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Τρίτη 19 Μαΐου 2020

Dynamic MRI for articulating joint evaluation on 1.5 T and 3.0 T scanners: setup, protocols, and real-time sequences
Abstract Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive method that can be used to increase the understanding of the pathomechanics of joints. Various types of real-time gradient echo sequences used for dynamic MRI acquisition of joints include balanced steady-state free precession sequence, radiofrequency-spoiled sequence, and ultra-fast gradient echo sequence. Due to their short repetition time and echo time, these sequences provide high temporal resolution, a good...
Latest Results for Insights into Imaging
The role of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in the evaluation of scrotal trauma: a review
Abstract Testicular trauma is common, usually trivial and rarely requires hospital attendance, but if it does, then imaging becomes essential as scrotal assessment may be difficult due to pain and/or scrotal disruption. Ultrasound (US) assumes a crucial role as other cross-sectional modalities have a limited use in the acute presentation. Despite the acceptable accuracy of conventional US techniques, there are limitations which hinder a thorough evaluation, critically the assessment...
Latest Results for Insights into Imaging
Evaluation of the bronchial arteries: normal findings, hypertrophy and embolization in patients with hemoptysis
Abstract The enlargement of the bronchial arteries occurs in a multitude of congenital and acquired diseases and is responsible for the majority of cases of hemoptysis. In this review, we provide a simplified imaging approach to the evaluation of the bronchial arteries. We highlight the anatomy and function of the bronchial arteries, typical imaging findings, how to recognize bronchial artery dilatation, and its underlying causes. Contrast-enhanced computer tomography plays a...
Latest Results for Insights into Imaging
Adenocarcinoma of the lung: from BAC to the future
Abstract Adenocarcinoma in situ, minimally invasive adenocarcinoma, lepidic predominant adenocarcinoma and invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma are relatively new classification entities which replace the now retired term, bronchoalveolar carcinoma (BAC). The radiographic appearance of these lesions ranges from pure, ground glass nodules to large, solid masses. A thorough understanding of the new classification is essential to radiologists who work with MDT colleagues to provide...
Latest Results for Insights into Imaging
Spectrum of imaging findings in AIDS-related diffuse large B cell lymphoma
Abstract Lymphoma in HIV-infected patients is AIDS defining. This is the second most common AIDS defining malignancy after Kaposi’s sarcoma. Development of lymphoma in HIV patients is related to immunosuppression and high viral load. Co-infection with other lymphotrophic viruses especially EBV is also strongly associated with development of lymphoma in HIV patients. Despite advances in HAART therapy, incidence of diffuse large B cell lymphoma in HIV-infected patients remains...
Latest Results for Insights into Imaging
Role of MRI as first-line modality in the detection of previously undiagnosed otosclerosis: a single tertiary institute experience
Abstract Background Otosclerosis causes conductive, sensorineural and mixed hearing loss (CHL, SNHL, MHL) and tinnitus in young adults. It is best diagnosed on high-resolution CT (HRCT). Occasionally, patients presenting with SNHL and/or tinnitus may undergo temporal bone MRI as the first investigation. In this study, we have described the role of MRI as the first-line modality in the detection of previously undiagnosed otosclerosis....
Latest Results for Insights into Imaging
UK government advised to ‘urgently’ build up contact tracing capacity
The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scientist and essential information about the covid-19 pandemic
New Scientist - Picture of the day
Smoking probably puts you at greater risk of coronavirus, not less
Early data indicated that smokers may be less likely to be hospitalised with coronavirus, but broader analyses suggest smokers are actually at higher risk
New Scientist - Picture of the day
Coronavirus set to cause biggest emissions fall since second world war
The coronavirus lockdown will see global carbon emissions fall by a fifth compared with last year, but this dramatic drop won't slow climate change
New Scientist - Picture of the day
Metabolomics profiling of visceral and abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue in colorectal cancer patients: results from the ColoCare study
Abstract Purpose Underlying mechanisms of the relationship between body fatness and colorectal cancer remain unclear. This study investigated associations of circulating metabolites with visceral (VFA), abdominal subcutaneous (SFA), and total fat area (TFA) in colorectal cancer patients. Methods Pre-surgery plasma samples from 212 patients (stage I–IV) from...
Latest Results for Cancer Causes
Assessment of Sarcopenia Measures Reveals Accelerated Loss in Older Adults with Cancer
A recent examination of older adults with cancer found accelerated losses in differing sarcopenia measures existed before and after a cancer diagnosis. (Source: CancerNetwork)
Effect of linker length on photo-cross-linking position mediated by click chemistry via [2 + 2]photocycloaddition
Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2020, Advance ArticleDOI: 10.1039/D0PP00098A, CommunicationKenzo Fujimoto, Kenta Ishida, Li Xue, Shigetaka NakamuraThe photo-cross-linkable ODN containing 3-cyanovinylcarbazole moiety by postmodified with click chemistry can photo-cross-linked to thymidine at −1 position or −2 position.To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
RSC - Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. latest articles
Photodynamic treatment of melanoma cells using aza-dipyrromethenes as photosensitizers
Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2020, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D0PP00114G, PaperKelly A. D. F. Castro, Letícia D. Costa, Samuel Guieu, Juliana Biazzoto, Maria da Graça P. M. S. Neves, Maria Amparo Faustino, Roberto Santana da Silva, Augusto ToméThis work provides the first study about the use of four aza-dipyrromethenes (ADPMs) as photosensitizers for cancer PDT. The synthesis and characterization of the ADPMs and their photodynamic action against...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society...
RSC - Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. latest articles
Photoprotection conferred by low level summer sunlight exposures against pro-inflammatory UVR insult
Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2020, Advance ArticleDOI: 10.1039/C9PP00452A, Paper Open Access   This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.S. J. Felton, B. B. Shih, R. E. B. Watson, R. Kift, A. R. Webb, L. E. RhodesTanning (melanisation and epidermal thickening) is a photoprotective response to solar UVR exposure, but it has been unclear to what degree low-level exposures induce this, or whether this modifies the histological inflammatory response to UVR.To cite...
RSC - Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. latest articles
Dynamic transcriptomic and phosphoproteomic analysis during cell wall stress in Aspergillus nidulans [Research]
The fungal cell-wall integrity signaling (CWIS) pathway regulates cellular response to environmental stress to enable wall repair and resumption of normal growth.  This complex, interconnected, pathway has been only partially characterized in filamentous fungi.  To better understand the dynamic cellular response to wall perturbation, a β-glucan synthase inhibitor (micafungin) was added to a growing A. nidulans shake-flask culture.  From this flask, transcriptomic and phosphoproteomic data were acquired...
MCP Papers in Press
Covid-19: Doctors sound alarm over hospital transmissions
Doctors have told The BMJ they are deeply concerned at the number of patients becoming infected with covid-19 in NHS hospitals in England and have called for more stringent infection control measures...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Covid-19: Two hundred thank yous
bmj;369/may19_6/m2015/FAF1faThe Cardiff artist Nathan Wyburn created this collage during the covid-19 lockdown from hundreds of images sent to him by health workers.Wyburn put out a request on social...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Agency is criticised over its investigation into baby’s death from hypoxia
The coroner investigating the botched birth of a baby boy who died from hypoxia has strongly criticised the Healthcare Service Investigation Branch (HSIB) over its report on his death.Karen...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Lack of efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in covid-19
Some have trumpeted the 4-aminoquinoline antimalarial drugs, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquinine, for the treatment of covid-19, based on the (literally) incredible results of efficacy in reported...
Latest headlines from BMJ
Molecular imaging of cardiovascular inflammation and infection in people living with HIV infection
Abstract Introduction Widespread use of effective antiretroviral therapy (ART) in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV) infection has changed the prognosis of the disease from a fatal and debilitating one to a chronic manageable illness. ART leads to immune restoration, but immune functional levels seen in HIV-uninfected people are never achieved. The dynamics of immune suppression, chronic immune activation, and immune...
Latest Results for Clinical and Translational Imaging
Sex-biased genetic programs in liver metabolism and liver fibrosis are controlled by EZH1 and EZH2
by Dana Lau-Corona, Woo Kyun Bae, Lothar Hennighausen, David J. Waxman Sex differences in the incidence and progression of many liver diseases, including liver fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, are associated with sex-biased hepatic expression of hundreds of genes. This sexual dimorphism is largely determined by the sex-specific pattern of pituitary growth hormone secretion, which controls a transcriptional regulatory network operative in the context of sex-biased and growth hormone-regulated...
PLOS Genetics: New Articles
Beyond SNP heritability: Polygenicity and discoverability of phenotypes estimated with a univariate Gaussian mixture model
by Dominic Holland, Oleksandr Frei, Rahul Desikan, Chun-Chieh Fan, Alexey A. Shadrin, Olav B. Smeland, V. S. Sundar, Paul Thompson, Ole A. Andreassen, Anders M. Dale Estimating the polygenicity (proportion of causally associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)) and discoverability (effect size variance) of causal SNPs for human traits is currently of considerable interest. SNP-heritability is proportional to the product of these quantities. We present a basic model, using detailed linkage...
PLOS Genetics: New Articles
Accuracy of intraoral scans in the mixed dentition: a prospective non-randomized comparative clinical trial
In-vivo accuracy of intraoral scans of complete mixed dentitions of patients in active treatment have not yet been investigated. The aim was to test the hypothesis that dimensional differences between intraora...
Head & Face Medicine - Latest Articles
Physiological 18F-FDG uptake in the normal adult anal canal: evaluation by PET/CT
Abstract Objective Despite their benefit for detecting primary tumors, data for normal 18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose (FDG) uptake in the anal canal are insufficient. Here we used positron emission tomography–computed tomography (PET/CT) to determine the uptake of FDG in the normal adult anal canal (AC) and to evaluate its clinical significance compared with that of anal cancer. ...
Annals of Nuclear Medicine
Defining the characteristics of intermediate care models including transitional care: an international Delphi study
Abstract Background Although there is growing utilisation of intermediate care to improve the health and well-being of older adults with complex care needs, there is no international agreement on how it is defined, limiting comparability between studies and reducing the ability to scale effective interventions. Aim To identify and define the characteristics...
Latest Results for Aging Clinical and Experimental Research
A Penetrating Aortic Ulcer
Publication date: Available online 19 May 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency MedicineAuthor(s): Saurabh Bansal, Namrata Singhania, Manajyoti Yadav, Girish Singhania
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Respect the Floor of the Mouth
Publication date: Available online 19 May 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency MedicineAuthor(s): Winton Chong, Mohammed Hijazi, Mohammed Abdalrazig, Naishadh Patil
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Osborn J-Wave in a Patient with Hypercalcemic Crisis
Publication date: Available online 19 May 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency MedicineAuthor(s): Daniel Manzur-Sandoval, Guillermo Dueñas-Pérez, Edgar Ortiz-Brizuela, Pedro Valdez-Hernández, Jorge Oseguera-Moguel, José Luis Briseño-de la Cruz
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Perfusion Index Measurement in Predicting Hypovolemic Shock in Trauma Patients
Publication date: Available online 18 May 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency MedicineAuthor(s): Engin Ozakin, Nazlı Ozcan Yazlamaz, Filiz Baloglu Kaya, Evvah M. Karakilic, Muzaffer Bilgin
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Prolonged 25-OH Vitamin D Deficiency Does Not Impair Bone Mineral Density in Adult Patients With Vitamin D 25-Hydroxylase Deficiency ( CYP2R1 )
Abstract Vitamin D-dependent rickets type 1B (VDDR1B) is an autosomal semidominant genetic disorder caused by a deficiency in CYP2R1, which encodes vitamin D 25-hydroxylase, an enzyme that plays a crucial role in the conversion of vitamin D to 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. VDDR1B is a severe form of rickets that occurs during infancy and which is responsive to 25-OH vitamin D supplementation. We studied three adult patients from a multi-consanguineous family with VDDR1B. They have been...
Latest Results for Calcified Tissue International
Cumulative intracranial tumour volume prognostic assessment: a new predicting score index for patients with brain metastases treated by stereotactic radiosurgery
Abstract Brain metastases (BM) represent the most common intracranial malignancy in adults. Limitations of existing prognostic models reduce their predictivity and clinical applicability. The aim of this study is to validate the cumulative intracranial tumour volume prognostic assessment (CITVPA) as a new prognostic score system for patients with BM treated by Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS). Between January 2001 and December 2015, 1894 patients underwent Gamma Knife SRS treatment....
Latest Results for Clinical
Correction to: Development of Nanocrystal Ziprasidone Orally Disintegrating Tablets: Optimization by Using Design of Experiment and In Vitro Evaluation
Several typos occurred during the production process and captions were misplaced. The corrected captions for Picture 1, Fig. 6-9 are below.
Latest Results for AAPS PharmSciTech

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