Τετάρτη 6 Μαΐου 2020

Healthcare, Vol. 8, Pages 126: Does COVID-2019 have an Impact on the Purchase Intention of Commercial Long-Term Care Insurance among the Elderly in China?
Healthcare, Vol. 8, Pages 126: Does COVID-2019 have an Impact on the Purchase Intention of Commercial Long-Term Care Insurance among the Elderly in China? Healthcare doi: 10.3390/healthcare8020126 Authors: Xu Zhang Chen Wei Purpose: As an important measure to alleviate long-term care (LTC) costs for the disabled due to the aging of the population, long-term care insurance (LTCI) system has been paid more attention in China. In addition to the government-led public LTCI system...
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
Healthcare, Vol. 8, Pages 125: The Advantages of Clinical Nutrition Use in Oncologic Patients in Italy: Real World Insights
Healthcare, Vol. 8, Pages 125: The Advantages of Clinical Nutrition Use in Oncologic Patients in Italy: Real World Insights Healthcare doi: 10.3390/healthcare8020125 Authors: Paolo Pedrazzoli Riccardo Caccialanza Paolo Cotogni Luca Degli Esposti Valentina Perrone Diego Sangiorgi Francesco Di Costanzo Cecilia Gavazzi Armando Santoro Carmine Pinto This retrospective observational study aimed to provide insights on the use of clinical nutrition (CN) (enteral and...
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00

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