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Κυριακή 26 Ιουλίου 2020

Guillain–Barré Syndrome Secondary to West Nile Virus in New York City
West Nile virus (WNV) is an arthropod-borne flavivirus belonging taxonomically to the Japanese encephalitis subgroup. Usually, it is transmitted by Culex pipiens mosquitoes. Consequently, an increase in WNV-positive mosquitoes presents a rise of the number of patients, as it has been seen in NYC. We present a 65-year-old patient with WNV infection who presented with Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS). She had a rapidly progressing ascending paralysis, a common feature in GBS patients but an uncommon presentation...
Case Reports in Infectious Diseases
Sun Jul 26, 2020 18:35
Persistent Cutibacterium (Formerly Propionibacterium) acnes Bacteremia and Refractory Endocarditis in a Patient with Retained Implantable Pacemaker Leads
Cutibacterium (formerly Propionibacterium) acnes (C. acnes) is a commensal bacteria commonly found on the human skin and in the mouth. While the virulence of C. acnes is low in humans, it does produce a biofilm and has been identified as an etiologic agent in a growing number of implant-associated infections. C. acnes infections can prove diagnostically challenging as laboratory cultures can often take greater than 5 days to yield positive results, which are then often disregarded as contaminant....
Case Reports in Infectious Diseases
Sun Jul 26, 2020 08:50
A Case of Brevibacillus brevis Meningitis and Bacteremia
Brevibacillus species are environmental organisms that are rarely implicated as human pathogens. We present the case of postsurgical Brevibacillus brevis bacterial meningitis and an associated bacteremia after debulking surgery for a newly diagnosed pilocytic astrocytoma in a 19-year-old woman. The patient experienced clinical cure with a 4-week course of vancomycin, but her postinfectious course was complicated by the development of a pseudomeningocele that required surgical repair. To our knowledge,...
Case Reports in Infectious Diseases
Sat Jul 25, 2020 10:50
Spontaneous Gastric Necrosis: A Rare Presentation of Invasive Mucormycosis in an Immunocompetent Adult
Spontaneous gastric perforations are usually seen in patients with untreated peptic ulcer disease. Mucormycosis, an uncommon, opportunistic, life-threatening fungal infection, rarely causes gastric perforation in immunocompetent adults. Here, we present a case of young female who was admitted to hospital for acute pain abdomen and distension with 5 days history of fever. She was operated and was found to have multiple perforations in the stomach with transmural necrosis. Despite adequate surgical...
Case Reports in Infectious Diseases
Sat Jul 25, 2020 03:20
Coinfection of Aspergillus and Cryptococcus in Immunocompromised Host: A Case Report and Review of Literature
Management of infections in the immunocompromised patient requires unique considerations that are not typically seen in the immunocompetent. Immunocompromised hosts require a broad set of differential diagnoses when presenting with febrile illness involving a wide variety of microbiology. Moreover, fungal infections are common, and cotreatment of fungal and bacterial infections occurs with regularity. Fungal coinfection, however, is rare. Here, we describe a patient with Aspergillus and recurrent...
Case Reports in Infectious Diseases
Fri Jul 24, 2020 20:20
A Fatal Case of Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM) Complicated with Diabetes Insipidus (DI): A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Naegleria fowleri is a highly infective free-living amoeba usually isolated from soil and fresh water and is primarily found to infect the central nervous system (CNS) resulting in primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). PAM as a cause of meningitis is often overlooked for other, more common causes of meningitis. Despite all the advances in antimicrobial therapy and supportive care systems, the mortality rate of this rare infection remains above 95% with the bulk of the cases being found in developed...
Case Reports in Infectious Diseases
Fri Jul 24, 2020 17:50
Double lingual frenulum: a case report
The lingual frenulum is a mucous membrane fold found underneath the tongue. It helps the tongue to perform its function. There are few anomalies that can affect the lingual frenulum, such as ankyloglossia and ...
Journal of Medical Case Reports - Latest Articles
Sun Jul 26, 2020 03:00
Patient with rheumatoid arthritis with deep vein thrombosis presenting as a calf strain: a case report
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis experience various comorbidities, including cardiovascular disease. More data and awareness exist regarding the adverse effects of rheumatoid arthritis affecting the arterial...
Journal of Medical Case Reports - Latest Articles
Fri Jul 24, 2020 03:00
Special issue dedicated to William Fenical: a pioneer in marine/marine-derived microbial chemistry
The Journal of Antibiotics - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Marine microbial natural products: the evolution of a new field of science
The Journal of Antibiotics - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Special issue dedicated to William Fenical: a pioneer in marine/marine-derived microbial chemistry
The Journal of Antibiotics, Published online: 27 July 2020; doi:10.1038/s41429-020-0335-0Special issue dedicated to William Fenical: a pioneer in marine/marine-derived microbial chemistry
The Journal of Antibiotics - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Marine microbial natural products: the evolution of a new field of science
The Journal of Antibiotics, Published online: 27 July 2020; doi:10.1038/s41429-020-0331-4Marine microbial natural products: the evolution of a new field of science
The Journal of Antibiotics - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Delayed Presentation of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia with Acute Respiratory Distress: Challenges in Diagnosis and Management
Delayed presentation of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) with acute respiratory distress beyond the newborn period may poise challenges in diagnosis and management. We report a 3-month-old infant who presented with acute-onset respiratory distress and left congenital diaphragmatic hernia that was relieved with thoracoscopic repair. CDH must be differentiated from pneumothorax or pulmonary cyst. Erroneous diagnosis and treatment with thoracocentesis could be disastrous. Pediatricians and surgeons...
Case Reports in Pediatrics
Sun Jul 26, 2020 19:05
A Follow-Up Report of an Infant Born to a Mother Receiving Tamoxifen
Tamoxifen, an estrogen receptor antagonist, is contraindicated in pregnant women due to its teratogenic activity. In the present study, we report the case of an infant whose mother received tamoxifen for breast cancer while unaware of the pregnancy. The infant, born at 29 weeks and 6 days of gestational age with a birth weight of 1664 g, had no congenital anomalies. This case presents detailed information on the development of an infant with placental transfer of tamoxifen. The infant has grown and...
Case Reports in Pediatrics
Sun Jul 26, 2020 18:20
Outcomes of Extraocular Muscle Surgery for Diplopia or Abnormal Head Posture After Treatment of Brain Disease
Clinical Ophthalmology
Genetic mutations help MRSA to become highly resistant to antibiotics
Scientists have found that genetic mutations in MRSA allow it to evolve and become more resistant to antibiotics such as penicillin.
Evolutionary Biology News -- ScienceDaily
Fri Jul 24, 2020 21:30
Genome-mapping reveals 'supermutation' resulting in cryptic coloration in stick insects
Biologists discuss findings from an investigation of genetic mutations in seven species of North American stick insects (Timema) resulting in cryptic coloration.
Evolutionary Biology News -- ScienceDaily
Thu Jul 23, 2020 21:37
How infectious bacteria can produce genetic variants among sibling cells
A research team is investigating how pathogens influence the immune response of their host with genetic variation. This enables Staphylococcus aureus bacteria to develop antibiotic resistance and improve their chances of survival.
Evolutionary Biology News -- ScienceDaily
Wed Jul 22, 2020 20:49
The Effect of H2S Pressure on the Formation of Multiple Corrosion Products on 316L Stainless Steel Surface
H2S gas when exposed to metal can be responsible for both general and localized corrosion, which depend on several parameters such as H2S concentration and the corrosion product layer formed. Therefore, the formation of passive film on 316L steel when exposed to H2S environment was investigated using several analysis methods such as FESEM and STEM/EDS analyses, which identified a sulfur species underneath the porous structure of the passive film. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis demonstrated...
The Scientific World Journal
Sun Jul 26, 2020 17:05
Endovascular Management of Tibioperoneal Trunk Pseudoaneurysm with Arteriovenous Fistula
Publication date: Available online 25 July 2020Source: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryAuthor(s): Vladimir Cvetic, Borivoje Lukic
ScienceDirect Publication: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Sun Jul 26, 2020 21:10
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum and Isolated Iliac Artery Occlusion
Publication date: Available online 25 July 2020Source: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryAuthor(s): Peter Gillgren, Jonas Malmstedt
ScienceDirect Publication: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Sun Jul 26, 2020 21:10
Re “The Effect of Mode of Anaesthesia on Outcomes After Elective Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm”
Publication date: Available online 25 July 2020Source: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryAuthor(s): Arindam Chaudhuri, Anwar K. Rashid
ScienceDirect Publication: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Sun Jul 26, 2020 21:10
Missed Opportunities for Timely Recognition of Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischaemia in Patients Undergoing a Major Amputation: A Population Based Cohort Study Using the UK's Clinical Practice Research Datalink
Publication date: Available online 24 July 2020Source: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryAuthor(s): Andrew T.O. Nickinson, Briana Coles, Francesco Zaccardi, Laura J. Gray, Tanya Payne, Matthew J. Bown, Robert S.M. Davies, Kamlesh Khunti, Rob D. Sayers
ScienceDirect Publication: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Sat Jul 25, 2020 18:10
Continued Haemorrhage due to Type II Endoleak After EVAR for Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Necessitating Open Conversion
Publication date: Available online 24 July 2020Source: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryAuthor(s): Sven R. Mathisen
ScienceDirect Publication: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Sat Jul 25, 2020 18:10
Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in a Patient with Right Pelvic Kidney and Previous Left Nephrectomy
Publication date: Available online 24 July 2020Source: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryAuthor(s): Andreja Dimic, Milos Sladojevic
ScienceDirect Publication: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Sat Jul 25, 2020 18:10
Combined modified-Dixon and PROPELLER method with low refocusing flip angle for contrast-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted MRI: A prospective cross-sectional study
Publication date: Available online 25 July 2020Source: Magnetic Resonance ImagingAuthor(s): Yutaka Shigenaga, Daisuke Takenaka, Takayuki Ishida
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Sun Jul 26, 2020 19:22
Test-retest reliability and reproducibility of long-label pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling
Publication date: Available online 25 July 2020Source: Magnetic Resonance ImagingAuthor(s): Tianye Lin, Jianxun Qu, Zhentao Zuo, Xiaoyuan Fan, Hui You, Feng Feng
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Sat Jul 25, 2020 13:04
Effectiveness of exercise on fatigue and sleep quality in fibromyalgia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials
Publication date: Available online 25 July 2020Source: Archives of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationAuthor(s): Fernando Estévez-López, Cristina Maestre-Cascales, Deborrah Russell, Inmaculada C. Álvarez-Gallardo, María Rodriguez-Ayllon, Ciara M. Hughes, Gareth W. Davison, Borja Sañudo, Joseph G. McVeigh
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Sun Jul 26, 2020 18:48
Information/Education Pages (I/EPs)
Publication date: August 2020Source: Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Volume 101, Issue 8Author(s):
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Fri Jul 24, 2020 20:50
Editors' Selections From This Issue: Volume 101 / Number 8 / August 2020
Publication date: August 2020Source: Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Volume 101, Issue 8Author(s):
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Fri Jul 24, 2020 20:50
Table of Contents
Publication date: August 2020Source: Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Volume 101, Issue 8Author(s):
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Fri Jul 24, 2020 20:50
Editorial Board
Publication date: August 2020Source: Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Volume 101, Issue 8Author(s):
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Fri Jul 24, 2020 20:50
Publication date: August 2020Source: Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Volume 101, Issue 8Author(s):
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Fri Jul 24, 2020 20:50
Reliable interpretation of scapular kinematics depends on coordinate system definition
Publication date: Available online 25 July 2020Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): Christopher W. Kolz, Hema J. Sulkar, Klevis Aliaj, Robert Z. Tashjian, Peter N. Chalmers, Yuqing Qiu, Yue Zhang, K. Bo Foreman, Andrew E. Anderson, Heath B. Henninger
Gait & Posture
Sun Jul 26, 2020 17:44
Pseudo-hyperscanning shows common neural activity during face-to-face communication to be associated with shared affective feelings but not mere emotion recognition
Publication date: Available online 25 July 2020Source: CortexAuthor(s): Silke Anders, Julius Verrel, John-Dylan Haynes, Thomas Ethofer
Sun Jul 26, 2020 17:40
The status of semantic memory in medial temporal lobe amnesia varies with demands on scene construction
Publication date: Available online 25 July 2020Source: CortexAuthor(s): Kristin Lynch, Margaret M. Keane, Mieke Verfaellie
Sun Jul 26, 2020 17:40
Cover figure
Publication date: August 2020Source: Cortex, Volume 129Author(s):
Sat Jul 25, 2020 17:36
One century after Liepmann's work on apraxia: Where are we now?
Publication date: August 2020Source: Cortex, Volume 129Author(s): François Osiurak, Angela Bartolo
Sat Jul 25, 2020 17:36
Editorial Board
Publication date: August 2020Source: Cortex, Volume 129Author(s):
Sat Jul 25, 2020 17:36

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