Κυριακή 27 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Learning Health Systems and the Future of Clinical Research
Pediatric surgeons are collectively passionate about prioritizing the healthcare needs of children. We contend that this passion is deeply ingrained in how we drive clinical care and influence scientific discovery. Thus, the future of clinical research in our field will be deeply embedded in our history as a “patient-centric” profession. Service to pediatric patients requires an understanding of their needs and expectations, and designing research that acknowledges both. In this article we detail...
Journal of Pediatric Surgery
A Standardized Technique of Laparoscopic Placement of Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter with Omentectomy and Closure of Patent Processus Vaginalis: A 3-in-1 Minimally Invasive Surgical Approach in Children
Omental wrapping is a common cause for catheter failure in children on peritoneal dialysis (PD). Previous studies are conflicting in the benefits of omentectomy.
Journal of Pediatric Surgery
Reply to Letter to the Editor
We appreciate the letter from Dr. Davenport and Dr. Macdonald from Kings College Hospital regarding our single center 26-year experience and long-term outcomes for patients who underwent HPE for biliary atresia. The aim of our study was to determine perioperative risk factors associated with progression to liver transplantation following HPE [1]. Our results, similar to those of Shneider et.al [2], showed total bilirubin at 3 months following HPE was the strongest predictor of need for transplantation.
Journal of Pediatric Surgery
A single institution experience of Eppikajutsuto for the treatment of lymphatic malformations in children
Eppikajutsuto (TJ-28) is an herbal medicine recently reported to be effective in treating lymphatic malformations (LMs). We report our experience concerning the clinical efficacy of TJ-28 for LMs.
Journal of Pediatric Surgery
Successful Cesarean Section Deliveries in a Patient with a History of Developmental Venous Anomaly-Induced Hemorrhage
While hemorrhage can occur because of developmental venous anomalies (DVAs), there is no established opinion concerning their association with pregnancy and childbirth. In the present report, we discuss the case of a now 39-year-old woman with DVA in whom pregnancy and childbirth were successful. When she was 28, she experienced disturbance of consciousness and paralysis on the left side of the body, and brain computed tomography revealed cerebral hemorrhage coupled with subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases
Computed Tomography Angiogram Derived From Computed Tomography Perfusion Done With Low Iodine Volume Protocol Preserves Diagnostic Yield for Middle Cerebral Artery-M2 Occlusions
Background: Computed tomography angiogram (CTA) derived from computed tomography perfusion (CTP) has been proposed to avoid addition of separate CT perfusion protocol for selection of large vessel occlusion in acute stroke patients. Previous studies have validated this technique for proximal large vessel occlusions. In this study, we test reliability for identifying M2 occlusions on CTA derived from CTP. Methods: Through a retrospective search of the institutional thrombectomy database, we identified...
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases
Laser-Induced Fluorescence Emission (L.I.F.E.) as Novel Non-Invasive Tool for In-Situ Measurements of Biomarkers in Cryospheric Habitats
Carbon fluxes in the cryosphere are hardly assessed yet but are crucial regarding climate change. Here we show a novel prototype device that captures the phototrophic potential in supraglacial environments based on laser-induced fluorescence emission (L.I.F.E.) technology offering high spectral and spatial resolution data under in situ conditions.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
Primary Culture of Neurons Isolated from Embryonic Mouse Cerebellum
Conducting in vitro experiments to reflect in vivo conditions as adequately as possible is not an easy task. The use of primary cell cultures is an important step toward understanding cell biology in a whole organism. The provided protocol outlines how to successfully grow and culture embryonic mouse cerebellar neurons.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
A Training and Testing System for Performing Vascular Reconstruction In Vitro
Here we present a training and testing system where a trainee can complete manual vascular reconstruction in vitro individually using a magnetic anchoring technique. The system can also be used to test the quality of reconstruction.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
Simple Surgical Induction of Conductive Hearing Loss with Verification Using Otoscope Visualization and Behavioral Clap Startle Response in Rat
Here, we present a protocol to establish a replicable conductive hearing loss induction via surgical tympanic membrane puncture and verification by otoscope visualization and behavioral assessment by clap startle.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
Genotype-based recall studies in complex cardiometabolic traits
Circulation. Genomic and precision medicine
Latest additions to Europe PMC
The cost of child and adolescent mental health services
The lancet. Psychiatry
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Childhood Body Composition Trajectories and Adolescent Lung Function. Findings from the ALSPAC study
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
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Investigating differences in trunk muscle activity in non-specific chronic low back pain subgroups and no-low back pain controls during functional tasks: a case-control study
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
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Menstrual cups and cash transfer to reduce sexual and reproductive harm and school dropout in adolescent schoolgirls: study protocol of a cluster-randomised controlled trial in western Kenya
BMC Public Health
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Smoking beliefs across genders, a comparative analysis of seven European countries
BMC Public Health
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Hidden biodiversity revealed by integrated morphology and genetic species delimitation of spring dwelling water mite species (Acari, Parasitengona: Hydrachnidia)
Parasites & Vectors
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Asian elephants exhibit post-reproductive lifespans
BMC Evolutionary Biology
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SEPATH: benchmarking the search for pathogens in human tissue whole genome sequence data leads to template pipelines
Genome Biology
Latest additions to Europe PMC
ZP4 confers structural properties to the zona pellucida essential for embryo development
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Extraocular, rod-like photoreceptors in a flatworm express xenopsin photopigment
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Id4 promotes the elimination of the pro-activation factor Ascl1 to maintain quiescence of adult hippocampal stem cells
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Transforming and integrating STI surveillance to enhance global advocacy and investment in STI control
Journal of the International AIDS Society
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Temporal trends of population viral suppression in the context of Universal Test and Treat: the ANRS 12249 TasP trial in rural South Africa
Journal of the International AIDS Society
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Heart Rate Correction of the J-to-Tpeak Interval
Scientific Reports
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Differentially Methylated Super-Enhancers Regulate Target Gene Expression in Human Cancer
Scientific Reports
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Finger Posture and Finger Load are Perceived Independently
Scientific Reports
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A micropatterned substrate for on-surface enzymatic labelling of linearized long DNA molecules
Scientific Reports
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Coetaneous catalytic kinetic resolution of alkynes and azides through asymmetric triazole formation
Scientific Reports
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Computational/experimental evaluation of liver metastasis post hepatic injury: interactions with macrophages and transitional ECM
Scientific Reports
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Denoising of Aligned Genomic Data
Scientific Reports
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Human Adipose-derived Pericytes Display Steroidogenic Lineage Potential in Vitro and Influence Leydig Cell Regeneration in Vivo in Rats
Scientific Reports
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Metabolomic profiling identifies novel associations with Electrolyte and Acid-Base Homeostatic patterns
Scientific Reports
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Socio‐economic differences in patient participation behaviours in doctor–patient interactions—A systematic mapping review of the literature
Health Expectations : An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care and Health Policy
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Perspectives on decision making amongst older people with end‐stage renal disease and caregivers in Singapore: A qualitative study
Health Expectations : An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care and Health Policy
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Ethnic differences in psychosis—Lay epidemiology explanations
Health Expectations : An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care and Health Policy
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Parent escalation of care for the deteriorating child in hospital: A health‐care improvement study
Health Expectations : An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care and Health Policy
Latest additions to Europe PMC
TORC2-Gad8-dependent myosin phosphorylation modulates regulation by calcium
Latest additions to Europe PMC
A neural mechanism for contextualizing fragmented inputs during naturalistic vision
Latest additions to Europe PMC

Whole genome sequencing of drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from a high burden tuberculosis region of North West Pakistan
Scientific Reports
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Impact of Early Life Antibiotic Exposure and Neonatal Hyperoxia on the Murine Microbiome and Lung Injury
Scientific Reports
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Macrofluidic recirculating model of skeletal metastasis
Scientific Reports
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Transcriptome Network Analysis Identifies CXCL13-CXCR5 Signaling Modules in the Prostate Tumor Immune Microenvironment
Scientific Reports
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Intracellular Calcium Oscillations in Astrocytes: A Highly Plastic, Bidirectional Form of Communication between Neurons and Astrocytes In Situ
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Serotonin Promotes the Differentiation of Glutamate Neurons in Organotypic Slice Cultures of the Developing Cerebral Cortex
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Cells in Laminae III and IV of the Rat Spinal Cord that Possess the Neurokinin-1 Receptor and Have Dorsally Directed Dendrites Receive a Major Synaptic Input from Tachykinin-Containing Primary Afferents
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Postnatal Development of Membrane Properties and δ Oscillations in Thalamocortical Neurons of the Cat Dorsal Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Expression of LIM Protein Genes Lmo1, Lmo2, andLmo3 in Adult Mouse Hippocampus and Other Forebrain Regions: Differential Regulation by Seizure Activity
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Distinct Ontogeny of Glucocorticoid and Mineralocorticoid Receptor and 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Types I and II mRNAs in the Fetal Rat Brain Suggest a Complex Control of Glucocorticoid Actions
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Patch-Clamp Recordings from Cerebellar Basket Cell Bodies and Their Presynaptic Terminals Reveal an Asymmetric Distribution of Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Sodium Current in Rat and Cat Thalamocortical Neurons: Role of a Non-Inactivating Component in Tonic and Burst Firing
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Fornix Lesions Can Facilitate Acquisition of the Transverse Patterning Task: A Challenge for “Configural” Theories of Hippocampal Function
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Bcl-2 Accelerates the Maturation of Early Sensory Neurons
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Identification of Amino Acid Residues of the NR2A Subunit That Control Glutamate Potency in Recombinant NR1/NR2A NMDA Receptors
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Fine-Scale Inference of Ancestry Segments Without Prior Knowledge of Admixing Groups
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Nerve Growth Factor Treatment Increases Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Selectively in TrkA-Expressing Dorsal Root Ganglion Cells and in Their Central Terminations within the Spinal Cord
The Journal of Neuroscience
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ε Subunit-Containing Acetylcholine Receptors in Myotubes Belong to the Slowly Degrading Population
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Dissociable Forms of Inhibitory Control within Prefrontal Cortex with an Analog of the Wisconsin Card Sort Test: Restriction to Novel Situations and Independence from “On-Line” Processing
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Implication of OTX2 in Pigment Epithelium Determination and Neural Retina Differentiation
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Dysregulation of Diurnal Rhythms of Serotonin 5-HT2Cand Corticosteroid Receptor Gene Expression in the Hippocampus with Food Restriction and Glucocorticoids
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Conduction in Segmentally Demyelinated Mammalian Central Axons
The Journal of Neuroscience
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The Origin, Location, and Projections of the Embryonic Abdominal Motorneurons of Drosophila
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Ventral Prefrontal Cortex Is Not Essential for Working Memory
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Axonal Transport Blockade in the Neonatal Rat Optic Nerve Induces Limited Retinal Ganglion Cell Death
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Recalling Routes around London: Activation of the Right Hippocampus in Taxi Drivers
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Differential Expression of Distinct Members of Rho Family GTP-Binding Proteins during Neuronal Development: Identification ofRac1B, a New Neural-Specific Member of the Family
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Assembly of GABAA Receptors Composed of α1 and β2 Subunits in Both Cultured Neurons and Fibroblasts
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Pattern Formation in the Basilar Papilla: Evidence for Cell Rearrangement
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Differential Localization of Voltage-Dependent Calcium Channel α1 Subunits at the Human and Rat Neuromuscular Junction
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Massive Autaptic Self-Innervation of GABAergic Neurons in Cat Visual Cortex
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Stimulation on the Positive Phase of Hippocampal Theta Rhythm Induces Long-Term Potentiation That Can Be Depotentiated by Stimulation on the Negative Phase in Area CA1 In Vivo
The Journal of Neuroscience
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Control of Klebsiella pneumoniae Infection in Mice by Using Dissolving Microarray Patches Containing Gentamicin
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
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DNA methylation age is associated with an altered hemostatic profile in a multiethnic meta-analysis
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Scaling of claw sharpness: mechanical constraints reduce attachment performance in larger insects
The Journal of experimental biology
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Remapping the cognitive and neural profiles of children who struggle at school
Developmental science
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Genomic Analysis of Plasmodium vivax in Southern Ethiopia Reveals Selective Pressures in Multiple Parasite Mechanisms
The Journal of infectious diseases
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Lifestyle activities in mid-life contribute to cognitive reserve in late-life, independent of education, occupation and late-life activities
Neurobiology of aging
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Midlife physical activity is associated with lower incidence of vascular dementia but not Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer's Research & Therapy
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