient is a family member. Gloves work best when hands are washed before and...
PreOp.com Video Patient Education
Incorrect measurements and misleading conclusions in the article “Comparison of the efficacy of tooth alignment among lingual and labial brackets: an in vitro study”
To reproduce the methods and results of the study by Alobeid et al. (2018) in which the efficacy of tooth alignment using conventional labial and lingual orthodontic bracket systems was assessed.
Head & Face Medicine - Latest Articles
Assessment of the quality, content and perceived utility of local maternity guidelines in hospitals in England implementing the saving babies lives care bundle to reduce stillbirth
IntroductionThe UK Department of Health have targeted a reduction in stillbirth by 50% by 2025; to achieve this, the first version of the Saving Babies’ Lives Care Bundle (SBLCB) was developed by NHS England in 2016 to improve four key areas of antenatal and intrapartum care. Clinical practice guidelines are a key means by which quality improvement initiatives are disseminated to front-line staff. MethodsSeventy-five clinical practice guidelines covering the four areas of antenatal and intrapartum...
BMJ QIR Current Issue
Being Rational About Health: The Pandemic's Long-Term Silver Lining?
Rejuvenation Research, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page 91-92, April 2020.
Rejuvenation Research - Table of Contents
Natural Compounds as a Strategy to Optimize “In Vitro” Expansion of Stem Cells
Rejuvenation Research, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page 93-106, April 2020.
Rejuvenation Research - Table of Contents
Lipid Hydrolase Enzymes: Pragmatic Prolongevity Targets for Improved Human Healthspan?
Rejuvenation Research, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page 107-121, April 2020.
Rejuvenation Research - Table of Contents
Commentary on Some Recent Theses Relevant to Combating Aging: April 2020
Rejuvenation Research, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page 176-183, April 2020.
Rejuvenation Research - Table of Contents
Will Repeated Ablative Er:YAG Laser Treatment Sessions Cause Facial Skin Sensitivity? Results of a 12-Month, Prospective, Randomized Split-Face Study
Rejuvenation Research, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page 122-129, April 2020.
Rejuvenation Research - Table of Contents
Role of Senescence and Neuroprotective Effects of Telomerase in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Rejuvenation Research, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page 150-158, April 2020.
Rejuvenation Research - Table of Contents
Comparison of Anthropometric Measures for Evaluating the Association Between Hypogonadism and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Hormones in a Taiwanese Population
Rejuvenation Research, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page 130-137, April 2020.
Rejuvenation Research - Table of Contents
Supplementation with Brush Border Enzyme Alkaline Phosphatase Slows Aging
Rejuvenation Research, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page 171-175, April 2020.
Rejuvenation Research - Table of Contents
Effects of Guilingji on Aging Rats and Its Underlying Mechanisms
Rejuvenation Research, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page 138-149, April 2020.
Rejuvenation Research - Table of Contents
Meetings Calendar
Rejuvenation Research, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page 184-189, April 2020.
Rejuvenation Research - Table of Contents
How Could We Slow or Reverse the Human Aging Process and Extend the Healthy Life Span with Heterochronous Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Rejuvenation Research, Volume 23, Issue 2, Page 159-170, April 2020.
Rejuvenation Research - Table of Contents

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