Πέμπτη 23 Απριλίου 2020


District heating networks: an inter-comparison of environmental indicators
Abstract The installation of district heating (DH) systems constitutes an advantage from the energetic, climate, and air quality aspects. However, the configuration and operational features of a DH system affect significantly its environmental performance. The objective of the present study is the energetic and environmental assessment of DH networks that present differences in size and operating configurations, to define relevant environmental performance indicators. Three case...
Latest Results
A quantitative comparison of microfossil extraction methods from ice cores
Microfossil records from ice archives allow vegetation, fire and land-use activity reconstructions on broad spatial scales. Samples typically contain low microfossil concentrations. Therefore, large ice volumes are often needed for palynology. Hence, it is crucial to extract maximum microfossil numbers through appropriate physical-chemical treatments. We compare six methods covering the main water reduction procedures: evaporation, filtration and centrifugation with snow samples. Adding a known number...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Boundaries mediate long-distance interactions between enhancers and promoters in the Drosophila Bithorax complex
Drosophila bithorax complex (BX-C) is one of the best model systems for studying the role of boundaries (insulators) in gene regulation. Expression of three homeotic genes, Ubx, abd-A, and Abd-B, is orchestrated by nine parasegment-specific regulatory domains. These domains are flanked by boundary elements, which function to block crosstalk between adjacent domains, ensuring that they can act autonomously. Paradoxically, seven of the BX-C regulatory domains are separated from their gene target by...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Phylogeny, evolution, and biogeographic history of Calandrinia (Montiaceae)
PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Calandrinia are small, succulent herbs that vary broadly in habitat, morphology, life history, and photosynthetic metabolism.The lineage is placed within the Montiaceae, which in turn is sister to the rest of the Portulacineae (Caryophyllales). Calandrinia occupy two distinct biogeographic regions, one in the Americas (similar to 14 species), and one in Australia (similar to 74 species). Past analyses of the Montiaceae present conflicting hypotheses for the phylogenetic placement...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Targeted Enrichment of Large Gene Families for Phylogenetic Inference: Phylogeny and Molecular Evolution of Photosynthesis Genes in the Portullugo Clade (Caryophyllales)
Hybrid enrichment is an increasingly popular approach for obtaining hundreds of loci for phylogenetic analysis acrossmany taxa quickly and cheaply. The genes targeted for sequencing are typically single-copy loci, which facilitate a more straightforward sequence assembly and homology assignment process. However, this approach limits the inclusion of most genes of functional interest, which often belong to multi-gene families. Here, we demonstrate the feasibility of including large gene families in...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Taxonomy based on science is necessary for global conservation
Taxonomy is a scientific discipline that has provided the universal naming and classification system of biodiversity for centuries and continues effectively to accommodate new knowledge. A recent publication by Garnett and Christidis [1] expressed concerns regarding the difficulty that taxonomic changes represent for conservation efforts and proposed the establishment of a system to govern taxonomic changes. Their proposal to "restrict the freedom of taxonomic action" through governing subcommittees...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Molecular evolution of key metabolic genes during transitions to C-4 and CAM photosynthesis
PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Next-generation sequencing facilitates rapid production of well-sampled phylogenies built from very large genetic data sets, which can then be subsequently exploited to examine the molecular evolution of the genes themselves. We present an evolutionary analysis of 83 gene families (19 containing carbon-concentrating mechanism (CCM) genes, 64 containing non-CCM genes) in the portullugo clade (Caryophyllales), a diverse lineage of mostly arid-adapted plants that contains multiple...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Comparing the Central Eight Risk Factors: Do They Differ Across Age Groups of Sex Offenders?
Following the risk-need-responsivity (RNR) model, cognitive-behavioral therapy is considered most effective in reducing recidivism when based on dynamic risk factors. As studies have found differences of these factors across age, exploring this seems beneficial. The current study investigates the Central Eight (C8) risk factors across six age groups of outpatient sex offenders ( N = 650). Results showed that recidivism rates and age were inversely related from 19 years and up. Half of the C8 did...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Substance-use disorders, personality traits, and sex differences in institutionalized adolescents
BACKGROUND: Substance-use disorder (SUD) was found to be an aggravating factor to delinquency and is closely related to personality disorders (PDs). OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate sex differences in the relationship between PD traits and SUD in adolescents institutionalized in child welfare and juvenile justice institutions. METHODS: PD traits were measured dimensionally in a sample of 282 boys (69 with an SUD diagnosis) and 143 girls (45 with an SUD diagnosis) from child welfare...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Self-Assembly of a Designed Nucleoprotein Architecture through Multimodal Interactions
The co-self-assembly of proteins and nucleic acids (NAs) produces complex biomolecular machines (e.g., ribosomes and telomerases) that represent some of the most daunting targets for biomolecular design. Despite significant advances in protein and DNA or RNA nanotechnology, the construction of artificial nucleoprotein complexes has largely been limited to cases that rely on the NA-mediated spatial organization of protein units, rather than a cooperative interplay between protein- and NA-mediated...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Spatiotemporal scales of river-groundwater interaction - The role of local interaction processes and regional groundwater regimes
Drinking water production in the vicinity of rivers not only requires the consideration of different spatiotemporal scales and settings of river-groundwater interaction processes, but also of local and regional scale groundwater regimes.Selected case studies in combination with field-experiments and the setup of high-resolution groundwater flow models enabled the investigation of the spatiotemporal development of microbial (classical fecal indicator bacteria and total cell counts) and selected organic...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Decreased waterborne pathogenic bacteria in an urban aquifer related to intense shallow geothermal exploitation
The implications of intensive use of shallow geothermal energy resources in shallow urban aquifers are still not known for waterborne pathogens relevant to human health. Firstly, we hypothesized that waterborne enteric pathogens would be relatively increased in heated groundwater plumes. To prove this, microbiological sampling of 31 piezometers covering the domain of an urban groundwater body affected by microbiological contamination and energetically exploited by 70 groundwater heat pump systems...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
An upscaling procedure for the optimal implementation of open-loop geothermal energy systems into hydrogeological models
Different aspects of management policies for shallow geothermal systems are currently under development. Although this technology has been used for a long time, doubts and concerns have been raised in the last years due to the massive implementation of new systems. To assess possible environmental impacts and manage subsurface energy resources, collecting data from operating shallow geothermal systems is becoming mandatory in Europe. This study presents novel advances in the upscaling of operation...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Process-based monitoring and modeling of Karst springs - Linking intrinsic to specific vulnerability
The presented work illustrates to what extent field investigations as well as monitoring and modeling approaches are necessary to understand the high discharge dynamics and vulnerability of Karst springs. In complex settings the application of 3D geological models is essential for evaluating the vulnerability of Karst systems. They allow deriving information on catchment characteristics, as the geometry of aquifers and aquitards as well as their displacements along faults.A series of Karst springs...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Combining monitoring and modelling tools as a basis for city-scale concepts for a sustainable thermal management of urban groundwater resources
Increasing anthropogenic impacts lead to elevated temperatures of the shallow subsurface, including the unsaturated and groundwater saturated zone, in many urban areas in comparison to unaffected natural thermal states. The "current thermal state" of four groundwater bodies in the urban area of Basel-City, Switzerland, was investigated by means of high-resolution multilevel temperature wells and numerical 3D groundwater flow and heat transport models. The calibrated and validated numerical groundwater...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Identifying differences in carbohydrate dynamics of seedlings and mature trees to improve carbon allocation in models for trees and forests
Carbohydrates play a central role in plant functioning because they are building blocks and energy carriers for plant metabolic processes. Because plants are sessile organisms and cannot escape stressful environments they acclimate to unfavourable conditions by strategically allocating carbohydrate resources to overcome stress and promote survival, and build reserves for later use when demand is greater than supply from photosynthesis, like after defoliation. A mechanistic understanding of how plants...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Linkage of root morphology to anatomy with increasing nitrogen availability in six temperate tree species
Aims Fine root morphological traits are generally changed under soil nitrogen (N) enrichment, however, the underlying mechanism and functional significance are still not well understood. Our aims were to investigate the linkage of root morphology to anatomy, and its implication for root function at elevated soil N availability. Methods Ingrowth cores were used to sample root tips (0-20 cm soil depth) from six temperate tree species growing in monoculture plantations at a common site in northeastern...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Cerebral Corpora amylacea are dense membranous labyrinths containing structurally preserved cell organelles
Corpora amylacea are cell-derived structures that appear physiologically in the aged human brain. While their histological identification is straightforward, their ultrastructural composition and microenvironment at the nanoscale have remained unclear so far, as has their relevance to aging and certain disease states that involve the sequestration of toxic cellular metabolites. Here, we apply correlative serial block-face scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron tomography to gain three-dimensional...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Variability in delta C-13 values between individual Daphnia ephippia: Implications for palaeo-studies
The stable carbon isotope ratio (delta C-13 value) of Daphnia spp. resting egg shells (ephippia) provides information on past changes in Daphnia diet. Measurements are typically performed on samples of >= 20 ephippia, which obscures the range of values associated with individual ephippia. Using a recently developed laser ablation-based technique, we perform multiple delta C-13 analyses on individual ephippia, which show a high degree of reproducibility (standard deviations 0.1-0.5 parts per thousand)....
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
The last hornbeam forests in SW Europe: new evidence on the demise of Carpinus betulus in NW Iberia
Carpinus betulus L. is a mesic, usually considered late-successional tree widely distributed in Europe, but almost absent from Iberia, where it is generally assumed that disappeared during the coldest stages of the Wurm. High-resolution pollen analyses were carried out in C-14 dated sediments from a drowned estuary (ria) and a small mountain lake. Carpinus pollen identification was confirmed by comparative light and scanning electron microscopy. Hornbeam dynamics are interpreted using palaeoclimatic...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Flotsam samples can help explain the delta C-13 and delta N-15 values of invertebrate resting stages in lake sediment
The stable isotopic composition of chitinous remains of Cladocera (water fleas) and freshwater Bryozoa (moss animals) preserved in lake sediment records can provide supporting insights into past environmental and ecosystem changes in lakes. Here we explore whether analyses of these remains isolated from lake flotsam can provide information on the driving variables affecting the isotopic composition of these remains. We collected flotsam in 53 lakes and found enough material in 33 lakes to measure...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
An empirical perspective for understanding climate change impacts in Switzerland
Planning for the future requires a detailed understanding of how climate change affects a wide range of systems at spatial scales that are relevant to humans. Understanding of climate change impacts can be gained from observational and reconstruction approaches and from numerical models that apply existing knowledge to climate change scenarios. Although modeling approaches are prominent in climate change assessments, observations and reconstructions provide insights that cannot be derived from simulations...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Limnological changes in South Carpathian glacier-formed lakes (Retezat Mountains, Romania) during the Late Glacial and the Holocene: A synthesis
Remains of aquatic biota preserved in mountain lake sediments provide an excellent tool to study lake ecosystem responses to past climate change. In the PROLONG project a multi-proxy study was performed on sediments of glacier-formed lakes from the Retezat Mountains, Southern Carpathians (Romania). The studied lakes (Lake Brazi and Gales) are situated on the northern slope of the mountain at different altitudes (1740 m and 1990 m a.s.l.). Our main objectives were 1) to describe the main limnological...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Synthesis and characterization of a PDMS-PMOXA based polymersomes sensitive to MMP-9 for application in breast cancer
Cytotoxic compounds used to treat cancer are often associated with adverse events. The development of formulations activated by tumor-specific triggers would allow a reduction of systemic exposure while maintaining therapeutic concentrations in the tumor. One enzyme with proteolytic activity reported to be involved in tumor progression and assumed to be enhanced in the tumor environment is the matrixmetalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9). In our study, we aimed to develop surface modified PDMS-PMOXA polymersomes...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
GABAergic inhibition of leg motoneurons is required for normal walking behavior in freely moving Drosophila
Walking is a complex rhythmic locomotor behavior generated by sequential and periodical contraction of muscles essential for coordinated control of movements of legs and leg joints. Studies of walking in vertebrates and invertebrates have revealed that premotor neural circuitry generates a basic rhythmic pattern that is sculpted by sensory feedback and ultimately controls the amplitude and phase of the motor output to leg muscles. However, the identity and functional roles of the premotor interneurons...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
PGE2/EP3/SRC signaling induces EGFR nuclear translocation and growth through EGFR ligands release in lung adenocarcinoma cells
Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) interacts with tyrosine kinases receptor signaling in both tumor and stromal cells supporting tumor progression. Here we demonstrate that in non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) cells, A549 and GLC82, PGE2 promotes nuclear translocation of epidermal growth factor receptor (nEGFR), affects gene expression and induces cell growth. Indeed, cyclin D1, COX-2, iNOS and c-Myc mRNA levels are upregulated following PGE2 treatment. The nuclear localization sequence (NLS) of EGFR as...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
miR-1199-5p and Zeb1 function in a double-negative feedback loop potentially coordinating EMT and tumour metastasis
Epithelial tumour cells can gain invasive and metastatic capabilities by undergoing an epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Transcriptional regulators and post-transcriptional effectors like microRNAs orchestrate this process of high cellular plasticity and its malignant consequences. Here, using microRNA sequencing in a time-resolved manner and functional validation, we have identified microRNAs that are critical for the regulation of an epithelial-mesenchymal transition and of mesenchymal tumour...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
High-dose methotrexate-based immuno-chemotherapy for elderly primary CNS lymphoma patients (PRIMAIN study)
To investigate immuno-chemotherapy for elderly immuno-competent patients (⩾65 years) with newly diagnosed primary central nervous system lymphoma, we conducted a multicentre single-arm trial. One cycle consisted of rituximab (375 mg/m(2), days 1, 15, 29), high-dose methotrexate (3 g/m(2) days 2, 16, 30), procarbazine (60 mg/m(2) days 2-11) and lomustine (110 mg/m(2), day 2)-R-MPL protocol. Owing to infectious complications, we omitted lomustine during the study and consecutive patients were treated...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
A genome-wide association study on medulloblastoma
Medulloblastoma is a malignant embryonal tumor of the cerebellum that occurs predominantly in children. To find germline genetic variants associated with medulloblastoma risk, we conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) including 244 medulloblastoma cases and 247 control subjects from Sweden and Denmark.; Genotyping was performed using Illumina BeadChips, and untyped variants were imputed using IMPUTE2.; Fifty-nine variants in 11 loci were associated with increased medulloblastoma risk (p...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Body mass index and weight change are associated with adult lung function trajectories: the prospective ECRHS study
Previous studies have reported an association between weight increase and excess lung function decline in young adults followed for short periods. We aimed to estimate lung function trajectories during adulthood from 20-year weight change profiles using data from the population-based European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS).; We included 3673 participants recruited at age 20-44 years with repeated measurements of weight and lung function (forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Dual plasmepsin-targeting antimalarial agents disrupt multiple stages of the malaria parasite life cycle
Artemisin combination therapy (ACT) is the main treatment option for malaria, which is caused by the intracellular parasite Plasmodium. However, increased resistance to ACT highlights the importance of finding new drugs. Recently, the aspartic proteases Plasmepsin IX and X (PMIX and PMX) were identified as promising drug targets. In this study, we describe dual inhibitors of PMIX and PMX, including WM382, that block multiple stages of the Plasmodium life cycle. We demonstrate that PMX is a master...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Discovery and optimization of a compound series active against Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of chagas disease
Chagas disease is caused by the protozoan parasite; Trypanosoma cruzi; . It is endemic in South and Central America and recently has been found in other parts of the world, due to migration of chronically infected patients. The current treatment for Chagas disease is not satisfactory, and there is a need for new treatments. In this work, we describe the optimization of a hit compound resulting from the phenotypic screen of a library of compounds against; T. cruzi; . The compound series was optimized...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Short communication on the use of a free rabies hotline service in Chad
As part of the activities of a project to estimate burden of rabies and vaccine demand in Chad, funded by the GAVI Alliance, we set up a free hotline service to guide the population and related public services in the event of an animal bite. This short communication presents the data collected on use of the hotline and describes the value of such a mobile phone service. Flyers, posters and radio advertisements distributed information on the hotline. Not every conversation was systematically registered,...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Estimation of dog population and dog bite risk factors in departments of San Pedro and Bouake in Côte d'Ivoire
Rabies is endemic in Côte d'Ivoire and was identified in January 2017 as a priority zoonosis by all stakeholders in public health. A well-designed integrated national rabies control is essential to attain the objective of zero human deaths from dog rabies by 2030. The current study describes the complementary elements of dog bite risk factors and the dog population estimate that are relevant for planning sustainable interventions. We conducted a transverse survey in 8'004 households in the departments...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Lerisetron analogues with antimalarial properties: synthesis, structure-activity relationship studies, and biological assessment
A phenotypic whole cell high-throughput screen against the asexual blood and liver stages of the malaria parasite identified a benzimidazole chemical series. Among the hits were the antiemetic benzimidazole drug Lerisetron; 1; (IC; 50; NF54 = 0.81 μM) and its methyl-substituted analogue; 2; (IC; 50; NF54 = 0.098 μM). A medicinal chemistry hit to lead effort led to the identification of chloro-substituted analogue; 3; with high potency against the drug-sensitive NF54 (IC; 50; NF54 = 0.062 μM) and...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Model-based integration of genomics and metabolomics reveals SNP functionality in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Human tuberculosis is caused by members of the; Mycobacterium tuberculosis; complex (MTBC) that vary in virulence and transmissibility. While genome-wide association studies have uncovered several mutations conferring drug resistance, much less is known about the factors underlying other bacterial phenotypes. Variation in the outcome of tuberculosis infection and diseases has been attributed primarily to patient and environmental factors, but recent evidence indicates an additional role for the genetic...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Germline Elongator mutations in Sonic Hedgehog medulloblastoma
Cancer genomics has revealed many genes and core molecular processes that contribute to human malignancies, but the genetic and molecular bases of many rare cancers remains unclear. Genetic predisposition accounts for 5 to 10% of cancer diagnoses in children; 1,2; , and genetic events that cooperate with known somatic driver events are poorly understood. Pathogenic germline variants in established cancer predisposition genes have been recently identified in 5% of patients with the malignant brain...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Electric field and air ion exposures near high voltage overhead power lines and adult cancers: a case control study across England and Wales
Various mechanisms have been postulated to explain how electric fields emitted by high voltage overhead power lines, and the charged ions they produce, might be associated with possible adult cancer risk, but this has not previously been systematically explored in large scale epidemiological research.; We investigated risks of adult cancers in relation to modelled air ion density (per cm3) within 600 m (focusing analysis on mouth, lung, respiratory), and calculated electric field within 25 m (focusing...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Induction of hypoxia and necrosis in multicellular tumor spheroids is associated with resistance to chemotherapy treatment
Culture of cancerous cells in standard monolayer conditions poorly mirrors growth in three-dimensional architectures typically observed in a wide majority of cancers of different histological origin. Multicellular tumor spheroid (MCTS) culture models were developed to mimic these features. However, in vivo tumor growth is also characterized by the presence of ischemic and necrotic areas generated by oxygenation gradients and differential access to nutrients. Hypoxia and necrosis play key roles in...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.

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