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Τετάρτη 22 Ιουλίου 2020

Radiomics Signatures Based on Multiparametric MRI for the Preoperative Prediction of the HER2 Status of Patients with Breast Cancer
Publication date: Available online 22 July 2020Source: Academic RadiologyAuthor(s): Jing Zhou, Hongna Tan, Wei Li, Zehua Liu, Yaping Wu, Yan Bai, Fangfang Fu, Xin Jia, Aozi Feng, Huan Liu, Meiyun Wang
Academic Radiology
Wed Jul 22, 2020 17:29
Streamlining the Quantitative Metrics Workflow at a Comprehensive Cancer Center
Publication date: Available online 21 July 2020Source: Academic RadiologyAuthor(s): Sujaya H. Rao, Mayur Virarkar, Wei Tse Yang, Brett W. Carter, T. Alex Liu, David Piwnica-Worms, Priya R. Bhosale
Academic Radiology
Wed Jul 22, 2020 17:29
Expression and clinicopathological significance of <em>AOC4P</em>, <em>PRNCR1</em>, and <em>PCAT1</em> lncRNAs in breast cancer
Publication date: Available online 21 July 2020Source: Pathology - Research and PracticeAuthor(s): Rasoul Abdollahzadeh, Yaser Mansoori, Asaad Azarnezhad, Abdolreza Daraei, Sahereh Paknahad, Saman Mehrabi, Mohammad Bagher Tabei, Davood Jafari, Abbas Shakoori, Javad Tavakkoly‐Bazzaz, Mohammad Bagher Khadem Erfan
ScienceDirect Publication: Pathology - Research and Practice
Wed Jul 22, 2020 17:26
Unveiling dose‐ and time‐dependent osteosarcoma cell responses to the γ‐secretase inhibitor, DAPT, by confocal Raman microscopy
Abstract Using confocal Raman micro‐spectroscopy (CRM), this study aims to elucidate the cellular responses of the γ‐secretase inhibitor, N‐[N‐(3,5‐difluorophenacetyl)‐L‐alanyl]‐S‐phenylglycine t‐butyl ester (DAPT), in osteosarcoma (OS) cells in a dose‐ and time‐dependent manner. The K7M2 murine OS cell line was treated with different DAPT doses (0, 10, 20, and 40 μM) for 24 h and 48 h before investigations. Significant compositional changes (nucleic acids, protein and lipid) after DAPT treatment...
Journal of Biophotonics
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:51
Deep Learning Protocol for Improved Photoacoustic Brain Imaging
One of the key limitations for the clinical translation of photoacoustic imaging is penetration depth that is linked to the tissue maximum permissible exposures (MPE) recommended by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Here, we propose a method based on deep learning to virtually increase the MPE in order to enhance the signal‐to‐noise ratio of deep structures in the brain tissue. The proposed method is evaluated in an in vivo sheep brain imaging experiment. We believe this method can...
Journal of Biophotonics
Tue Jul 21, 2020 19:05
A Rapid White Blood Cell Classification System Based on Multi‐mode Imaging Technology
Abstract In order to simplify the complexity of white blood cell classification in existing POCT testing equipment, a white blood cell classification detection system based on microfluidic and multimode imaging was constructed. Microfluidic chip was used in the system. A multimodal optical imaging system based on the characteristics of blood samples was designed to obtain eigenvalue extraction of cells. Afterwards, a BP neural network model was constructed to realize automatic classification of...
Journal of Biophotonics
Tue Jul 21, 2020 19:03
The near‐infrared autofluorescence fingerprint of the brain
Abstract The brain is a vital organ involved in most of the central nervous system disorders. Their diagnosis and treatment require fast, cost‐effective, high‐resolution and high‐sensitivity imaging. The combination of a new generation of luminescent nanoparticles and imaging systems working in the second biological window (NIR‐II) is emerging as a reliable alternative. For NIR‐II imaging to become a robust technique at the preclinical level, full knowledge of the NIR‐II brain autofluorescence,...
Journal of Biophotonics
Tue Jul 21, 2020 18:49
upper respiratory tract infection; +208 new citations
208 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: upper respiratory tract infection These pubmed results were generated on 2020/07/22PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Upper respiratory tract infection
Wed Jul 22, 2020 17:13
upper respiratory tract infection; +208 new citations
208 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: upper respiratory tract infection These pubmed results were generated on 2020/07/22PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Upper respiratory tract infection
Wed Jul 22, 2020 13:10
Fluorescence nucleobase analogue-based strategy with high signal-to-noise ratio for ultrasensitive detection of food poisoning bacteria
Analyst, 2020, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D0AN01026J, PaperSung Hyun Hwang, Jung Ho Kim, Junghun Park, Ki Soo ParkWe developed a simple and ultrasensitive strategy for the identification of foodborne pathogens utilizing a fluorescent nucleobase analogue [2-aminopurine (2-AP)]-containing split G-quadruplex that binds blocker DNA. Compared to a previous...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
Wed Jul 22, 2020 02:00
Nanostructured mesoporous gold electrodes detect protein phosphorylation in cancer with electrochemical signal amplification
Analyst, 2020, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D0AN01096K, PaperAbu Ali Ibn Sina, Emtiaz Ahmed, Mostafa Kamal Masud, Md. Shahriar A. Hossain, Jongbeom Na, Yusuke Yamauchi, Matt TrauProtein phosphorylation is a posttranslational modification of kinase proteins that changes protein’s conformation to regulate crucial biological functions. However, phosphorylation of protein is significantly altered during cancer progression which triggers...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
Wed Jul 22, 2020 02:00
A Simplified Protein Purification Method through Nickel Cleavage of Recombinant Protein from Escherichia coli Cell Surface
Analyst, 2020, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D0AN01060J, CommunicationShanqing Huang, Tianbiao Wei, Wanxing Sha, Qingyuan Hu, Yingying Zhang, Jue Wang, Yu-Fei Jiang, Hao ChenTo simplify the protein purification process, we developed a novel one-step purification method in which the recombinant protein can be cleaved directly from Escherichia coli cell surface. This method involves...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
Wed Jul 22, 2020 02:00
Sandwich-type surface-enhanced Raman scattering sensor using dual aptamers and gold nanoparticles for the detection of tumor extracellular vesicles
Analyst, 2020, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D0AN01385D, CommunicationMin Hou, Dinggeng He, Hongchang Bu, HuiZhen Wang, Jin Huang, Jinqing Gu, Ri Wu, Hung-Wing Li, Xiaoxiao He, Kemin WangA sandwich-type surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) sensor using dual aptamers and gold-enhanced Raman signal probes has been succesfully constructed for the detection of tumor-derived extracellular vesicles. The simple and sensitive...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
Wed Jul 22, 2020 02:00
The effectiveness and acceptability of a portable pediatric sialometer: A new technique for saliva collection
Publication date: Available online 21 July 2020Source: Archives of Oral BiologyAuthor(s): Raphael Cavalcante Costa, Isabella Lima Arrais Ribeiro, Paulo Rogério Ferreti Bonan, Ana Maria Gondim Valença
Oral Biology
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:58
Efficacy of natural antimicrobials derived from phenolic compounds in the control of biofilm in children and adolescents compared to synthetic antimicrobials: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Publication date: Available online 21 July 2020Source: Archives of Oral BiologyAuthor(s): Mariana Leonel Martins, Mariana Batista Ribeiro-Lages, Daniele Masterson, Marcela Baraúno Magno, Yuri Wanderley Cavalcanti, Lucianne Cople Maia, Andréa Fonseca-Gonçalves
Oral Biology
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:58
Establishment and use of a three-dimensional ameloblastoma culture model to study the effects of butyric acid on the transcription of growth factors and laminin β3
Publication date: Available online 21 July 2020Source: Archives of Oral BiologyAuthor(s): Taichi Ishikawa, Jun Terashima, Daisuke Sasaki, Yu Shimoyama, Takashi Yaegashi, Minoru Sasaki
Oral Biology
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:58
Development and Validation of the Short Version of the Reflux Symptom Score: Reflux Symptom Score-12.
Related Articles Development and Validation of the Short Version of the Reflux Symptom Score: Reflux Symptom Score-12. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Jul 21;:194599820941003 Authors: Lechien JR, Bobin F, Rodriguez A, Dequanter D, Muls V, Huet K, Harmegnies B, Crevier-Buchman L, Hans S, Saussez S, Carroll TL Abstract OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a short version of the Reflux Symptom Score-the 12-question Reflux Symptom Score-12 (RSS-12)-for...
Technologies in Treatment of Head & Neck
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:56
Setting the stage: Contemporary staging of non-melanomatous skin cancer and implementation of the new American Joint Committee on cancer eighth edition staging manual.
Related Articles Setting the stage: Contemporary staging of non-melanomatous skin cancer and implementation of the new American Joint Committee on cancer eighth edition staging manual. Oral Oncol. 2019 11;98:102-108 Authors: Casswell G, Cavanagh K, Ravi Kumar AS, Giddings C, McDowell L Abstract Non-melanomatous skin cancer (NMSC) generally refers to basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. The majority of patients are curatively...
Technologies in Treatment of Head & Neck
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:56
The potential use of big data in oncology.
Related Articles The potential use of big data in oncology. Oral Oncol. 2019 11;98:8-12 Authors: Willems SM, Abeln S, Feenstra KA, de Bree R, van der Poel EF, Baatenburg de Jong RJ, Heringa J, van den Brekel MWM Abstract In this era of information technology, big data analysis is entering biomedical sciences. But what is big data, where do they come from and what can we do with it? In this commentary, the main sources of big data are explained,...
Technologies in Treatment of Head & Neck
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:56
Key approaches to interpret the findings of a meta-analysis on role of chemotherapy in 5000 patients with head and neck cancer treated by curative surgery.
Related Articles Key approaches to interpret the findings of a meta-analysis on role of chemotherapy in 5000 patients with head and neck cancer treated by curative surgery. Oral Oncol. 2019 11;98:174-175 Authors: Jayaraj R, Madhav MR, Sabarimurugan S, Kumarasamy C, Shetty SS, Gupta A, Baxi S PMID: 31477427 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Technologies in Treatment of Head & Neck
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:56
Enriched environment effect on Lipopolysaccharide-induced spatial learning, memory impairment and hippocampal inflammatory cytokine levels in male rats
Publication date: Available online 22 July 2020Source: Behavioural Brain ResearchAuthor(s): Arman Keymoradzadeh, Mojtaba Hedayati Ch, Mahmood Abedinzade, Rohollah Gazor, Mohammad Rostampour, Behrooz Khakpour Taleghani
Behavioural Brain Research
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:55
Mapping gene expression in social anxiety reveals the main brain structures involved in this disorder
Publication date: Available online 22 July 2020Source: Behavioural Brain ResearchAuthor(s): Filipe Ricardo Pires de Carvalho, Clévio David Rodrigues Nóbrega, Ana Teresa Conceição Figueira Martins
Behavioural Brain Research
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:55
Relative expected value of drugs versus competing rewards underpins vulnerability to and recovery from addiction
Publication date: Available online 22 July 2020Source: Behavioural Brain ResearchAuthor(s): Lee Hogarth, Matt Field
Behavioural Brain Research
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:55
Agreement Between Ti-RADS Classification and Bethesda Cytopathological Findings from Thyroid Nodules in Young Adults.
Related Articles Agreement Between Ti-RADS Classification and Bethesda Cytopathological Findings from Thyroid Nodules in Young Adults. Mil Med. 2020 Jul 21;: Authors: Zloczower E, Atas O, London D, Elharar L, Jacobe-Levy M, Marom T Abstract INTRODUCTION: Thyroid nodules are common in young adults. We sought to compare the sonographic characteristics (thyroid imaging reporting and data system [Ti-RADS] classification) with the reported cytological...
Association of Military Surgeons of the United States
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:53
The role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in alcohol-related behaviors
Publication date: Available online 22 July 2020Source: Brain Research BulletinAuthor(s): C.N. Miller, H.M. Kamens
ScienceDirect Publication: Brain Research Bulletin
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:51
Long-term effects of experimental carotid stenosis on hippocampal infarct pathology, neurons and glia and amelioration by environmental enrichment
Publication date: Available online 21 July 2020Source: Brain Research BulletinAuthor(s): William Stevenson, Yoshiki Hase, Elle Wilson, Annabel Hollins, Mai Hase, Abdel Ennaceur, Lucy Craggs, Masafumi Ihara, Karen Horsburgh, Raj N. Kalaria
ScienceDirect Publication: Brain Research Bulletin
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:51
Neuroinflammation is able to downregulate cytochrome P450 epoxygenases 2J3 and 2C11 in the rat brain
Publication date: Available online 21 July 2020Source: Brain Research BulletinAuthor(s): C. Navarro-Mabarak, M. Loaiza-Zuluaga, S. Hernández-Ojeda, R. Camacho-Carranza, J.J. Espinosa-Aguirre
ScienceDirect Publication: Brain Research Bulletin
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:51
Myelopoiesis specific gene expression profiling in human CD34<sup>+</sup> hematopoietic stem cells
Publication date: Available online 22 July 2020Source: Gene Expression PatternsAuthor(s): Madhuri Joshi, Gurudutta Gangenahalli
Gene Expression Patterns
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:48
The Optimal Feeding Enterostomy Creation During Esophagectomy to Reduce the Long-Term Risk of Small Bowel Obstruction.
Related Articles The Optimal Feeding Enterostomy Creation During Esophagectomy to Reduce the Long-Term Risk of Small Bowel Obstruction. World J Surg. 2020 Jul 20;: Authors: Otake R, Okamura A, Kanamori J, Takahashi K, Ushida Y, Imamura Y, Mine S, Watanabe M Abstract BACKGROUND: Although feeding jejunostomy (FJ) is commonly created during esophagectomy for postoperative enteral nutrition, it can be a cause of postoperative small bowel obstruction...
pubmed: "world j surg"[jour]
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:48
Risk Predictors of Prolonged Hypotension After Open Surgery for Pheochromocytomas and Paragangliomas.
Related Articles Risk Predictors of Prolonged Hypotension After Open Surgery for Pheochromocytomas and Paragangliomas. World J Surg. 2020 Jul 20;: Authors: Kong H, Li N, Tian J, Li XY Abstract BACKGROUND: Prolonged hypotension is a common complication after surgery for pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs). It places patients at an increased risk of major morbidities and even death. The objective of the study was to investigate the risk...
pubmed: "world j surg"[jour]
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:48
Letter to the Editor: Optimal Prediction of the Central Venous Catheter Insertion Depth Targeting the Cavoatrial Junction.
Related Articles Letter to the Editor: Optimal Prediction of the Central Venous Catheter Insertion Depth Targeting the Cavoatrial Junction. World J Surg. 2020 Jul 20;: Authors: Dadhwal US PMID: 32691104 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: "world j surg"[jour]
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:48
Chemokines in bone-metastatic breast cancer: Therapeutic opportunities
Publication date: October 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 87Author(s): Yucheng Wang, Shihong Ren, Zhan Wang, Zenan Wang, Ning Zhu, Danyang Cai, Zhaoming Ye, Jianwei Ruan
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:46
In-vitro and in-vivo anti-breast cancer activity of synergistic effect of berberine and exercise through promoting the apoptosis and immunomodulatory effects
Publication date: October 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 87Author(s): Wenyu Ma, Yaru Zhang, Min Yu, Bin Wang, Shiyu Xu, Jian Zhang, Xuegang Li, Xiaoli Ye
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:46
A complement-microglial axis driving inhibitory synapse related protein loss might contribute to systemic inflammation-induced cognitive impairment
Publication date: October 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 87Author(s): Shu-ming Li, Bin Li, Ling Zhang, Guang-fen Zhang, Jie Sun, Mu-huo Ji, Jian-jun Yang
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:46
Protective effect of isoliquiritigenin on experimental diabetic nephropathy in rats: Impact on Sirt-1/NFκB balance and NLRP3 expression
Publication date: October 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 87Author(s): Sharifa Alzahrani, Sawsan A. Zaitone, Eman Said, Mohamed El-Sherbiny, Sadeem Ajwah, Sumayyah Yasser Alsharif, Nehal M. Elsherbiny
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:46
An evaluation on potential anti-inflammatory effects of β-lapachone
Publication date: October 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 87Author(s): Narmin Mokarizadeh, Pouran Karimi, Hamid Kazemzadeh, Nazila Fathi Maroufi, Saeed Sadigh-Eteghad, Saba Nikanfar, Nadereh Rashtchizadeh
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:46
Cigarette smoke extract combined with lipopolysaccharide reduces OCTN1/2 expression in human alveolar epithelial cells in vitro and rat lung in vivo under inflammatory conditions
Publication date: October 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 87Author(s): Chuanzong Qi, Jian Zhou, Zihao Wang, Xin Fang, Dalang Li, Yong Jin, Jue Song
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:46
mRNA profiling reveals the potential mechanism of TIPE2 in attenuating cognitive deficits in APP/PS1 mice
Publication date: October 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 87Author(s): Zihan Xu, Wei Lu, Yongzhen Miao, Hui Li, Xiaodan Xie, Fang Zhang
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:46
Identification of the prognostic value of immune gene signature and infiltrating immune cells for esophageal cancer patients
Publication date: October 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 87Author(s): Lin Wang, Qian Wei, Ming Zhang, Lianze Chen, Zinan Li, Chenyi Zhou, Miao He, Minjie Wei, Lin Zhao
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Wed Jul 22, 2020 16:46

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