Τρίτη 19 Μαΐου 2020

Fallvolumen und Komplikationen nach Schilddrüsenoperationen in Deutschland: eine Routinedatenanalyse von 48.387 AOK-Patienten
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Zahlreiche Studien zeigten den Einfluss des „hospital- und surgeon-volume“ auf die Komplikationsraten von Schilddrüsenoperationen. Diese Studie überprüft diesen Zusammenhang bei Operationen benigner Schilddrüsenerkrankungen sowohl für subtotale als auch für totale Lappenresektionen. Weiterhin ist bislang unklar, welcher Schwellenwert für das klinikbezogene Fallvolumen ermittelt werden kann, ab dem das Komplikationsrisiko...
Latest Results for Der Chirurg
Performance of endoscopic repair with endonasal flaps for congenital choanal atresia. A systematic review
Publication date: Available online 18 May 2020Source: Acta Otorrinolaringológica EspañolaAuthor(s): R. Bartel, M. Levorato, M. Adroher, S. Cardelus, A. Diaz, J. Lacima, C. Vazquez, A. Veneri, P. Wienberg, M.A. Claveria, O.H. Haag
ScienceDirect Publication Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española
Letter to the Editor in Reference to the Article Entitled “Effects of Carbonated Liquids on Oropharyngeal Swallowing Measures in People with Neurogenic Dysphagia”
Abstract This letter is written according to stoichiometric calculation doubt about the article entitled “effects of carbonated liquids on oropharyngeal swallowing measures in people with neurogenic dysphagia” by Sdravou et al.
health technology; +469 new citations
469 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: health technology These pubmed results were generated on 2020/05/19PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
pubmed: health technology
The Things We've Lost in the Pandemic
Human lives, human touch and direct human interactions are gone—and so is the sense that we can trust our leaders to act quickly and effectively in the face of a catastrophe -- Read more on ScientificAmerican.com
Scientific American Blog Posts
Antibiotics, Vol. 9, Pages 264: whISOBAXTM Inhibits Bacterial Pathogenesis and Enhances the Effect of Antibiotics
Antibiotics, Vol. 9, Pages 264: whISOBAXTM Inhibits Bacterial Pathogenesis and Enhances the Effect of Antibiotics Antibiotics doi: 10.3390/antibiotics9050264 Authors: Reuven Rasooly Hwang-Yong Choi Paula Do Gianluca Morroni Lucia Brescini Oscar Cirioni Andrea Giacometti Emmanouil Apostolidis As bacteria are becoming more resistant to commonly used antibiotics, alternative therapies are being sought. whISOBAX (WH) is a witch hazel extract that is highly...
A Penetrating Aortic Ulcer
Publication date: Available online 19 May 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency MedicineAuthor(s): Saurabh Bansal, Namrata Singhania, Manajyoti Yadav, Girish Singhania
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Respect the Floor of the Mouth
Publication date: Available online 19 May 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency MedicineAuthor(s): Winton Chong, Mohammed Hijazi, Mohammed Abdalrazig, Naishadh Patil
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Osborn J-Wave in a Patient with Hypercalcemic Crisis
Publication date: Available online 19 May 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency MedicineAuthor(s): Daniel Manzur-Sandoval, Guillermo Dueñas-Pérez, Edgar Ortiz-Brizuela, Pedro Valdez-Hernández, Jorge Oseguera-Moguel, José Luis Briseño-de la Cruz
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Perfusion Index Measurement in Predicting Hypovolemic Shock in Trauma Patients
Publication date: Available online 18 May 2020Source: The Journal of Emergency MedicineAuthor(s): Engin Ozakin, Nazlı Ozcan Yazlamaz, Filiz Baloglu Kaya, Evvah M. Karakilic, Muzaffer Bilgin
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Accuracy of intraoral scans in the mixed dentition: a prospective non-randomized comparative clinical trial
Abstract Objective In-vivo accuracy of intraoral scans of complete mixed dentitions of patients in active treatment have not yet been investigated. The aim was to test the hypothesis that dimensional differences between intraoral scans and conventional alginate impressions in the mixed dentition are clinically irrelevant. Methods Trial design:...
Latest Results for Head
Fertility preservation in women affected by gynaecological cancer: the importance of an integrated gynaecological and psychological approach.
Related ArticlesFertility preservation in women affected by gynaecological cancer: the importance of an integrated gynaecological and psychological approach. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:1035 Authors: Rosa VL, Garzon S, Gullo G, Fichera M, Sisti G, Gallo P, Riemma G, Schiattarella A Abstract Gynaecological cancer treatment significantly affects the fertility of women in reproductive age. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the mainstays of ovarian,...
pubmed: "ecancermedicalscien...
The role of magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound in fertility-sparing treatment of uterine fibroids-current perspectives.
Related ArticlesThe role of magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound in fertility-sparing treatment of uterine fibroids-current perspectives. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:1034 Authors: Ciebiera M, Łoziński T Abstract Uterine fibroids (UFs) are the most common benign tumours of the female reproductive system and the most frequent reason for hysterectomy worldwide. UFs are reported in 20%-70% of women of reproductive age depending on a study group....
pubmed: "ecancermedicalscien...
Fertility preservation in patients with BRCA mutation.
Related ArticlesFertility preservation in patients with BRCA mutation. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:1033 Authors: Ghunaim S, Ghazeeri G, Khalife D, Azim HA Abstract Evidence suggests a likely negative impact of deleterious BRCA mutations on female fertility. Hence, different studies have aimed to address the reproductive potential and performance of fertility preservation strategies in BRCA-mutated breast cancer patients with a prime focus on their...
pubmed: "ecancermedicalscien...
Uterine irradiation as a determinant of infertility and pregnancy losses in young cancer survivors.
Related ArticlesUterine irradiation as a determinant of infertility and pregnancy losses in young cancer survivors. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:1032 Authors: Buonomo B, Orecchia R, Tomao F, Pup LD, Garcia-Faura A, Peccatori FA Abstract Several concerns exist regarding the impact of anticancer treatments on fertility and pregnancy outcome. The detrimental effects of both chemotherapy and radiotherapy on the ovaries are well reported in the available...
pubmed: "ecancermedicalscien...
Borderline ovarian tumours: management in the era of fertility-sparing surgery.
Related ArticlesBorderline ovarian tumours: management in the era of fertility-sparing surgery. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:1031 Authors: Maramai M, Barra F, Menada MV, Stigliani S, Moioli M, Costantini S, Ferrero S Abstract Borderline ovarian tumours (BOTs) are ovarian neoplasms characterised by epithelial proliferation, variable nuclear atypia and no evidence of destructive stromal invasion. BOTs account for approximately 15% of all epithelial ovarian...
pubmed: "ecancermedicalscien...
Fertility preservation in endometrial cancer patients: options, challenges and perspectives.
Related ArticlesFertility preservation in endometrial cancer patients: options, challenges and perspectives. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:1030 Authors: Terzic M, Norton M, Terzic S, Bapayeva G, Aimagambetova G Abstract Several different approaches have been designed by physicians in order to preserve fertility in younger patients with endometrial carcinoma. There are various options offering different advantages, but hysteroscopic resection of pathologic...
pubmed: "ecancermedicalscien...
Mortality prediction in women with corpus uteri cancer in Brazil: a 21-year analysis.
Related ArticlesMortality prediction in women with corpus uteri cancer in Brazil: a 21-year analysis. Ecancermedicalscience. 2020;14:1029 Authors: Dantas DB, Rodrigues LFG, de Campos Gomes F, de Melo-Neto JS Abstract Mortality data obtained from the Mortality Information System identified a total of 19,499 deaths in women caused by corpus uteri cancer in Brazil. However, the association between mortality and sociodemographic factors in these women is...
pubmed: "ecancermedicalscien...
Ectopic PD-L1 expression in JAK2 (V617F) myeloproliferative neoplasm patients is mediated via increased activation of STAT3 and STAT5
Abstract Escalated PD-L1 expression has been identified during malignant transformation in a number of cancer types and helps cancer cells escape an effective anti-tumor immune response. The mechanisms underlying escalated production of PD-L1 in many cancers, however, are still far from clear. We studied PD-L1, STAT3 and STAT5 mRNA expression using qRT-PCR in 72 BCR/ABL1 negative myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients (39 polycythemia vera and 33 essential...
Latest Results for Human Cell
Covid-19: The US state copying a global health template for contact tracing success
The covid-19 figures in this feature (BMJ 2020;369:m1890, doi:10.1136/bmj.m1890) were not updated to the most recent and should have read: “As at 12 May, there were 79 332 cases and 5141 deaths. By...
Latest headlines from BMJ
A Review on Worldwide Ephedra History and Story: From Fossils to Natural Products Mass Spectroscopy Characterization and Biopharmacotherapy Potential.
Related ArticlesA Review on Worldwide Ephedra History and Story: From Fossils to Natural Products Mass Spectroscopy Characterization and Biopharmacotherapy Potential. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2020;2020:1540638 Authors: Elhadef K, Smaoui S, Fourati M, Ben Hlima H, Chakchouk Mtibaa A, Sellem I, Ennouri K, Mellouli L Abstract Growing worldwide, the genus Ephedra (family Ephedraceae) had a medicinal, ecological, and economic value. The extraordinary...
pubmed: antiquity
Response Rate and Prognostic Impact of Salvage Chemotherapy after Nivolumab in Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer
Objective: Nivolumab is recommended as a third-line treatment in patients with unresectable advanced or recurrent gastric cancer. Although recent studies have demonstrated the prognostic impact of salvage chemotherapy after immune checkpoint inhibitors in several malignancies, its clinical significance remains unclear in patients with gastric cancer. This study aimed to investigate tumor response to subsequent chemotherapy after nivolumab in patients with advanced gastric cancer and assess the prognostic...
OCL : Last 20 articles
Accurate and Specific Measuring Grid for Otorhinolaryngological Surgeries
Abstract Most of the ENT surgeries (tympanoplasty, rhinoplasty, ossiculoplasty, septoplasty) involve the reconstruction and the functional correction of the respective structures involved. Success of otorhinolaryngological surgeries depends on accurate measurements and precision in judgement. There is need to develop simple tools for measurements which are easy to procure, accurate and simple to handle. Every surgeon needs unique tools to accomplish such an outcome. In order to...
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head
Students' school engagement and their truant behavior: Do relationships with classmates and teachers matter?
Research on school dropout suggests that the decision to drop out of school is not a sudden or immediate one, but rather the result of a long-term process of withdrawal from school. While school engagement and truancy are among the most prominent constructs to be associated as precursors of school dropout, the relationship between these two constructs needs further analysis. Our study establishes more comprehensive understanding of school engagement and truancy by focusing on students' individual...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Trajektorien der beruflichen Geschlechtstypik: Eine Studie zur Rekonstruktion von berufsbiographischen Übergängen
Vor dem Hintergrund der persistenten Geschlechtersegregation in der Berufs- und Studienwahl von Jugendlichen analysiert die vorliegende Studie die Trajektorien der geschlechtsbezogenen Passungen in der beruflichen Orientierung von Frauen und Männern bei den berufsbiographischen Übergängen. Die Studie greift auf den längsschnittlichen Datensatz des Schweizer Projektes zu Bildungsentscheidungen und -verläufen von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen zurück und rekonstruiert in einer chronologischen...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Trapped in the gender stereotype? The image of science among secondary school students and teachers
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to investigate the gender stereotype of science by analysing the semantic attributes of gender in relation to three science subjects - chemistry, mathematics, and physics - among students and their science teachers. Design/methodology/approach - This cross-sectional study applied a survey of 3,045 students and 123 teachers in secondary schools. The gendered image of science was assessed using a semantic differential consisting of 25 pairs of adjectives with...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Cultural transition and academic achievement of students from ethnic minority backgrounds: A content analysis of empirical research on acculturation
Background: The achievement gap between immigrant and non-immigrant students that has been identi fi ed in most OECD countries and the considerable educational dropout rate among students from ethnic minority backgrounds in some countries have become serious challenges for national educational systems. The educational underachievement of young people from ethnic minority backgrounds is embedded in the process of their acculturation. In the tradition of cross-cultural psychology, acculturation describes...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Minority students' psychological adjustment in the school context: An integrative review of qualitative research on acculturation
The present study aims at systematically analyzing the fi ndings reported in qualitative research on acculturation and psychological adjustment in the school context. Content analysis was conducted using the deductively developed and inductively enriched system of categories. The results of the study provide insights into youths ' acculturation and their psychological adjustment in the school context as well as schools ' mechanisms and strategies for responding to minority youths ' needs in the process...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Kommunikation in der rechtlichen Betreuung: Ansatzpunkte für Selbstbestimmung beim unterstützten Entscheiden in der rechtlichen Betreuung. Teil 1
Der Beitrag untersucht das gemeinsame Handeln der Beteiligten in der rechtlichen Betreuung auf der Grundlage von Audio-Aufnahmen von Gesprächen zwischen Betreuten und Betreuern. Anhand der Gespräche wird bestimmt, wie das Entscheiden kommunikativ verläuft. Das Entscheiden wird als Prozess verstanden, das im Gespräch schrittweise vollzogen wird. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass das Entscheiden im Prozess weit vor seinem Ergebnis, der Entscheidung, ansetzt. Die Untersuchung der Gesprächsaufnahmen macht...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Kommunikation in der rechtlichen Betreuung: Ansatzpunkte für Selbstbestimmung beim unterstützten Entscheiden in der rechtlichen Betreuung. Teil 3
Der Beitrag basiert auf Untersuchungen des gemeinsamen Handelns der Beteiligten in der rechtlichen Betreuung auf der Grundlage von Audio-Aufnahmen von Gesprächen zwischen Betreuten und Betreuern. Anhand der Gespräche wird bestimmt, wie das Entscheiden kommunikativ verläuft. Wie das Unterstützen beim Entscheiden konkret kommunikativ vollzogen werden kann und wie stark das jeweils das Entscheidungshandeln des Betreuten vorstrukturiert, wird hier nachvollzogen. Es wird gezeigt, worauf man grundlegend...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Kommunikation in der rechtlichen Betreuung: Ansatzpunkte für Selbstbestimmung beim unterstützten Entscheiden in der rechtlichen Betreuung. Teil 2
Der Beitrag untersucht das gemeinsame Handeln der Beteiligten in der rechtlichen Betreuung auf der Grundlage von Audio-Aufnahmen von Gesprächen zwischen Betreuten und Betreuern. Anhand der Gespräche wird bestimmt, wie das Entscheiden kommunikativ verläuft. Das Entscheiden wird als Prozess verstanden, das im Gespräch schrittweise vollzogen wird. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass das Entscheiden im Prozess weit vor seinem Ergebnis, der Entscheidung, ansetzt. Dies wird hier an einem Gesprächsausschnitt mit...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
[German Guideline for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis].
Related Articles[German Guideline for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis]. Pneumologie. 2020 May;74(5):e1 Authors: Behr J, Günther A, Bonella F, Dinkel J, Fink L, Geiser T, Geißler K, Gläser S, Handzhhiev S, Jonigk D, Koschel D, Kreuter M, Leuschner G, Markart P, Prasse A, Schönfeld N, Schupp JC, Sitter H, Müller-Quernheim J, Costabel U PMID: 32422671 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: sleep
Sleep debt induces skeletal muscle injuries in athletes: A promising hypothesis.
Related ArticlesSleep debt induces skeletal muscle injuries in athletes: A promising hypothesis. Med Hypotheses. 2020 May 12;142:109836 Authors: de Sousa Nogueira Freitas L, da Silva FR, Andrade HA, Guerreiro RC, Paulo FV, de Mello MT, Silva A Abstract Sleep is a physiological state and it is fundamental for physical and cognitive recovery of athletes. Due to strenuous training and competitions, athletes may present sleep complaints compromising good...
pubmed: sleep
Short-term effect of physical activity on sleep health: A population-based study using accelerometry.
Related ArticlesShort-term effect of physical activity on sleep health: A population-based study using accelerometry. J Sport Health Sci. 2020 May 15;: Authors: Wendt A, da Silva ICM, Gonçalves H, Menezes A, Barros F, Wehrmeister FC Abstract BACKGROUND: Regular physical activity (PA) is an important behaviour in improving sleep health. However, the short-term effects of PA on sleep are still controversial. This study aims to verify the effect of different...
pubmed: sleep
The circadian clock protects against acute radiation-induced dermatitis.
Related ArticlesThe circadian clock protects against acute radiation-induced dermatitis. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2020 May 15;:115040 Authors: Dakup PP, Porter KI, Gaddameedhi S Abstract Radiation-induced dermatitis is a common occurrence in cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy (RT) and is caused when ionizing radiation (IR) induces DNA strand breaks in skin cells. The wide use of RT in cancer treatments makes it important to minimize RT-induced...
pubmed: sleep
Orexin and Parkinson's disease: a protective neuropeptide with therapeutic potential.
Related ArticlesOrexin and Parkinson's disease: a protective neuropeptide with therapeutic potential. Neurochem Int. 2020 May 15;:104754 Authors: Liu C, Xue Y, Liu MF, Wang Y, Chen L Abstract Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease caused by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta. PD is characterized by motor dysfunctions as well as non-motor disorders. Orexin (also known...
pubmed: sleep
Diagnostic Accuracy of Early Computed Tomographic Coronary Angiography to Detect Coronary Artery Disease After Out-of-Hospital Circulatory Arrest.
Related ArticlesDiagnostic Accuracy of Early Computed Tomographic Coronary Angiography to Detect Coronary Artery Disease After Out-of-Hospital Circulatory Arrest. Resuscitation. 2020 May 15;: Authors: Branch K, Hira R, Brusen R, Maynard C, Kudenchuk PJ, Petek BJ, Strote J, Sayre MR, Gatewood M, Carlbom D, Counts C, Probstfield JL, Gunn M Abstract AIM: To test the diagnostic accuracy of ECG-gated coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) to detect...
pubmed: sleep
Tracheostomy in the COVID-19 era: global and multidisciplinary guidance.
Related ArticlesTracheostomy in the COVID-19 era: global and multidisciplinary guidance. Lancet Respir Med. 2020 May 15;: Authors: McGrath BA, Brenner MJ, Warrillow SJ, Pandian V, Arora A, Cameron TS, Añon JM, Hernández Martínez G, Truog RD, Block SD, Lui GCY, McDonald C, Rassekh CH, Atkins J, Qiang L, Vergez S, Dulguerov P, Zenk J, Antonelli M, Pelosi P, Walsh BK, Ward E, Shang Y, Gasparini S, Donati A, Singer M, Openshaw PJM, Tolley N, Markel H, Feller-Kopman DJ ...
pubmed: sleep
What can families gain from the family meal? A mixed-papers systematic review.
Related ArticlesWhat can families gain from the family meal? A mixed-papers systematic review. Appetite. 2020 May 15;:104725 Authors: Middleton G, Golley R, Patterson K, Le Moal F, Coveney J Abstract The family meal has been associated with numerous health and wellbeing benefits for both adults and children. However, the majority of the research in this area is correlational, unable to prove a causal relationship between family meals and health and wellbeing...
pubmed: sleep

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