Κυριακή 24 Μαΐου 2020

Handling, infectious agents and physiological condition influence survival and post-release behaviour in migratory adult coho salmon after experimental displacement.
Related ArticlesHandling, infectious agents and physiological condition influence survival and post-release behaviour in migratory adult coho salmon after experimental displacement. Conserv Physiol. 2020;8(1):coaa033 Authors: Chapman JM, Teffer AK, Bass AL, Hinch SG, Patterson DA, Miller KM, Cooke SJ Abstract For Pacific salmon captured and released by fisheries, post-release behaviour and survival may be influenced by their health and condition at time...
pubmed: "conserv physiol"[jo...
Sat May 23, 2020 13:40
Patient Perceptions on a Non-Blinded Randomized Trial of Radiotherapy Technologies: A Novel Survey Study Exploring Therapeutic Misconception
Publication date: Available online 23 May 2020Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*PhysicsAuthor(s): Dean A. Shumway, Amy Motomura, Kent A. Griffith, James Hayman, Lori J. Pierce, Reshma Jagsi
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Sat May 23, 2020 13:33
Bridging Radiation Therapy Prior to Commercial Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy for relapsed/refractory aggressive B-cell lymphoma
Publication date: Available online 22 May 2020Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*PhysicsAuthor(s): Christopher M. Wright, Michael J. LaRiviere, Jonathan A. Baron, Chibueze Uche, Ying Xiao, W. Tristram Arscott, Emily J. Anstadt, Andrew R. Barsky, David Miller, Meredith I. LaRose, Daniel J. Landsburg, Jakub Svoboda, Sunita D. Nasta, James N. Gerson, Stefan K. Barta, Elise A. Chong, Stephen J. Schuster, Ima Paydar, Amit Maity, John P. Plastaras
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Fri May 22, 2020 13:29
Dexamethasone for the prevention of a pain flare after palliative radiotherapy for painful bone metastases: the multicenter double-blind placebo-controlled three-armed randomized Dutch DEXA study.
Publication date: Available online 22 May 2020Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*PhysicsAuthor(s): Yvette M. van der Linden, Paulien G. Westhoff, Rebecca K. Stellato, Angela van Baardwijk, Kim de Vries, Francisca Ong, Ruud Wiggenraad, Bonnie Bakri, Gerda Wester, Ilse de Pree, Lieneke van Veelen, Tom Budiharto, Maaike Schippers, Anna KL. Reyners, Alexander de Graeff
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Fri May 22, 2020 13:29
Developing an Improved Statistical Approach for Survival Estimation in Bone Metastases Management: The Bone Metastases Ensemble Trees for Survival (BMETS) Model
Publication date: Available online 22 May 2020Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*PhysicsAuthor(s): Sara R. Alcorn, Jacob Fiksel, Jean L. Wright, Christen R. Elledge, Thomas J. Smith, Powell Perng, Sarah Saleemi, Todd McNutt, Theodore L. DeWeese, Scott Zeger
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Fri May 22, 2020 13:29
Stereotactic radiotherapy combined with immunotherapy against metastatic melanoma: Long term results of a phase I clinical trial
Publication date: Available online 22 May 2020Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*PhysicsAuthor(s): Gishan Ratnayake, Simone Reinwald, Mark Shackleton, Maggie Moore, Mark Voskoboynik, Jeremy Ruben, Menno C. van Zelm, Di Yu, Rachel Ward, Robin Smith, Andrew Haydon, Sashendra Senthi
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Fri May 22, 2020 13:29
Remdesivir for the Treatment of Covid-19 — Preliminary Report
New England Journal of Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Massachusetts Medical Society: New England Journal of Medicine: Table of Contents
Fri May 22, 2020 12:45
Surgery Scheduling in a Crisis
New England Journal of Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Massachusetts Medical Society: New England Journal of Medicine: Table of Contents
Fri May 22, 2020 12:00
Pulmonary Vascular Endothelialitis, Thrombosis, and Angiogenesis in Covid-19
New England Journal of Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Massachusetts Medical Society: New England Journal of Medicine: Table of Contents
Thu May 21, 2020 09:07
Covid-19, Angiogenesis, and ARDS Endotypes
New England Journal of Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Massachusetts Medical Society: New England Journal of Medicine: Table of Contents
Thu May 21, 2020 09:00
Effectiveness Comparison of Dexmedetomidine and Remifentanil for Perioperative Management in Patients Undergoing Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.
Related ArticlesEffectiveness Comparison of Dexmedetomidine and Remifentanil for Perioperative Management in Patients Undergoing Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2020 May 21;:1945892420927291 Authors: Huh H, Park JJ, Seong HY, Lee SH, Yoon SZ, Cho JE Abstract BACKGROUND: For patients undergoing endoscopic sinus surgery, intranasal injection of epinephrine can cause acute increases in heart rate and blood pressure. OBJECTIVE:...
rhinol allergy
Sat May 23, 2020 13:21
Chronic Rhinosinusitis Patients With and Without Polyps Experience Different Symptom Perception and Quality of Life Burdens.
Chronic Rhinosinusitis Patients With and Without Polyps Experience Different Symptom Perception and Quality of Life Burdens. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2020 May 21;:1945892420927244 Authors: Talat R, Speth MM, Gengler I, Phillips KM, Caradonna DS, Gray ST, Sedaghat AR Abstract OBJECTIVE: We sought to determine if chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) patients with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) differentially perceived CRS symptom burden compared to patients without nasal...
rhinol allergy
Fri May 22, 2020 13:35
Effect of Inhalational Therapy on Buccal Mucosal Cells in Asthmatic Patients: A Cytological Study.
Related ArticlesEffect of Inhalational Therapy on Buccal Mucosal Cells in Asthmatic Patients: A Cytological Study. Rambam Maimonides Med J. 2020 May 20;: Authors: Benazir MI, Prasad H, Rajmohan M, Srichinthu KK, Prema P, Mahalakshmi L, Kumar GS Abstract OBJECTIVE: Inhalational drugs used in treating asthma have several side effects including those on oral tissues. We therefore designed a study to analyze the effects of inhalational drugs on the buccal...
Rambam Maimonides Med J
Sat May 23, 2020 13:12
Highly pathogenic H7N9 avian influenza virus infection associated with up-regulation of PD-1/PD-Ls pathway-related molecules
Publication date: August 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 85Author(s): Yan Hua Li, Chen Yu Hu, Lin Fang Cheng, Xiao Xin Wu, Tian Hao Weng, Nan Ping Wu, Hang Ping Yao, Lan Juan Li
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Sat May 23, 2020 12:58
Impact of Wortmannilactone F and G31P on <em>Clonorchis Sinensis-</em>infected mice
Publication date: August 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 85Author(s): Yuanhua Qin, Zhongpei Zhang, Lili Zheng, Haiyan Wu, Xiaodong Dai, Yuesheng Dong, Yu Cui, Yixin Ren
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Sat May 23, 2020 12:58
Current evidence on immunological and regenerative effects of menstrual blood stem cells seeded on scaffold consisting of amniotic membrane and silk fibroin in chronic wound
Publication date: August 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 85Author(s): Ebrahim Mirzadegan, Hannaneh Golshahi, Somaieh Kazemnejad
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Sat May 23, 2020 12:58
Evaluation of Poly(I:C) and combination of CpG ODN plus Montanide ISA adjuvants to enhance the efficacy of outer membrane vesicles as an acellular vaccine against <em>Brucella melitensis</em> infection in mice
Publication date: July 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 84Author(s): Maryam Golshani, Mona Amani, Fatemeh Amirzadeh, Elahe Nazeri, Seyed Davar Siadat, Mehdi Nejati-Moheimani, Amin Arsang, Saeid Bouzari
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Sat May 23, 2020 12:58
Pseudoginsenoside-F11 ameliorates ischemic neuron injury by regulating the polarization of neutrophils and macrophages in vitro
Publication date: August 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 85Author(s): Ying Hou, Depeng Yang, Qiuyue Zhang, Xianshi Wang, Jingyu Yang, Chunfu Wu
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Fri May 22, 2020 16:58
Evaluation of Encapsulated Eugenol by Chitosan Nanoparticles on the aggressive model of rheumatoid arthritis
Publication date: August 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 85Author(s): Nazanin Jabbari, Zohre Eftekhari, Nasim Hayati Roodbari, Kazem Parivar
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Fri May 22, 2020 16:58
The fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor URB597 modulates splenic catecholamines in chronically stressed female and male rats
Publication date: August 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 85Author(s): Harisa Ferizovic, Natasa Spasojevic, Bojana Stefanovic, Milica Jankovic, Sladjana Dronjak
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Fri May 22, 2020 16:58
Thioridazine aggravates skeletal myositis, systemic and liver inflammation in <em>Trypanosoma cruzi-</em>infected and benznidazole-treated mice
Publication date: August 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 85Author(s): Andréa A.S. Mendonça, Elda Gonçalves-Santos, Thaiany G. Souza-Silva, Kelly J. González-Lozano, Ivo S. Caldas, Reggiani V. Gonçalves, Lívia F. Diniz, Rômulo D. Novaes
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Fri May 22, 2020 16:58
Recent advances and challenges of immune checkpoint inhibitors in immunotherapy of non-small cell lung cancer
Publication date: August 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 85Author(s): Zhuzhu Wu, Shuai Man, Rui Sun, Zengqiang Li, Yingliang Wu, Daiying Zuo
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Fri May 22, 2020 16:58
Imperatorin suppresses IL-1β-induced iNOS expression via inhibiting ERK-MAPK/AP1 signaling in primary human OA chondrocytes
Publication date: August 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 85Author(s): Nashrah Ahmad, Mohammad Y. Ansari, Shabana Bano, Tariq M Haqqi
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Fri May 22, 2020 16:58
Warifteine and methylwarifteine inhibited the type 2 immune response on combined allergic rhinitis and asthma syndrome (CARAS) experimental model through NF-кB pathway
Publication date: August 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 85Author(s): Raquel F.P. Cavalcanti, Francisco A.A.F. Gadelha, Tamires G. de Jesus, Luiz H.A. Cavalcante-Silva, Laercia K.D. Paiva Ferreira, Larissa A.M. Paiva Ferreira, Giciane C. Vieira, Marcia R. Piuvezam
ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunopharmacology
Fri May 22, 2020 16:58
FDA Lowers Cochlear Implantation Age to 9 Months
Cochlear Americas has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to lower the age of cochlear implantation from 12 months to 9 months for children with bilateral, profound sensorineural hearing loss. With abundant research demonstrating the benefits of early cochlear implantation in children with prelingual deafness, this update is an important step toward ensuring that children with hearing loss develop speech and language at a trajectory similar to their peers with normal...
Thu May 21, 2020 17:36
FDA Lowers Cochlear Implantation Age to 9 Months
Cochlear Americas has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to lower the age of cochlear implantation from 12 months to 9 months for children with bilateral, profound sensorineural hearing loss. With abundant research demonstrating the benefits of early cochlear implantation in children with prelingual deafness, this update is an important step toward ensuring that children with hearing loss develop speech and language at a trajectory similar to their peers with normal...
Thu May 21, 2020 17:36
A Blinking Mesoporous TiO2‐x Composed of Nanosized Anatase with Unusually Long‐Lived Trapped Charge Carriers
A novel mesoporous TiO2‐x material that is comprised of small, crystalline, vacancy‐rich anatase nanoparticles that show unique optical, thermal and electronic properties is synthesized using polymer‐derived mesoporous carbon (PDMC) as a template. The PDMC pores serve as physical barriers during the condensation and pyrolysis of a titania precursor, preventing the titania nanoparticles from growing beyond 10 nm in size. Unlike most titania nanomaterials, the particles remain in anatase phase and...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fri May 22, 2020 20:26
Al2Pt for Oxygen Evolution in Water Splitting: a Strategy for Creating Multi‐functionality in Electrocatalysis
The production of hydrogen via water electrolysis is feasible only if effective and stable catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) are available. Intermetallic compounds with the well‐defined crystal and electronic structures as well as particular chemical bonding features are suggested here to act as precursors for new composite materials with attractive catalytic properties. Al 2 Pt combines a characteristic inorganic crystal structure (anti‐fluorite type) and a strongly polar chemical...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fri May 22, 2020 22:00
Adaptive flexible sialylated nanogels as highly potent influenza A virus inhibitors
Flexible multivalent 3‐D nanosystems which can deform and adapt onto the virus surface via specific ligand‐receptor multivalent interactions can efficiently block the virus adhesion onto the cell. We here report on the synthesis of a 250 nm sized flexible sialylated nanogel which adapts onto the influenza A virus (IAV) surface via multivalent binding of its sialic acid (SA) residues with hemagglutinin spike proteins on the virus surface. We could demonstrate that the high flexibility of SA residues...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fri May 22, 2020 15:19
Absolute Configuration of Small Molecules by Co‐Crystallization
The most reliable method to determine the absolute configuration of chiral molecules is X‐ray crystallography, but small molecules can be difficult to crystallize. We report rapid co‐crystallization of tetraaryladamantanes with small molecules as different as n‐decane and nicotine, producing crystals for X‐ray analysis and the assignment of absolute configuration where the molecules are chiral. A screen of 52 diverse compounds gave inclusion in co‐crystals in 88% of all cases and a high resolution...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fri May 22, 2020 13:46
Ultrahighly Branched Main‐Chain‐Functionalized Polyethylenes via Inverted Insertion Selectivity
Branched polyolefin microstructures resulting from ‘chain walking’ are a fascinating feature of late transition metal catalysts, but so far it has not been demonstrated how any desirable branched polyolefin microstructures can be generated hereby. We show how ultrahighly‐branched polyethylenes with exclusively methyl‐branches (220 Me/1000 C) and very high molecular weights (~10 6 g mol ‐1 ), that reach the branch density and microstructure of commercial ethylene‐propylene elastomers, can be generated...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fri May 22, 2020 13:23
NIR‐Absorbing π‐Extended Azulene: A Non‐Alternant Isomer of Terrylene Bisimide
The first planar π‐extended azulene that retains aromaticity of odd‐membered rings was synthesized by [3+3] peri‐annulation of two naphthalene imides at both long‐edge sides of azulene. Using bromination and subsequent nucleophilic substitution by methoxide and morpholine, selective functionalization of the π‐extended azulene was achieved. Whilst these new azulenes can be regarded as isomers of terrylene bisimide they exhibit entirely different properties which include very narrow optical and electrochemical...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fri May 22, 2020 13:21
N‐H Bond Formation at a Diiron Bridging Nitride
Despite their connection to ammonia synthesis, little is known about the ability of iron‐bound, bridging nitrides to form N–H bonds. Herein we report a linear diiron bridging nitride complex supported by a redox‐active macrocycle. The unique ability of the ligand scaffold to adapt to the geometric preference of the bridging species was found to facilitate the formation of N–H bonds via proton‐coupled electron transfer to generate a µ‐amide product. The structurally analogous µ‐silyl‐ and µ‐borylamide...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fri May 22, 2020 12:52
Synthesis of Ln(II)‐in‐Cryptand Complexes by Chemical Reduction of Ln(III)‐in‐Cryptand Precursors: Isolation of a Nd(II)‐in‐Cryptand Complex
Lanthanide triflates have been used to incorporate Nd(III) and Sm(III) ions into the 2.2.2‐cryptand ligand (crypt) to explore their reductive chemistry.  The Ln(OTf) 3 complexes (Ln = Nd, Sm; OTf = SO 3 CF 3 ) react with crypt in THF to form the THF‐soluble complexes [Ln III (crypt)(OTf) 2 ][OTf] with two triflates bound to the metal encapsulated in the crypt.  Reduction of these Ln(III)‐in‐crypt complexes using KC 8 in THF forms the neutral Ln(II)‐in‐crypt triflate complexes [Ln II...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fri May 22, 2020 12:45
Direct observation of aggregation‐induced emission mechanism
The mechanism of aggregation‐induced emission (AIE), which overcomes the common aggregation‐caused quenching (ACQ) problem in organic optoelectronics, is revealed by monitoring the real time structural evolution and dynamics of electronic excited state with frequency and polarization resolved ultrafast ultraviolet/infrared spectroscopy and theoretical calculations. The formation of Woodward‐Hoffmann cyclic intermediates upon ultraviolet excitation is observed within picoseconds in dilute solutions...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fri May 22, 2020 12:39
Percutaneous CT-guided epidural fibrin sealant injection for refractory pediatric post-dural puncture headache
Abstract Post-dural puncture headache is an uncommon entity in young children and adolescents. Percutaneous epidural blood patching has been classically used to manage refractory post-dural puncture headaches. Injectable fibrin sealant has been shown in a few adult cases to relieve symptoms where blood patching has either failed or was not appropriate. We report a 10-year-old boy who experienced rapid relief of post-dural puncture headache symptoms following percutaneous lumbar...
Pediatric Radiology
Sat May 23, 2020 03:00
Safety considerations for shear-wave elastography of the infant brain
Pediatric Radiology
Fri May 22, 2020 03:00
Correction to: Subdural hemorrhage rebleeding in abused children: frequency, associations and clinical presentation
The original article included a statement which is not fully accurate. This correction clarifies the original statement.
Pediatric Radiology
Fri May 22, 2020 03:00
Evaluation of Indoor Tanning Facilities in American Fitness Centers
Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, Ahead of Print. BackgroundIndoor tanning (IT) in fitness facilities encourages a misleading positive relationship between tanning and health. While IT in Canadian fitness facilities has been studied, American literature regarding this topic is lacking.ObjectivesThe objective of this study is to evaluate availability, cost, reported risks, and adherence to legislation of IT in American fitness clubs.MethodsThis was a cross-sectional study utilizing a telephone...
SAGE Publications Inc: Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery: Table of Contents
Fri May 22, 2020 13:24

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