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Δευτέρα 8 Ιουνίου 2020

May-Jun 2020;34(3):1271-1275.
 doi: 10.21873/invivo.11901.

Peritumoral Clefting and Expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Skin



Background/aim: Peritumoral clefting is one of the main histologic features of basal cell carcinoma of the skin (BCC). The aim of the study was to analyze the expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 both in cells of basal cell carcinoma and in the adjacent stroma and to correlate the findings of immunohistochemical analysis with the presence of peritumoral clefting.
Patients and methods: The study was made on archival material comprising 48 cases of BCC. These were scanned for the presence of peritumoral clefts. The results of immunohistochemical staining for MMP-2 and MMP-9 were determined semiquantitatively using immunohistochemical staining index (ISI).
Results: Peritumoral retractions were found in 40 BCC cases. Positive immunohistochemical reaction for MMP-2 in tumor cells was found in 47 cases and in all cases in the adjacent stroma. Positive immunostaining for MMP-9 in BCC tumor cells was observed in 37 cases and in all cases in the adjacent stroma. There was no statistically significant association between peritumoral retractions and expression of MMPs. A statistically significant correlation was found in the expression of both MMP-2 and MMP-9 between the tumor and the stroma.
Conclusion: Tumor cells elaborate MMP-2 and -9, but they also produce some other factors that may induce production of MMPs in adjacent stromal cells. The role of MMPs in the development of peritumoral clefts could not be confirmed.
Keywords: Basal cell carcinoma; MMP-2; MMP-9; histopathology; peritumoral clefting.
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May-Jun 2020;34(3):953-964.
 doi: 10.21873/invivo.11863.

Pathophysiological Changes During Ischemia-reperfusion Injury in Rodent Hepatic Steatosis



Background/aim: Ischemia and reperfusion injuries may produce deleterious effects on hepatic tissue after liver surgery and transplantation. The impact of ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) on the liver depends on its substrate, the percentage of liver ischemic tissue subjected to IRI and the ischemia time. The consequences of IRI are more evident in pathologic liver substrates, such as steatotic livers. This review is the result of an extended bibliographic PubMed search focused on the last 20 years. It highlights basic differences encountered during IRI in lean and steatotic livers based on studies using rodent experimental models.
Conclusion: The main difference in cell death between lean and steatotic livers is the prevalence of apoptosis in the former and necrosis in the latter. There are also major changes in the effect of intracellular mediators, such as TNFα and IL-1β. Further experimental studies are needed in order to increase current knowledge of IRI effects and relevant mechanisms in both lean and steatotic livers, so that new preventive and therapeutic strategies maybe developed.
Keywords: Liver injury; cytokines; hepatic steatosis; ischemia-reperfusion injury; oxidative stress; pathophysiological changes; review.

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May-Jun 2020;34(3):1387-1394.
 doi: 10.21873/invivo.11918.

Expression and Prognostic Significance of CDK8 and β-Catenin in Hepatocellular Carcinoma



Background/aim: Cyclin-dependent kinase 8 (CDK8) is known to play an important role in the early development and progression of various cancers, and the Wnt/β-catenin pathway is also involved in cancer progression. Nevertheless, relatively little is known about the regulatory mechanisms of the β-catenin pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
Materials and methods: The complete clinicopathological features of 122 pairs of HCC and adjacent non-tumor tissues were analyzed and immunohistochemistry was used to detect the aberrant expression of CDK8 and β-catenin. Overall survival rates (OSRs) were evaluated using the Kaplan-Meier method and Cox multivariate analysis was used to assess the prognostic values.
Results: Aberrant expression of nuclear β-catenin and CDK8 are independent prognostic variables that negatively affect the OSR. The aberrant expression of CDK8 was associated with the dysregulated expression of β-catenin and correlated with a poor prognosis.
Conclusion: Inhibition of CDK8 and/or nuclear β-catenin expression pattern could serve as a promising therapeutic strategy for the treatment of HCC.
Keywords: CDK8; Liver; biomarkers; hepatocellular carcinoma; β-catenin.
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May-Jun 2020;34(3):1085-1094.
 doi: 10.21873/invivo.11879.

BRM270 Suppresses Cervical Cancer Stem Cell Characteristics and Progression by Inhibiting SOX2



Background/aim: Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death in women worldwide. BRM270 (BRMLife) has therapeutic potential for cancer treatment owing to its ability to inhibit cell proliferation, and expression of cluster of differentiation (CD) 133 in CD133+ cancer cells. This study was designed to evaluate the therapeutic effects of plant extract formulation BRM270 against cervical cancer progression.
Materials and methods: The expression of sex-determining region Y-box 2 (SOX2) was tested in four different cervical cancer cell lines, HeLA, SiHa, Caski and C33A. SOX2-expressing SiHa and C33A cell lines were selected for further experiments on the in vitro and in vivo effects of BRM270 on cervical cancer progression using western blotting, flow cytometry, sphere-formation assay, magnetic-activated cell sorting of CD133+ cervical cancer cells, and xenografts in female athymic BALB/c nude mice.
Results: In the present study, in cervical cancer stem cells (CSCs), we found that BRM270 inhibited expression of SOX2, which is associated with cervical cancer initiation and metastasis. BRM270 also inhibited CD133 expression and induced apoptosis of CSCs and suppressed CD133+ CSC proliferation and sphere formation in vitro as well as SiHa and C33A cell xenograft tumor growth in vivo. This was accompanied by down-regulation of markers of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.
Conclusion: BRM270 might be an effective agent for cervical cancer treatment.
Keywords: BRM270; SOX2; cancer stem cells; cervical cancer; epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.
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Aim: The aim of the study was to compare the diagnostic value of HPV testing and colposcopy in patients with abnormal cytology results.
Patients and methods: A total of 186 women with cytological abnormalities were included in the study. The patients underwent colposcopy examinations and DNA HPV testing of cervical smear with genotyping.
Results: The HPV test was demonstrated to be more sensitive (79.4%) than specific (60.2%) and was more sensitive than colposcopy for detecting CIN changes (79.4% vs. 73.7%). Combined tests achieved a high sensitivity (90.9%) and negative predictive value (96.1%) in detecting patients with CIN2+ and demonstrated the highest positive predictive value (77.3%) for detecting CIN1+. Colposcopy had a very good specificity (83.5%) and positive predictive value (71.2%) in finding CIN1+ cases.
Conclusion: HPV tests showed a higher sensitivity than colposcopy, but colposcopy results presented higher specificity. Combining HPV testing and colposcopy proved to be the most efficient method for detecting CIN lesions.
Keywords: Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia; colposcopy; diagnosis; papillomaviridae.
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2020 Jun;34(3 Suppl):1603-1611.
 doi: 10.21873/invivo.11950.

Medical and Surgical Education Challenges and Innovations in the COVID-19 Era: A Systematic Review



The aim of this systematic review was to identify the challenges imposed on medical and surgical education by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the proposed innovations enabling the continuation of medical student and resident training. A systematic review on the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases was performed on April 18th, 2020, and yielded 1288 articles. Sixty-one of the included manuscripts were synthesized in a qualitative description focused on two major axes, "challenges" and "innovative solutions", and two minor axes, "mental health" and "medical students in the frontlines". Shortage of personal protective equipment, suspension of clinical clerkships and observerships and reduction in elective surgical cases unavoidably affect medical and surgical education. Interesting solutions involving the use of virtual learning, videoconferencing, social media and telemedicine could effectively tackle the sudden cease in medical education. Furthermore, trainee's mental health should be safeguarded, and medical students can be involved in the COVID-19 clinical treatment if needed.
Keywords: COVID-19; Medical education; SARS-CoV-2; coronavirus; medical students; residents; review; tele-education; telemedicine; virtual learning.

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Background/aim: This study aimed to investigate the potential differences between multi-institutional measurements and treatment planning system (TPS) calculation modeled by representative beam data for patient-specific quality assurance (QA), including multi-leaf collimator (MLC) parameters.
Materials and methods: Eleven TrueBeam from nine institutions were used in this study. Volumetric arc therapy (VMAT) plan for verification was created using Eclipse. The point dose of the CC13 ionization chamber and the dose distribution of the GAFCHROMIC EBT3 film were measured and analyzed.
Results: Point dose differences in patient-specific QA provided a mean±standard deviation of 1.0%±0.6%. Mean gamma pass rates of dose distribution were in excess of 99% and 96% for 3%/2 mm and 2%/2 mm gamma criteria, respectively.
Conclusion: There was good agreement between measurements and calculations, indicating the small influence of complex VMAT in the underlying processes. Therefore, implementation of the same MLC parameters on TPS among different institutions with the same planning policy should be considered to ensure consistency and efficiency in radiation treatment processes.
Keywords: MLC transmission; Treatment planning system; dose distribution; dosimetric leaf gap; irradiation; volumetric arc therapy.
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May-Jun 2020;34(3):965-972.
 doi: 10.21873/invivo.11864.

Laparoscopic and Robotic Management of Ureteral Stricture in Adults



Background/aim: The aim of this review was to provide an update on the status of minimal invasive treatment of ureteral stricture either with a laparoscopic or robotic surgery.
Materials and methods: Eligible studies, published until November 2019 were retrieved through Medline, Cochrane and Pubmed databases. Predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria were used as selection method for data synthesis and acquisition. The study was performed in accordance with the PRISMA statement.
Results: A total of 19 retrospective studies met the inclusion criteria. All of them demonstrated the safety, feasibility and success of both laparoscopic and robotic ureteral reconstruction. Individual case series or cumulative comparison analysis of the available studies showed at least equivalent success rates and a trend favoring laparoscopic and robotic groups in terms of estimated blood loss and length of hospital stay to the detriment of longer operative times and possibly higher cost.
Conclusion: Current evidence suggests the effectiveness, safety and increasing incorporation of minimally invasive techniques for complex stricture repair and reconstruction.
Keywords: Ureter; laparoscopic; reconstruction; robotic; stricture; systematic review.

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Background/aim: The prognosis of patients with invasive bladder cancer remains poor. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of NVP-BEZ235 (NVP), a dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor, combined with the inactivation of p62/SQSTM1 (p62) in a human bladder cancer KoTCC-1 model.
Materials and methods: An expression plasmid with short hairpin RNA targeted against p62 was transfected into KoTCC-1 cells (KoTCC-1/sh-p62). The antitumor effects of NVP on KoTCC-1/sh-p62 were investigated in comparison with those on KoTCC-1 transfected with a control plasmid alone (KoTCC-1/C).
Results: KoTCC-1/sh-p62 showed significantly higher sensitivity to NVP than KoTCC-1/C. Treatment of both cell lines with NVP markedly inactivated the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway. However, NVP treatment stimulated the autophagic pathway in KoTCC-1/C, but not in KoTCC-1/sh-p62. Furthermore, compared with KoTCC-1/C, NVP treatment induced apoptosis of KoTCC-1/sh-p62 cells, which was accompanied by significant downregulation of c-IAP-1 and XIAP as well as upregulation of Bax. Moreover, the in vivo growth of KoTCC-1/sh-p62 tumors was significantly suppressed by treatment with NVP compared to KoTCC-1/C tumors.
Conclusion: Inhibition of p62 expression combined with NVP may represent an effective therapeutic approach for patients with invasive bladder cancer.
Keywords: NVP-BEZ235; bladder cancer; p62/SQSTM1.
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May-Jun 2020;34(3):1195-1200.
 doi: 10.21873/invivo.11892.

Influence of Preeclampsia on Induction of Labor at Term: A Cohort Study



Background/aim: Even though vaginal delivery is a feasible option in patients with preeclampsia, the cesarean section rate in those patients is high. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of preeclampsia on induction of labor at term.
Patients and methods: This historical cohort study analyzed inductions of labor in women at term having preeclampsia versus women who were induced due to other reasons. The primary outcome measure was the cesarean section rate.
Results: The cesarean section rate was higher in the preeclampsia group for both nulliparous and multiparous women after induction of labor but failed to reach statistical significane. The induction-to-delivery interval was longer in nulliparous women and the rate of vaginal birth within 48 h was lower in the nulliparous patiens with preeclampsia. However, the impact of preeclampsia on the cesarean section rate was not significant in the multivariable analysis following adjustment for BMI and parity.
Conclusion: Preeclampsia at term did not influence the cesarean section rate in nulliparous and parous women when labor was induced.
Keywords: Cesarean section; hypertension; induced labor; preeclampsia; term pregnancy.
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May-Jun 2020;34(3):1215-1221.
 doi: 10.21873/invivo.11895.

Minimally Invasive Surgery for Congenital Abdominal Cystic Lesions in Newborns and Infants



Background/aim: In the variety of congenital abdominal cystic lesions (CACL) of different origin, ovarian cyst is the most common intra-abdominal pathology in female neonates. The prognosis and timing of treatment varies depending on the nature of CACL. This study aimed to assess the results of diagnostics and treatment of CACL.
Patients and methods: A retrospective analysis was performed of 39 cases of CACL, with the spectrum including ovarian, enteric, mesenteric and pancreatic origin. Outcome of minimally invasive surgery, open surgery or conservative approach was analyzed.
Results: Twenty-eight neonates underwent surgery, while 11 were treated conservatively. Twenty patients were treated with a laparoscopic technique and eight with laparotomy combined with laparoscopy. Final diagnosis included: Fifteen cases of ovarian pathology (ovarian torsion in 11 cases), 12 treated laparoscopically and three with laparotomy, six enteric duplications (four laparoscopic and two laparotomic), three mesenteric cysts (one laparoscopic and two laparotomic), two pancreatic cysts (both laparoscopic only), two duodenal stenoses, including duodenal septum (both laparotomies with Heineke-Mikulicz plasty). No blood transfusion apart from two cases requiring re-laparotomy and no early complications were observed in any case; no death occurred.
Conclusion: With the strategy of management based on ultrasound and laboratory data, a laparoscopically assisted minimal access approach resulted in minimal risk of complications and complete recovery in all patients, leading to exclusion of oncological risk.
Keywords: Congenital abdominal cystic lesions; algorithm; infants; newborns.
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May-Jun 2020;34(3):1047-1052.
 doi: 10.21873/invivo.11874.

Association of Murine Double Minute 2 Genotypes and Lung Cancer Risk



Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the contribution of human mouse double minute 2 (MDM2) gene polymorphisms to the risk of Taiwan lung cancer.
Materials and methods: In this case-control study, the association of MDM2 rs2279744 genotypes with lung cancer risk was investigated among 358 lung cancer patients and 716 age-, gender- and smoking status-matched controls in Taiwan.
Results: The percentages of MDM2 rs2279744 GT and GG genotypes were 50.0% and 27.4% in lung cancer group and 50.0% and 26.5% in control group, respectively [odds ratio (OR)=1.03 and 1.07, 95% confidence interval (CI)=0.75-1.43 and 0.75-1.53, respectively]. The analysis about allelic frequency showed that G allele at MDM2 rs2279744 conferred a non-significant increased cancer risk (OR=1.03, 95%CI=0.86-1.24).
Conclusion: Polymorphisms of MDM2 rs2279744 may play a role in lung carcinogenesis. However, the studied genotypes were not shown as predictors of lung cancer susceptibility.
Keywords: MDM2; Mouse double minute 2; Taiwan; genotypes; lung cancer; polymorphisms.
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Background/aim: To determine the incidence of X chromosome mosaicism in women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment and present preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) outcome of this group.
Patients and methods: A total of 1,058 women undergoing IVF and 154 women with no fertility problems were enrolled in the study. Karyotyping from peripheral blood lymphocytes was performed by conventional cytogenetics. Twenty-nine women with X mosaicism underwent PGT-A by array-comparative genomic hybridization from embryos at the blastocyst stage.
Results and conclusion: Out of 1,058 women undergoing IVF, 166 (15.7%) had an abnormal karyotype. The most common finding (14.6%) was X chromosome mosaicism. Its frequency was higher in women >35 years old and reached 46.1% in those >45 years of age. PGT-A results of 130 blastocysts tested showed that 29/117 (24.8%) were euploid; 17/29 (60%) were transferred and 10/17 (70%) were successfully implanted, indicating that PGT-A may be an option for women with low-level X chromosome mosaicism undergoing IVF in order to improve the likelihood of a successful pregnancy outcome.
Keywords: Chromosomal abnormalities; PGT-A; X mosaicism; aneuploidy; preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy.
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May-Jun 2020;34(3):1395-1398.
 doi: 10.21873/invivo.11919.

Hearing Results Following Type 1 Tympanoplasty in Elderly Patients



Background/aim: The outcomes of type 1 tympanoplasty in elderly patients remain controversial. Therefore, more studies are needed to clarify the prognosis of elderly patients after tympanoplasty. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcomes of type 1 tympanoplasty in elderly patients.
Patients and methods: We retrospectively analyzed data from 116 patients who underwent type 1 tympanoplasty due to chronic otitis media. Seventy-one of the 116 patients were elderly individuals aged 65 years or older (study group). Forty-five patients were younger than 65 years (control group). Due to cochlear intolerance by aging in the study group, we used dexamethasone soaked gelfoam packing in the middle ear and intraoperative dexamethasone injection. To compare the outcomes between groups, we determined the mean hearing levels by averaging the hearing thresholds. The differences in the air-bone gaps before and after tympanoplasty were compared between groups.
Results: In the study group, 54 patients had an underlying disease (76%). Hypertension was the most common underlying disease. The postoperative air conduction (AC) and bone conduction (BC) improved in both the study group and the control group. In the control group, postoperative air-bone gap (ABG) was significantly higher than preoperative ABG. Although the postoperative ABG improved in the study group, the improvement was insignificant.
Conclusion: Although significant improvement of ABG was not achieved, postoperative AC and BC were improved. Intraoperative dexamethasone injection and dexamethasone soaked gelfoam packing in the middle ear was effective to prevent deterioration of BC after operation.
Keywords: Elderly patient; tympanoplasty outcome.
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May-Jun 2020;34(3):1493-1497.
 doi: 10.21873/invivo.11935.

A Randomized Control Trial of Oral Sucrose Solution for Prevention of Hypoglycemia in High Risk Infants



Background: Neonatal hypoglycemia is found in up to 15% of neonates and 50% of those with risk factors. Hypoglycemia can cause brain damage and increase risk of developmental delay. Nevertheless, the data regarding hypoglycemia prevention by oral sucrose are still limited. The present study aimed to investigate whether oral sucrose solution can prevent hypoglycemia in high-risk infants.
Patients and methods: Four hundred and twenty-five infants with high hypoglycemic risk were randomized into two groups (214 infants in the intervention and 211 infants in the control groups). The intervention group received one dose of 0.8 ml/kg of 24% oral sucrose solution followed by enteral feed and was compared to the control group receiving enteral feed alone. Glucose levels were evaluated by Dextrostrix.
Results: There was no significant difference in antenatal and perinatal risk factors of neonatal hypoglycemia between groups. Glucose level on admission was 72.1±20.3 and 72.1±24.1 mg/dl in the intervention and control groups, respectively. Although no significant difference was recognized in terms of capillary blood glucose levels between groups, data analysis revealed that the glucose increase over time was significantly higher in the intervention group at 1 h (mean±SE=3.61±1.27 mg/dl; p<0.005), 3 h (mean±SE=7.95±1.57 mg/dl, p<0.001), and 6 h (mean±SE=6.31±1.62 mg/dl, p<0.001) in comparison to those of the control. No serious adverse event was observed in either group.
Conclusion: A single dose of 24% sucrose solution enhanced the increase of glucose level at 1, 3 and 6 h. However, routine early feeding alone is not inferior to the addition of an oral sucrose solution.
Keywords: 24% Oral sucrose solution; early feeding; high-risk infants; neonatal hypoglycemia.
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May-Jun 2020;34(3):1415-1419.
 doi: 10.21873/invivo.11922.

Association of Genetic Polymorphisms With Afatinib-induced Diarrhoea



Background/aim: Afatinib, a 2nd generation epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor (EGFR-TKI) used in treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), causes diarrhoea in over 90% of patients. The association of genetic background with diarrhoea is poorly understood.
Patients and methods: We evaluated the roles of four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 1 (ABCB1) and ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 2 (ABCG2) genes-ABCB1 1236 C>T, 2677 G>T/A, and 3435 C>T, and ABCG2 421 C>A-on treatment-induced diarrhoea in 38 patients with NSCLC treated with afatinib.
Results: Diarrhoea occurred more frequently in patients with ABCB1 2677 T(A)/T(A) (14/16, 87.5%) than in patients with non-T(A)/T(A) alleles (8/22, 36.4%) (p=0.003). ABCB1 2677 T(A)/T(A) was significantly predictive of diarrhoea (p=0.002) by multivariable regression analysis.
Conclusion: Afatinib-induced diarrhoea is associated with the SNP ABCB1 2677 T(A)/T(A).
Keywords: ABCB1; Afatinib; diarrhoea; genetic polymorphism.
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Background/aim: Mammary neoplasms, like breast neoplasms in women, are one of the most common tumours in female dogs. Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) found in the tumour stroma play a role in angiogenesis and increase cell migration, contributing to tumour growth and progression, as well as metastasis. The aim of our work was to determine the level of periostin (POSTN) expression in CAFs in mammary tumours of female dogs.
Materials and methods: The research material consisted of 77 carcinomas and 24 adenomas of the mammary ridge in female dogs. Immunohistochemistry tests were performed using antibodies directed against the antigens POSTN, Ki-67, ERB-B2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2 (HER2), vimentin, and alpha smooth muscle actin (αSMA). Expression of POSTN at the mRNA level was determined using real-time polymerase chain reaction methods in 20 cases of mammary neoplasms.
Results: Expression of POSTN in CAFs was observed in 92% of mammary cancer samples and in 25% of mammary adenoma samples in female dogs. A statistically significant increase in POSNT expression in CAFs was found in the carcinomas compared with mammary adenomas in female dogs. Expression of POSTN in CAFs in mammary carcinomas in female dogs positively correlated with the histological malignancy grade of tumours and the expression of Ki-67 proliferative antigen.
Conclusion: Our results suggest a role of POSTN on the pathogenesis of mammary tumours in female dogs. Moreover, POSTN may prove to be a useful marker in the evaluation of cancerous stroma of mammary tumours in female dogs, and may have prognostic significance.
Keywords: CAFs; POSTN; Periostin; adenoma; carcinoma; female dog; mammary tumour.
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Background/aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate acute and late genitourinary (GU) and gastrointestinal (GI) toxicity in patients with high- or intermediate-risk prostate cancer.
Patients and methods: We evaluated data of patients from three Radiation Oncology Departments (Rome, Lübeck and Perugia). Patients treated in Rome underwent exclusive intensity-modulated-radiotherapy (IMRT) or IMRT plus high-dose-rate interventional radiotherapy (HDR-IRT). IMRT plus two fractions HDR-IRT was performed in Lübeck, while in Perugia Helical Tomotherapy was performed. The Common Toxicity Criteria for Adverse Event (Version 4.03) scale was used to describe acute and late toxicity.
Results: At a median follow-up of 28 months, all 51 patients were alive and disease-free. Patients treated by HDR-IRT plus VMAT showed only G1-2 genitourinary- gastrointestinal (GU-GI) acute and late toxicity. Univariate analysis showed a lower risk of acute GU toxicity (p=0.048) in IMRT+HDR-IRT.
Conclusion: Low grade and less acute GU toxicity was observed in patients undergoing HDR-IRT boost.
Keywords: HDR brachytherapy; Personalized medicine; VMAT; focal therapy; helical tomotherapy; prostate cancer; toxicity.
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Enantioselective Pallada‐Electrocatalyzed C−H Activation by Transient Directing Groups: Expedient Access to Helicenes
EE : E nantioselective E lectrocatalysis was realized in terms of asymmetric C−H activation through transient directing group (TDG)‐enabled pallada‐electrocatalysis. Experiments and calculations rationalize the key transition states, while asymmetric electrocatalysis provided step‐economical access to axially chiral bi(hetero)aryl diols, diacids and helicenes. Abstract Asymmetric pallada‐electrocatalyzed C−H olefinations were achieved through the synergistic...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:33
Rolf Huisgen, Eminent Chemist and Polymath (1920–2020): In His Own Words and In His Publication Metrics
“Hans Meerwein once told me facetiously that it requires intuition to stop an investigation at the right stage. The result of one further experiment can deliver the deathblow to a beautiful hypothesis. The tendency to generalize, to simplify, and to jump to conclusions is inherent to the human mind. Frequently, an investigation has to pass a stage of maximum complexity before reaching the silver‐lining rewards for sustained effort.” – Rolf Huisgen, 1994 Abstract As a compliment to several...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:33
A Conjugated Polymer Containing Arylazopyrazole Units in the Side Chains for Field‐Effect Transistors Optically Tunable by Near Infra‐Red Light
Field‐effect transistors (FETs) tunable by near‐IR light with conjugated polymers incorporating arylazopyrazole groups in the side chains are reported and investigated. These FETs have great potential in new memory and bioelectronic wearable devices, demonstrating a fast response, good resistance to photofatigue, and stable storage for up to 120 days. Abstract Optically tunable field‐effect transistors (FETs) with near infra‐red (NIR) light show promising applications in various areas. Now,...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:32
Self‐Assembled Helical Arrays for the Stabilization of the Triplet State
A right‐handed helical molecular array of phenylmethanone functionalized carbazole act as a trap and exhibits triplet exciton migration to support an exceptionally long phosphorescence lifetime. Abstract Room‐temperature phosphorescence of metal and heavy atom‐free organic molecules has emerged as an area of great potential in recent years. A rational design played a critical role in controlling the molecular ordering to impart efficient intersystem crossing and stabilize the triplet state...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:30
Ibotenic Acid Biosynthesis in the Fly Agaric Is Initiated by Glutamate Hydroxylation
What makes the fly agaric fly? Amanita muscaria is well‐known for its toxicity caused by the psychoactive metabolites ibotenic acid and muscimol. Here, the biosynthetic genes responsible for the production of these metabolites are identified and it is shown that the biosynthetic pathway begins with a dedicated, stereoselective glutamate hydroxylase. These are the first results concerning the biosynthesis of ibotenic acid and muscimol in over 50 years. Abstract The fly agaric, Amanita muscaria...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:29
Stability and Degradation Mechanisms of Copper‐Based Catalysts for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction
The CO2 electroreduction reaction has recently gained in popularity. Cu is still the only monometallic catalyst that can effectively produce interesting molecules, such as hydrocarbons and alcohols. Many breakthroughs have been on the so‐called structure–activity/selectivity relationships. However, the stability of Cu‐based electrodes and nanoscale degradation mechanisms are still in their infancy. Abstract To date, copper is the only monometallic catalyst that can electrochemically reduce...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:28
One‐Pot Michael Addition‐Enantioselective Conia‐Ene Cyclization Tandem Reaction Induced through Chiral Iron(III)‐Silver(I) Cooperative Catalysis
The first one‐pot Michael addition–enantioselective Conia‐ene cyclization tandem reaction of N ‐protected prop‐2‐yn‐1‐amines with 2‐methylene‐3‐oxoalkanoates promoted by chiral iron(III)–silver(I) cooperative catalysts has been developed.   Thus, alkyl 4‐methylenepyrrolidine‐3‐acyl‐3‐carboxylates, which can be transformed to ß‐proline derivatives, are obtained in high yield with high enantioselectivity.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:23
Wide‐Range Color‐Tunable Ultralong Organic Phosphorescence Materials for Printable and Writable Security Inks
Organic materials with long‐lived, color‐tunable phosphorescence are potentially used for optical recording, anti‐counterfeiting, and bioimaging. Herein, we develop a series of novel host‐guest organic phosphors allowing dynamic color tuning from the cyan (502 nm) to orange red (608 nm). Guest materials are employed to tune the phosphorescent color, while the host materials show a synergistic effect to the guest to activate the phosphorescence emission. These organic phosphors have an ultra‐long...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:23
“Organic synthesis—Where now?” is thirty years old. A reflection on the current state of affairs
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Jun 04, 2020 22:59
Palladium‐Catalyzed Asymmetric [8+2] Dipolar Cycloadditions of Vinyl Carbamates and Photogenerated Ketenes
With the help of visible‐light irradiation and a chiral palladium catalyst, enantioselective [8+2] cycloaddition of vinyl carbomates and α‐diazoketones has been accomplished with high peri‐, chemo‐ and stereoselectivity. This protocol provides an unprecedented and straightforward route to 10‐membered monocyclic products bearing chiral quaternary stereocenters under extremely mild conditions (i.e., room temperature and 6 W blue LEDs). Abstract Higher‐order cycloadditions, particularly [8+2]...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Jun 04, 2020 21:44
Irreversible amide‐linked covalent organic framework for selective and ultrafast gold recovery
Design of stable adsorbents for selective gold recovery with large capacity and fast kinetics is of great challenge, but significant for economy and environment. Here, we show the design and preparation of an irreversible amide‐linked covalent organic framework (COF) JNU‐1 via a building block exchange strategy for efficient recovery of gold. JNU‐1 was synthesized through the exchange of 4,4'‐biphenyldicarboxaldehyde (BA) in mother COF TzBA consisting of 4,4',4''‐(1,3,5‐triazine‐2,4,6‐triyl)trianiline...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Jun 04, 2020 19:21
Halogen bonding between anions: association of anion‐radicals of tetraiodo‐p‐benzoquinone with iodide anions
Halogen bonding between two negatively charged species, tetraiodo‐ p ‐benzoquinone anion‐radicals (I 4 Q ‐• ) and iodide anions was observed and characterized for the first time. X‐ray structural and EPR/UV‐VIS spectral studies revealed that the anion‐anion bonding led to the formation of crystals comprising 2D layers of I 4 Q ‐• anion‐radicals linked by iodides and separated by Et 4 N + counter‐ions. Computational analysis suggested that the seemin­gly antielectrostatic halogen bonds...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Jun 04, 2020 19:21
Iron‐Catalyzed Highly Enantioselective cis‐Dihydroxylation of Tri‐substituted Alkenes with Aqueous H2O2
Reliable methodology applicable to highly efficient, enantioselective cis ‐dihydroxylation of tri‐substituted alkenes, which has potential utility in organic synthesis, is scarce and unprecedented for non‐osmium metal‐based catalysis. In this work, an iron(II) complex, cis ‐α‐[Fe II (2‐Me 2 ‐BQPN)(OTf) 2 ], bearing tetradentate N 4 ligand 2‐Me 2 ‐BQPN (( R , R )‐ N , N ′‐dimethyl‐ N , N ′‐bis(2‐methylquinolin‐8‐yl)‐1,2‐diphenylethane‐1,2‐diamine) was prepared and characterized;...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Jun 04, 2020 19:16
Conformational Panorama and Chirality Controlled Structure‐Energy Relationship in a Chiral Carboxylic Acid Dimer
Chirality recognition in dimers of tetrahydro‐2‐furoic acid (THFA), a biologically active carboxylic acid, was studied in a conformer‐specific manner using rotational spectroscopy and theoretical approaches. The THFA monomer is known to have a strong preference for the trans ‐ over the cis ‐COOH configuration. Two drastically different scenarios are possible for the detectable THFA dimer: the kinetically controlled formation of a dimer bound by feeble interactions between two trans subunits...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Jun 04, 2020 19:15
Hierarchically Structured Allotropes of Phosphorus from Data‐Driven Exploration
The discovery of materials is increasingly guided by quantum‐mechanical crystal‐structure prediction, but the structural complexity in bulk and nanoscale materials remains a bottleneck. Here we demonstrate how data‐driven approaches can vastly accelerate the search for complex structures, combining a machine‐learning (ML) model for the potential‐energy surface with efficient, fragment‐based searching. We use the characteristic building units observed in Hittorf’s and fibrous phosphorus to seed stochastic...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Jun 04, 2020 19:08
Electroenzymatic Nitrogen Fixation Using an Organic Redox Polymer‐Immobilized MoFe Protein System
Nitrogenase is the only biological catalyst that is known to convert dinitrogen (N2) to ammonia (NH3). Nitrogenase‐catalyzed NH3 formation in vivo is energetically intensive due to a series of events, including a Fe protein cycle coupled with ATP hydrolysis. Furthermore, the complexity of nitrogenase’s cofactors plagues related bioelec­trodes by unstable and poor electric wiring between the cofactors and the electrode, thereby lowering the overall bioelectrocatalytic perfor­mance. We report an organic...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Jun 04, 2020 17:08
Caught in the Hinact: Crystal Structure and Spectroscopy Reveal a Sulfur Bound to the Active Site of an O2‐stable State of [FeFe] Hydrogenase
[FeFe] hydrogenases are the most active H 2 converting catalysts in nature but their extreme oxygen sensitivity limits their use in technological applications. The [FeFe] hydrogenases from sulfate reducing bacteria can be purified in an O 2 ‐stable state called H inact . To date, the structure and mechanism of formation of H inact remain unknown. Our 1.65 Å crystal structure of this state reveals a sulfur ligand bound to the open coordination site. Furthermore, in‐depth spectroscopic characterization...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Jun 02, 2020 22:00

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