Τετάρτη 13 Μαΐου 2020

Reinforcing Anastomotic Stoma by Suturing with Laparoscopy Results in Anastomotic Atresia
Abstract Here we describe and share an interesting complication and the management of left-sided colostomy stoma closure using knotless barbed absorbable suture. Inadvertently one of the sutures picked and engaged the opposite wall of the colon presenting as intestinal obstruction. Proximal to anastomotic site the dilated colon was visible on CT scan (Fig. 1). A fibre-optic colonoscopy was done, problem suspected and the offending suture that had closed shut the lumen was cut and...
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
Migration of the Catheter of a Totally Implantable Venous Access Device to the Liver: a Case Report
Abstract A 44-year-old male leukemia patient underwent a TIVAD insertion in the right internal jugular vein which became non-functioning after 15 months. The patient was asymptomatic. A chest X-ray showed a non-visible catheter in its normal position. Its distal part was noticed in the right hypochondrial region. Chest CT revealed a hyperdense catheter inside the right side of the heart (right ventricle and right atrium), the inferior vena cava and the whole length of the right...
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
Acute Gastric Volvulus in Eight-Year-Old Male
Abstract An 8-year-old child is admitted to a surgical unit for abdominal pain, with clinical diagnosis of acute abdomen. At exploration, organoaxial gastric volvulus and splenic volvulus were found. Necrosis and gangrene of the whole stomach are treated with total gastrectomy. Gastric volvulus is a rare acute surgical condition in children. It requires urgent surgical treatment to avoid irreversible ischemic changes in the stomach and possibly spleen.
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
MR Enterography Features of Jejunal Lipoma Causing Intussusception: A Unique Case Report
Abstract Intussusception usually occurs in children due to benign causes, whereas in adults, it is mostly caused by malign causes in the colon. On the other hand, the causes of small bowel intussusceptions in adulthood are usually benign, such as polyps, lipomas, adenomas, and Meckel’s diverticulum. Intestinal lipomas are an uncommon entity among benign tumors. Here, we present MR enterography features of jejunojejunal intussusception caused by an intramural lipoma.
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
Anorectal Malformations: the Brooke Ileostomy Technique Moves to the Colon
Abstract Colostomy is considered by most authors the first step of treatment for neonates affected by high or intermediate anorectal malformations (ARMs). However, for this subset of patients, the debate between total diverting colostomy (TDC) and loop colostomy (LC) is still ongoing among the paediatric surgeons community. The aim of this paper is to present our experience consisting in applying the Brooke technique, until now used only for ileostomy, in order to perform a functionally...
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
Comparison of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A (VEGF-A) Level in Pleural Fluid of Patients with Malignant and Nonmalignant Pleural Effusion
Abstract Malignant pleural effusion (PE) is a complication that often occurs in advanced cancer. The sensitivity of pleural fluid cytology is reported to vary from 30 to 90%; therefore, the process is less clinically practical in certain conditions. Thus, special biomarkers are needed to distinguish malignant PE and nonmalignant PE. The aim of this study is to compare the level of vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) in pleural fluid of patients with that in malignant...
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
Surgery in Cancer Patients: Risk Factors for Major Adverse Cardiac Events
Abstract The major adverse cardiac events (MACE) are a major cause of perioperative death in patients of cancer combined with coronary heart disease. The risk factors of postoperative MACE in this specific population should be fully understood and analyzed to provide a theoretical basis for optimal management strategy. A total of 484 patients of cancer combined with coronary heart disease admitted to the intensive care unit of our hospital from January 2014 to December 2018 were...
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery
Surgeon and Preparedness for COVID-19 Pandemic
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgery

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