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Τρίτη 1 Οκτωβρίου 2019

"Association of Early Systemic Corticosteroid Therapy with Mortality in Patients with Stevens–Johnson Syndrome or Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis: A Retrospective Cohort Study Using a Nationwide Claims Database"

Comment on: “Association of Early Systemic Corticosteroid Therapy with Mortality in Patients with Stevens–Johnson Syndrome or Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis: A Retrospective Cohort Study Using a Nationwide Claims Database”

Comment on: Vascular Tests for Dermatologists

Authors’ Reply to Laneelle et al.: “Vascular Tests for Dermatologists”

Eruptive Melanocytic Nevi: A Review


Eruptive melanocytic nevi (EMN) is a phenomenon characterized by the sudden onset of nevi. Our objective was to compile all published reports of EMN to identify possible precipitating factors and to evaluate the clinical appearance and course. We conducted a systematic bibliographic search and selected 93 articles, representing 179 patients with EMN. The suspected causes were skin and other diseases (50%); immunosuppressive agents, chemotherapy or melanotan (41%); and miscellaneous, including idiopathic (9%). The clinical manifestations could largely be divided into two categories: EMN associated with skin diseases were frequently few in number (fewer than ten nevi), large, and localized to the site of previous skin disease, whereas those due to other causes presented most often with multiple small widespread nevi. In general, EMN seem to persist unchanged after their appearance, but development over several years or fading has also been reported. Overall, 16% of the cases had at least one histologically confirmed dysplastic nevus. Five cases of associated melanoma were reported. We conclude that the clinical appearance of EMN may differ according to the suggested triggering factor. Based on the clinical distinction, we propose a new subclassification of EMN: (1) widespread eruptive nevi (WEN), with numerous small nevi, triggered by, for example, drugs and internal diseases, and (2) Köbner-like eruptive nevi, often with big and few nevi, associated with skin diseases and most often localized at the site of previous skin disease/trauma. The nature of the data precluded assessment of risk of malignant transformation.

The Treatment of Acne Scars, a 30-Year Journey


Over the past 30 years, the treatment of acne scars has undergone changes that have been significantly influenced by the concurrent development of new devices. The advent of fractional resurfacing lasers was a watershed moment for acne scarring therapy. The author recounts a career history of considerations of acne scarring treatments as well as the literature supporting the experiences causing changes in practice. Fractional ablative and nonablative lasers, sublative radiofrequency, picosecond lasers, microneedling with and without radiofrequency and fillers are the bulk of the treatments covered, along with a discussion of combination therapy. A practical algorithm for acne scarring for selection of treatment modalities is presented.

Genital Psoriasis: Impact on Quality of Life and Treatment Options


Psoriasis involving the genital skin occurs in up to two-thirds of psoriasis patients but is often overlooked by physicians. Furthermore, psoriasis objective and subjective severity indexes for common plaque psoriasis often neglect the impact this small area of psoriasis can have on a patient. It can have a significant impact on patients’ psychosocial function due to intrusive physical symptoms such as genital itch and pain, and a detrimental impact on sexual health and impaired relationships. The mainstay of treatment is topical therapy. In patients with genital psoriasis refractory to traditional topical treatment, biologic treatments may greatly improve patient outcomes.

Long-Term Effectiveness and Safety of Up to 48 Weeks’ Treatment with Topical Adapalene 0.3%/Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5% Gel in the Prevention and Reduction of Atrophic Acne Scars in Moderate and Severe Facial Acne



Scarring is a frequent consequence of acne.


Our objective was to evaluate the effect of up to 48 weeks’ treatment with adapalene 0.3%/benzoyl peroxide 2.5% (A0.3/BPO2.5) gel on atrophic scars in moderate or severe acne vulgaris.


In Part 1 of this two-part study, A0.3/BPO2.5 gel or vehicle was applied on each half-face for 24 weeks in a randomized, investigator-blinded, split-face design. Part 2 was a 24-week, open-label extension phase during which A0.3/BPO2.5 gel was applied on both sides of the face. Assessments included investigator atrophic acne scar count, Scar Global Assessment (SGA), acne lesion count, local tolerability, and safety.


Of the 45 subjects entering Part 2, 41 completed the 48-week study. At baseline (Part 1), most subjects had moderate acne (93.3%) with mild scars (62.2%). The scar count decrease from baseline was 21.7% at week 24 and 26.9% at week 48 on the half-face treated for 48 weeks with A0.3/BPO2.5. For the half-face treated with vehicle followed by 24 weeks’ A0.3/BPO2.5, scar count increased by 16.7% at week 24 (under vehicle) and decreased by 22.7% between weeks 24 and 48. The half-face that received 48 weeks’ A0.3/BPO2.5 had a lower final atrophic scar count (mean 8.4 vs. 9.9 for the half-face with 24 weeks’ vehicle then 24 weeks’ A0.3/BPO2.5) and a higher percentage of SGA clear/almost clear. High reductions in acne lesions between baseline and week 48 were observed for both sides of the face. Long-term treatment with A0.3/BPO2.5 was safe and well-tolerated.


Reductions in atrophic acne scars and acne lesions observed after 24 weeks of treatment with A0.3/BPO2.5 gel were maintained with treatment up to 48 weeks. The additional improvement in atrophic scar count with 48 weeks’ A0.3/BPO2.5 treatment, compared to delayed application at 24 weeks, highlights the importance of early initiation of effective acne treatment to prevent and reduce the formation of acne scars.

Trial registration

ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT02735421.

Onychomycosis in Athletes


Onychomycosis is a common disorder that is difficult to cure. Prevalence is lower in children (0.7%), but athletes are 2.5-fold more likely to develop the disease, with infections of the toenails seven times more prevalent than those of the fingernails. This is a concern for athletes as it can interfere with their performance. The risk of developing onychomycosis is increased by the warm environment of many sports activities; the use of occlusive footwear; the warm, moist environment associated with socks and sweating; shared, close quarters among athletes; and trauma to the foot and toenail. Once infected, onychomycosis treatment requires a long duration of treatment with strict compliance, a potential problem for younger patients. Treatment carries the risk of significant side effects, and recurrence rates remain high. Avoiding infection can be a potent first line of defense and may circumvent the need for treatment. Preventive recommendations such as keeping toenails short and proper washing of laundry, to name a few, can be effective and are discussed here. Technological improvements such as synthetic, moisture-wicking socks and well-ventilated, mesh shoes have also been shown to reduce moisture and injury. Education about preventing fungal spread and improving hygiene in the locker room, gym, and pool are of critical importance. This overview of onychomycosis focuses primarily on the preventive measures and innovative changes in athletic gear. It also provides a compact step-by-step guide to prevention intended to be useful for both the general public and the professional. It can be reproduced to use as a handout for athletes, trainers, and coaches.

Efficacy and Safety of Crisaborole Ointment, 2%, for the Treatment of Mild-to-Moderate Atopic Dermatitis Across Racial and Ethnic Groups



Atopic dermatitis is highly prevalent in black/African American, Asian, and Hispanic patients, making assessment of these populations in clinical trials important. Crisaborole ointment, 2%, is a nonsteroidal phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor for the treatment of mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis. In two pivotal phase III clinical trials in patients aged ≥ 2 years, crisaborole was superior to vehicle in reducing global disease severity. The most common treatment-related adverse event was application site pain.


The objective of this study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of crisaborole according to patient race and ethnicity.


A pooled post hoc analysis by race and ethnicity of the two pivotal trials and a safety extension trial was performed. Race included white or nonwhite (encompassing Asian/native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander, black/African American, and other/American Indian/Alaskan native); ethnicity included Hispanic/Latino or not Hispanic/Latino.


In white, nonwhite, Hispanic/Latino, and not Hispanic/Latino groups at day 29, more crisaborole- than vehicle-treated patients achieved improvements in global disease severity [Investigator’s Static Global Assessment of clear/almost clear with a ≥ 2-grade improvement (white: 33.5% vs. 22.3%, nominal p < 0.001; nonwhite: 30.0% vs. 21.3%, nominal p < 0.05; Hispanic/Latino: 35.4% vs. 18.2%, nominal p < 0.01; not Hispanic/Latino: 31.3% vs. 22.8%, nominal p < 0.01)]. Crisaborole treatment also improved atopic dermatitis signs/symptoms and quality of life. Frequency of crisaborole-related adverse events was 7.1–8.5% in the pivotal trials.


Across races and ethnicities, crisaborole demonstrated efficacy for the treatment of mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis, with a low frequency of treatment-related adverse events.

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