Πέμπτη 2 Απριλίου 2020

Reticulin staining pattern in the differential diagnosis of benign parathyroid lesions

Reticulin staining pattern in the differential diagnosis of benign parathyroid lesions:




A reticulin staining pattern (RSP) can be used for the differential diagnosis of endocrine gland lesions, as in the adrenal and hypophysis glands. We aimed to use RSP for the differential diagnosis of parathyroid gland lesions.

Materials and methods

In this study, we evaluated 97 parathyroid lesions in 85 patients, as well as 29 normal parathyroid glands. All sections were stained with a silver impregnation-based kit for the reticulin stain. The RSPs were classified as short thick fiber-, anastomosing- and nodular/alveolar-pattern. The dominant pattern was accepted as being greater than 50% in each section.


Short thick fibers and anastomosing and nodular RSPs were seen in adenomas, but there was no alveolar pattern. Although nodular/alveolar patterns were seen in focal areas in hyperplasia, they never became the dominant pattern. Nodular dominant RSPs were seen in adenomas; however, nodular RSPs were not seen in hyperplasia in a dominant pattern (p = 0.049). While short thick fibers were not seen in normal glands, they could be seen in adenomas (p < 0.001) and in hyperplasia (p < 0.001).


RSPs can be used in the differential diagnosis of parathyroid lesions. While short thick reticular fibers support adenomas and hyperplasia rather than normal tissue, a nodular dominant pattern supports adenomas rather than hyperplasia.

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