Τρίτη 5 Μαΐου 2020

Concerning data sharing in biological anthropology
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Tue May 05, 2020 18:08
Enamel growth rates of anterior teeth in males and females from modern and ancient British populations
Abstract Objective This study explored biological sex differences in the regional daily growth rates of human anterior enamel from modern and ancient populations in Britain. Methods Maxillary permanent incisors (n = 80) and canines (n = 69) from Roman, Anglo‐Saxon, Medieval, and Modern day populations were analyzed using histological methods. Daily secretion rates (DSRs) were collected for inner, mid, and outer regions of cuspal and lateral enamel. Modern day samples were of known...
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Tue May 05, 2020 18:05

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