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Δευτέρα 20 Ιουλίου 2020

Cancers, Vol. 12, Pages 1969: Co-Expression of IL-7 Improves NKG2D-Based CAR T Cell Therapy on Prostate Cancer by Enhancing the Expansion and Inhibiting the Apoptosis and Exhaustion
Cancers, Vol. 12, Pages 1969: Co-Expression of IL-7 Improves NKG2D-Based CAR T Cell Therapy on Prostate Cancer by Enhancing the Expansion and Inhibiting the Apoptosis and Exhaustion Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers12071969 Authors: Cong He Ying Zhou Zhenlong Li Muhammad Asad Farooq Iqra Ajmal Hongmei Zhang Li Zhang Lei Tao Jie Yao Bing Du Mingyao Liu Wenzheng Jiang Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy is a promising approach in treating solid tumors...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Cancers, Vol. 12, Pages 1971: JAK-STAT Signalling Pathway in Cancer
Cancers, Vol. 12, Pages 1971: JAK-STAT Signalling Pathway in Cancer Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers12071971 Authors: Andrew J. Brooks Tracy Putoczki n/a
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Cancers, Vol. 12, Pages 1967: Low Absolute Lymphocyte Counts in the Peripheral Blood Predict Inferior Survival and Improve the International Prognostic Index in Testicular Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Cancers, Vol. 12, Pages 1967: Low Absolute Lymphocyte Counts in the Peripheral Blood Predict Inferior Survival and Improve the International Prognostic Index in Testicular Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers12071967 Authors: Pauli Vähämurto Marjukka Pollari Michael R. Clausen Francesco d’Amore Sirpa Leppä Susanna Mannisto Low absolute lymphocyte counts (ALC) and high absolute monocyte counts (AMC) are associated with poor survival in patients with...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Cancers, Vol. 12, Pages 1970: Accurate In-Vivo Quantification of CD19 CAR-T Cells after Treatment with Axicabtagene Ciloleucel (Axi-Cel) and Tisagenlecleucel (Tisa-Cel) Using Digital PCR
Cancers, Vol. 12, Pages 1970: Accurate In-Vivo Quantification of CD19 CAR-T Cells after Treatment with Axicabtagene Ciloleucel (Axi-Cel) and Tisagenlecleucel (Tisa-Cel) Using Digital PCR Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers12071970 Authors: Anita Badbaran Carolina Berger Kristoffer Riecken Anne Kruchen Maria Geffken Ingo Müller Nicolaus Kröger Francis A. Ayuk Boris Fehse Immunotherapy with CD19-specific chimeric antigen receptor (CAR-) T cells has shown excellent efficacy...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1732: Blocking Notch-Signaling Increases Neurogenesis in the Striatum After Stroke
Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1732: Blocking Notch-Signaling Increases Neurogenesis in the Striatum After Stroke Cells doi: 10.3390/cells9071732 Authors: Giuseppe Santopolo Jens P. Magnusson Olle Lindvall Zaal Kokaia Jonas Frisén Stroke triggers neurogenesis in the striatum in mice, with new neurons deriving in part from the nearby subventricular zone and in part from parenchymal astrocytes. The initiation of neurogenesis by astrocytes within the striatum is triggered by reduced Notch-signaling,...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1734: Interplay of TRIM2 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase and ALIX/ESCRT Complex: Control of Developmental Plasticity During Early Neurogenesis
Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1734: Interplay of TRIM2 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase and ALIX/ESCRT Complex: Control of Developmental Plasticity During Early Neurogenesis Cells doi: 10.3390/cells9071734 Authors: Lokapally Neuhaus Herfurth Hollemann Tripartite motif 2 (TRIM2) drives neurite outgrowth and polarization, is involved in axon specification, and confers neuroprotective functions during rapid ischemia. The mechanisms controlling neuronal cell fate determination and differentiation...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1733: Human Cardiac Organoids for Modeling Genetic Cardiomyopathy
Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1733: Human Cardiac Organoids for Modeling Genetic Cardiomyopathy Cells doi: 10.3390/cells9071733 Authors: Michele Filippo Buono Lisa von Boehmer Jaan Strang Simon P. Hoerstrup Maximilian Y. Emmert Bramasta Nugraha Genetic cardiomyopathies are characterized by changes in the function and structure of the myocardium. The development of a novel in vitro model could help to better emulate healthy and diseased human heart conditions and may improve the...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1735: PCAF Involvement in Lamin A/C-HDAC2 Interplay during the Early Phase of Muscle Differentiation
Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1735: PCAF Involvement in Lamin A/C-HDAC2 Interplay during the Early Phase of Muscle Differentiation Cells doi: 10.3390/cells9071735 Authors: Spartaco Santi Vittoria Cenni Cristina Capanni Giovanna Lattanzi Elisabetta Mattioli Lamin A/C has been implicated in the epigenetic regulation of muscle gene expression through dynamic interaction with chromatin domains and epigenetic enzymes. We previously showed that lamin A/C interacts with histone deacetylase...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1729: Daily Supplementation of L-Glutamine in Atrial Fibrillation Patients: The Effect on Heat Shock Proteins and Metabolites
Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1729: Daily Supplementation of L-Glutamine in Atrial Fibrillation Patients: The Effect on Heat Shock Proteins and Metabolites Cells doi: 10.3390/cells9071729 Authors: Roeliene Starreveld Kennedy S. S. Ramos Agnes J.Q.M. Muskens Bianca J.J.M. J.J.M. Brundel Natasja M.S. de Groot Pharmaco-therapeutic strategies of atrial fibrillation (AF) are moderately effective and do not prevent AF onset and progression. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1731: The Functionality of Endothelial-Colony-Forming Cells from Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1731: The Functionality of Endothelial-Colony-Forming Cells from Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Cells doi: 10.3390/cells9071731 Authors: Caomhán J. Lyons Timothy O'Brien Endothelial-colony-forming cells (ECFCs) are a population of progenitor cells which have demonstrated promising angiogenic potential both in vitro and in vivo. However, ECFCs from diabetic patients have been shown to be dysfunctional compared to ECFCs from healthy donors. Diabetes mellitus itself...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1730: The Molecular Function and Clinical Role of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Receptor in Cancer Cells
Cells, Vol. 9, Pages 1730: The Molecular Function and Clinical Role of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Receptor in Cancer Cells Cells doi: 10.3390/cells9071730 Authors: Yu-De Chu Chau-Ting Yeh The thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and its cognate receptor (TSHR) are of crucial importance for thyrocytes to proliferate and exert their functions. Although TSHR is predominantly expressed in thyrocytes, several studies have revealed that functional TSHR can also be detected in many extra-thyroid...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Challenges, Vol. 11, Pages 13: Agent-Based and System Dynamics Modeling of Water Field Services
Challenges, Vol. 11, Pages 13: Agent-Based and System Dynamics Modeling of Water Field Services Challenges doi: 10.3390/challe11020013 Authors: Bernard Amadei This paper explores the applicability of the agent-based (AB) and system dynamics (SD) methods to model a case study of the management of water field services. Water borehole sites are distributed over an area and serve the water needs of a population. The equipment at all borehole sites is managed by a single water utility that...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Clean Technol., Vol. 2, Pages 270-290: Torrefied Biomass as an Alternative in Coal-Fueled Power Plants: A Case Study on Grindability of Agroforestry Waste Forms
Clean Technol., Vol. 2, Pages 270-290: Torrefied Biomass as an Alternative in Coal-Fueled Power Plants: A Case Study on Grindability of Agroforestry Waste Forms Clean Technologies doi: 10.3390/cleantechnol2030018 Authors: Leonel J. R. Nunes The use of biomass as a renewable energy source is currently a reality, mainly due to the role it can play in replacing fossil energy sources. Within this possibility, coal substitution in the production of electric energy presents itself as a strong...
Clean Technologies
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 499: Estimation of Cadaveric Age by Ultrasonography
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 499: Estimation of Cadaveric Age by Ultrasonography Diagnostics doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10070499 Authors: Hiroaki Ichioka Daisuke Miyamori Noboru Ishikawa Risa Bandou Nozomi Idota Hiroki Kondou Hiroshi Ikegaya (1) Background: While decreasing bone mineral density (BMD) with age in living people has been well documented, a correlation between age and bone mineral density in deceased people has only been reported in a few studies. A correlation...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 498: COVID-19 Pneumonia: Three Thoracic Complications in the Same Patient
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 498: COVID-19 Pneumonia: Three Thoracic Complications in the Same Patient Diagnostics doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10070498 Authors: Andrea Borghesi Carlo Aggiusti Davide Farina Roberto Maroldi Maria Lorenza Muiesan The most dreaded thoracic complications in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are acute pulmonary embolism and pulmonary fibrosis. Both the complications are associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality. While...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 500: Simulation-Based Virtual-Reality Patient-Specific Rehearsal Prior to Endovascular Procedures: A Systematic Review
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 500: Simulation-Based Virtual-Reality Patient-Specific Rehearsal Prior to Endovascular Procedures: A Systematic Review Diagnostics doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10070500 Authors: Caroline Albrecht-Beste Nielsen Lars Lönn Lars Konge Mikkel Taudorf Patient-specific rehearsal (PsR) is a new concept whereby a procedure can be rehearsed virtually using the exact patient’s anatomical data prior to performing the real procedure. The aim of this study...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 497: Corneal In Vivo Laser-Scanning Confocal Microscopy Findings in Dry Eye Patients with Sjögren’s Syndrome
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 497: Corneal In Vivo Laser-Scanning Confocal Microscopy Findings in Dry Eye Patients with Sjögren’s Syndrome Diagnostics doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10070497 Authors: Yukihiro Matsumoto Osama M. A. Ibrahim Takashi Kojima Murat Dogru Jun Shimazaki Kazuo Tsubota Purpose: To evaluate the changes in cornea in Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) with a novel confocal microscopy device. Methods: Twenty-three right eyes of patients with SS (23 women;...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 496: Impact of Breast Density Awareness on Knowledge about Breast Cancer Risk Factors and the Self-Perceived Risk of Breast Cancer
Diagnostics, Vol. 10, Pages 496: Impact of Breast Density Awareness on Knowledge about Breast Cancer Risk Factors and the Self-Perceived Risk of Breast Cancer Diagnostics doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10070496 Authors: Kristina Bojanic Sonja Vukadin Filip Sarcevic Luka Malenica Kaja Grgic Robert Smolic Kristina Kralik Ines Bilic Curcic Gordana Ivanac George Y. Wu Martina Smolic Breast density (BD) reduces sensitivity of mammography, and is a strong risk factor...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Fermentation, Vol. 6, Pages 71: Antioxidant Content of Aronia Infused Beer
Fermentation, Vol. 6, Pages 71: Antioxidant Content of Aronia Infused Beer Fermentation doi: 10.3390/fermentation6030071 Authors: Jahn Kim Bashir Cho Beer is a fermented beverage in which antioxidants can contribute to the oxidative stability and nutraceutical properties of the product. Aronia berries are antioxidant-rich fruits of distinct sour and astringent taste, limiting their culinary uses. Previously, fermentation has proven to be effective in the removal of astringent...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Foods, Vol. 9, Pages 960: Sheep and Goat Meat Processed Products Quality: A Review
Foods, Vol. 9, Pages 960: Sheep and Goat Meat Processed Products Quality: A Review Foods doi: 10.3390/foods9070960 Authors: Teixeira Silva Guedes Rodrigues Even though sheep and goat processed meat products are not as popular as pork, beef or poultry and are generally considered not as important, they have a very important role in meat consumption around the world. A concise review of the origin and type of the most important sheep and goat processed meat products produced...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Foods, Vol. 9, Pages 959: Influence of the Microalga Chlorella vulgaris on the Growth and Metabolic Activity of Lactobacillus spp. Bacteria
Foods, Vol. 9, Pages 959: Influence of the Microalga Chlorella vulgaris on the Growth and Metabolic Activity of Lactobacillus spp. Bacteria Foods doi: 10.3390/foods9070959 Authors: Sylwia Ścieszka Elżbieta Klewicka The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the algae Chlorella vulgaris on the growth, acidifying activity, proportion of lactic acid isomers, and enzymatic profile of Lactobacillus brevis (ŁOCK 0944, ŁOCK 0980, ŁOCK 0992, and MG451814) isolated from vegetable...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Foods, Vol. 9, Pages 958: Use of Legumes in Extrusion Cooking: A Review
Foods, Vol. 9, Pages 958: Use of Legumes in Extrusion Cooking: A Review Foods doi: 10.3390/foods9070958 Authors: Antonella Pasqualone Michela Costantini Teodora Emilia Coldea Carmine Summo The traditional perception that legumes would not be suitable for extrusion cooking is now completely outdated. In recent years, an increasing number of studies have been conducted to assess the behavior of various types of legume flours in extrusion cooking, proving that legumes have excellent...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Healthcare, Vol. 8, Pages 221: Clinical Care Conditions and Needs of Palliative Care Patients from Five Italian Regions: Preliminary Data of the DEMETRA Project
Healthcare, Vol. 8, Pages 221: Clinical Care Conditions and Needs of Palliative Care Patients from Five Italian Regions: Preliminary Data of the DEMETRA Project Healthcare doi: 10.3390/healthcare8030221 Authors: Scaccabarozzi Amodio Riva Corli Maltoni Di Silvestre Turriziani Morino Pellegrini Crippa In order to plan the right palliative care for patients and their families, it is essential to have detailed information about patients’ needs....
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Healthcare, Vol. 8, Pages 219: Greater Postural Sway and Tremor During Balance Tasks in Patients with Plantar Fasciitis Compared to Age-Matched Controls
Healthcare, Vol. 8, Pages 219: Greater Postural Sway and Tremor During Balance Tasks in Patients with Plantar Fasciitis Compared to Age-Matched Controls Healthcare doi: 10.3390/healthcare8030219 Authors: Jerrold Petrofsky Robert Donatelli Michael Laymon Haneul Lee Plantar fasciitis (PF) is a common condition found in men and women and can reoccur throughout life. PF is commonly diagnosed by prolonged foot pain lasting more than 3 months and a plantar fascia over 0.4 mm thick,...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Healthcare, Vol. 8, Pages 220: Networks and Emotions in Cooperative Work: A Quasi-Experimental Study in University Nursing and Computer Engineering Students
Healthcare, Vol. 8, Pages 220: Networks and Emotions in Cooperative Work: A Quasi-Experimental Study in University Nursing and Computer Engineering Students Healthcare doi: 10.3390/healthcare8030220 Authors: Pilar Marqués-Sánchez Isaías García-Rodríguez José Alberto Benítez-Andrades Iván Fulgueiras-Carril Patricia Fernández-Sierra Elena Fernández-Martínez University students establish networks that impact on their behavior. Social Network Analysis (SNA) allows us to analyze...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Heritage, Vol. 3, Pages 838-857: Characterizing the Preservation Potential of Buried Marine Archaeological Sites
Heritage, Vol. 3, Pages 838-857: Characterizing the Preservation Potential of Buried Marine Archaeological Sites Heritage doi: 10.3390/heritage3030046 Authors: David Gregory The preservation potential of sediments from a submerged prehistoric site buried in a full marine environment was assessed using a combination of direct in situ measurements, measurements on extracted sediment cores and laboratory mesocosm experiments. The results show that first and foremost it is paramount to ascertain...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
Humanities, Vol. 9, Pages 66: “The Ocean in Us”: Navigating the Blue Humanities and Diasporic Chamoru Poetry
Humanities, Vol. 9, Pages 66: “The Ocean in Us”: Navigating the Blue Humanities and Diasporic Chamoru Poetry Humanities doi: 10.3390/h9030066 Authors: Craig Santos Perez This essay will explore the complex relationship between Pacific Islander Literature and the “Blue Humanities,” navigation traditions and canoe aesthetics, and Chamoru migration and diaspora. First, I will chart the history, theory, and praxis of Pacific voyaging traditions; the colonial history of...
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5242: Prices, Availability and Affordability of Medicines with Value-Added Tax Exemption: A Cross-Sectional Survey in the Philippines
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5242: Prices, Availability and Affordability of Medicines with Value-Added Tax Exemption: A Cross-Sectional Survey in the Philippines International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17145242 Authors: Krizzia Lambojon Jie Chang Amna Saeed Khezar Hayat Pengchao Li Minghuan Jiang Naveel Atif Gebrehaweria Kassa Desalegn Faiz Ullah Khan Yu Fang Background: Developing countries, such as the Philippines,...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5239: A Focused Review on the Maximal Exercise Responses in Hypo- and Normobaric Hypoxia: Divergent Oxygen Uptake and Ventilation Responses
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5239: A Focused Review on the Maximal Exercise Responses in Hypo- and Normobaric Hypoxia: Divergent Oxygen Uptake and Ventilation Responses International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17145239 Authors: Benedikt Treml Hannes Gatterer Johannes Burtscher Axel Kleinsasser Martin Burtscher The literature suggests that acute hypobaric (HH) and normobaric (NH) hypoxia exposure elicits different physiological responses....
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5241: Erratum: Therapeutic Atmosphere in Psychotherapy Sessions. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 4105
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5241: Erratum: Therapeutic Atmosphere in Psychotherapy Sessions. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 4105 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17145241 Authors: Marte L. Siegel Eva M. Gullestad Binder Hanne Sofie J. Dahl Nikolai O. Czajkowski Kenneth L. Critchfield Per A. Høglend Randi Ulberg The authors wish to make the following correction to their paper [...]
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5240: Associations of Sleep Quality and Frailty among the Older Adults with Chronic Disease in China: The Mediation Effect of Psychological Distress
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5240: Associations of Sleep Quality and Frailty among the Older Adults with Chronic Disease in China: The Mediation Effect of Psychological Distress International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17145240 Authors: Peipei Fu Chengchao Zhou Qingyue Meng Frailty affects the elderly and leads to adverse health outcomes. Preliminary evaluations have suggested that sleep quality and psychological distress are predictors of...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5238: Driving Accidents, Driving Violations, Symptoms of Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity (ADHD) and Attentional Network Tasks
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5238: Driving Accidents, Driving Violations, Symptoms of Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity (ADHD) and Attentional Network Tasks International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17145238 Authors: Zamani Sani Fathirezaie Sadeghi-Bazargani Badicu Ebrahimi Grosz Sadeghi Bahmani Brand Background: Iran has serious problems with traffic-related injuries and death. A major reason for traffic accidents is cognitive...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5237: Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Association between Periodontitis and Cardiovascular Disease Using the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study Data
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5237: Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Association between Periodontitis and Cardiovascular Disease Using the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study Data International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17145237 Authors: Byun Lee Kang Choi Hong This cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the association between periodontitis and cardiovascular disease (CVD) by reviewing and discussing the role of the oral microbiome...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5228: Global Research Output and Theme Trends on Climate Change and Infectious Diseases: A Restrospective Bibliometric and Co-Word Biclustering Investigation of Papers Indexed in PubMed (1999–2018)
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5228: Global Research Output and Theme Trends on Climate Change and Infectious Diseases: A Restrospective Bibliometric and Co-Word Biclustering Investigation of Papers Indexed in PubMed (1999–2018) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17145228 Authors: Fan Li Hao Zhou De-Sheng Huang Peng Guan Climate change is a challenge for the sustainable development of an international economy and society. The impact...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5235: Relationships among Leisure Physical Activity, Sedentary Lifestyle, Physical Fitness, and Happiness in Adults 65 Years or Older in Taiwan
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5235: Relationships among Leisure Physical Activity, Sedentary Lifestyle, Physical Fitness, and Happiness in Adults 65 Years or Older in Taiwan International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17145235 Authors: Lin Chen Ho Lee The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship among leisure physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, physical fitness, and happiness in healthy elderly adults aged over 65 years...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5234: Cost-Effectiveness of a Problem-Solving Intervention Aimed to Prevent Sickness Absence Among Employees with Common Mental Disorders or Occupational Stress
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5234: Cost-Effectiveness of a Problem-Solving Intervention Aimed to Prevent Sickness Absence Among Employees with Common Mental Disorders or Occupational Stress International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17145234 Authors: Keus Van De Poll Bergström Jensen Nybergh Kwak Lornudd Lohela-Karlsson The cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness of a work-directed intervention implemented by the occupational health...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5236: Attitudes of the Public to Receiving Medical Care during Emergencies through Remote Physician–Patient Communications
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5236: Attitudes of the Public to Receiving Medical Care during Emergencies through Remote Physician–Patient Communications International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17145236 Authors: Hamlin Steingrimsson Cohen Bero Bar-Tl Adini Providing health services through remote communications for sub-acute health issues during emergencies may help reduce the burden of the health care system and increase availability...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5233: Return to Work and Quality of Life after Stroke in Italy: A Study on the Efficacy of Technologically Assisted Neurorehabilitation
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5233: Return to Work and Quality of Life after Stroke in Italy: A Study on the Efficacy of Technologically Assisted Neurorehabilitation International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17145233 Authors: Sheyda Ghanbari Ghoshchi Sara De Angelis Giovanni Morone Monica Panigazzi Benedetta Persechino Marco Tramontano Edda Capodaglio Pierluigi Zoccolotti Stefano Paolucci Marco Iosa Cerebrovascular diseases,...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Mon Jul 20, 2020 03:00
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5232: The Frontline Nurse’s Experience of Nursing Outlier Patients
IJERPH, Vol. 17, Pages 5232: The Frontline Nurse’s Experience of Nursing Outlier Patients International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph17145232 Authors: Cheung West Boughton The frontline nu

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