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Τετάρτη 8 Απριλίου 2020

Optimization of timing of hepatocellular phase imaging after gadoxetate disodium injection for evaluation of patients with neuroendocrine tumor

Optimization of timing of hepatocellular phase imaging after gadoxetate disodium injection for evaluation of patients with neuroendocrine tumor:



Metastatic gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (mGEP-NEN) are indolent malignancies which undergo frequent imaging follow-up. Hepatocellular phase (HCP) MR with hepatocellular-specific contrast agent is widely used to evaluate mGEP-NEN liver metastases but is commonly performed after a 20-min delay which prolongs scan time. The purpose of this study was to evaluate if HCP MR at 15 min offers comparable performance to 20-min delay for patients with mGEP-NEN undergoing routine imaging surveillance.

Materials and methods

In this IRB-approved retrospective study, we evaluated 52 patients with mGEP-NEN who were imaged for routine surveillance with gadoxetate disodium (Eovist®)-enhanced MR including 15- and 20-min delayed HCP. Two readers (R1, R2), blinded to HCP timing, independently reviewed each set of images in random order at least 1 month apart. Readers assessed presence and conspicuity of metastases, and subjective image quality using 5-point scales. Readers quantified the number of metastases and diameter of the largest lesion. Statistical analysis was performed to determine individual-reader and inter-reader differences for qualitative and quantitative data.


No differences were observed for subjective image quality (R1 p = 0.86, R2 p = 0.17) or lesion conspicuity (R1 p = 0.56, R2 p = 0.74) at 15 min and 20 min for either reader. Individual-reader concordance correlation coefficient between 15 and 20 min was high for number of metastases detected (R1 = 0.9842, R2 = 0.9579) and diameter of largest metastasis (R1 = 0.9629, R2 = 0.8859).


HCP imaging at 15 min provides similar diagnostic yield to standard 20-min delay, which may help reduce the scan time and costs, and improve throughput and patient satisfaction.

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