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Τρίτη 5 Μαΐου 2020

Improved robust tensor principal component analysis for accelerating dynamic MR imaging reconstruction

Improved robust tensor principal component analysis for accelerating dynamic MR imaging reconstruction:


Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) strikes a balance between reconstruction speed and image accuracy in medical imaging field. In this paper, an improved robust tensor principal component analysis (RTPCA) method is proposed to reconstruct the dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) from highly under-sampled K-space data. The MR reconstruction problem is formulated as a high-order low-rank tenor plus sparse tensor recovery problem, which is solved by robust tensor principal component analysis (RTPCA) with a new tensor nuclear norm (TNN). To further exploit the low-rank structures in multi-way data, the core matrix nuclear norm, extracted from the diagonal elements of the core tensor under tensor singular value decomposition (t-SVD) framework, is also integrated into TNN for enforcing the low-rank structure in MRI datasets. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of both MR image reconstruction accuracy and computational efficiency on 3D and 4D experiment datasets, especially for 4D MR image reconstruction.

Graphical abstract

The flowchart of the proposed method to reconstruct the dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) from highly under-sampled K-space data in the kth iteration. To further exploit the low-rank structures in multi-way data, the core matrix nuclear norm, extracted from the diagonal elements of the core tensor under tensor singular value decomposition (t-SVD) framework, is also integrated into tensor nuclear norm (TNN) for enforcing the low-rank structure in MRI datasets. In each iteration, the first step is to get low-rank tensor k − 1 by using soft thresholding on the singular values of k − 1 = χk − 1 − ξk − 1, and an improved tensor nuclear norm method is proposed to process the low-rank tensor k − 1 firstly. Then, the shrinkage operator is applied to ξk − 1 = χk − 1 − k − 1 for sparse part ξk − 1. The final reconstructed d-MRI χk is obtained by enforcing data consistency that the residual in K-space is subtracted by the sum of the reconstructed low-rank tensor and sparse tensor.

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