Δευτέρα 8 Ιουνίου 2020

North American survey and systematic review on caudal Septoplasty
Surgical correction of caudal septal deviation is a technically challenging step of functional rhinoplasty. Multiple surgical techniques have been described in the literature but comparing the efficacy of each...
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00
Brain-derived nerve growth factor in the cochlea – a reproducibility study
Brain-derived nerve growth factor (BDNF) plays an important role in cochlear development so it is plausible that it could restore hearing loss if delivered directly into the cochlea. We wished to confirm our p...
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery
Fri Jun 05, 2020 03:00
Innate Molecular and Cellular Signature in the Skin Preceding Long-Lasting T Cell Responses after Electroporated DNA Vaccination [SYSTEMS IMMUNOLOGY]
Key PointsThe auxoGTU vaccine and EP triggered different components of innate immunity. The auxoGTU vaccine with EP induces a local release of IL-15 and activation of LC. AIM-2 seems to be a sensor of the auxoGTU vaccine.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Therapeutic CMP-Nonulosonates against Multidrug-Resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae [IMMUNOTHERAPY AND VACCINES]
Key PointsSelect NulOs displayed on gonococcal LOS render bacteria susceptible to complement. CMP-NulOs show promise against multidrug-resistant gonorrhea in preclinical studies. CMP-Leg5,7Ac2 and CMP-Kdn are the current lead candidates.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Function and Regulation of Noncanonical Caspase-4/5/11 Inflammasome [BRIEF REVIEWS]
Inflammasomes are multiprotein complexes of the innate immune system that orchestrate development of inflammation by activating the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines, IL-1β and IL-18. The LPS of Gram-negative bacteria have been shown to activate a novel, noncanonical inflammasome by directly binding in the cytosol to human caspase-4 and mouse caspase-11. Activation of noncanonical inflammasome exerts two major effects: it activates the NLRP3–caspase-1–mediated processing and secretion of IL-1β...
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Rapid Death of Follicular B Cells and Burkitt Lymphoma Cells Effectuated by Xbp1s [IMMUNE REGULATION]
Key PointsXbp1s inhibits BCR tonic signaling, causing rapid death of FOB cells but not MZB cells. Among many UPR-activated molecules, Xbp1s is the only one that causes FOB cell death. BCR-mediated survival and clonal expansion responses are independently regulated.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Cutting Edge: ST8Sia6-Generated {alpha}-2,8-Disialic Acids Mitigate Hyperglycemia in Multiple Low-Dose Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes [CUTTING EDGE]
Key PointsSiglec-E is expressed on IRMs. In vivo, ST8Sia6 generates ligands for Siglec-E. Overexpression of ST8Sia6 preserves β cells upon diabetes induction.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
IL-1R Regulates Disease Tolerance and Cachexia in Toxoplasma gondii Infection [INNATE IMMUNITY AND INFLAMMATION]
Key PointsIL-1R signaling is not necessary to control acute or chronic T. gondii burden. IL-1R signaling limits cell death in liver and adipose tissue at acute infection. IL-1R prevents recovery from acute weight loss and drives chronic cachexia.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Extracellular ATP Augments Antigen-Induced Murine Mast Cell Degranulation and Allergic Responses via P2X4 Receptor Activation [ALLERGY AND OTHER HYPERSENSITIVITIES]
Key PointsAg-induced MC degranulation is enhanced by P2X4 receptor activation. P2X4 receptor activation augments Ag-induced Syk phosphorylation. Passive anaphylaxis responses are reduced in P2X4 receptor–deficient mice.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
A Novel Utility to Correct for Plate/Batch/Lot and Nonspecific Binding Artifacts in Luminex Data [NOVEL IMMUNOLOGICAL METHODS]
Key PointsCorrection for batch and nonspecific binding enhances Luminex data. Our novel R utility automates these corrections. Utility can uncover undetected biological patterns in Luminex data.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells Promote Development of T Follicular Helper Cells and Initiate Allergic Sensitization to Peanuts [ALLERGY AND OTHER HYPERSENSITIVITIES]
Key PointsIL-13 is indispensable for the production of IgE Abs to peanuts. Subsets of lung ILC2s produce IL-13 upon airborne exposure to peanut flour. Mice deficient in ILC2s produce lower titers of peanut-specific IgE Abs.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Bmi1 Maintains the Self-Renewal Property of Innate-like B Lymphocytes [IMMUNE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT]
Key PointsBmi1 regulates self-renewal ability of B-1a cells via Ink4-Arf and possibly Kdm5b. Bmi1 may be involved in the developmental process of B-1 progenitors to B-1a cells. FALCs, the niche for B-1a cells, are not altered in Bmi1–/– mice.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Secreted Phospholipase A2 Group X Acts as an Adjuvant for Type 2 Inflammation, Leading to an Allergen-Specific Immune Response in the Lung [ALLERGY AND OTHER HYPERSENSITIVITIES]
Key PointssPLA2-X serves as an effective adjuvant for a T2 immune response in the lungs. The adaptive immune response requires the enzymatic activity of sPLA2-X. The innate immune response is not fully dependent upon sPLA2-X enzymatic activity.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
CD25-Targeted IL-2 Signals Promote Improved Outcomes of Influenza Infection and Boost Memory CD4 T Cell Formation [INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND HOST RESPONSE]
Key PointsTreg-boosting IL-2 complexes induce inflammatory factors systemically and in lungs. Treg-boosting IL-2 complexes reduce immunopathology following IAV infection. Treg-boosting IL-2 complexes promote CD4 T cell fitness to survive to form memory.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
The Impact of MHC Class I Dose on Development and Maintenance of the Polyclonal Naive CD8+ T Cell Repertoire [ANTIGEN RECOGNITION AND RESPONSES]
Key PointsHemizygous MHCI expression impacts CD8+ T cell maintenance but not generation. MHCI hemizygous mice show selective retention of high-quality T cells. CD8+ T cells from hemizygous mice are functionally superior after virus infection.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Structure of MHC-Independent TCRs and Their Recognition of Native Antigen CD155 [MOLECULAR AND STRUCTURAL IMMUNOLOGY]
Key Pointsαβ TCRs, A11 and B12A, recognize CD155 independent of MHC presentation. CDR3 of α- or β-chain alone is insufficient to discriminate against MHC binding. This study reports the structure of αβ TCR in complex with a non-MHC ligand.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Blockade of BAFF Reshapes the Hepatic B Cell Receptor Repertoire and Attenuates Autoantibody Production in Cholestatic Liver Disease [AUTOIMMUNITY]
Key PointsA focused hepatic BCR repertoire is generated during cholestatic liver disease. Blockade of BAFF reshapes BCR repertoire and reduces autoantibody production. Depletion of B cells reduces both the hepatic fibrosis and autoantibody production.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Suppression of Mll1-Complex by Stat3/Cebp{beta}-Induced miR-21a/21b/181b Maintains the Accumulation, Homeostasis, and Immunosuppressive Function of Polymorphonuclear Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells [TUMOR IMMUNOLOGY]
Key PointsSuppression of Wdr5/Ash2l/Ml11 promotes PMN-MDSCs’ accumulation and function. Stat3/Cebpβ downregulate Wdr5/Ash2l/Ml11 by upregulating miR–21a/21b/181b.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Costimulation Blockade Disrupts CD4+ T Cell Memory Pathways and Uncouples Their Link to Decline in {beta}-Cell Function in Type 1 Diabetes [AUTOIMMUNITY]
Key PointsCostimulation blockade reduces the loss of β-cell function in type 1 diabetes. CB affects peripheral regulatory and conventional CD4+ but not CD8+ T cell subsets. CB blunts relationship between disease progression and CD4+ memory T cell subsets.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Top Reads [TOP READS]
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
GPA33: A Marker to Identify Stable Human Regulatory T Cells [CLINICAL AND HUMAN IMMUNOLOGY]
Key PointsThymic-derived Tregs are the most attractive cell type for adoptive cell therapy. Tregs that express the surface marker GPA33 can stably be expanded with high purity. Developing Tregs become GPA33+ around thymic exit, but TGF-β–induced Tregs are GPA33–.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
UHRF1 Controls Thymocyte Fate Decisions through the Epigenetic Regulation of EGR1 Expression [IMMUNE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT]
Key PointsThe loss of UHRF1 impairs the commitment to αβ T cell lineage. UHRF1 deficiency promotes development of the T17. UHRF1 mediates the epigenetic regulation of EGR1.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Human Term Pregnancy Decidual NK Cells Generate Distinct Cytotoxic Responses [CLINICAL AND HUMAN IMMUNOLOGY]
Key PointsTerm pregnancy dNK generate distinct cytolytic responses to K562, PMA/I, and HCMV. Unlike first trimester dNK, term pregnancy dNK are not skewed to recognize HLA-C. Protein and mRNA profiles suggest term pregnancy dNK are a distinct type of NK cell.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Immunopeptidome Analysis of HLA-DPB1 Allelic Variants Reveals New Functional Hierarchies [IMMUNOGENETICS]
Key PointsDistinct peptide-binding motifs for HLA-DP alleles were identified. Binding motifs are associated with structural differences across HLA-DP molecules. New functional hierarchies were demonstrated among HLA-DP alleles.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Inhibition of Glycolysis in Pathogenic TH17 Cells through Targeting a miR-21-Peli1-c-Rel Pathway Prevents Autoimmunity [IMMUNE REGULATION]
Key PointsTH17 cells show distinct metabolic and epigenetic states in vitro and in vivo. A miR-21–Peli1–c-Rel pathway controls glycolysis of pathogenic TH17 cells.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
CARD9-Associated Dectin-1 and Dectin-2 Are Required for Protective Immunity of a Multivalent Vaccine against Coccidioides posadasii Infection [IMMUNOTHERAPY AND VACCINES]
Key PointsIL-17A is critical for GCP-rCpa1 vaccine–mediated protection against Coccidioides. GCP-rCpa1 is recognized by macrophages expressing Dectin-1 and Dectin-2. GCP-rCpa1 activates CLR-CARD9 signaling to induce protective Th17 immunity.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
TGF-{beta} and IL-15 Synergize through MAPK Pathways to Drive the Conversion of Human NK Cells to an Innate Lymphoid Cell 1-like Phenotype [IMMUNE REGULATION]
Key PointsTGF-β drives the conversion of human circulating NK cells to an ILC1-like phenotype. CyTOF profiling was used to elucidate heterogeneity in the stages of conversion. TGF-β–mediated conversion is driven by MAPK signaling and is enhanced by IL-15.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
An SAMT-247 Microbicide Provides Potent Protection against Intravaginal Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Infection of Rhesus Macaques, whereas an Added Vaccine Component Elicits Mixed Outcomes [INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND HOST RESPONSE]
Key PointsSAMT-247 microbicide induces robust SIV protection in female rhesus macaques. Strong vaccine-induced mucosal and systemic immunity did not delay SIV acquisition. SAMT-247/vaccine combination enhanced protection compared with vaccine-only regimen.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Genome-Wide DNA Methylation and RNA Analysis Reveal Potential Mechanism of Resistance to Streptococcus agalactiae in GIFT Strain of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) [IMMUNE REGULATION]
Key PointsWhole-genome bisulfite sequencing distinguishes between resistant and susceptible O. niloticus. Promoter methylation regulates gene expression in immune-related genes.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Activation of CB1R Promotes Lipopolysaccharide-Induced IL-10 Secretion by Monocytic Myeloid-Derived Suppressive Cells and Reduces Acute Inflammation and Organ Injury [INNATE IMMUNITY AND INFLAMMATION]
Key Points9-THC increases IL-10 and reduces IL-6 and CCL2 in endotoxemic mice via CB1R. 9-THC decreases lung inflammation and organ injury in endotoxemic mice. Monocytic-MDSCs mediate 9-THC–induced IL-10 upregulation in endotoxemic mice.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
An Alternative Splicing of Tupaia STING Modulated Anti-RNA Virus Responses by Targeting MDA5-LGP2 and IRF3 [IMMUNE REGULATION]
Key PointsTupaia STING has two alternative splicing isoforms, tSTING-FL and tSTING-mini. tSTING-mini is critical for RNA virus-induced antiviral signaling transduction. tSTING-mini enhances MDA5–LGP2-mediated antiviral response and IRF3 phosphorylation.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Cullin 3 Is Crucial for Pro-B Cell Proliferation, Interacts with CD22, and Controls CD22 Internalization on B Cells [MOLECULAR AND STRUCTURAL IMMUNOLOGY]
Key PointsCullin 3 is identified as a novel CD22 interacting protein. Cullin 3 binds to CD22 and regulates CD22 surface expression and internalization. Cullin 3 controls pro-B cell proliferation and is important for B cell signaling.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Intravenous Infusion of Cortisol, Adrenaline, or Noradrenaline Alters Porcine Immune Cell Numbers and Promotes Innate over Adaptive Immune Functionality [IMMUNE REGULATION]
Key PointsCortisol strongly decreases porcine adaptive immune cells and increases neutrophils. Catecholamines exert acute effects on porcine immune cell numbers and function. All stress hormones promote innate over adaptive immune functionality in pigs.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Distinct Features of Human Myeloid Cell Cytokine Response Profiles Identify Neutrophil Activation by Cytokines as a Prognostic Feature during Tuberculosis and Cancer [SYSTEMS IMMUNOLOGY]
Key PointsNeutrophils express robust transcriptional profiles following cytokine stimulation. Myeloid cell gene signatures can stratify patients and predict disease outcomes.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Endogenous CD83 Expression in CD4+ Conventional T Cells Controls Inflammatory Immune Responses [IMMUNE REGULATION]
Key PointsCD4+ T cell–expressed CD83 regulates T cell responses in vitro and in vivo. CD83+CD4+ T cells control CD40 expression and IL-12 production of DCs.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Dendritic Cell Maturation Defines Immunological Responsiveness of Tumors to Radiation Therapy [TUMOR IMMUNOLOGY]
Key PointsRadiation fails to promote cDC1 maturation in poorly radioimmunogenic tumors. Impaired cDC1 activation following radiation limits the response to treatment. Adjuvants that drive cDC1 maturation improve tumor responses to radiation.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
The Abundance and Availability of Cytokine Receptor IL-2R{beta} (CD122) Constrain the Lymphopenia-Induced Homeostatic Proliferation of Naive CD4 T Cells [IMMUNE REGULATION]
Key PointsNaive CD4 T cells are impaired in lymphopenia-induced proliferation. Limited availability of IL-2Rβ impedes homeostatic IL-15 signaling in CD4 T cells. Forced IL-2Rβ expression permits effective LIP of naive CD4 T cells.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
Systematic Profiling of Full-Length Ig and TCR Repertoire Diversity in Rhesus Macaque through Long Read Transcriptome Sequencing [NOVEL IMMUNOLOGICAL METHODS]
Key PointsPacBio Iso-Seq enables generation of immune repertoire C region references. Full-length CCS reads benchmark targeted immune repertoire assay efficiencies.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon Jun 08, 2020 23:00
USP53 promotes apoptosis and inhibits glycolysis in lung adenocarcinoma through FKBP51‐AKT1 signaling
Abstract Despite an overall decline in the incidence of new cases, lung adenocarcinoma continues to be a leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Due to lack of gene expression signatures for risk and prognosis stratification of lung adenocarcinoma, identifying novel molecular biomarkers and therapeutic targets may potentially improve lung adenocarcinoma prognosis and treatment. In the current study, we investigate the role of USP53 in lung adenocarcinoma. Bioinformatics analysis, quantitative reverse...
Molecular Carcinogenesis
Mon Jun 08, 2020 20:33

Characterization of a 7 kDa pollen allergen belonging to the gibberellin‐regulated protein family from three Cupressaceae species
Abstract Background Severe allergy to fruits mediated by a 7 kDa allergen belonging to the gibberellin‐regulated protein (GRP) family is known to be associated with Cupressaceae pollinosis. Objective To identify and characterize Cupressaceae pollen allergens involved in GRP‐related fruit allergy. Methods Pru p 7 related proteins from pollen of Cupressus sempervirens , Juniperus ashei and Cryptomeria japonica were identified using a rabbit anti‐Pru p 7 antiserum, purified chromatographically...
Clinical & Experimental Allergy
Sun Jun 07, 2020 16:47

Sublingual Omp16‐driven redirection of the allergic intestinal response in a pre‐clinical model of food allergy
Abstract Background IgE‐mediated food allergy remains a significant and growing worldwide problem. Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) shows an excellent safety profile for food allergy, but the clinical efficacy needs to be improved. This study assessed the effects of the Toll‐like receptor 4 agonist outer membrane protein (Omp) 16 from Brucella abortus combined with cow´s milk proteins (CMP) through the sublingual route to modulate cow’s milk allergy in an experimental model. Methods Mice...
Clinical & Experimental Allergy
Fri Jun 05, 2020 17:09

Laser and LED photobiomodulation effects in osteogenic or regular medium on rat calvaria osteoblasts obtained by newly forming bone technique
Abstract The purposes of this study are to evaluate the effects of photobiomodulation (PBM) with laser and LED on rat calvaria osteoblasts (rGO lineage), cultured in osteogenic (OST) or regular (REG) medium, after induction of a quiescent state and to test if PBM is capable of osteogenic induction and if there is a sum of effects when combining OST medium with PBM. Before irradiation, the cells were put in a quiescent state (1% FBS) 24 h, when red (AlGaInP—660 nm) and infrared...
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00

Cutaneous vascular lesions in the pediatric population: a review of laser surgery applications and lesion-specific device parameters
Abstract Laser surgery is becoming an increasingly efficacious and customizable treatment modality for the management of pediatric vascular lesions. Proper use requires a thorough understanding of the scientific principles of laser surgery and knowledge of the various lasers available. Moreover, each laser has a multitude of settings that can be employed to properly target the lesion at hand. Each patient will present with unique challenges and variations in the presentation of...
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00

The efficacy in treatment of facial melasma with thulium 1927-nm fractional laser-assisted topical tranexamic acid delivery: a split-face, double-blind, randomized controlled pilot study
Abstract This split-face, double-blind, randomized controlled study examines the efficacy of fractional thulium laser (FTL)–assisted delivery of topical tranexamic acid (TXA) compared with FTL alone as a treatment option for melasma. Forty-six adults with Fitzpatrick skin types III–V and recalcitrant melasma underwent four weekly treatments with fractional 1927-nm thulium laser on both sides of the face. Immediately after treatment, TXA was applied to one side of the face and...
Sat Jun 06, 2020 03:00

The activities of 210 Po and 210 Pb in cigarette smoked in Tunisia
Abstract In this study, the activity concentration of polonium 210 in cigarette for Tunisian consumers was investigated by alpha spectrometry. After chemical digestion of tobacco, 210Po was extracted, auto-deposited on disc and measured. The activity of 210Pb was assessed after radioactive equilibrium was achieved. The activity levels of 210Po ranged between 7.8 ± 0.3 and 17 ± 0.5 mBq per cigarette with an average of 12.9 ± 0.4 mBq per cigarette. Effective doses per year due to...
Latest Results for Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
Mon Jun 08, 2020 03:00

Rare Tumors Presenting as a Mastoid Mass
In terms of diagnosis, a painless isolated mass lesion around the mastoid area is rarely encountered in general practice. In the present study, we report two cases of painless benign mastoid tumors located in the postauricular region. The first patient visited our department with a painless progressing mass lesion behind the right ear, which was later revealed as an intramuscular lipoma in the mastoid origin site of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The second patient similarly presented to our department...
Case Reports in Otolaryngology
Mon Jun 08, 2020 12:35

Bilateral Severely Stenotic Jugular Foramen: Diagnosis and Management from the Otologist/Neurotologist Point of View
Bilateral jugular foramen stenosis with jugular bulb and vein aplasia is rare in nonsyndromic craniosynostosis and usually diagnosed during childhood. We present a case of bilateral jugular foramen stenosis with jugular bulb and vein aplasia, with subsequent persistence and enlargement of the fetal venous anastomosis in the middle and posterior cranial fossa, along with a review of the literature about this anatomical abnormality, highlighting the surgical challenges and management from the otologist/neurotologist...
Case Reports in Otolaryngology
Fri Jun 05, 2020 13:20

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