Σάββατο 26 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Family Caregivers Are Members of Our Team
imageNurses play a critical role in providing support.
Nurses in the Face of Danger
No abstract available
The Value of Hospice Services
No abstract available
Advocating for HIT That Captures Nursing Process
Nurses can influence choices about EHR systems and their design.
E-Cigarettes and Vaping Implicated in Recent Cases of Severe Lung Disease
imageThe CDC and FDA are partnering with states to investigate reports.
Nursing Organizations Address Discrimination and Gun Violence
imageStatements call for inclusiveness and action to prevent firearm injuries.
Is It Time to Revise HCAHPS?
Five hospital groups say yes.
NewsCAP: Workplace violence prevention programs in health care facilities.
No abstract available
NewsCAP: Pig ear pet treats linked to: Salmonella: outbreak.
No abstract available
Two Drugs Found to Reduce Ebola Mortality
Preliminary results raise hopes that the disease can be treated effectively.

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