Τρίτη 19 Μαΐου 2020

Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 1464: Maternal Protein Restriction in Rats Alters the Expression of Genes Involved in Mitochondrial Metabolism and Epitranscriptomics in Fetal Hypothalamus
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 1464: Maternal Protein Restriction in Rats Alters the Expression of Genes Involved in Mitochondrial Metabolism and Epitranscriptomics in Fetal Hypothalamus Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu12051464 Authors: Morgane Frapin Simon Guignard Dimitri Meistermann Isabelle Grit Valentine S. Moullé Vincent Paillé Patricia Parnet Valérie Amarger Fetal brain development is closely dependent on maternal nutrition and metabolic status. Maternal protein restriction...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 390: Multiple Tick-Borne Pathogens in Ixodes ricinus Ticks Collected from Humans in Romania
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 390: Multiple Tick-Borne Pathogens in Ixodes ricinus Ticks Collected from Humans in Romania Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens9050390 Authors: Kalmár Dumitrache D’Amico Matei Ionică Gherman Lupșe Mihalca Ticks are medically important vectors of infectious diseases that are able to transmit pathogens to humans and animals. Tick-borne diseases represent a major health concern, posing an increasing risk to the public health during the...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 389: The COVID-19 Pandemic during the Time of the Diabetes Pandemic: Likely Fraternal Twins?
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 389: The COVID-19 Pandemic during the Time of the Diabetes Pandemic: Likely Fraternal Twins? Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens9050389 Authors: Shelley A. Cole Hugo A. Laviada-Molina Jeannette M. Serres-Perales Ernesto Rodriguez-Ayala Raul A. Bastarrachea An altered immune response to pathogens has been suggested to explain increased susceptibility to infectious diseases in patients with diabetes. Recent evidence has documented several immunometabolic...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 464: Multi-Compartment 3D-Cultured Organ-on-a-Chip: Towards a Biomimetic Lymph Node for Drug Development
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 464: Multi-Compartment 3D-Cultured Organ-on-a-Chip: Towards a Biomimetic Lymph Node for Drug Development Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12050464 Authors: Aya Shanti Bisan Samara Amal Abdullah Nicholas Hallfors Dino Accoto Jiranuwat Sapudom Aseel Alatoom Jeremy Teo Serena Danti Cesare Stefanini The interaction of immune cells with drugs and/or with other cell types should be mechanistically investigated in order to reduce...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 463: Enhanced Transdermal Delivery of Concentrated Capsaicin from Chili Extract-Loaded Lipid Nanoparticles with Reduced Skin Irritation
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 463: Enhanced Transdermal Delivery of Concentrated Capsaicin from Chili Extract-Loaded Lipid Nanoparticles with Reduced Skin Irritation Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12050463 Authors: Phunsuk Anantaworasakul Wantida Chaiyana Bozena B. Michniak-Kohn Wandee Rungseevijitprapa Chadarat Ampasavate The aim of this study was to develop lipid-based nanoparticles that entrapped a high concentration of capsaicin (0.25%) from a capsicum oleoresin...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 643: Silicon Alters Leaf Surface Morphology and Suppresses Insect Herbivory in a Model Grass Species
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 643: Silicon Alters Leaf Surface Morphology and Suppresses Insect Herbivory in a Model Grass Species Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9050643 Authors: Casey R. Hall Vaibhav Dagg Jamie M. Waterman Scott N. Johnson Grasses accumulate large amounts of silicon (Si) which is deposited in trichomes, specialised silica cells and cell walls. This may increase leaf toughness and reduce cell rupture, palatability and digestion. Few studies have measured leaf mechanical...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 642: Phenotypic Examination of Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz Accessions from the USDA-ARS National Genetics Resource Program
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 642: Phenotypic Examination of Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz Accessions from the USDA-ARS National Genetics Resource Program Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9050642 Authors: Sara K. Hotton Meridith Kammerzell Ron Chan Bryan T. Hernandez Hugh A. Young Christian Tobias Thomas McKeon Jenny Brichta Nathan J. Thomson James G. Thomson Camelina sativa (L.) Crntz. is a hardy self-pollinated oilseed plant that belongs to the Brassicaceae family; widely...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 644: Foliar Glycine Betaine or Hydrogen Peroxide Sprays Ameliorate Waterlogging Stress in Cape Gooseberry
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 644: Foliar Glycine Betaine or Hydrogen Peroxide Sprays Ameliorate Waterlogging Stress in Cape Gooseberry Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9050644 Authors: Nicolas E. Castro-Duque Cristhian C. Chávez-Arias Hermann Restrepo-Díaz Exogenous glycine betaine (GB) or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) application has not been explored to mitigate waterlogging stress in Andean fruit trees. The objective of this study was to evaluate foliar GB or H2O2 application on the physiological...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 646: Phytochemical Analysis and Biological Investigation of Nepeta juncea Benth. Different Extracts
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 646: Phytochemical Analysis and Biological Investigation of Nepeta juncea Benth. Different Extracts Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9050646 Authors: Majid Sharifi-Rad Francesco Epifano Serena Fiorito José M. Álvarez-Suarez This study was carried out to screen the amount and the classes of secondary metabolites and to evaluate the antioxidant, cytotoxic, antifungal, and antibacterial activities of the methanolic, ethanolic, and water extracts of the roots, leaves,...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 645: Root Foraging Capacity in Bambara Groundnut (Vigna Subterranea (L.) Verdc.) Core Parental Lines Depends on the Root System Architecture during the Pre-Flowering Stage
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 645: Root Foraging Capacity in Bambara Groundnut (Vigna Subterranea (L.) Verdc.) Core Parental Lines Depends on the Root System Architecture during the Pre-Flowering Stage Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9050645 Authors: Kumbirai Ivyne Mateva Hui Hui Chai Sean Mayes Festo Massawe Characterizing the morphological variability in root system architecture (RSA) during the sensitive pre-flowering growth stage is important for crop performance. To assess this variation,...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 641: The Many Questions about Mini Chromosomes in Colletotrichum spp.
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 641: The Many Questions about Mini Chromosomes in Colletotrichum spp. Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9050641 Authors: Peter-Louis Plaumann Christian Koch Many fungal pathogens carry accessory regions in their genome, which are not required for vegetative fitness. Often, although not always, these regions occur as relatively small chromosomes in different species. Such mini chromosomes appear to be a typical feature of many filamentous plant pathogens. Since these...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 640: Are Reproductive Traits Related to Pollen Limitation in Plants? A Case Study from a Central European Meadow
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 640: Are Reproductive Traits Related to Pollen Limitation in Plants? A Case Study from a Central European Meadow Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9050640 Authors: Michael Bartoš Štěpán Janeček Petra Janečková Eliška Chmelová Robert Tropek Lars Götzenberger Yannick Klomberg Jana Jersáková The deficiency of pollen grains for ovule fertilization can be the main factor limiting plant reproduction and fitness. Because of the ongoing global changes, such...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Publications, Vol. 8, Pages 27: Copyright in the Scientific Community. The Limitations and Exceptions in the European Union and Spanish Legal Frameworks
Publications, Vol. 8, Pages 27: Copyright in the Scientific Community. The Limitations and Exceptions in the European Union and Spanish Legal Frameworks Publications doi: 10.3390/publications8020027 Authors: Itziar Sobrino-García The increase of visibility and transfer of scholar knowledge through digital environments have been followed by the author’s rights abuses such as plagiarism and fraud. For this reason, copyright is increasingly a topic of major importance since it...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Publications, Vol. 8, Pages 26: Editorial−Embracing How Scholarly Publishing Can Build a New Research Culture, Post-COVID-19
Publications, Vol. 8, Pages 26: Editorial−Embracing How Scholarly Publishing Can Build a New Research Culture, Post-COVID-19 Publications doi: 10.3390/publications8020026 Authors: E. Derrick It is an absolute pleasure to be writing this, my first Editorial as Editor in Chief for Publications.  What a time to be taking on this role—mid-COVID-19 lockdown. I take the reins as Editor-in-chief from the amazing Dr Tony Ross-Hellauer at an extremely challenging, but exciting...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 254: Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Organization of Religious Behaviour in Different Christian Denominations in Poland
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 254: Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Organization of Religious Behaviour in Different Christian Denominations in Poland Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11050254 Authors: Lukasz Sulkowski Grzegorz Ignatowski Any pandemic disorganizes the life of wider society. One of the manifestations of social activity is religious life. Despite progressing secularization, both religion, churches, and denominational associations have an impact on individual ethical choices and...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 253: The AI Creation Meme: A Case Study of the New Visibility of Religion in Artificial Intelligence Discourse
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 253: The AI Creation Meme: A Case Study of the New Visibility of Religion in Artificial Intelligence Discourse Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11050253 Authors: Beth Singler Through a consideration of examples of the AI Creation Meme, a remix of Michelangelo’s Creazione di Adamo featuring a human hand and a machine hand nearly touching, fingertip to fingertip, this article will tackle the religious continuities and resonances that still emerge in AI discourse...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 251: Eric Perl’s Theophanism: An Option for Agnostics?
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 251: Eric Perl’s Theophanism: An Option for Agnostics? Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11050251 Authors: Travis Dumsday Recent work in analytic philosophy of religion has seen increased interest in nontheistic, but still non-naturalist (indeed, broadly religious) worldview options. J.L. Schellenberg’s Ultimism has been among the most prominent of these. Another interesting option that has yet to receive much attention is the Theophanism advocated by the...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 252: The Catalogue of Spiritual Care Instruments: A Scoping Review
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 252: The Catalogue of Spiritual Care Instruments: A Scoping Review Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11050252 Authors: Ricko Damberg Nissen Erik Falkø Dorte Toudal Viftrup Elisabeth Assing Hvidt Jens Søndergaard Arndt Büssing Johan Albert Wallin Niels Christian Hvidt Spiritual care has been a growing focus in international healthcare research over the last decades. The approaches to spiritual care are many and derive from many different medical...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 250: “One Knows the Tree by the Fruit That It Bears:” Mircea Eliade’s Influence on Current Far-Right Ideology
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 250: “One Knows the Tree by the Fruit That It Bears:” Mircea Eliade’s Influence on Current Far-Right Ideology Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11050250 Authors: Mark Weitzman Since the notorious Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017, the alt-right has surged into prominence as the most visible expression of right-wing extremism. While most analysts have focused on the political aspect of the movement, my article will explore the spiritual and religious roots...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 249: People of Color, People of Faith: The Effect of Social Capital and Religion on the Political Participation of Marginalized Communities
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 249: People of Color, People of Faith: The Effect of Social Capital and Religion on the Political Participation of Marginalized Communities Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11050249 Authors: Kiku Huckle Andrea Silva U.S. immigration policy over the last 100 years has changed the onus of political acculturation from public programs to private groups like churches. After this significant policy change, how do religion, social capital, and nativity intersect in the...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Safety, Vol. 6, Pages 26: A Novel Method for Safety Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems—Application to a Ship Exhaust Gas Scrubber System
Safety, Vol. 6, Pages 26: A Novel Method for Safety Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems—Application to a Ship Exhaust Gas Scrubber System Safety doi: 10.3390/safety6020026 Authors: Victor Bolbot Gerasimos Theotokatos Evangelos Boulougouris George Psarros Rainer Hamann Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) represent a systems category developed and promoted in the maritime industry to automate functions and system operations. In this study, a novel Combinatorial Approach for Safety...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Sports, Vol. 8, Pages 70: Discrepancies Exist between Exercise Prescription and Dose in Elite Women’s Basketball Pre-Season
Sports, Vol. 8, Pages 70: Discrepancies Exist between Exercise Prescription and Dose in Elite Women’s Basketball Pre-Season Sports doi: 10.3390/sports8050070 Authors: Craig Staunton Daniel Wundersitz Brett Gordon Michael Kingsley This study assessed the influence of exercise prescription on the objectively measured exercise dose in basketball. Intensity (RPE) and volume (sRPE) were prescribed by a professional coach on a drill-by-drill basis during pre-season training for nine...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Sports, Vol. 8, Pages 69: Monitoring Workloads of a Professional Female Futsal Team over a Season: A Case Study
Sports, Vol. 8, Pages 69: Monitoring Workloads of a Professional Female Futsal Team over a Season: A Case Study Sports doi: 10.3390/sports8050069 Authors: Carlos Lago-Fuentes Alejandro Jiménez-Loaisa Alexis Padrón-Cabo Marián Fernández-Villarino Marcos Mecías-Calvo Bruno Travassos Ezequiel Rey The aims of this study were to describe the external and internal workloads in a professional female futsal team during a whole season and to compare workloads during different...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Technologies, Vol. 8, Pages 29: Engineering Micropatterned Surfaces for Controlling the Evaporation Process of Sessile Droplets
Technologies, Vol. 8, Pages 29: Engineering Micropatterned Surfaces for Controlling the Evaporation Process of Sessile Droplets Technologies doi: 10.3390/technologies8020029 Authors: Navid Kashaninejad Nam-Trung Nguyen Weng Kong Chan Controlling the evaporation process of a droplet is of the utmost importance for a number of technologies. Also, along with the advances of microfabrication, micropatterned surfaces have emerged as an important technology platform to tune the wettability...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Toxins, Vol. 12, Pages 333: Classical and Alternative Activation of Rat Microglia Treated with Ultrapure Porphyromonas gingivalis Lipopolysaccharide In Vitro
Toxins, Vol. 12, Pages 333: Classical and Alternative Activation of Rat Microglia Treated with Ultrapure Porphyromonas gingivalis Lipopolysaccharide In Vitro Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins12050333 Authors: Zylfi Memedovski Evan Czerwonka Jin Han Joshua Mayer Margaret Luce Lucas C. Klemm Mary L. Hall Alejandro M. S. Mayer The possible relationship between periodontal disease resulting from the infection of gingival tissue by the Gram-negative bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
TropicalMed, Vol. 5, Pages 81: Spatiotemporal and Socioeconomic Risk Factors for Dengue at the Province Level in Vietnam, 2013–2015: Clustering Analysis and Regression Model
TropicalMed, Vol. 5, Pages 81: Spatiotemporal and Socioeconomic Risk Factors for Dengue at the Province Level in Vietnam, 2013–2015: Clustering Analysis and Regression Model Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease doi: 10.3390/tropicalmed5020081 Authors: Polly Ashmore Johanna F. Lindahl Felipe J. Colón-González Vu Sinh Nam Dang Quang Tan Graham F. Medley Dengue is a serious infectious disease threat in Vietnam, but its spatiotemporal and socioeconomic risk factors are...
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 236: Dynamics of Population Immunity Due to the Herd Effect in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 236: Dynamics of Population Immunity Due to the Herd Effect in the COVID-19 Pandemic Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines8020236 Authors: Vicente Clemente-Suárez Alberto Hormeño-Holgado Manuel Jiménez Juan Benitez-Agudelo Eduardo Navarro-Jiménez Natalia Perez-Palencia Ronald Maestre-Serrano Carmen Laborde-Cárdenas Jose Tornero-Aguilera The novel Coronavirus 2 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-Cov-2) has led to the Coronavirus Disease 2019...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 562: Evaluation of Viral RNA Recovery Methods in Vectors by Metagenomic Sequencing
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 562: Evaluation of Viral RNA Recovery Methods in Vectors by Metagenomic Sequencing Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12050562 Authors: Joyce Odeke Akello Stephen L. Leib Olivier Engler Christian Beuret Identification and characterization of viral genomes in vectors including ticks and mosquitoes positive for pathogens of great public health concern using metagenomic next generation sequencing (mNGS) has challenges. One such challenge is the ability to efficiently...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 560: Drug Resistance Prediction Using Deep Learning Techniques on HIV-1 Sequence Data
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 560: Drug Resistance Prediction Using Deep Learning Techniques on HIV-1 Sequence Data Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12050560 Authors: Margaret C. Steiner Keylie M. Gibson Keith A. Crandall The fast replication rate and lack of repair mechanisms of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) contribute to its high mutation frequency, with some mutations resulting in the evolution of resistance to antiretroviral therapies (ART). As such, studying HIV drug resistance allows...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 561: West Nile Virus Lineage 2 Vector Competence of Indigenous Culex and Aedes Mosquitoes from Germany at Temperate Climate Conditions
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 561: West Nile Virus Lineage 2 Vector Competence of Indigenous Culex and Aedes Mosquitoes from Germany at Temperate Climate Conditions Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12050561 Authors: Cora M. Holicki Ute Ziegler Cristian Răileanu Helge Kampen Doreen Werner Jana Schulz Cornelia Silaghi Martin H. Groschup Ana Vasić West Nile virus (WNV) is a widespread zoonotic arbovirus and a threat to public health in Germany since its first emergence in 2018. It...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1448: Tsunami Propagation and Flooding in Sicilian Coastal Areas by Means of a Weakly Dispersive Boussinesq Model
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1448: Tsunami Propagation and Flooding in Sicilian Coastal Areas by Means of a Weakly Dispersive Boussinesq Model Water doi: 10.3390/w12051448 Authors: Carlo Lo Lo Re Giorgio Manno Giuseppe Ciraolo This paper addresses the tsunami propagation and subsequent coastal areas flooding by means of a depth-integrated numerical model. Such an approach is fundamental in order to assess the inundation hazard in coastal areas generated by seismogenic tsunami. In this...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1447: The Water Framework Directive and Agricultural Diffuse Pollution: Fighting a Running Battle?
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1447: The Water Framework Directive and Agricultural Diffuse Pollution: Fighting a Running Battle? Water doi: 10.3390/w12051447 Authors: Mark Wiering Daan Boezeman Ann Crabbé In order to provide a common ground for the Special Issue ‘Water quality and agricultural diffuse pollution in light of the EU Water Framework Directive,’ this review sets out to provide a concise overview of the academic literature on two topics. First, we review...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1449: Determination of Empirical Rainfall Thresholds for Shallow Landslides in Slovenia Using an Automatic Tool
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1449: Determination of Empirical Rainfall Thresholds for Shallow Landslides in Slovenia Using an Automatic Tool Water doi: 10.3390/w12051449 Authors: Galena Jordanova Stefano Luigi Gariano Massimo Melillo Silvia Peruccacci Maria Teresa Brunetti Mateja Jemec Jemec Auflič Rainfall-triggered shallow landslides represent a major threat to people and infrastructure worldwide. Predicting the possibility of a landslide occurrence accurately means understanding...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1441: Mapping Paleohydrology of the Ephemeral Kuiseb River, Namibia, from Radar Remote Sensing
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1441: Mapping Paleohydrology of the Ephemeral Kuiseb River, Namibia, from Radar Remote Sensing Water doi: 10.3390/w12051441 Authors: Philippe Paillou Sylvia Lopez Eugene Marais Klaus Scipal The Kuiseb River is one of the major ephemeral rivers of Western Namibia, setting the northern limit of the Namib Sand Sea and outflowing in the Atlantic Ocean at Walvis Bay. Such ephemeral rivers are of the highest importance for the country since they are related both...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1440: A Zero-Liquid Discharge Model for a Transient Solar-Powered Desalination System for Greenhouse
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1440: A Zero-Liquid Discharge Model for a Transient Solar-Powered Desalination System for Greenhouse Water doi: 10.3390/w12051440 Authors: Mohammad Akrami Alaa H. Salah Mahdieh Dibaj Maxime Porcheron Akbar A. Javadi Raziyeh Farmani Hassan E. S. Fath Abdelazim Negm The need for sustainable desalination arises from fast-occurring global warming and intensifying droughts due to increasing temperatures, particularly in the Middle East and North...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1446: Sandbar Breakwater: An Innovative Nature-Based Port Solution
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1446: Sandbar Breakwater: An Innovative Nature-Based Port Solution Water doi: 10.3390/w12051446 Authors: Bart-Jan van der van der Spek Eelco Bijl Bas van de van de Sande Sanne Poortman Dirk Heijboer Bram Bliek The nature-based concept of the Sandbar Breakwater was born based on the typical natural dynamics of the West African coast (Gulf of Guinea). Learning from the development and coastal impact of the existing port infrastructure in West Africa,...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1443: Hydrochemical Characteristic of Groundwater and Its Impact on Crop Yields in the Baojixia Irrigation Area, China
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1443: Hydrochemical Characteristic of Groundwater and Its Impact on Crop Yields in the Baojixia Irrigation Area, China Water doi: 10.3390/w12051443 Authors: Wenwen Feng Hui Qian Panpan Xu Kai Hou While irrigated crops produce much higher yields than rain-fed crops, the ionic components of irrigation water have important effects on crop yield. Groundwater is widely used for irrigation in the Baojixia irrigation area in China. The chemical characteristics...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1444: Effects of Crucian Carp (Carassius auratus) on Water Quality in Aquatic Ecosystems: An Experimental Mesocosm Study
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1444: Effects of Crucian Carp (Carassius auratus) on Water Quality in Aquatic Ecosystems: An Experimental Mesocosm Study Water doi: 10.3390/w12051444 Authors: Yehui Huang Xueying Mei Lars G. Rudstam William D. Taylor Jotaro Urabe Erik Jeppesen Zhengwen Liu Xiufeng Zhang The presence of omnivorous fish is known to affect aquatic ecosystems, including water quality. The effect, however, depends on the species in question, and our knowledge is...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1442: Hydrochemical Characteristics and Ion Sources of Precipitation in the Upper Reaches of the Shiyang River, China
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1442: Hydrochemical Characteristics and Ion Sources of Precipitation in the Upper Reaches of the Shiyang River, China Water doi: 10.3390/w12051442 Authors: Zhiyuan Zhang Wenxiong Jia Guofeng Zhu Xinggang Ma Xiuting Xu Ruifeng Yuan Yang Shi Le Yang Hui Xiong The Shiyang River Basin is located at the edge of the monsoon wind system of South and Southeast Asia. The hydrochemical characteristics of precipitation are influenced by both monsoon...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00

Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1445: Climate–Water–Ecosystem–Interactions: Insights from Four Continent’s Case Studies
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1445: Climate–Water–Ecosystem–Interactions: Insights from Four Continent’s Case Studies Water doi: 10.3390/w12051445 Authors: Diego Copetti Franco Salerno The interaction of climate with aquatic ecosystems is a multidisciplinary field of research involving water quantity and quality issues and having strong socio-economic implications. This special issue hosts 10 studies undertaken in 7 countries of 4 continents: Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America. The issue...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1439: Micro-Watershed Management for Erosion Control Using Soil and Water Conservation Structures and SWAT Modeling
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1439: Micro-Watershed Management for Erosion Control Using Soil and Water Conservation Structures and SWAT Modeling Water doi: 10.3390/w12051439 Authors: Ghulam Nabi Fiaz Hussain Ray-Shyan Wu Vinay Nangia Riffat Bibi This study evaluated the effectiveness of soil and water conservation structures for soil erosion control by applying a semi-distributed Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model in various small watersheds of the Chakwal and Attock districts...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1438: Evaluation of TiO2 and SnO Supported on Graphene Oxide (TiO2-GO and SnO-GO) Photocatalysts for Treatment of Hospital Wastewater
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1438: Evaluation of TiO2 and SnO Supported on Graphene Oxide (TiO2-GO and SnO-GO) Photocatalysts for Treatment of Hospital Wastewater Water doi: 10.3390/w12051438 Authors: Laura Rosero Parra Lizeth Guerrero Pantoja Natali Lorena Mena Fiderman Machuca-Martínez Julian Urresta The effectiveness of two photocatalysts, TiO2 and SnO, supported on graphene oxide (TiO2-GO and SnO-GO) on the removal of organic matter from hospital wastewater effluent was evaluated...
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1437: Fuzzy-Probabilistic Model for a Risk Assessment of Groundwater Contamination: Application to an Urban Zone in the City of Belém, Pará, Brazil
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1437: Fuzzy-Probabilistic Model for a Risk Assessment of Groundwater Contamination: Application to an Urban Zone in the City of Belém, Pará, Brazil Water doi: 10.3390/w12051437 Authors: Érico Gaspar Lisboa Ronaldo Lopes Mendes Manuel Maria Pacheco Figueiredo Leonardo Augusto Lobato Bello This study proposes a fuzzy-probabilistic modelling approach for groundwater contamination risk assessment (FPM-risks) regarding underground fuel storage tanks (UFST)....
Tue May 19, 2020 03:00

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