Description, distribution and ecology of living Reophax pyriformis n. sp. (Campos Basin, South Atlantic Ocean) Publication date: Available online 28 August 2019 Source: Revue de Micropaléontologie Author(s): Cintia Yamashita, Silvia Helena de Mello e Sousa, Michael A. Kaminski, Maria Virgínia Alves Martins, Carlos Eduardo Leão Elmadjian, Renata Hanae Nagai, Naira Tiemi Yamamoto, Eduardo Apostolos Machado Koutsoukos, Rubens Cesar Lopes Figueira Abstract
The distribution of living (rose Bengal stained) Reophax pyriformis Yamashita, Sousa and Kaminski, n. sp., an agglutinated benthic foraminiferal species, was analyzed in the area of the Campos Basin (southeastern Brazilian continental margin). The study is based on 34 oceanographic stations (54 samples), located between 400 m and 3000 m water depth. The distribution of living R. pyriformis n.sp. density is compared to sedimentological parameters, such as total organic carbon, total nitrogen, calcium carbonate, phytopigment, lipids biomarkers (sterols, fatty acids and n-alcohols), total lipids, and bacterial biomass, as well as the particulate organic matter flux to the seafloor. This species was found in the range of 1000–1200 m water depth, with an average living depth of 1.52 cm in the sediment. The distribution of this species seems to be related to lipid biomarkers (allochthone and/or continental derivative, zooplankton and/or fauna, phytoplankton or primary producers) and total organic carbon under the influence of Intermediate Western Boundary Current conditions.
Quantitative biostratigraphy of Middle Jurassic – Early Cretaceous foraminiferal events from the Arctic Publication date: Available online 28 August 2019 Source: Revue de Micropaléontologie Author(s): Hanna Rósa Hjálmarsdóttir Abstract
Arctic foraminiferal events are of great interest for biostratigraphical understanding of the Boreal Realm, but Greenland, Svalbard, Barents Sea and Siberia have limited published studies in the Middle Jurassic – Early Cretaceous. Selected foraminiferal events data have been compiled and entered into a database. This database has been subjected to quantitative analysis with the help of the RASC program (RAnking and SCaling). In total, 740 foraminiferal events from 13 outcrops and wells were used to build a large-scale zonation for the Arctic with seven tentative zones, using the probabilistic zonation feature of RASC. Published foraminiferal zones, lithostratigraphic units, and palaeoenvironmental interpretations for each area are compared and discussed, and their correlations to the calculated ranked and scaled optimum sequences of events contrasted. The chosen marker species in the literature and their correlative reliability over the Boreal Realm is investigated, and foraminiferal event arrangement in the ranked optimum sequence is compared to the published age ranges for the taxa. These investigations have highlighted foraminiferal events, which are reliable and traceable through more than one basin, such as the first and last occurrences of Recurvoides obskiensis and Schleiferella emeljanzevi, the first occurrence of Recurvoides scherkalyensis, and the last occurrence of Trochammina septentrionalis. Statistical tests performed by the RASC program have revealed other events, which could be unreliable, for example the first occurrences of Cribrostomoides subretusus and Ammoglobigerina canningensis, and the last occurrence of Eomarssonella paraconica. The reliability of published zones on a local scale depends on various factors, and they can prove to be too detailed if the goal is to correlate foraminiferal events to other areas. The ranking and scaling of the RASC program is an extremely valuable tool in quantitative stratigraphy, and with its help the first step has been taken towards building a biostratigraphic zonation for the Arctic. The zonation presented herein is the first published zonation of Arctic foraminiferal events.
Dinoflagellate cysts and Foraminifera of the Upper Jurassic Lopsiya River sections, Nether-Polar Urals, NW Western Siberia (Russia) Publication date: Available online 28 August 2019 Source: Revue de Micropaléontologie Author(s): Natalia K. Lebedeva, Boris L. Nikitenko, Clémentine Colpaert Abstract
The Upper Jurassic Lopsiya River sections (Nether-Polar Urals) represent the most complete stratigraphical marine sequence throughout Russia. It is characterized by a continuous succession of Kimmeridgian to Lower Volgian deposits and is defined by rich faunal associations including ammonites, belemnites, and bivalves. The Lopsiya River sections were previously studied in detail with palaeontological, lithological, and litho-geochemical purposes. Furthermore, assemblages rich in palynomorphs and foraminifers were found in the currently studied successions of the Lopsiya River sections. It results the establishment of the uppermost Oxfordian to Lower Volgian foraminiferal zones, as well as the Kimmeridgian dinoflagellate cyst zones and palynological assemblage. Then, the Upper Jurassic dinoflagellate cyst and foraminiferal biostratigraphical zonations have been calibrated against the ammonite zones. Finally, current results on the Lopsiya River sections have been compared with biostratigraphic data of the Kimmeridgian dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from northwestern Europe, Russian Platform, and Arctic Siberia. The studied foraminiferal and dinoflagellate cyst assemblages of the Upper Jurassic successions of the Lopsiya River sections hold high potential of correlations, especially for the Kimmeridgian strata.
New records of Foraminifera: The Sea of Marmara (Turkey) Publication date: Available online 28 August 2019 Source: Revue de Micropaléontologie Author(s): Mehmet Sakınç, M. Levent Artüz Abstract
Many marine organisms including foraminifera are geographically dispersed in the World Oceans depending on paleo-oceanographic conditions. Due to its oceanographical conditions, many foraminiferal species represented by different families are dispersed from the littoral to the deep basins of the Sea of Marmara. Most of them originated from the Mediterranean Sea. The Sea of Marmara, formed as a result of the paleogeographic evolution of the region, is an isolated sea between the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea with different oceanographic characteristics because of the density differences of both connected seas. This feature makes the Sea of Marmara important among the world's seas. The different and sudden deep basins, which reach a depth of more than 1000 meters depending on the geological history of the Sea of Marmara, show different physical and chemical properties. Numerous species that adapt to these varying conditions also form the biological diversity of these environments. Of these, an important group is the foraminiferal community. This group is extremely diverse and is represented by different taxa distributed in the shelf and deep environments of the Sea of Marmara. The surveys that have been made up to date show that every new study has brought the addition of new taxa to the known biological diversity of the Sea of Marmara. Research carried out within the scope of the MAREM project yields 28 (26 benthic and 2 pelagic) new records added to the foraminiferal fauna of the Sea of Marmara. With the new records in the present study, the total number of known foraminifera species has increased from 309 to 337 in the Sea of Marmara.
De nombreux organismes marins, y compris les foraminifères, ont été dispersés géographiquement dans les océans du monde, en fonction des conditions paléo-océanographiques. En conséquence de ces conditions, de nombreuses espèces de foraminifères représentées par différentes familles sont présentes du littoral au bassin profond de la mer de Marmara. La plupart d’entre elles sont originaires de la mer Méditerranée. La mer de Marmara, issue de l’évolution paléogéographique de la région, est une mer isolée entre la mer Noire et la mer Égée, représentant des caractéristiques océanographiques différentes en raison des écarts de densité des masses d’eau entre ces deux bassins. Cette caractéristique rend la mer de Marmara particulière parmi les mers du monde. Les différents bassins, dont certains peuvent atteindre une profondeur de plus de 1000 mètres en fonction de l’histoire géologique de la mer de Marmara, présentent des propriétés physiques et chimiques diverses et variées. De nombreuses espèces adaptées à ces conditions types illustrent la diversité biologique de ces environnements. Parmi lesquelles, la communauté de foraminifères est un groupe important. Ce groupe extrêmement diversifié est représenté par différents taxa répartis depuis le plateau jusqu’aux environnements les plus profonds de la mer de Marmara. Les investigations effectuées à ce jour montrent que chaque nouvelle étude conduit à l’ajout de nouveaux taxons à la diversité biologique déjà connue en Mer de Marmara. Les recherches effectuées dans le cadre du projet MAREM ont ajouté 28 espèces non répertoriées (26 benthiques et 2 planctoniques) à la faune de foraminifères de la Mer de Marmara. Avec les nouveaux recensements de la présente étude, le nombre total d’espèces de foraminifères connues en Mer de Marmara a augmenté de 309 à 337.
First record of Permo-Triassic palynomorphs of the N’Condédzi sub-basin, Moatize-Minjova Coal Basin, Karoo Supergroup, Mozambique Publication date: Available online 20 June 2019 Source: Revue de Micropaléontologie Author(s): Francesca Galasso, Zélia Pereira, Paulo Fernandes, Amalia Spina, João Marques Abstract
Permian-Triassic ages have been identified for the first time in the Karoo Supergroup of the N’Condédzi sub-basin, Moatize-Minjova Coal Basin, Mozambique. This transition was identified in a coal exploration borehole that penetrated the Matinde and Cádzi formations. The top of the Matinde Formation is dated latest Permian (Lopingian), and the Cádzi Formation is attributed to Triassic based on palynostratigraphy. The Lopingian age is established by the identification of three palyno-assemblages: Assemblage L1 based on the first occurrence (FO) of Guttulapollenites pollen, Assemblage L2 is marked by the FO of Thymospora pseudothiessenii, and Assemblage L3 is defined by the FO of Osmundacidites senectus. Triassic palynomorphs were identified for the first time in Mozambique (Karoo basins). The data allowed the identification of three assemblages: Assemblage T1 defined by the FO of Densoisporites nejburgii of Induan age, Assemblage T2 is marked by the FO of Platysaccus queenslandi and assigned to the Olenekian age, and Assemblage T3 is defined by the FO of Samaropollenites speciosus and Enzonalasporites vigens, indicating a Carnian age. No Middle Triassic rocks were identified, and the early Triassic sediments are overlain by sedimentary rocks of Carnian age, a hiatus that may correspond to an important tectonic event with uplift and erosion. This tectonic event is also suggested by the occurrence of common reworked Permian palynomorphs in the Carnian sedimentary rocks. These new data constrain the age of the Karoo Supergroup formations of Mozambique and contribute to improve the palaeoecological, palaeoclimatic evolution, and the palaeogeographic position of the Karoo Mozambique basins within the Gondwana supercontinent.
Editorial Board Publication date: June 2019 Source: Revue de Micropaléontologie, Volume 63 Author(s): |
Factors controlling the deformation of benthic foraminifera in the Manzala lagoon, Egypt Publication date: June 2019 Source: Revue de Micropaléontologie, Volume 63 Author(s): A.M. Badr-El Din, A.A. El-Badry, O.H. Orabi Abstract
Morphological deformations among hyaline and porcelaneous benthic foraminiferal were observed at stations with high contents of trace metals within the Manzala Lagoon. Energy Dispersive X-ray Analyses (EDX) were conducted on deformed and non-deformed specimens of this population. Deformed Adelosina sp. specimens show high sulfur, magnesium, iron and low copper content. The deformed Ammonia tepida show high aluminum, chloride, calcite and copper in the shell. Analyses of non-deformed foraminifera tests at unpolluted localities show that A. tepida displays high calcium content only, whereas Adelosina sp. shows calcium and magnesium. It is worth mentioning that the non-deformed tests of both species are free from copper and sulfur. We conclude that the low salinity and/or high trace metals in the western and southern regions of the Manzala Lagoon are the main cause for the reduction in overall size of the foraminiferal shells. Porcelaneous Adelosina sp. is very rare (0 to 2%) and mainly found on the northern side, where salinity increases, whereas hyaline A. tepida is the most dominant species in the lagoon and covers more than 97% of the total benthic foraminifera.
Dynamics of development of the small foraminiferal biota during early Kungurian (Permian) as evidenced from the Chikali section, Middle Urals, Russia Publication date: June 2019 Source: Revue de Micropaléontologie, Volume 63 Author(s): Tatiana V. Filimonova, Tatiana N. Isakova Abstract
The study of taxonomic diversity and dynamics of development of the small foraminifera (SF) at the Artinskian/Kungurian transition in the Chikali section, one of the typical Kungurian successions, revealed four stratigraphically successive SF assemblages. The lowermost assemblage corresponds to the upper part of the Artinskian and three younger assemblages characterize the Kungurian interval. It is shown that the stratigraphic potential of SF makes possible their use for detailed subdivision of a typical Kungurian succession (Chikali section) and interregional correlation of sedimentary successions. The taxa common for Urals, North and North-East Russia include Hemigordius permicus, H. longus, Midiella ovata minima, Omoloniella prima, small specimens of Howchinella (H. semiovalis, H. breggeri, H. impolita), Nodosinelloides mirabilis, N. bella, N. shiknanica, N. cubanicus elongatus, N. pugioidea, Geinitzina chapmani sylvae, G. postcarbonica, G. ex gr. spandeli, Pachyphloia angulata irregularis and Lateenoglobivalvulina ovalis. New comprehensive description of the characteristic species of the early Kungurian Saranian Horizon such as Hemigordius permicus and Midiella ovata minima are given based the study of topotypical material.
Eocene larger benthic foraminifera (alveolinids, nummulitids, and orthophragmines) from the eastern Alborz region (NE Iran): Taxonomy and biostratigraphy implications Publication date: June 2019 Source: Revue de Micropaléontologie, Volume 63 Author(s): Mehdi Hadi, György Less, Mohammad Vahidinia Abstract
Shallow marine Eocene successions are described and illustrated with major focus on the systematics and biostratigraphic interpretation of larger benthic foraminifera in two stratigraphic sections (Mojen & Kalateh) of the Ziarat Formation from the eastern Alborz zone (Iran). Based on the larger benthic foraminifera assemblages, six shallow benthic zones (SBZ8-SBZ10 and SBZ16?-SBZ17-SBZ18b) during the middle Ilerdian-early Cuisian and Late Lutetian?-Bartonian interval are identified for the first time. The Mojen section is mainly composed of Alveolina horizons as index markers, such as Alveolina decipiens (Schwager), A. tumida (Hottinger), A. ilerdensis (Hottinger), A. sp. cf. A. ilerdensis, A. laxa (Hottinger), A. citrea (Drobne), A. trempina (Hottinger), A. fornasinii (Checchia-Rispoli), A. canavarii (Checchia-Rispoli), A. cf. canavarii and A. aff. cayrazensis, which are consistent with the SBZ8 to SBZ10 interval, whilst the exact age of the top of the interval was not distinctly recognizable. The studied interval of the Kalateh section was assigned to the SBZ16?-SBZ17-SBZ18b with identifications of larger hyaline-lamellar foraminifera represented by Nummulites cf. deshayesi, N. lyelli (D’Archiac & Haime), Orbitoclypeus zitteli (Checchia-Rispoli) and Asterocyclina stella stella (Gümbel).
Lectotype designation for Alveolina boscii and Fabularia discolites (Foraminifera) from the rediscovered part of the Defrance collection Publication date: June 2019 Source: Revue de Micropaléontologie, Volume 63 Author(s): Jérôme Tréguier, François Le Coze, Roch-Alexandre Benoit Abstract
Five lots of Foraminifera, belonging to the Marin Defrance (1758–1850) collection, were discovered in the collection of the Musée des Sciences in Laval (Mayenne, France). The original material used by Defrance to describe Alveolina boscii (Defrance in Bronn, 1825) and Fabularia discolites Defrance in Bronn, 1825 was identified among them, allowing the designation of a lectotype and paralectotypes for those two species. The systematic description of A. boscii and F. discolites is reviewed. The presence of these specimens in the museum collections is still puzzling, since the complete Defrance's collection was thought to have been lost during World War II.
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