Τετάρτη 6 Μαΐου 2020

IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3297: New and Developing Therapies in Spinal Muscular Atrophy: From Genotype to Phenotype to Treatment and Where Do We Stand?
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3297: New and Developing Therapies in Spinal Muscular Atrophy: From Genotype to Phenotype to Treatment and Where Do We Stand? International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093297 Authors: Tai-Heng Chen Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a congenital neuromuscular disorder characterized by motor neuron loss, resulting in progressive weakness. SMA is notable in the health care community because it accounts for the most common cause of infant death resulting...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3296: The 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 Microdeletion (Burnside–Butler) Syndrome: In Silico Analyses of the Four Coding Genes Reveal Functional Associations with Neurodevelopmental Phenotypes
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3296: The 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 Microdeletion (Burnside–Butler) Syndrome: In Silico Analyses of the Four Coding Genes Reveal Functional Associations with Neurodevelopmental Phenotypes International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093296 Authors: Syed K. Rafi Merlin G. Butler The 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 microdeletion (Burnside–Butler) syndrome is emerging as the most frequent pathogenic copy number variation (CNV) in humans associated with neurodevelopmental...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3286: Therapeutic Application of Drug-Conjugated HER2 Oligobody (HER2-DOligobody)
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3286: Therapeutic Application of Drug-Conjugated HER2 Oligobody (HER2-DOligobody) International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093286 Authors: Hyun Jung Kim Ho Jin Sung Yul Min Lee Sun Il Choi Yun-Hee Kim Kyun Heo In-Hoo Kim Antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), consisting of a cancer-specific antibody and cytotoxic payload, are shown to be a potent class of anticancer therapeutics, with enhanced therapeutic efficacy and reduced “off-target”...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3283: Spatiotemporal Regulation of Signaling: Focus on T Cell Activation and the Immunological Synapse
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3283: Spatiotemporal Regulation of Signaling: Focus on T Cell Activation and the Immunological Synapse International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093283 Authors: Esther Garcia Shehab Ismail In a signaling network, not only the functions of molecules are important but when (temporal) and where (spatial) those functions are exerted and orchestrated is what defines the signaling output. To temporally and spatially modulate signaling events, cells...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3287: Platelet Activation Is Triggered by Factors Secreted by Senescent Endothelial HMEC-1 Cells In Vitro
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3287: Platelet Activation Is Triggered by Factors Secreted by Senescent Endothelial HMEC-1 Cells In Vitro International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093287 Authors: Whitney Venturini Alexandra Olate-Briones Claudio Valenzuela Diego Méndez Eduardo Fuentes Angel Cayo Daniel Mancilla Raul Segovia Nelson E. Brown Rodrigo Moore-Carrasco Aging is one of the main risk factors for the development of chronic diseases, with both...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3295: Bacillus anthracis’ PA63 Delivers the Tumor Metastasis Suppressor Protein NDPK-A/NME1 into Breast Cancer Cells
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3295: Bacillus anthracis’ PA63 Delivers the Tumor Metastasis Suppressor Protein NDPK-A/NME1 into Breast Cancer Cells International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093295 Authors: Felix Lomada Barth Wieland Some highly metastatic types of breast cancer show decreased intracellular levels of the tumor suppressor protein NME1, also known as nm23-H1 or nucleoside diphosphate kinase A (NDPK-A), which decreases cancer cell motility and metastasis....
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3294: Primary Hemostasis in Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis: What Did We Learn over the Past Decade?
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3294: Primary Hemostasis in Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis: What Did We Learn over the Past Decade? International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093294 Authors: Marie-Astrid van Dievoet Stéphane Eeckhoudt Xavier Stephenne Changes in primary hemostasis have been described in patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) and cirrhosis and are still subject to ongoing debate. Thrombocytopenia is common and multifactorial. Numerous studies also...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3293: Oxidative Stress and Immune System Dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorders
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3293: Oxidative Stress and Immune System Dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorders International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093293 Authors: Luca Pangrazzi Luigi Balasco Yuri Bozzi Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) represent a group of neurodevelopmental disorders associated with social and behavioral impairments. Although dysfunctions in several signaling pathways have been associated with ASDs, very few molecules have been identified as...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3291: Infusion of Plasma from Exercised Mice Ameliorates Cognitive Dysfunction by Increasing Hippocampal Neuroplasticity and Mitochondrial Functions in 3xTg-AD Mice
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3291: Infusion of Plasma from Exercised Mice Ameliorates Cognitive Dysfunction by Increasing Hippocampal Neuroplasticity and Mitochondrial Functions in 3xTg-AD Mice International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093291 Authors: Tae-Woon Kim Sang-Seo Park Joon-Young Park Hye-Sang Park Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative brain disease causing dementia. It is characterized by slow onset and gradual worsening of...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3289: Roles of Autophagy in Oxidative Stress
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3289: Roles of Autophagy in Oxidative Stress International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093289 Authors: Yun Jo Kim Shin Kim Choi Autophagy is a catabolic process for unnecessary or dysfunctional cytoplasmic contents by lysosomal degradation pathways. Autophagy is implicated in various biological processes such as programmed cell death, stress responses, elimination of damaged organelles and development. The role of autophagy...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3290: The Effects of Maternal and Postnatal Dietary Methyl Nutrients on Epigenetic Changes that Lead to Non-Communicable Diseases in Adulthood
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3290: The Effects of Maternal and Postnatal Dietary Methyl Nutrients on Epigenetic Changes that Lead to Non-Communicable Diseases in Adulthood International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093290 Authors: Raniru S. Randunu Robert F. Bertolo The risk for non-communicable diseases in adulthood can be programmed by early nutrition. This programming is mediated by changes in expression of key genes in various metabolic pathways during development,...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3292: Identification and Annotation of Potential Function of Regulatory Antisense Long Non-Coding RNAs Related to Feed Efficiency in Bos taurus Bulls
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3292: Identification and Annotation of Potential Function of Regulatory Antisense Long Non-Coding RNAs Related to Feed Efficiency in Bos taurus Bulls International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093292 Authors: Nolte Weikard Brunner Albrecht Hammon Reverter Küehn Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) can influence transcriptional and translational processes in mammalian cells and are associated with various developmental, physiological...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3288: Comparative Transcriptome Analysis Combining SMRT- and Illumina-Based RNA-Seq Identifies Potential Candidate Genes Involved in Betalain Biosynthesis in Pitaya Fruit
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3288: Comparative Transcriptome Analysis Combining SMRT- and Illumina-Based RNA-Seq Identifies Potential Candidate Genes Involved in Betalain Biosynthesis in Pitaya Fruit International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093288 Authors: Yawei Wu Juan Xu Xiumei Han Guang Qiao Kun Yang Zhuang Wen Xiaopeng Wen To gain more valuable genomic information about betalain biosynthesis, the full-length transcriptome of pitaya pulp from ‘Zihonglong’...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3284: An 5 GABAA Receptor Inverse Agonist, 5IA, Attenuates Amyloid Beta-Induced Neuronal Death in Mouse Hippocampal Cultures
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3284: An 5 GABAA Receptor Inverse Agonist, 5IA, Attenuates Amyloid Beta-Induced Neuronal Death in Mouse Hippocampal Cultures International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093284 Authors: Vinnakota Govindpani Tate Peppercorn Anekal Waldvogel Faull Kwakowsky Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder for which no cognition-restoring therapies exist. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3285: Targeting AKT/mTOR in Oral Cancer: Mechanisms and Advances in Clinical Trials
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3285: Targeting AKT/mTOR in Oral Cancer: Mechanisms and Advances in Clinical Trials International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093285 Authors: Harsha Banik Ang Girisa Vikkurthi Parama Rana Shabnam Khatoon Kumar Kunnumakkara Oral cancer (OC) is a devastating disease that takes the lives of lots of people globally every year. The current spectrum of treatment modalities does not meet the needs of the patients....
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3282: Integrated Approach to Evaluate the Association between Exposure to Pesticides and Idiopathic Premature Thelarche in Girls: The PEACH Project
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3282: Integrated Approach to Evaluate the Association between Exposure to Pesticides and Idiopathic Premature Thelarche in Girls: The PEACH Project International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093282 Authors: Lucia Coppola Sabrina Tait Lorella Ciferri Gianluca Frustagli Carmine Merola Monia Perugini Enrica Fabbrizi Cinzia La Rocca Several pesticides are recognized as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) since they can interfere...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3281: Acid and Neutral Sphingomyelinase Behavior in Radiation-Induced Liver Pyroptosis and in the Protective/Preventive Role of rMnSOD
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3281: Acid and Neutral Sphingomyelinase Behavior in Radiation-Induced Liver Pyroptosis and in the Protective/Preventive Role of rMnSOD International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093281 Authors: Cataldi Borrelli Ceccarini Nakashidze Codini Belov Ivanov Krasavin Ferri Conte Patria Beccari Mancini Curcio Ambesi-Impiombato Albi Sphingomyelins (SMs) are a class of relevant bioactive molecules...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3280: Unraveling the Chloroplast Genomes of Two Prosopis Species to Identify Its Genomic Information, Comparative Analyses and Phylogenetic Relationship
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3280: Unraveling the Chloroplast Genomes of Two Prosopis Species to Identify Its Genomic Information, Comparative Analyses and Phylogenetic Relationship International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093280 Authors: Sajjad Asaf Abdul Latif Khan Arif Khan Ahmed Al-Harrasi Genus Prosopis (family Fabaceae) are shrubby trees, native to arid and semi-arid regions of Asia, Africa, and America and known for nitrogen fixation. Here, we have sequenced...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3279: Cellular Senescence in the Lung: The Central Role of Senescent Epithelial Cells
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3279: Cellular Senescence in the Lung: The Central Role of Senescent Epithelial Cells International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093279 Authors: Christine Hansel Verena Jendrossek Diana Klein Cellular senescence is a key process in physiological dysfunction developing upon aging or following diverse stressors including ionizing radiation. It describes the state of a permanent cell cycle arrest, in which proliferating cells become resistant...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3278: Bioactive Phytochemicals and Functional Food Ingredients in Fruits and Vegetables
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3278: Bioactive Phytochemicals and Functional Food Ingredients in Fruits and Vegetables International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093278 Authors: Francesca Giampieri Maurizio Battino Today, it is widely accepted that a plant-based diet produces wellbeing and prevents the onset of several human diseases [...]
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3277: Evaluation of Cell Harvesting Techniques to Optimize Lipidomic Analysis from Human Meibomian Gland Epithelial Cells in Culture
IJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 3277: Evaluation of Cell Harvesting Techniques to Optimize Lipidomic Analysis from Human Meibomian Gland Epithelial Cells in Culture International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21093277 Authors: Jillian F. Ziemanski Jianzhong Chen Kelly K. Nichols The lipidomic analysis of immortalized human meibomian gland epithelial cells (HMGECs) has been proposed as a preclinical model to study meibomian gland dysfunction. An in vitro study was conducted...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Wed May 06, 2020 03:00

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