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Δευτέρα 8 Ιουνίου 2020

IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4045: Manipulating Self-Avatar Body Dimensions in Virtual Worlds to Complement an Internet-Delivered Intervention to Increase Physical Activity in Overweight Women
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4045: Manipulating Self-Avatar Body Dimensions in Virtual Worlds to Complement an Internet-Delivered Intervention to Increase Physical Activity in Overweight Women International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114045 Authors: Navarro Cebolla Llorens Borrego Baños Virtual reality has been found to be a useful tool for positively influencing relevant psychological variables in order to increase physical activity...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4044: Examining Body Appreciation and Disordered Eating in Adolescents of Different Sports Practice: Cross-Sectional Study
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4044: Examining Body Appreciation and Disordered Eating in Adolescents of Different Sports Practice: Cross-Sectional Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114044 Authors: Jankauskiene Baceviciene Trinkuniene This cross-sectional study aimed to examine the associations between body appreciation, body functionality and disordered eating in a large adolescent sample of different levels and types of sports...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4043: Sleep Quality, Anxiety, and Depression Are Associated with Fall Risk Factors in Older Women
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4043: Sleep Quality, Anxiety, and Depression Are Associated with Fall Risk Factors in Older Women International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114043 Authors: Serrano-Checa Hita-Contreras Jiménez-García Achalandabaso-Ochoa Aibar-Almazán Martínez-Amat Gait, dynamic balance, and functional mobility problems are well-known fall risk factors. Furthermore, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and depression are...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4041: Quality of Life and Symptom Burden among Chronic Kidney Disease of Uncertain Etiology (CKDu) Patients in Girandurukotte, Sri Lanka
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4041: Quality of Life and Symptom Burden among Chronic Kidney Disease of Uncertain Etiology (CKDu) Patients in Girandurukotte, Sri Lanka International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114041 Authors: Hansani Madushika Abeywickrama Swarna Wimalasiri Yu Koyama Mieko Uchiyama Utako Shimizu Nahoko Kakihara Rohana Chandrajith Nishantha Nanayakkara Symptom burden and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) are...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4042: Association of Happiness and Nursing Work Environments with Job Crafting among Hospital Nurses in South Korea
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4042: Association of Happiness and Nursing Work Environments with Job Crafting among Hospital Nurses in South Korea International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114042 Authors: Chang Han Cho Nurses are key professionals in healthcare sectors, whose job attitude is closely associated with patient health outcomes and safety. Job crafting describes how workers shape their tasks to find a sense of meaning and value...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4046: Understanding Needs Satisfaction and Frustration in Young Athletes: Factor Structure and Invariance Analysis
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4046: Understanding Needs Satisfaction and Frustration in Young Athletes: Factor Structure and Invariance Analysis International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114046 Authors: Monteiro Cid Teixeira Fonseca Duarte-Mendes Silva Rodrigues Sports research has been focused on the assessment of basic needs satisfaction, considering its absence as a representation of needs frustration. However, recent...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4039: Perceived Immune Fitness, Individual Strength and Hangover Severity
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4039: Perceived Immune Fitness, Individual Strength and Hangover Severity International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114039 Authors: van de Loo Kerssemakers Scholey Garssen Kraneveld Verster Various factors may contribute to alcohol hangover severity. The purpose of the current investigation was to evaluate the possible impact of alcohol consumption patterns, perceived immune status, and baseline...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4040: The Influence of Custom-Milled Framework Design for an Implant-Supported Full-Arch Fixed Dental Prosthesis: 3D-FEA Sudy
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4040: The Influence of Custom-Milled Framework Design for an Implant-Supported Full-Arch Fixed Dental Prosthesis: 3D-FEA Sudy International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114040 Authors: Tribst Dal Piva Lo Giudice Borges Bottino Epifania Ausiello The current study aimed to evaluate the mechanical behavior of two different maxillary prosthetic rehabilitations according to the framework design using...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4037: Variations of Workload Indices Prior to Injuries: A Study in Trail Runners
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4037: Variations of Workload Indices Prior to Injuries: A Study in Trail Runners International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114037 Authors: Matos Clemente Silva Cancela Carral The purpose of this study was to compare the variations of weekly workload indices of internal and external load measures across the three weeks prior to injury occurrences in trail runners. Twenty-five trail runners (age: 36.23 ±...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4036: Caregivers of Patients with Hematological Malignancies within Home Care: A Phenomenological Study
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4036: Caregivers of Patients with Hematological Malignancies within Home Care: A Phenomenological Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114036 Authors: Isabella Capodanno Mirta Rocchi Rossella Prandi Cristina Pedroni Enrica Tamagnini Pierluigi Alfieri Francesco Merli Luca Ghirotto The role of caregivers in homecare settings is relevant to the patient’s wellbeing and quality of...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4038: The Food and Nutrition Environment at Secondary Schools in the Eastern Cape, South Africa as Reported by Learners
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4038: The Food and Nutrition Environment at Secondary Schools in the Eastern Cape, South Africa as Reported by Learners International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114038 Authors: Alice P. Okeyo Eunice Seekoe Anniza de Villiers Mieke Faber Johanna H. Nel Nelia P. Steyn Overweight and obesity are growing concerns in adolescents, particularly in females in South Africa. The aim of this study was to evaluate...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4031: Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in Outpatients Aged up to 12 Months: A French Non-Interventional Study
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4031: Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in Outpatients Aged up to 12 Months: A French Non-Interventional Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114031 Authors: Florence Campeotto Marie-Odile Barbaza Veronique Hospital Background: The aim of this study was to estimate the frequency of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) in infants aged up to 12 months according to the new ROME IV criteria...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4035: Only Children Were Associated with Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms among College Students in China
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4035: Only Children Were Associated with Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms among College Students in China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114035 Authors: Cheng Jia Wang This study explored the prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms among college students and analyzed the associations between only children and anxiety and depressive symptoms in college students in China. A total of 645 college...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4034: Cognitive and Social Rehabilitation in Schizophrenia—From Neurophysiology to Neuromodulation. Pilot Study
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4034: Cognitive and Social Rehabilitation in Schizophrenia—From Neurophysiology to Neuromodulation. Pilot Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114034 Authors: Renata Markiewicz Beata Dobrowolska The aim of this pilot study was to analyse the influence of Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) Biofeedback training in a group of 18 men with schizophrenia at the remission stage. The results were verified according to:...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4030: Waiting Time between Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment in Brazilian Women: An Analysis of Cases from 1998 to 2012
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4030: Waiting Time between Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment in Brazilian Women: An Analysis of Cases from 1998 to 2012 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114030 Authors: Naidhia Alves Soares Ferreira Jean Henri Maselli Schoueri Isabel Cristina Esposito Sorpreso Fernando Adami Francisco Winter dos Santos Figueiredo Brazilian law requires that treatment for breast cancer begin within 60 days of...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4033: Oral Microbiome of Children Living in an Isolated Area in Myanmar
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4033: Oral Microbiome of Children Living in an Isolated Area in Myanmar International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114033 Authors: Nomura Otsuka Hasegawa Hanada Several studies have shown that the oral microbiome is related to systemic health, and a co-relation with several specific diseases has been suggested. The oral microbiome depends on environmental- and community-level factors. In this observational...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4032: Prenatal Mercury Exposure in Pregnant Women from Suriname’s Interior and Its Effects on Birth Outcomes
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4032: Prenatal Mercury Exposure in Pregnant Women from Suriname’s Interior and Its Effects on Birth Outcomes International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114032 Authors: Baldewsingh Wickliffe van Eer Shankar Hindori-Mohangoo Harville Covert Shi Lichtveld Zijlmans Prenatal mercury (Hg) exposure was determined in a sub-cohort of the Caribbean Consortium for Environmental and Occupational...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4029: Algicidal Efficiency and Genotoxic Effects of Phanerochaete chrysosporium against Microcystis aeruginosa
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4029: Algicidal Efficiency and Genotoxic Effects of Phanerochaete chrysosporium against Microcystis aeruginosa International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114029 Authors: Guoming Zeng Maolan Zhang Pei Gao Jiale Wang Da Sun Eutrophication has become a severe environmental problem. This study evaluated the algicidal efficiency and genotoxic effects of Microcystis aeruginosa co-cultured with Phanerochaete chrysosporium...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4027: Prevalence of Seasonal Influenza Vaccination in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Patients in the Balearic Islands (Spain) and Its Effect on COPD Exacerbations: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4027: Prevalence of Seasonal Influenza Vaccination in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Patients in the Balearic Islands (Spain) and Its Effect on COPD Exacerbations: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114027 Authors: Laura Ruiz Azcona Miguel Roman-Rodriguez Montserrat Llort Bove Job FM van Boven Miguel Santibáñez Margüello To determine the prevalence...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4023: Electroconvulsive Therapy in Super Refractory Status Epilepticus: Case Series with a Defined Protocol
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4023: Electroconvulsive Therapy in Super Refractory Status Epilepticus: Case Series with a Defined Protocol International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114023 Authors: Beatriz García-López Ana Isabel Gómez-Menéndez Fernando Vázquez-Sánchez Eva Pérez-Cabo Francisco Isidro-Mesas Arturo Zabalegui-Pérez Ignacio Muñoz-Siscart María Carmen Lloria-Gil Raúl Soto-Cámara Jerónimo J. González-Bernal Josefa...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4025: Developmental Enamel Defects (DDE) and Their Association with Oral Health, Preventive Procedures, and Children’s Psychosocial Attitudes towards Home Oral Hygiene: A Cross-Sectional Study
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4025: Developmental Enamel Defects (DDE) and Their Association with Oral Health, Preventive Procedures, and Children’s Psychosocial Attitudes towards Home Oral Hygiene: A Cross-Sectional Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114025 Authors: Alessandro Nota Luca Palumbo Giuseppe Pantaleo Enrico Felice Gherlone Simona Tecco Background: Developmental enamel defects (DDE) exert significant effects both...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4026: Monitoring Environmental Parameters with Oil and Gas Developments in the Permian Basin, USA
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4026: Monitoring Environmental Parameters with Oil and Gas Developments in the Permian Basin, USA International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114026 Authors: Nelson Heo This study evaluates the groundwater qualities and environmental changes to obtain information on the groundwater contamination in the Permian Basin, Texas. Coupled with the U.S. government’s open data, these analyses can identify regions...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4028: Emotional Bias Modification in Youths with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): New Research Vista
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4028: Emotional Bias Modification in Youths with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): New Research Vista International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114028 Authors: Zhang Melvyn Aloysius Chow Ranganath Vallabhajosyula Daniel SS Fung Whilst cognitive bias modification was initially used in the treatment of anxiety disorders, it is also currently being used for the treatment of other psychopathologies....
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4022: Social Participation in Relation to Technology Use and Social Deprivation: A Mixed Methods Study Among Older People with and without Dementia
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4022: Social Participation in Relation to Technology Use and Social Deprivation: A Mixed Methods Study Among Older People with and without Dementia International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114022 Authors: Gaber Nygård Brorsson Kottorp Charlesworth Wallcook Malinowsky Social participation is a modifiable determinant for health and wellbeing among older people; however, social participation is...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4017: Prescribing Analgesics to Older People: A Challenge for GPs
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4017: Prescribing Analgesics to Older People: A Challenge for GPs International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114017 Authors: Ljiljana Trtica Majnarić Thomas Wittlinger Dunja Stolnik František Babič Zvonimir Bosnić Stjepan Rudan Background: Due to population aging, there is an increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases, and in particular musculoskeletal diseases. These trends are associated with an increased...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4021: A Focus Group Interview Study of the Experience of Stress amongst School-Aged Children in Sweden
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4021: A Focus Group Interview Study of the Experience of Stress amongst School-Aged Children in Sweden International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114021 Authors: Warghoff Persson Garmy Einberg The study explored experiences of stress in children aged 10–12. An inductive qualitative design was used. Ten focus group interviews were conducted with Swedish schoolchildren (n = 42) aged 10–12....
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4024: The Relation between Persistent Post-Traumatic Headache and PTSD: Similarities and Possible Differences
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4024: The Relation between Persistent Post-Traumatic Headache and PTSD: Similarities and Possible Differences International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114024 Authors: Martina Guglielmetti Gianluca Serafini Mario Amore Paolo Martelletti Post-traumatic headache (PTH) may be considered a secondary headache, which is linked to severe disability and psychosocial impairment. Interestingly, nearly 30% of subjects...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4019: Knowledge Level and Hand Hygiene Practice of Nepalese Immigrants and Their Host Country Population: A Comparative Study
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4019: Knowledge Level and Hand Hygiene Practice of Nepalese Immigrants and Their Host Country Population: A Comparative Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114019 Authors: Suen Rana Nepali people are one of the ethnic minority immigrants of Hong Kong. This epidemiological investigation aims to determine and compare the knowledge level and hand hygiene (HH) behaviour of the Nepali people and the population...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4018: Analysis of Chest-Compression Depth and Full Recoil in Two Infant Chest-Compression Techniques Performed by a Single Rescuer: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4018: Analysis of Chest-Compression Depth and Full Recoil in Two Infant Chest-Compression Techniques Performed by a Single Rescuer: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114018 Authors: Chun-Yu Chang Po-Chen Lin Yung-Jiun Chien Chien-Sheng Chen Meng-Yu Wu Pediatric cardiac arrest is associated with high mortality and permanent neurological injury. We aimed to compare...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4020: Epidemiological and Microbiological Aspects of the Peritonsillar Abscess
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4020: Epidemiological and Microbiological Aspects of the Peritonsillar Abscess International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114020 Authors: Slouka Hanakova Kostlivy Skopek Kubec Babuska Pecen Topolcan Kucera Peritonsillar abscess (PTA) is the most common complication of tonsillitis. Cultivation usually reveals a wide spectrum of aerobic and anaerobic microbiota. This retrospective study...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4015: Parent-Child Physical Activity Association in Families With 4-to 16-Year-Old Children
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4015: Parent-Child Physical Activity Association in Families With 4-to 16-Year-Old Children International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114015 Authors: Sigmundová Sigmund Badura Hollein Background: The main aim of this study was to quantify the associations between parents’ and children’s physical activity by age, gender, and the day of the week on the basis of a pedometer-measured step...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4016: Temporal Evolution of PAHs Bioaccessibility in an Aged-Contaminated Soil during the Growth of Two Fabaceae
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4016: Temporal Evolution of PAHs Bioaccessibility in an Aged-Contaminated Soil during the Growth of Two Fabaceae International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114016 Authors: Marie Davin Elisa Renard Kévin Lefébure Marie-Laure Fauconnier Gilles Colinet Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are health-concerning organic compounds that accumulate in the environment. Bioremediation and phytoremediation are studied...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4014: Predicting Student Well-Being: Network Analysis Based on PISA 2018
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 4014: Predicting Student Well-Being: Network Analysis Based on PISA 2018 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17114014 Authors: Elena Govorova Isabel Benítez José Muñiz The latest trends in research extend the focus of school effectiveness beyond students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills, looking at aspects such as well-being in the academic context. Although the concept of well-being itself has...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4102: Staying out or Going in? The Interplay between Type 3 and Type 5 Secretion Systems in Adhesion and Invasion of Enterobacterial Pathogens
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4102: Staying out or Going in? The Interplay between Type 3 and Type 5 Secretion Systems in Adhesion and Invasion of Enterobacterial Pathogens International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114102 Authors: Whelan McVicker Leo Enteric pathogens rely on a variety of toxins, adhesins and other virulence factors to cause infections. Some of the best studied pathogens belong to the Enterobacterales order; these include enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4101: DHA Modulates Immune Response and Mitochondrial Function of Atlantic Salmon Adipocytes after LPS Treatment
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4101: DHA Modulates Immune Response and Mitochondrial Function of Atlantic Salmon Adipocytes after LPS Treatment International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114101 Authors: Bou Torgersen Østbye Ruyter Wang Škugor Kristiansen Todorčević Adipocytes play a central role in overall energy homeostasis and are important contributors to the immune system. Fatty acids (FAs) act as signaling molecules capable to modulate adipocyte...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4100: Tau Gene Deletion does not Influence Axonal Regeneration and Retinal Neuron Survival in the Injured Mouse Visual System
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4100: Tau Gene Deletion does not Influence Axonal Regeneration and Retinal Neuron Survival in the Injured Mouse Visual System International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114100 Authors: Rodriguez Joly Mdzomba Pernet In the present study, we hypothesized that the microtubule-associated protein Tau may influence retinal neuron survival and axonal regeneration after optic nerve injury. To test this hypothesis, the density of retinal ganglion...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4099: Semaphorin3A-Inhibitor Ameliorates Doxorubicin-Induced Podocyte Injury
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4099: Semaphorin3A-Inhibitor Ameliorates Doxorubicin-Induced Podocyte Injury International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114099 Authors: Yizhen Sang Kenji Tsuji Akiko Inoue-Torii Kazuhiko Fukushima Shinji Kitamura Jun Wada Podocyte injury is an independent risk factor for the progression of renal diseases. Semaphorin3A (SEMA3A), expressed in podocytes and tubular cells in the mammalian adult kidneys, has been reported to regulate...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4098: p53-PHLDA3-Akt Network: The Key Regulators of Neuroendocrine Tumorigenesis
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4098: p53-PHLDA3-Akt Network: The Key Regulators of Neuroendocrine Tumorigenesis International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114098 Authors: Yu Chen Rieko Ohki p53 is a well-known tumor suppressor gene and one of the most extensively studied genes in cancer research. p53 functions largely as a transcription factor and can trigger a variety of antiproliferative programs via induction of its target genes. We identified PHLDA3 as a p53 target gene...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4096: Reactive Glia Inflammatory Signaling Pathways and Epilepsy
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4096: Reactive Glia Inflammatory Signaling Pathways and Epilepsy International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114096 Authors: Pascual Sanz Maria Adelaida Garcia-Gimeno Neuroinflammation and epilepsy are interconnected. Brain inflammation promotes neuronal hyper-excitability and seizures, and dysregulation in the glia immune-inflammatory function is a common factor that predisposes or contributes to the generation of seizures. At the same time,...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4095: IGF-1 Deficiency Rescue and Intracellular Calcium Blockade Improves Survival and Corresponding Mechanisms in a Mouse Model of Acute Kidney Injury
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4095: IGF-1 Deficiency Rescue and Intracellular Calcium Blockade Improves Survival and Corresponding Mechanisms in a Mouse Model of Acute Kidney Injury International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114095 Authors: Samiksha Wasnik Xiaolei Tang Hongzheng Bi Amir Abdipour Edmundo E. Carreon Brian Sutjiadi Justin Lyu Jintao Zhang Sean Wilson David J. Baylink This study was undertaken to test two therapies for acute kidney injury...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4097: Maternal Immune Activation Induces Neuroinflammation and Cortical Synaptic Deficits in the Adolescent Rat Offspring
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4097: Maternal Immune Activation Induces Neuroinflammation and Cortical Synaptic Deficits in the Adolescent Rat Offspring International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114097 Authors: Magdalena Cieślik Magdalena Gąssowska-Dobrowolska Henryk Jęśko Grzegorz A. Czapski Anna Wilkaniec Aleksandra Zawadzka Agnieszka Dominiak Rafał Polowy Robert K. Filipkowski Paweł M. Boguszewski Magdalena Gewartowska Małgorzata Frontczak-Baniewicz...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4094: Vitamin E Blocks Connexin Hemichannels and Prevents Deleterious Effects of Glucocorticoid Treatment on Skeletal Muscles
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4094: Vitamin E Blocks Connexin Hemichannels and Prevents Deleterious Effects of Glucocorticoid Treatment on Skeletal Muscles International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114094 Authors: Elisa Balboa Fujiko Saavedra Luis A. Cea Valeria Ramírez Rosalba Escamilla Aníbal A. Vargas Tomás Regueira Juan C. Sáez Glucocorticoids are frequently used as anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive agents. However, high doses and/or prolonged...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4093: Fatty Acid Diets: Regulation of Gut Microbiota Composition and Obesity and Its Related Metabolic Dysbiosis
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4093: Fatty Acid Diets: Regulation of Gut Microbiota Composition and Obesity and Its Related Metabolic Dysbiosis International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114093 Authors: David Johane Machate Priscila Silva Figueiredo Gabriela Marcelino Rita de Cássia Avellaneda Guimarães Priscila Aiko Hiane Danielle Bogo Verônica Assalin Zorgetto Pinheiro Lincoln Carlos Silva de Oliveira Arnildo Pott Long-term high-fat dietary intake...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4092: Endometrial Decidualization: The Primary Driver of Pregnancy Health
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4092: Endometrial Decidualization: The Primary Driver of Pregnancy Health International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114092 Authors: Shu-Wing Ng Gabriella A. Norwitz Mihaela Pavlicev Tamara Tilburgs Carlos Simón Errol R. Norwitz Interventions to prevent pregnancy complications have been largely unsuccessful. We suggest this is because the foundation for a healthy pregnancy is laid prior to the establishment of the pregnancy at the...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4091: Epigenetic Landscape in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: On the Way to Overcoming Drug Resistance?
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4091: Epigenetic Landscape in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma: On the Way to Overcoming Drug Resistance? International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114091 Authors: Sona Ciernikova Julie Earl María Laura García Bermejo Viola Stevurkova Alfredo Carrato Bozena Smolkova Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the most aggressive solid malignancies due to the rapid rate of metastasis and high resistance to currently applied...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4090: Chrysosplenol d, a Flavonol from Artemisia annua, Induces ERK1/2-Mediated Apoptosis in Triple Negative Human Breast Cancer Cells
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4090: Chrysosplenol d, a Flavonol from Artemisia annua, Induces ERK1/2-Mediated Apoptosis in Triple Negative Human Breast Cancer Cells International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114090 Authors: Sophia J. Lang Michael Schmiech Susanne Hafner Christian Paetz Katharina Werner Menna El Gaafary Christoph Q. Schmidt Tatiana Syrovets Thomas Simmet Triple negative human breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive cancer subtype with...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4088: Specificity in Ubiquitination Triggered by Virus Infection
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4088: Specificity in Ubiquitination Triggered by Virus Infection International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114088 Authors: Haidong Gu Behdokht Jan Fada Ubiquitination is a prominent posttranslational modification, in which the ubiquitin moiety is covalently attached to a target protein to influence protein stability, interaction partner and biological function. All seven lysine residues of ubiquitin, along with the N-terminal methionine, can...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4089: Optimization of microRNA Acquirement from Seminal Plasma and Identification of Diminished Seminal microRNA-34b as Indicator of Low Semen Concentration
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4089: Optimization of microRNA Acquirement from Seminal Plasma and Identification of Diminished Seminal microRNA-34b as Indicator of Low Semen Concentration International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114089 Authors: Michael Eikmans Jacqueline D. H. Anholts Laura Blijleven Tess Meuleman Els van Beelen Marie-Louise P. van der Hoorn Frans H. J. Claas About 10–15% of couples who want to conceive suffer from subfertility,...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4087: Mutant p53 as an Antigen in Cancer Immunotherapy
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4087: Mutant p53 as an Antigen in Cancer Immunotherapy International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114087 Authors: Navid Sobhani Alberto D’Angelo Xu Wang Ken H. Young Daniele Generali Yong Li The p53 tumor suppressor plays a pivotal role in cancer and infectious disease. Many oncology treatments are now calling on immunotherapy approaches, and scores of studies have investigated the role of p53 antibodies in cancer diagnosis and...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4086: Role of Serotonin Transporter in Eye Development of Drosophila melanogaster
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4086: Role of Serotonin Transporter in Eye Development of Drosophila melanogaster International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114086 Authors: Tuan L. A. Pham Tran Duy Binh Guanchen Liu Thanh Q. C. Nguyen Yen D. H. Nguyen Ritsuko Sahashi Tran Thanh Men Kaeko Kamei Serotonin transporter (SerT) in the brain is an important neurotransmitter transporter involved in mental health. However, its role in peripheral organs is poorly...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4085: HSP70-Mediated NLRP3 Inflammasome Suppression Underlies Reversal of Acute Kidney Injury Following Extracellular Vesicle and Focused Ultrasound Combination Therapy
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4085: HSP70-Mediated NLRP3 Inflammasome Suppression Underlies Reversal of Acute Kidney Injury Following Extracellular Vesicle and Focused Ultrasound Combination Therapy International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114085 Authors: Mujib Ullah Daniel D. Liu Sravanthi Rai Waldo Concepcion Avnesh S. Thakor Acute kidney injury (AKI) is the abrupt loss of renal function, for which only supportive therapies exist. Mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC)-derived...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4084: Redox-Modulating Agents in the Treatment of Viral Infections
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4084: Redox-Modulating Agents in the Treatment of Viral Infections International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114084 Authors: Paola Checconi Marta De Angelis Maria Elena Marcocci Alessandra Fraternale Mauro Magnani Anna Teresa Palamara Lucia Nencioni Viruses use cell machinery to replicate their genome and produce viral proteins. For this reason, several intracellular factors, including the redox state, might directly or indirectly...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4083: Evaluation of Different Adiposity Indices and Association with Metabolic Syndrome Risk in Obese Children: Is there a Winner?
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4083: Evaluation of Different Adiposity Indices and Association with Metabolic Syndrome Risk in Obese Children: Is there a Winner? International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114083 Authors: Alessandro Leone Sara Vizzuso Paolo Brambilla Chiara Mameli Simone Ravella Ramona De Amicis Alberto Battezzati Gianvincenzo Zuccotti Simona Bertoli Elvira Verduci Body shape index (ABSI) and triponderal mass index (TMI) have been...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4082: Beyond Macrophages and T Cells: B Cells and Immunoglobulins Determine the Fate of the Atherosclerotic Plaque
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4082: Beyond Macrophages and T Cells: B Cells and Immunoglobulins Determine the Fate of the Atherosclerotic Plaque International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114082 Authors: Harald Mangge Florian Prüller Wolfgang Schnedl Wilfried Renner Gunter Almer Atherosclerosis (AS) leading to myocardial infarction and stroke remains worldwide the main cause for mortality. Vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques are responsible for these life-threatening...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4081: Editorial for the Special Issue “New Strategies in Cancer Pharmacotherapy: Development of Hormonal Antineoplastic Drugs, Cytotoxic Drugs and Targeted Therapies”
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4081: Editorial for the Special Issue “New Strategies in Cancer Pharmacotherapy: Development of Hormonal Antineoplastic Drugs, Cytotoxic Drugs and Targeted Therapies” International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114081 Authors: Carlos Martínez-Campa Carolina Alonso-González The Special Issue entitled “New Strategies in Cancer Pharmacotherapy: Development of Hormonal Antineoplastic Drugs, Cytotoxic Drugs and Targeted Therapies”...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4080: AtHB7/12 Regulate Root Growth in Response to Aluminum Stress
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4080: AtHB7/12 Regulate Root Growth in Response to Aluminum Stress International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114080 Authors: Yang Liu Jiameng Xu Siyi Guo Xianzheng Yuan Shan Zhao Huiyu Tian Shaojun Dai Xiangpei Kong Zhaojun Ding Aluminum (Al) stress is a major limiting factor for plant growth and crop production in acid soils. At present, only a few transcription factors involved in the regulation of Al resistance have...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Sun Jun 07, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4079: Magnetic β-Cyclodextrin Nanosponges for Potential Application in the Removal of the Neonicotinoid Dinotefuran from Wastewater
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4079: Magnetic β-Cyclodextrin Nanosponges for Potential Application in the Removal of the Neonicotinoid Dinotefuran from Wastewater International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114079 Authors: Sebastián Salazar Nicolás Yutronic Paul Jara This article describes the use of β-cyclodextrin-based carbonate nanosponges (NSs) decorated with superparamagnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles to study and investigate the potential removal of dinotefuran...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Sun Jun 07, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4078: GABAA Receptor/STEP61 Signaling Pathway May Be Involved in Emulsified Isoflurane Anesthesia in Rats
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4078: GABAA Receptor/STEP61 Signaling Pathway May Be Involved in Emulsified Isoflurane Anesthesia in Rats International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114078 Authors: Zhao Chang Cheng Zhou (1) Background: Emulsified isoflurane (EISO) is a type of intravenous anesthetic. How emulsified isoflurane works in the brain is still unclear. The aim of this study was to explore whether epigenetic mechanisms affect anesthesia and to evaluate the...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Sun Jun 07, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4077: Reg3α and Reg3β Expressions Followed by JAK2/STAT3 Activation Play a Pivotal Role in the Acceleration of Liver Hypertrophy in a Rat ALPPS Model
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4077: Reg3α and Reg3β Expressions Followed by JAK2/STAT3 Activation Play a Pivotal Role in the Acceleration of Liver Hypertrophy in a Rat ALPPS Model International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114077 Authors: Naohiko Otsuka Masato Yoshioka Yuki Abe Yasuhiko Nakagawa Hiroshi Uchinami Yuzo Yamamoto To explore the underlying mechanism of rapid liver hypertrophy by liver partition in associating liver partition and portal vein ligation...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Sun Jun 07, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4076: Ras Suppressor-1 (RSU1) in Cancer Cell Metastasis: A Tale of a Tumor Suppressor
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4076: Ras Suppressor-1 (RSU1) in Cancer Cell Metastasis: A Tale of a Tumor Suppressor International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114076 Authors: Maria Louca Triantafyllos Stylianopoulos Vasiliki Gkretsi Cancer is a multifactorial disease responsible for millions of deaths worldwide. It has a strong genetic background, as mutations in oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes contribute to the initiation of cancer development. Integrin signaling...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Sun Jun 07, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4075: Regulation of Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition by Alternative Translation Initiation Mechanisms and Its Implications for Cancer Metastasis
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4075: Regulation of Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition by Alternative Translation Initiation Mechanisms and Its Implications for Cancer Metastasis International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114075 Authors: Amit Bera Stephen M. Lewis Translation initiation plays a critical role in the regulation of gene expression for development and disease conditions. During the processes of development and disease, cells select specific mRNAs to be translated...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Sun Jun 07, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4074: Quantitative Phosphoproteomics Reveals Cell Alignment and Mitochondrial Length Change under Cyclic Stretching in Lung Cells
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4074: Quantitative Phosphoproteomics Reveals Cell Alignment and Mitochondrial Length Change under Cyclic Stretching in Lung Cells International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114074 Authors: Wei-Hsuan Wang Chia-Lang Hsu Hsuan-Cheng Huang Hsueh-Fen Juan Lung cancer is a leading cause of death. Most previous studies have been based on traditional cell-culturing methods. However, lung cells are periodically subjected to mechanical forces during...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Sun Jun 07, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4073: Molecular Modeling of Chemosensory Protein 3 from Spodoptera litura and Its Binding Property with Plant Defensive Metabolites
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4073: Molecular Modeling of Chemosensory Protein 3 from Spodoptera litura and Its Binding Property with Plant Defensive Metabolites International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114073 Authors: Sujata Singh Chetna Tyagi Irfan A. Rather Jamal S.M. Sabir Md. Imtaiyaz Hassan Archana Singh Indrakant Kumar Singh Chemosensory perception in insects involves a broad set of chemosensory proteins (CSPs) that identify the bouquet of chemical...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Sat Jun 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4072: The Emerging Role of Exosomes in Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Therapy in Head and Neck Cancer
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4072: The Emerging Role of Exosomes in Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Therapy in Head and Neck Cancer International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114072 Authors: Linda Hofmann Sonja Ludwig Julius M. Vahl Cornelia Brunner Thomas K. Hoffmann Marie-Nicole Theodoraki Exosomes, the smallest group of extracellular vesicles, carry proteins, miRNA, mRNA, DNA, and lipids, which they efficiently deliver to recipient cells, generating a communication...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Sat Jun 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4070: Transcriptome-Based Analysis of Tomato Genotypes Resistant to Bacterial Spot (Xanthomonas perforans) Race T4
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4070: Transcriptome-Based Analysis of Tomato Genotypes Resistant to Bacterial Spot (Xanthomonas perforans) Race T4 International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114070 Authors: Rui Shi Dilip R. Panthee Bacterial spot (BS) is one of the most devastating foliar bacterial diseases of tomato and is caused by multiple species of Xanthomonas. We performed the RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) analysis of three tomato lines with different levels of resistance...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Sat Jun 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4071: Biological Factors behind Melanoma Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4071: Biological Factors behind Melanoma Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114071 Authors: Magdalena Olbryt Marcin Rajczykowski Wiesława Widłak Modern immunotherapy together with targeted therapy has revolutionized the treatment of advanced melanoma. Inhibition of immune checkpoints significantly improved the median overall survival and gave hope to many melanoma patients. However, this treatment...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Sat Jun 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4069: Apelin-13 Inhibits Methylglyoxal-Induced Unfolded Protein Responses and Endothelial Dysfunction via Regulating AMPK Pathway
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4069: Apelin-13 Inhibits Methylglyoxal-Induced Unfolded Protein Responses and Endothelial Dysfunction via Regulating AMPK Pathway International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114069 Authors: Sujin Kim Suji Kim Ae-Rang Hwang Hyoung Chul Choi Ji-Yun Lee Chang-Hoon Woo It has been suggested that methylglyoxal (MGO), a glycolytic metabolite, has more detrimental effects on endothelial dysfunction than glucose itself. Recent reports showed...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Sat Jun 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4068: Global View of Candidate Therapeutic Target Genes in Hormone-Responsive Breast Cancer
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4068: Global View of Candidate Therapeutic Target Genes in Hormone-Responsive Breast Cancer International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114068 Authors: Annamaria Salvati Valerio Gigantino Giovanni Nassa Valeria Mirici Cappa Giovanna Maria Ventola Daniela Georgia Cristina Cracas Raffaella Mastrocinque Francesca Rizzo Roberta Tarallo Alessandro Weisz Giorgio Giurato Breast cancer (BC) is a heterogeneous disease characterized...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Sat Jun 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4067: From Malignant Progression to Therapeutic Targeting: Current Insights of Mesothelin in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4067: From Malignant Progression to Therapeutic Targeting: Current Insights of Mesothelin in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114067 Authors: Christopher Montemagno Shamir Cassim Jacques Pouyssegur Alexis Broisat Gilles Pagès Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), accounting for 90% of all pancreatic tumors, is a highly devastating disease with poor prognosis and rising incidence. The lack...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Sat Jun 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4066: Hyperuricemia and Hypertension, Coronary Artery Disease, Kidney Disease: From Concept to Practice
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4066: Hyperuricemia and Hypertension, Coronary Artery Disease, Kidney Disease: From Concept to Practice International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114066 Authors: Mélanie Gaubert Thomas Bardin Alain Cohen-Solal François Diévart Jean-Pierre Fauvel Régis Guieu Stéphane Sadrin Jean Michel Maixent Michel Galinier Franck Paganelli Since the publication of the Framingham Heart Study, which suggested that uric acid should no...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Sat Jun 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4065: Targeting of Intracellular TMEM16 Proteins to the Plasma Membrane and Activation by Purinergic Signaling
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4065: Targeting of Intracellular TMEM16 Proteins to the Plasma Membrane and Activation by Purinergic Signaling International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114065 Authors: Schreiber Ousingsawat Kunzelmann Anoctamins such as TMEM16A and TMEM16B are Ca2+-dependent Cl− channels activated through purinergic receptor signaling. TMEM16A (ANO1), TMEM16B (ANO2) and TMEM16F (ANO6) are predominantly expressed at the plasma membrane and...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4063: Human Sperm Capacitation Involves the Regulation of the Tyr-Phosphorylation Level of the Anion Exchanger 1 (AE1)
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4063: Human Sperm Capacitation Involves the Regulation of the Tyr-Phosphorylation Level of the Anion Exchanger 1 (AE1) International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114063 Authors: Gabriella Donà Elena Tibaldi Alessandra Andrisani Guido Ambrosini Chiara Sabbadin Mario Angelo Pagano Anna Maria Brunati Decio Armanini Eugenio Ragazzi Luciana Bordin Bicarbonate uptake is one of the early steps of capacitation, but the identification...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4064: An Atomic Force Microscopy Study on the Effect of β-Galactosidase, α-L-Rhamnosidase and α-L-Arabinofuranosidase on the Structure of Pectin Extracted from Apple Fruit Using Sodium Carbonate
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4064: An Atomic Force Microscopy Study on the Effect of β-Galactosidase, α-L-Rhamnosidase and α-L-Arabinofuranosidase on the Structure of Pectin Extracted from Apple Fruit Using Sodium Carbonate International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114064 Authors: Piotr Mariusz Pieczywek Justyna Cybulska Artur Zdunek The enzyme driven changes in plant cell wall structure during fruit ripening result in debranching, depolymerization and solubilization...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4062: Apolipoprotein A-I Supports MSCs Survival under Stress Conditions
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4062: Apolipoprotein A-I Supports MSCs Survival under Stress Conditions International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114062 Authors: Svetlana Miroshnichenko Ivan Usynin Alexey Dudarev Vadim Nimaev Anastasiya Solovieva Clinical trials have shown the safety of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) transplantation, but the effectiveness of these treatments is limited. Since, transplanted MSCs will undergo metabolic disturbances in the bloodstream,...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4060: SYMMETRIC PETALS 1 Encodes an ALOG Domain Protein that Controls Floral Organ Internal Asymmetry in Pea (Pisum sativum L.)
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4060: SYMMETRIC PETALS 1 Encodes an ALOG Domain Protein that Controls Floral Organ Internal Asymmetry in Pea (Pisum sativum L.) International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114060 Authors: Liang He Yawen Lei Xin Li Qincheng Peng Wei Liu Keyuan Jiao Shihao Su Zhubing Hu Zhenguo Shen Da Luo In contrast to typical radially symmetrical flowers, zygomorphic flowers, such as those produced by pea (Pisum sativum L.), have bilateral...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4056: Cell Type- and Sex-Specific Dysregulation of Thyroid Hormone Receptors in Placentas in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4056: Cell Type- and Sex-Specific Dysregulation of Thyroid Hormone Receptors in Placentas in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114056 Authors: Julia Knabl Lena de Maiziere Rebecca Hüttenbrenner Stefan Hutter Julia Jückstock Sven Mahner Franz Kainer Gernot Desoye Udo Jeschke Thyroid hormones are essential for development of trophoblasts and the fetus. They also regulate a wide range...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4059: Long Non-Coding RNA HAND2-AS1 Acts as a Tumor Suppressor in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4059: Long Non-Coding RNA HAND2-AS1 Acts as a Tumor Suppressor in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114059 Authors: Priyanka Gokulnath Tiziana de Cristofaro Ichcha Manipur Tina Di Palma Amata Amy Soriano Mario Rosario Guarracino Mariastella Zannini Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are increasingly being identified as crucial regulators in pathologies like cancer. High-grade serous ovarian...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4058: Homology Modeling of the Human P-glycoprotein (ABCB1) and Insights into Ligand Binding through Molecular Docking Studies
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4058: Homology Modeling of the Human P-glycoprotein (ABCB1) and Insights into Ligand Binding through Molecular Docking Studies International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114058 Authors: Liadys Mora Lagares Nikola Minovski Ana Yisel Caballero Alfonso Emilio Benfenati Sara Wellens Maxime Culot Fabien Gosselet Marjana Novič The ABCB1 transporter also known as P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is a transmembrane protein belonging to the ATP...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4057: Embryonic Program Activated during Blast Crisis of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) Implicates a TCF7L2 and MYC Cooperative Chromatin Binding
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4057: Embryonic Program Activated during Blast Crisis of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) Implicates a TCF7L2 and MYC Cooperative Chromatin Binding International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114057 Authors: Christophe Desterke Patricia Hugues Jin Wook Hwang Annelise Bennaceur-Griscelli Ali G. Turhan Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is characterized by an inherent genetic instability, which contributes to the progression of the disease...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00

IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4061: Cross-Reactivity of Palladium in a Murine Model of Metal-Induced Allergic Contact Dermatitis
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4061: Cross-Reactivity of Palladium in a Murine Model of Metal-Induced Allergic Contact Dermatitis International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114061 Authors: Hiroaki Shigematsu Kenichi Kumagai Motoaki Suzuki Takanori Eguchi Ryota Matsubara Yasunari Nakasone Keisuke Nasu Takamasa Yoshizawa Haruno Ichikawa Takahiro Mori Yoshiki Hamada Ryuji Suzuki Metal allergy is usually diagnosed by patch testing, however, the...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4052: Intracellular Cl− Regulation of Ciliary Beating in Ciliated Human Nasal Epithelial Cells: Frequency and Distance of Ciliary Beating Observed by High-Speed Video Microscopy
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4052: Intracellular Cl− Regulation of Ciliary Beating in Ciliated Human Nasal Epithelial Cells: Frequency and Distance of Ciliary Beating Observed by High-Speed Video Microscopy International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114052 Authors: Makoto Yasuda Taka-aki Inui Shigeru Hirano Shinji Asano Tomonori Okazaki Toshio Inui Yoshinori Marunaka Takashi Nakahari Small inhaled particles, which are entrapped by the mucous layer that...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4054: Sodium Glucose Co-Transporter 2 Inhibitor Ameliorates Autophagic Flux Impairment on Renal Proximal Tubular Cells in Obesity Mice
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4054: Sodium Glucose Co-Transporter 2 Inhibitor Ameliorates Autophagic Flux Impairment on Renal Proximal Tubular Cells in Obesity Mice International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114054 Authors: Kazuhiko Fukushima Shinji Kitamura Kenji Tsuji Yizhen Sang Jun Wada Obesity is supposed to cause renal injury via autophagy deficiency. Recently, sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) were reported to protect renal injury. However,...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4053: Molecular Cytogenetic Identification of Wheat-Aegilops Biuncialis 5Mb Disomic Addition Line with Tenacious and Black Glumes
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4053: Molecular Cytogenetic Identification of Wheat-Aegilops Biuncialis 5Mb Disomic Addition Line with Tenacious and Black Glumes International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21114053 Authors: Liqiang Song Hui Zhao Zhi Zhang Shuai Zhang Jiajia Liu Wei Zhang Na Zhang Jun Ji Lihui Li Junming Li Production of wheat-alien disomic addition lines is of great value to the exploitation and utilization of elite genes originated from...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00

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